Ren辿 O. Deida has over 25 years of experience in strategic philanthropy and nonprofit leadership. He currently serves as the Director of Corporate and Community Engagement at Prudential Financial, where he leads the development and implementation of corporate social responsibility strategies. Previously, he held several director roles at The Prudential Foundation developing international philanthropic programs and building nonprofit capacity.
Passionate and mission-driven, I articulate the goals of the organization and work with energy and love to engage all stakeholders; Board, members, clients, staff and partners.
Passionate about helping not for profit organizations grow and succeed. Tackle projects big and small to further the mission. Please let me know any way I can be of service or help.
This document is a resume for Hemal Tailor. It summarizes his education, qualifications, professional experience, business experience, non-profit experience, and personal details. For over 25 years, Hemal has worked in public administration, community outreach, fundraising, and business development. Currently, he is the Director of Development at Knoxville Area Urban League, where he has increased revenue streams through various fundraising strategies.
Sung Won Park has over 15 years of experience in non-profit management, community organizing, and faith-based advocacy work. He has a proven track record of building infrastructure, managing budgets, and overseeing programs. Currently he is the Founding Director of Building Bridges, a national program seeking to repair ties among LGBTQ people of color communities. Previously he held several director roles developing advocacy campaigns and managing multi-million dollar budgets at other non-profits.
John Allen is an experienced project manager seeking a new role in community development or humanitarian assistance. He has overseen several large-scale economic development projects in South Africa, working directly with over 6000 households across two provinces. Allen has strong skills in project design, implementation, reporting, analysis, collaboration, and team building. He is proficient in both office management and field work experience, having worked on the ground with communities in Southern Africa.
Rob Floyd is an international development leader with over 20 years of experience at the World Bank directing large programs, operations, and strategies across multiple regions and sectors. He has held several director level positions overseeing budgets up to $50 million, hundreds of staff, and programs in over 40 countries. Most recently, he has been the Operations and Strategy Director for the Office of the Chief Financial Officer at the World Bank focusing on innovative finance approaches, risk management, and scaling up infrastructure financing.
The Oakland Housing Authority, is looking for outstanding candidates for their next Executive Director. If interested, please send resume to Ernest Barefield at
The Grant Writer position involves identifying funding sources and developing grant proposals and reports to support an organization's programs. Key responsibilities include researching funding opportunities, drafting program details for proposals, maintaining databases, and collaborating with others. Qualifications include experience writing grants, strong writing and research skills, and proficiency with Microsoft Office. The position is located in San Diego, California.
Este documento describe la circulaci坦n vertical en el conjunto residencial Monse単or Chac坦n en M辿rida. El conjunto cuenta con 14 torres residenciales de 7 pisos cada una, con 4 apartamentos por piso. Para la circulaci坦n vertical se utilizan escaleras de m叩rmol de 1.30 metros de ancho con huella de 32 cm y contrahuella de 8 cm, as鱈 como ascensores de cable con capacidad para 450 kg y 8 personas, ubicados en los pisos pares.
This is the introduction to a Citizen Science "How to" workshop that we coordinated at Gaia Resources. It's a short introduction to citizen science in general, focusing on the three main aspects of successful citizen science - research direction, flexible technology and most importantly, engagement.
Este documento clasifica y describe diferentes tipos de drenaje longitudinal rural y urbano, incluyendo sus caracter鱈sticas, ventajas y desventajas. En el 叩mbito rural se describen cunetas, cunetas de coronamiento y brocales. En el 叩mbito urbano se describen brocales y sumideros. Para cada tipo se provee una breve descripci坦n y una discusi坦n de sus ventajas y desventajas.
Christopher Michael Pan is an established professional in the corporate finance industry with experience in a wide range of senior roles at large financial firms. A graduate of Kingston University, Christopher Michael Pan holds over two decades of global industry experience applying his expertise to financial projects including governance, startup financing, corporate finance, and investment banking.
Este documento presenta los principios b叩sicos de la atenci坦n de urgencias en enfermer鱈a. Describe la importancia de responder r叩pidamente a los pacientes, diagnosticar y tratar problemas funcionales y anat坦micos de manera prioritaria, y proporcionar asistencia eficiente e inmediata manteniendo la vida y solucionando problemas urgentes. Tambi辿n enfatiza la importancia del trabajo en equipo coordinado para ofrecer la mejor atenci坦n posible.
Ecuaciones diferenciales edwards y penney ed.4 cap鱈tulo 3.1Juan Beltr叩n
Este documento presenta una serie de problemas relacionados con ecuaciones diferenciales lineales y no lineales de segundo orden. Se proporcionan ecuaciones diferenciales homog辿neas e inhomog辿neas junto con funciones y condiciones iniciales, y se piden resolver los problemas encontrando soluciones particulares que satisfagan las condiciones. Tambi辿n se analizan conceptos como independencia lineal, soluciones generales, curvas soluci坦n y transformaciones que simplifican ecuaciones diferenciales. El documento contiene m叩s de 50 problemas para practicar diferentes temas rel
Este cuento narra la historia de Capincho, un payaso que se siente triste porque la gente del pueblo Maravilla ya no presta atenci坦n a sus espect叩culos de circo. Siguiendo los consejos de varios amigos, Capincho experimenta con nuevas formas art鱈sticas como plantar flores, escribir poes鱈a y cambiar su vestuario de payaso. Finalmente, decide transformarse en un payaso mimo sin colores, lo que resulta ser un gran 辿xito entre los habitantes del pueblo.
Este documento discute el concepto de "lanzar ideas y recoger frutos" mediante el uso de redes sociales para mejorar los proyectos. Explica que las redes sociales permiten obtener comentarios y realimentaci坦n que enriquecen los proyectos. Luego describe una encuesta realizada para analizar c坦mo las TIC y redes sociales se usan en educaci坦n, encontrando que se les da alta importancia pero las redes sociales se usan poco. Finalmente, proporciona consejos para usar estrat辿gicamente las redes sociales como crear perfiles 炭tiles, din
Este documento describe las ciencias ambientales, una disciplina cuyo objetivo principal es estudiar la relaci坦n entre los seres humanos y el medio ambiente. Explica que es crucial tener un programa especializado en el cuidado ambiental debido a la demanda actual de personal capacitado para tratar aguas, controlar emisiones, calidad del aire, suelos contaminados y m叩s. Finalmente, detalla que los profesionales de las ciencias ambientales pueden trabajar evaluando impactos ambientales, proyectos ambientales, investigaci坦n, entidades p炭blicas regulatorias y asesorando empresas
O documento discute fertilizantes com micronutrientes para o manejo da cana-de-a巽炭car. A legisla巽達o brasileira define fertilizantes minerais como subst但ncias fornecedoras de nutrientes para as culturas. S達o descritos fertilizantes simples e mistos contendo macronutrientes e micronutrientes como boro, cobalto e zinco. Tamb辿m s達o explicadas diferentes fontes e processos de fabrica巽達o desses fertilizantes.
John F. Zelenka is an experienced strategic relationship builder and social responsibility leader. He has diverse experience in areas such as fundraising, relationship building, partnerships, marketing, and leadership. Throughout his career, he has helped non-profit and for-profit organizations advance their strategies, build their brands and reputations, and achieve their goals. Currently, he owns a consulting business and provides advisory services to help organizations optimize performance.
Annabella Roig H Planning Resume 12 2011annabella721
Annabella Roig has 15 years of experience in health planning, community development, and non-profit management. She currently serves as Vice President of National Programs at Esperanza, Inc., where she oversees $3.25 million in funding and programs across six states. Previously she has held roles with the City of Philadelphia managing social services initiatives and the Philadelphia Housing Authority. Roig brings experience facilitating collaboration across sectors to develop and implement strategies and programs serving underserved communities. She holds an MPH in Health Administration and is a Certified Associate Project Manager.
Frank L坦pez has extensive experience leading organizations and initiatives focused on diversity, inclusion, and community engagement. He has held executive roles with corporations, non-profits, and government agencies. L坦pez seeks to help organizations achieve their mission-critical goals through strategic partnerships, collaboration, and innovative programs.
Andrea Procopio is an international development professional with over 9 years of experience in monitoring, evaluation, and learning. She has spearheaded the development of adaptive management strategies at PwC and worked on projects in Afghanistan and Uganda focused on education, health, gender equality, and capacity building. Her experience also includes designing educational programs, managing budgets, and coordinating services for at-risk youth.
Antoinette Pearson has over 20 years of experience managing civic education, advocacy, and capacity building programs for organizations working in complex environments. She has managed multi-million dollar programs and teams of up to 30 staff in places like South Sudan. Her experience includes positions at organizations like Pact, NDI, and Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago, where she designed and implemented programs, managed teams and budgets, and built partnerships. She holds two master's degrees focused on international development and business administration.
Rosa Luciano is seeking a corporate responsibility position where she can positively impact communities. She has over 10 years of experience in project management, administration, and community outreach. Currently, she is a senior associate at KPMG where she coordinates quality reviews and trains new team members. Previously, she held roles managing executives' schedules and client accounts. Luciano also has experience organizing charitable events and creating educational programs for homeless children. She obtained her bachelor's degree from Smith College in government and African studies.
Natalie Brown has over 10 years of experience in nonprofit management, program development, and community organizing. She has held several leadership roles coordinating youth programs, securing grants, developing curriculum, and overseeing AmeriCorps sites and members. Her experience includes coordinating a youth council, securing funding for summer youth employment and integrating youth voices into community organizations. She also has experience developing lesson plans, leading trainings, and facilitating conversations on social and political issues with youth. Currently, she is pursuing a Masters in Social Work at the University of Michigan focusing on community organization.
Este documento describe la circulaci坦n vertical en el conjunto residencial Monse単or Chac坦n en M辿rida. El conjunto cuenta con 14 torres residenciales de 7 pisos cada una, con 4 apartamentos por piso. Para la circulaci坦n vertical se utilizan escaleras de m叩rmol de 1.30 metros de ancho con huella de 32 cm y contrahuella de 8 cm, as鱈 como ascensores de cable con capacidad para 450 kg y 8 personas, ubicados en los pisos pares.
This is the introduction to a Citizen Science "How to" workshop that we coordinated at Gaia Resources. It's a short introduction to citizen science in general, focusing on the three main aspects of successful citizen science - research direction, flexible technology and most importantly, engagement.
Este documento clasifica y describe diferentes tipos de drenaje longitudinal rural y urbano, incluyendo sus caracter鱈sticas, ventajas y desventajas. En el 叩mbito rural se describen cunetas, cunetas de coronamiento y brocales. En el 叩mbito urbano se describen brocales y sumideros. Para cada tipo se provee una breve descripci坦n y una discusi坦n de sus ventajas y desventajas.
Christopher Michael Pan is an established professional in the corporate finance industry with experience in a wide range of senior roles at large financial firms. A graduate of Kingston University, Christopher Michael Pan holds over two decades of global industry experience applying his expertise to financial projects including governance, startup financing, corporate finance, and investment banking.
Este documento presenta los principios b叩sicos de la atenci坦n de urgencias en enfermer鱈a. Describe la importancia de responder r叩pidamente a los pacientes, diagnosticar y tratar problemas funcionales y anat坦micos de manera prioritaria, y proporcionar asistencia eficiente e inmediata manteniendo la vida y solucionando problemas urgentes. Tambi辿n enfatiza la importancia del trabajo en equipo coordinado para ofrecer la mejor atenci坦n posible.
Ecuaciones diferenciales edwards y penney ed.4 cap鱈tulo 3.1Juan Beltr叩n
Este documento presenta una serie de problemas relacionados con ecuaciones diferenciales lineales y no lineales de segundo orden. Se proporcionan ecuaciones diferenciales homog辿neas e inhomog辿neas junto con funciones y condiciones iniciales, y se piden resolver los problemas encontrando soluciones particulares que satisfagan las condiciones. Tambi辿n se analizan conceptos como independencia lineal, soluciones generales, curvas soluci坦n y transformaciones que simplifican ecuaciones diferenciales. El documento contiene m叩s de 50 problemas para practicar diferentes temas rel
Este cuento narra la historia de Capincho, un payaso que se siente triste porque la gente del pueblo Maravilla ya no presta atenci坦n a sus espect叩culos de circo. Siguiendo los consejos de varios amigos, Capincho experimenta con nuevas formas art鱈sticas como plantar flores, escribir poes鱈a y cambiar su vestuario de payaso. Finalmente, decide transformarse en un payaso mimo sin colores, lo que resulta ser un gran 辿xito entre los habitantes del pueblo.
Este documento discute el concepto de "lanzar ideas y recoger frutos" mediante el uso de redes sociales para mejorar los proyectos. Explica que las redes sociales permiten obtener comentarios y realimentaci坦n que enriquecen los proyectos. Luego describe una encuesta realizada para analizar c坦mo las TIC y redes sociales se usan en educaci坦n, encontrando que se les da alta importancia pero las redes sociales se usan poco. Finalmente, proporciona consejos para usar estrat辿gicamente las redes sociales como crear perfiles 炭tiles, din
Este documento describe las ciencias ambientales, una disciplina cuyo objetivo principal es estudiar la relaci坦n entre los seres humanos y el medio ambiente. Explica que es crucial tener un programa especializado en el cuidado ambiental debido a la demanda actual de personal capacitado para tratar aguas, controlar emisiones, calidad del aire, suelos contaminados y m叩s. Finalmente, detalla que los profesionales de las ciencias ambientales pueden trabajar evaluando impactos ambientales, proyectos ambientales, investigaci坦n, entidades p炭blicas regulatorias y asesorando empresas
O documento discute fertilizantes com micronutrientes para o manejo da cana-de-a巽炭car. A legisla巽達o brasileira define fertilizantes minerais como subst但ncias fornecedoras de nutrientes para as culturas. S達o descritos fertilizantes simples e mistos contendo macronutrientes e micronutrientes como boro, cobalto e zinco. Tamb辿m s達o explicadas diferentes fontes e processos de fabrica巽達o desses fertilizantes.
John F. Zelenka is an experienced strategic relationship builder and social responsibility leader. He has diverse experience in areas such as fundraising, relationship building, partnerships, marketing, and leadership. Throughout his career, he has helped non-profit and for-profit organizations advance their strategies, build their brands and reputations, and achieve their goals. Currently, he owns a consulting business and provides advisory services to help organizations optimize performance.
Annabella Roig H Planning Resume 12 2011annabella721
Annabella Roig has 15 years of experience in health planning, community development, and non-profit management. She currently serves as Vice President of National Programs at Esperanza, Inc., where she oversees $3.25 million in funding and programs across six states. Previously she has held roles with the City of Philadelphia managing social services initiatives and the Philadelphia Housing Authority. Roig brings experience facilitating collaboration across sectors to develop and implement strategies and programs serving underserved communities. She holds an MPH in Health Administration and is a Certified Associate Project Manager.
Frank L坦pez has extensive experience leading organizations and initiatives focused on diversity, inclusion, and community engagement. He has held executive roles with corporations, non-profits, and government agencies. L坦pez seeks to help organizations achieve their mission-critical goals through strategic partnerships, collaboration, and innovative programs.
Andrea Procopio is an international development professional with over 9 years of experience in monitoring, evaluation, and learning. She has spearheaded the development of adaptive management strategies at PwC and worked on projects in Afghanistan and Uganda focused on education, health, gender equality, and capacity building. Her experience also includes designing educational programs, managing budgets, and coordinating services for at-risk youth.
Antoinette Pearson has over 20 years of experience managing civic education, advocacy, and capacity building programs for organizations working in complex environments. She has managed multi-million dollar programs and teams of up to 30 staff in places like South Sudan. Her experience includes positions at organizations like Pact, NDI, and Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago, where she designed and implemented programs, managed teams and budgets, and built partnerships. She holds two master's degrees focused on international development and business administration.
Rosa Luciano is seeking a corporate responsibility position where she can positively impact communities. She has over 10 years of experience in project management, administration, and community outreach. Currently, she is a senior associate at KPMG where she coordinates quality reviews and trains new team members. Previously, she held roles managing executives' schedules and client accounts. Luciano also has experience organizing charitable events and creating educational programs for homeless children. She obtained her bachelor's degree from Smith College in government and African studies.
Natalie Brown has over 10 years of experience in nonprofit management, program development, and community organizing. She has held several leadership roles coordinating youth programs, securing grants, developing curriculum, and overseeing AmeriCorps sites and members. Her experience includes coordinating a youth council, securing funding for summer youth employment and integrating youth voices into community organizations. She also has experience developing lesson plans, leading trainings, and facilitating conversations on social and political issues with youth. Currently, she is pursuing a Masters in Social Work at the University of Michigan focusing on community organization.
Program Design and Implementation Strategic Planning Volunteer Coordination Staff Training
Governance and Operations Coalition Building Fiscal Management Peer to Peer Fundraising
Heather Kennedy has over 15 years of experience in human resources, communications, event management, and advocacy. She has held leadership roles in organizations supporting individuals with special needs and military families. Currently, she is the Chair of the Northwest Special Education Local Advisory Committee, where she organizes resource fairs and engages with the community. She also founded Rhode Island Special Needs Resources to provide information and assistance to those with disabilities.
The document is a resume for Mari Moss-Yawn. It summarizes her as an insightful, results-oriented professional with over 10 years of experience providing strategic business support across various sectors. She has exceptional business, technical, and communication skills and is committed to making a difference in communities through initiatives focused on housing, employment, small business development, and advocacy. Her resume outlines relevant work experience, skills, education, and awards.
Georgia Reash is an experienced consultant with over 25 years of experience in organizational improvement, grant writing, sustainability development, and community building. She has raised over $21 million in funding for philanthropic projects focused on community preservation, environmental improvement, and humanitarian benefit. Her experience includes directing large grant programs, facilitating strategic planning, and training over 1,000 leaders. She has a track record of writing successful grants and developing partnerships and initiatives to support sustainable development.
Natalie Martinez has over 30 years of experience in nonprofit management, event planning, and fundraising. She is currently the Program Manager at the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, where she develops programs, creates webinars and trainings, and provides technical assistance. Previously, she was the Executive Director of the Jefferson County Library Foundation, growing their annual contributions to over $900,000. She holds a Bachelor's degree in International Politics and Law and a Master's in Public Administration.
Annabella Roig has over 20 years of experience in health and social services administration, program development and evaluation. She has managed budgets up to $3.2 million and staffs of up to 9 people. Currently she is seeking opportunities to coordinate health services that address health disparities. She has extensive experience developing and managing public health programs and initiatives across multiple organizations.
Allyson Dawn Howse has over 15 years of experience in program development, management, and facilitation, with a focus on youth and vulnerable populations. She has worked for various organizations in Canada and abroad, developing educational programs, supervising staff, and engaging communities. Howse has strong communication, leadership, and computer skills, as well as experience in bilingual and international settings.
Sarah Roberts is an experienced event coordinator and fundraiser seeking new opportunities. She has over 5 years of experience planning fundraising events and managing volunteers for a local children's charity. She is proficient in event coordination, fundraising, social media management, media relations, and program management. Roberts is skilled in Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, QuickBooks, and digital photography. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Communication-Leadership, Organizing and Relating from Saint Louis University.
Jennifer Griola has over 10 years of experience in communications, CSR strategy, and nonprofit leadership. She currently works as an independent consultant providing expertise in messaging, planning, program development, relationship building, marketing, training, and social media. Previously she served as Executive Director of Susan G. Komen North Jersey Affiliate where she oversaw programming, staff, a $2M budget, and increased revenue by 20%. She has also held communications roles at Cathedral High School and Brighton Center, a family social services agency where she managed large departments and budgets.
Kathleen Varda is an experienced leader in strategic planning, grant development, and community outreach. She has over 15 years of experience in non-profit management, most recently as the principal of her own consulting firm. She has a proven track record of securing over $50 million in grants and contracts to strengthen organizations. Her areas of expertise include strategic planning, fundraising, marketing, and developing partnerships.
Tessa O'Leary has over 15 years of experience in event planning, fundraising, and campaign management for non-profits, political campaigns, and in the wine and education industries. She has a proven track record of creating and executing successful community events that meet or exceed fundraising goals. She is skilled in recruiting and managing large teams of volunteers and staff in fast-paced environments. O'Leary has planned over 50 non-profit fundraising events and managed multiple political campaigns that met their goals. She has experience in wine sales, education, grant writing, and community outreach programs.
This document is a resume for Debra J. Millar, who has over 22 years of experience in international public health, business development, and leadership. She currently works as an independent consultant providing technical expertise, training, and facilitation services in areas such as public health, leadership development, and strategic planning. Previously she held senior roles with CHF International, where she led the start-up of health programs in Kenya and Rwanda, managed a $10M program in Kenya, and oversaw expansion into other countries. She also has experience with the Peace Corps developing health programs and providing primary care.
1. Erica Jacobs has over 24 years of experience in fundraising and community development, securing donations ranging from $25,000 to $8 million for various nonprofit organizations.
2. She has a proven track record of developing strategic fundraising plans and increasing donations, such as growing annual donations for the Sumner Community Residents Association from $100,000 to over $1 million.
3. Erica has extensive leadership experience managing the fundraising operations and budgets of multiple organizations, including growing annual revenues from $2 million to over $7 million as Development Manager for the Woodside Sanctuary.
1. Ren辿 O. Deida
360 West 22 Street,#2-J Phone: (917) 568-8010
New York, New York 10011 Email:
Strategic, creative philanthropic, corporate and nonprofit leader, with superb analytical, interpersonal and relationship
management skills. Successfulin developing signature philanthropic programs and strategies that meet business and social
needs. Extensive experience in: leading cross-functional teams to achieve results,building strategic alliances, building the
capacity of the nonprofit sector,developing international philanthropic programs and skills-based employee engagement
programs. Passionate about diversity and inclusion, social change and empowering others. Excellent written and oral
communication skills, in English and Spanish,and ability to communicate with diverse audiences.
Prudential Financial, Inc. - Newark, New Jersey
Director, Corporate & Community Engagement December 2012 - present
Lead the development and implementation of corporate community engagement strategies that leverage resources to meet
business goals and address socialneeds. Led a cross-functionalteam in the development of a community investment plan
in El Paso, Texas, that resulted in the investment of $840,000 in grants to build a skilled workforce focused on math and
technology targeting Latinos, veterans and military spouses.
Develop and nurture partnerships that engage business units in corporate social responsibility initiatives with a focus on
diversity and inclusion, multicultural marketing and staff recruitment, retention and development.
Develop and implement employee engagement strategies including hands-on and skills-based volunteer programs, such
as board placement and pro-bono projects.
Help manage a $1.5 million portfolio of grants focusing on employee engagement.
Represent Prudential at national and local conferences such as Hispanicize 2016, Forum on Workplace Inclusion and
Council of NJ Grantmakers.
Senior Program Director, Integrated Strategies, The Prudential Foundation January 2009 - November 2012
Developed a $2 million international philanthropic program, including the development of signature initiatives that
engage domestic and international business units in public-private partnerships,focusing on education and quality jobs
for young people.
Developed and implemented a board placement program to train and place emerging leaders of diverse backgrounds on
nonprofit boards.
Established and implemented a disastermanagement process for the investment of corporate resources,including laying
the groundwork for the investment of $6 million in Japan and over $3 million in the NJ/NY region.
Managed a $1 million portfolio of grants focusing on strategic policy issues,capacity building and support for employee
Managed a team of five professional staff during a transition period.
Director October 2005 - January 2009
Developed a $500,000 capacity-building initiative to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of nonprofit
organizations that included a business plan competition with Prudential employee engagement component through pro-
bono work.
Managed a $1.5 million portfolio of grants focusing on youth development, strategic policy issues,and capacity building.
Refocused the Summer Grants for Youth Initiative to address the issue of summer learning loss.
Led the production of award-winning Community Resources Departments annualreports (Wilmer Shields Awards of
Excellence in Communications from the Council on Foundations).
Represented Prudential in local and national conferences, including the Council on Foundations,National Council of La
Raza, and NJ Governors Conference on Volunteerism.
Program Officer October 2000 - October 2005
Managed and secured reauthorization of $1 million for the Prudential Neighborhood Partnership (PNP), an eight-year,
philanthropic initiative in select neighborhoods in five cities across the U.S. Managed grantmaking in the areas of youth
development, education,workforce development, and housing. Led a process and outcome evaluation of the initiative.
Organized three major conferences for the Foundation: a symposium on the needs of children in foster care, a national
conference for nonprofits involved in the PNP initiative and a capacity-building conference for nonprofit organizations in
the greater Newark area.
2. Developed, managed, and secured reauthorization of an innovative, evidence-based,multi-year HIV/AIDS prevention
grantmaking program.
Managed consultants and led an interdepartmental team to develop an outcome-based evaluation initiative.
Directed a portfolio of grants focusing on youth development, focusing on opportunity youth,and family support.
PROGRESSA - San Juan, Puerto Rico
Deputy Director, Community Development January 1998 - June 2000
Assisted in the implementation of a multi-million dollar comprehensive community development initiative in two public
housing projects in San Juan, PR.
Administered the operations of four work units responsible for economic development, resident training, volunteerism,
and collaborative projects.Trained, managed, and supervised over30 staff and volunteers.
Provided training and technical assistance to community based organizations and public housing Residents Councils
throughout Puerto Rico.
Developed and managed budgets,and prepared reports for the U.S. Department Housing and Urban Development.
St. Columba Neighborhood Club, Inc. - Newark, New Jersey
Executive Director March 1991 - October 1997
Managed the operations and oversaw the programmatic implementation of services.
Raised over $7 million in funds.Hired, trained, and supervised over40 staff members and volunteers.
Developed a series of innovative programs for HIV/AIDS prevention and services,and access to health care for
underserved populations.
Established major collaborative projects with other Latino community-based organizations and health service providers.
Worked closely with the Board of Directors in developing and implementing the organizations strategic plan, and
budgeting and financial management processes.
Rutgers University Newark, New Jersey
Part Time Lecturer July 2012 - present
Teach graduate level course on resource development at the School of Public Affairs and Administration.
Essex County College Newark, New Jersey
Adjunct Professor September 1985 May 1992
Taught developmental math in a two-year institution of higher learning.
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Graduate School - Newark, New Jersey
Masters in Public Administration, 1992.
University of Puerto Rico Medical School - R鱈o Piedras, Puerto Rico
Post Graduate Studies,1986 - 1988.
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark College of Arts and Science - Newark, New Jersey
Bachelor of Arts in Zoology, 1984.
Strategic planning consultant,Gotham Volleyball. Former board membership: Prudentials Liaison, National Council of La
Razas Corporate Board of Advisors; co-leader of BoardSources Corporate Council; Funders Concerned About AIDS; NJ
HIV/AIDS Community Planning Group.