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B. Pharm. Sci.
Assistant Manager
Health & Personal Accident Claims
SBI General Insurance Company Ltd.
Contact: +91 9987333243 /+917506396961 E-mail: - vilasmmali@rediffmail.com
Work Experience: -
Current Organization SBI General Insurance Co Ltd
Job Designation Assistant Manager  Personal Accident, Daily Cash Benefit and Critical
Illness Claims
Job Profile: Includes strategic role in team handling and transactional role in processing &
approval of claims
- Managing team for processing of claims for Accidental benefit claims (death & disability) under
Personal Accident & Motor Personal Accident products, Critical Illness claims, Daily Cash
Benefit claims and Micro Insurance claims.
- Approval of claims within authority limits
- SPOC for Investigations: managing investigation related activities in coordination with
Investigation team.
- Member of committee for decisions on Rejection/Repudiations/Fraud claims.
- SPOC for managing Reconsideration requests, Legal notices and Litigation cases in coordination
with respective depts.
- Managing Claims Data maintenance and sanitization through team
- Publishing various MIS and reports through team
- Active contribution in Claim Process defining/modification and Process Documentation
- Have successfully delivered trainings to claims team, regional investigation teams, management
trainees and branch representatives.
Previous Organizations
Birla Sun Life Insurance Co Ltd
Service Tenure 14th
April 2008 to 3rd
March 2014
Job Designation Senior Executive  Corporate Operations Claims
Death Claims, Health Claims, Rider Claims & TPA management, TPA transition,
Reconsideration request (Life & Health), Litigation Cases (Life & Health), Training, Projects, MIS
Alembic Ltd.
Service Tenure From 27th
April 2007 to 31st
March 2008
Job Designation Field Sales Officer (FSO) - Maharashtra & Goa
Novartis India Pvt. Ltd.
Service Tenure From 1st
April 2004 to 31st
March 2007
Job Designation Sales Executive  Maharashtra & Goa
Wockhardt Ltd. (Animal Health Division)
Service Tenure From 1st
Jul. 2003 to 31st
Mar 2004
Job Designation Sales Executive  Districts Thane, Raigad & Ratnagiri
Achievements in curriculam tenure
 Awarded Best Performance for period Apr to Oct15 across all claims verticals (except Motor
 Participation in workshop on Rational Management and Fraud Containment in Personal
Accident and Motor Third Party Claims
 Successful completion of Program - output modification project.
 Operations Training Certification for successful completion of Level 1 (Year 2009), Level 2
(year 2010) & Training Premier League  Level 3 (Year 2011) Certification.
 Honored with 2 BULLSEYE Certificates (honor among the equals) for speedy hand
delivering Mumbai Terrorist Attack Victim Claim cheque to Claimant and swift closure of
Queries and Complaints in health Team
 Awarded with X- Claims certificate (Expertise in Insurance Claims) for training on HIV-
AIDS - The insurance Perspective.
 Runner up Certificate of achievement for efforts in Detailed Process Review.
 Excellent performance in trainings & Tests conducted by External Medical Consultant.
 Certificate course in Fire Fighting.
 Attended 3 Annual AIU seminars
 Successful completion of e-learning courses as;
Course Certificate
Interpersonal Skills on Fast Track Gold
The Master Negotiator Gold
Understanding Writing Mechanics Gold
Coping with Stress Gold
Analyze Your Use of Time Gold
Managing Time Gold
Communication Etiquette Gold
Generating Creative and Innovative Ideas Silver
Sentence Constructions Gold
Windows Server 2003: Basic Concepts Gold
Getting Started with Excel 2007 Gold
Getting Started with PowerPoint 2007 Gold
Personal Details
Address for correspondence: Mr. Vilas Madhukar Mali
201, Prathamesh, Balaji Arch Complex,
Near Dream Valley, Kasheli
Thane  Bhiwandi Road, Thane (W).
Date of Birth: - 8th
September 1981 Nationality: - Indian
Religion: - Hindu Marital Status: - Married
Languages known: - English, Hindi & Marathi
Declaration: I hereby declare that above produced information is true and correct to the best of
my knowledge.

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Resume Vilas M Mali

  • 1. RESUME Mr. VILAS MADHUKAR MALI B. Pharm. Sci. Assistant Manager Health & Personal Accident Claims SBI General Insurance Company Ltd. Contact: +91 9987333243 /+917506396961 E-mail: - vilasmmali@rediffmail.com Work Experience: - Current Organization SBI General Insurance Co Ltd Job Designation Assistant Manager Personal Accident, Daily Cash Benefit and Critical Illness Claims Job Profile: Includes strategic role in team handling and transactional role in processing & approval of claims - Managing team for processing of claims for Accidental benefit claims (death & disability) under Personal Accident & Motor Personal Accident products, Critical Illness claims, Daily Cash Benefit claims and Micro Insurance claims. - Approval of claims within authority limits - SPOC for Investigations: managing investigation related activities in coordination with Investigation team. - Member of committee for decisions on Rejection/Repudiations/Fraud claims. - SPOC for managing Reconsideration requests, Legal notices and Litigation cases in coordination with respective depts. - Managing Claims Data maintenance and sanitization through team - Publishing various MIS and reports through team - Active contribution in Claim Process defining/modification and Process Documentation activities - Have successfully delivered trainings to claims team, regional investigation teams, management trainees and branch representatives. Previous Organizations Birla Sun Life Insurance Co Ltd Service Tenure 14th April 2008 to 3rd March 2014 Job Designation Senior Executive Corporate Operations Claims Death Claims, Health Claims, Rider Claims & TPA management, TPA transition, Reconsideration request (Life & Health), Litigation Cases (Life & Health), Training, Projects, MIS Alembic Ltd. Service Tenure From 27th April 2007 to 31st March 2008 Job Designation Field Sales Officer (FSO) - Maharashtra & Goa Novartis India Pvt. Ltd. Service Tenure From 1st April 2004 to 31st March 2007 Job Designation Sales Executive Maharashtra & Goa Wockhardt Ltd. (Animal Health Division) Service Tenure From 1st Jul. 2003 to 31st Mar 2004 Job Designation Sales Executive Districts Thane, Raigad & Ratnagiri
  • 2. Achievements in curriculam tenure Awarded Best Performance for period Apr to Oct15 across all claims verticals (except Motor claims) Participation in workshop on Rational Management and Fraud Containment in Personal Accident and Motor Third Party Claims Successful completion of Program - output modification project. Operations Training Certification for successful completion of Level 1 (Year 2009), Level 2 (year 2010) & Training Premier League Level 3 (Year 2011) Certification. Honored with 2 BULLSEYE Certificates (honor among the equals) for speedy hand delivering Mumbai Terrorist Attack Victim Claim cheque to Claimant and swift closure of Queries and Complaints in health Team Awarded with X- Claims certificate (Expertise in Insurance Claims) for training on HIV- AIDS - The insurance Perspective. Runner up Certificate of achievement for efforts in Detailed Process Review. Excellent performance in trainings & Tests conducted by External Medical Consultant. Certificate course in Fire Fighting. Attended 3 Annual AIU seminars Successful completion of e-learning courses as; Course Certificate Interpersonal Skills on Fast Track Gold The Master Negotiator Gold Understanding Writing Mechanics Gold Coping with Stress Gold Analyze Your Use of Time Gold Managing Time Gold Communication Etiquette Gold Generating Creative and Innovative Ideas Silver Sentence Constructions Gold Windows Server 2003: Basic Concepts Gold Getting Started with Excel 2007 Gold Getting Started with PowerPoint 2007 Gold Personal Details Address for correspondence: Mr. Vilas Madhukar Mali 201, Prathamesh, Balaji Arch Complex, Near Dream Valley, Kasheli Thane Bhiwandi Road, Thane (W). Maharashtra. Date of Birth: - 8th September 1981 Nationality: - Indian Religion: - Hindu Marital Status: - Married Languages known: - English, Hindi & Marathi
  • 3. Declaration: I hereby declare that above produced information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.