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Objective: Obtain a marketing position to hone my skills and make a positive impact on the organization
Education: Messiah College: May 2016 | GPA: 3.61
 Bachelor of Science in Marketing with Minors in Studio Art and Sustainability Studies
Achievements: Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2015 Deans List,April 2016 Student of the Month, Dorothy J. Gish Women in
		 Leadership Award, and Graduated with Magna Cum Laude Honors
Professional Student Program Manager: March 2015 to May 2016
Experience: The Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research, Messiah College
		  Coordinated and facilitated workshops (75 attendees), member recruitment, and Collaboratory-wide events
 Maintained Customer Relationship Management and Digital Asset Management software
 Managed social media accounts for the organization and executed successful email campaigns
 Directed meetings and projects of the Marketing team and the Work Assessment Talent Team (WATT)
 Designed marketing material for the Collaboratory and for project teams
		  Participated in discussions involving the Collaboratory and executed new organization-wide strategies
		  Maintained donor relations and conducted other logistical operations as needed.
			 Practicum,Ashcombe Farm and Greenhouse: Feb 2015 to May 2015
		  Assisted with the designing of marketing material such as logos, t-shirts, flyers, and vehicle decals
 Analyzed the Ashcombe loyalty program and suggested methods for improvement
 Proposed ideas and methods to attract a younger customer base
 Reviewed the Ashcombe mobile app and researched ways for improvement and higher user interaction
 Designed and performed a customer survey in order to gage their thoughts and suggestions for the garden center
		 	  Suggested methods to improve and better utilize their social media platforms	
	 Industrial Exposure (Marketing), Fonterra Brands Lanka (PVT) LTD: Jan 2014
		  Digital (social media) analysis: evaluated the performance of the company brand based on a new social media campaign
			 that was launched
 Competitor analysis: reported the performance of the company in regards to its competitors
		 Telemarketing and Public Relations,AKG Events: June 2012
 Event management experience: Handled aspects relating to telemarketing and PR for a live concert featuring 	
			 popular American musicians
Other Work Catering Services, Messiah College: Aug 2013 to May 2016
	 Experience:  Work study: Directed/assisted with gathering/setting up/serving for, and tearing down catered events
	 Campus Events, Messiah College: Aug 2012 to Aug 2014
 Work study: Prepared areas for events, and cleaned campus buildings
Leadership President:Aug 2015 to May 2016| Vice President:Aug 2014 to Aug 2015| Secretary: Aug 2013 to Aug 2014	
		 Experience: International StudentAssociation and Missionary Kid Chapter,Messiah College
			  Directed and successfully executed the International Banquet with a record attendance of 504 individuals
 Planned and facilitated the ISA/Mukappa annnual retreat (90 attendees)
 Coordinated other monthly/bi-weekly ISA/MuKappa events
 Attended Multicultural Council meetings and represented underrepresented students at Messiah
 Executed cultural awareness programs and events with other organizations at Messiah College				
			 Committee Member, MICAH Committee, Messiah College:Aug 2015 to May 2016
 Developed policies, programming, and practices to create an inclusive and supportive environment for students
			 and employees from underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds
			  Provided recommendations to the Diversity Committee on issues of race and ethnicity
			  Reviewed the Diversity Strategic Plan and assisted with its implementation
			 President: Aug 2014 to May 2015 | Co-President: Aug 2013 to Aug 2014
			 Rotaract Club, Messiah College
	  Organized member meetings and took part in volunteer service opportunities
	  Attended Mechanicsburg Rotary Club meetings and participated in their activities
	  Represented the club at student opportunities fairs on campus(member recruiting)
	  Successfully carried out fund raising events (e.g. sale of winter gear)
		 Diplomatic Corps, Messiah College: Aug 2014 to May 2015
		  Engaged in approving of the annual budget for the Messiah College library
 Represented the student body during events and meetings
 Recommended changes that may increase the quality and efficiency of college run operations
Peer Mentor: Fall 2013 and Fall 2014
		 International and Missionary Peer Advisor Program, Messiah College
		  Assisted with international orientation week and met with mentees regularly to ensure a healthy transition to college
Service and Education Group Member,The Collaboratory, Messiah College: Aug 2013 to May 2015
Volunteering: Opportunities in Business and Educational Develpment (OBED)
 Developed a business curriculum to help enhance the level of employability of Myanmar refugees in Malaysia
Curator,The Oakes Museum of Natural History, Messiah College: Aug 2012 to May 2013
 Provided visitors with information about museum exhibits
Skills: Adobe Illustrator; Adobe InDesign; Adobe Photoshop; MS Word; MS Excel; MS PowerPoint; MS Access; ArcGIS

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  • 1. Objective: Obtain a marketing position to hone my skills and make a positive impact on the organization Education: Messiah College: May 2016 | GPA: 3.61 Bachelor of Science in Marketing with Minors in Studio Art and Sustainability Studies Achievements: Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2015 Deans List,April 2016 Student of the Month, Dorothy J. Gish Women in Leadership Award, and Graduated with Magna Cum Laude Honors Professional Student Program Manager: March 2015 to May 2016 Experience: The Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research, Messiah College Coordinated and facilitated workshops (75 attendees), member recruitment, and Collaboratory-wide events Maintained Customer Relationship Management and Digital Asset Management software Managed social media accounts for the organization and executed successful email campaigns Directed meetings and projects of the Marketing team and the Work Assessment Talent Team (WATT) Designed marketing material for the Collaboratory and for project teams Participated in discussions involving the Collaboratory and executed new organization-wide strategies Maintained donor relations and conducted other logistical operations as needed. Practicum,Ashcombe Farm and Greenhouse: Feb 2015 to May 2015 Assisted with the designing of marketing material such as logos, t-shirts, flyers, and vehicle decals Analyzed the Ashcombe loyalty program and suggested methods for improvement Proposed ideas and methods to attract a younger customer base Reviewed the Ashcombe mobile app and researched ways for improvement and higher user interaction Designed and performed a customer survey in order to gage their thoughts and suggestions for the garden center Suggested methods to improve and better utilize their social media platforms Industrial Exposure (Marketing), Fonterra Brands Lanka (PVT) LTD: Jan 2014 Digital (social media) analysis: evaluated the performance of the company brand based on a new social media campaign that was launched Competitor analysis: reported the performance of the company in regards to its competitors Telemarketing and Public Relations,AKG Events: June 2012 Event management experience: Handled aspects relating to telemarketing and PR for a live concert featuring popular American musicians Other Work Catering Services, Messiah College: Aug 2013 to May 2016 Experience: Work study: Directed/assisted with gathering/setting up/serving for, and tearing down catered events Campus Events, Messiah College: Aug 2012 to Aug 2014 Work study: Prepared areas for events, and cleaned campus buildings Leadership President:Aug 2015 to May 2016| Vice President:Aug 2014 to Aug 2015| Secretary: Aug 2013 to Aug 2014 Experience: International StudentAssociation and Missionary Kid Chapter,Messiah College Directed and successfully executed the International Banquet with a record attendance of 504 individuals Planned and facilitated the ISA/Mukappa annnual retreat (90 attendees) Coordinated other monthly/bi-weekly ISA/MuKappa events Attended Multicultural Council meetings and represented underrepresented students at Messiah Executed cultural awareness programs and events with other organizations at Messiah College Committee Member, MICAH Committee, Messiah College:Aug 2015 to May 2016 Developed policies, programming, and practices to create an inclusive and supportive environment for students and employees from underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds Provided recommendations to the Diversity Committee on issues of race and ethnicity Reviewed the Diversity Strategic Plan and assisted with its implementation President: Aug 2014 to May 2015 | Co-President: Aug 2013 to Aug 2014 Rotaract Club, Messiah College Organized member meetings and took part in volunteer service opportunities Attended Mechanicsburg Rotary Club meetings and participated in their activities Represented the club at student opportunities fairs on campus(member recruiting) Successfully carried out fund raising events (e.g. sale of winter gear) Diplomatic Corps, Messiah College: Aug 2014 to May 2015 Engaged in approving of the annual budget for the Messiah College library Represented the student body during events and meetings Recommended changes that may increase the quality and efficiency of college run operations Peer Mentor: Fall 2013 and Fall 2014 International and Missionary Peer Advisor Program, Messiah College Assisted with international orientation week and met with mentees regularly to ensure a healthy transition to college Service and Education Group Member,The Collaboratory, Messiah College: Aug 2013 to May 2015 Volunteering: Opportunities in Business and Educational Develpment (OBED) Developed a business curriculum to help enhance the level of employability of Myanmar refugees in Malaysia Curator,The Oakes Museum of Natural History, Messiah College: Aug 2012 to May 2013 Provided visitors with information about museum exhibits Skills: Adobe Illustrator; Adobe InDesign; Adobe Photoshop; MS Word; MS Excel; MS PowerPoint; MS Access; ArcGIS RukshaniPerera1600N3rdStreet HarrisburgPA17102 7176496834|gp1169@messiah.edu rukshaniperera.weebly.com