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j o a n a e r i k a . p e r e z @ g m a i l . c o m  C e l l : ( 8 1 8 ) 3 5 9 - 3 1 1 2
Joana Erika Buenrostro
 LSS Green Belt Project: Industry P&DC Missents Reduction. Reduced Priority Air Missents by 25% with annualized
savings of $638,055.95.
 LSS Coordinator: Achieved the target of 10 LSS Projects for Quarter 1 FY 2016 which is part of NPA/5P scoring.
 Reduced Anaheim P&DC WIP Cycle Time of Standard Flats Bundle to Sort from 57 hours to 32 hours which
translates to 43.86% reduction.
 Conducted pair analysis using PMRC reports to improve Phase 1 conversion of Priority Air to Surface destinations
on-time score from 93.30% (week 33 FY16) to 97.80% (week 36 FY16).
 Assisted in Improving Overall SV Score from 80.4% in week 28 FY 2016 to 88.4% week 35 FY 2016 through data
analysis, cooperation with work floor employees and addressing SV technical/equipment issues.
Professional Experience
Acting Operations Industrial Engineer (OIE), EAS-23  United States Postal Service (USPS), San Diego, CA
Pacific Area In-Plant Support (PAO-IPS)  May 2016 Present
 Assigned to conduct training for OIE interns from June-August 2016.
 Part of PAO-IPS to conduct training on Priority Pair Analysis and the use of the Macro Analysis tool that I have
developed to make drill downs more effective and efficient.
Operations Industrial Engineer-EAS 21USPS, Anaheim P&DC  June 2014  Present
 Provides data analysis of service performance and metrics to improve productivity, eliminate wastes and reduce
 Works on various projects using Lean Six Sigma tools and methodologies to identify gaps and inefficiencies in the
process in order to drive performance.
 Implements Lean Mail Processing initiatives in the facility.
 Updates Operational Space Layout (OSL) using AutoCAD to the most current work space layout and condition.
 Provides recommendations and feedback to improve process flows in the workroom floor that will enable employees
to work efficiently and safely.
 Provides analysis and insights on volume projections and staffing.
Acting Manager, In-Plant Support (MIPS)USPS, Anaheim P&DC  Jan 2016Mar 2016
 Provided assistance in Surface Visibility (SV) during the implementation phase and monitors SV Scanning scores
through SV Web reports. Prepares SV missed load and close scans report and send to all Tour SDO and MDO for
corrective action if necessary.
 Performs Data analysis on Priority and First Class failures based on PMRC/First Class reports. Assisted other plants
in the district on their drill downs.
 Analyzes the WIP-cycle time failures on Flats and Letters and sends a response to the Area on corrective action/s
when necessary.
Acting Manager, In-Plant Support (MIPS)USPS, Industry P&DC  Jan 2016Mar 2016
 Monitored the installation of Low Cost Universal Sorter (LCUS) in the building and coordinated layout adjustments
and equipment moves with OIE.
 Worked with safety specialist and (ad-hoc) safety coordinator regarding work availability for limited/light duty
 Reviewed daily quality reports from Data Collection Tech and drilled down on weekly Priority Air Root Cause
Failures and discussed action items during the Tour Turnover meeting for Tour 2/Tour 3.
 Adjusted Baseline Staffing Model and helped realign Clerk & Mail Handler bids in order to support operating
windows for the parcel sorter machines.
 Ensured that the daily production boards on every machine is well kept and has most recent information on
throughputs, clearance times and employee schedules in order to drive productivity and performance.
Communicated and explained the importance of production boards with the MDO and SDO.
Acting Lead OIEUSPS, Santa Ana P&DC  Oct 2016 Dec 2016
 Coordinates Lean Six Sigma Projects for the district and coaches Project teams in the use of LSS methodologies
and tools to deliver good results.
 Provided data analysis for Priority and First Class Parcels and was involved in kaizen teams to improve mail flows.
 Oversees and applies nationwide industrial engineering, standardization, and continuous improvement policies,
standards and processes to improve service and cost performance through direct involvement in projects and
 Performs analysis of mail processing operations using industrial engineering and continuous improvement principles
to improve service, productivity, and cost performance.
 Develops and reviews alternatives to improve operating performance and reduce costs; monitors the implementation
of new procedures and evaluates and reports on results.
 Recommends changes to workroom floor layout of equipment and operations to drive efficiency and productivity
Acting MIPSUSPS, Anaheim P&DC  Feb 2015  July 2015
 Manages service performance metrics on a daily and weekly basis through various USPS reports such as PMRC,
MPV, WebEOR, MPEWatch, SPD, TimesWeb, and EDW and addresses variances with In-Plant Support staff and
 Reviews local operations and evaluates opportunities for improvement to ensure service and quality goals are met.
 Provides response to the Area on service performance reports such as HQ Action Items Response from PMRC and
WIP Cycle Time response.
 Monitors and coordinates Lean Mail Processing initiatives and Lean Six Sigma projects in the facility.
Technical WriterCalifornia State University, Northridge CA  March 2011  Dec 2012
 Provided assistance in updating the CSUN IT web pages with recent news and information using HTML on Adobe
Dreamweaver and Drupal. Assisted in migrating 90% of the IT web page contents from the old webdrive to the new
content management system, Drupal.
Project Consultant (Business Advisory Services)Ernst & Young Philippines  June 2008  Oct 2009
 Member of the consulting team, which is a group of Industrial Engineers, assigned to conduct business process
reviews, process improvement, organizational structuring, system design and implementation for various clients
such as government agencies, automobile industries, leisure and resort industries, and steel coil forming industries.
Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB)
 The Project includes analysis of project performance, identification of issues and concerns as well as proposal of
corrective actions to address the identified issues and improve the program. Furthermore, the project aimed to
conduct system and technical specification audit on the Voucher System and determine if procedures were properly
followed and intended results were achieved.
Toyota Shaw-Ortigas (TSO), Inc.
 This project aims to improve current workflows, policies, procedures, and internal controls needed to support the
company's operations. In addition, this project aims to improve the Organizational Structure and Job Descriptions in
the TSO's Human Resource Manual.
Rapid Forming Corporation (RFC)  Steel Coil Manufacturing Industry
 The project includes review, improvement, and implementation of policies and procedures in the finance manual of
RFC. It also involves designing of forms and encoding templates that will be used in the annual evaluation of
accredited and/or reaccredited suppliers.
Technical Skills and Certifications
 MS Excel, MS Word, MS Visio, MS PowerPoint, Minitab, AutoCAD/Postal CAD
 USPS Internal Reporting tools: EDW, PMRC, WebEOR, RPG, E2E, MIRS, SVWeb, TimesWEB, Product Information
 Six Sigma Green Belt Certified  California State University, Northridge  Sept 2011  Dec 2011
 Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certified  United States Postal Service  March 2015
 USPS Awards: Area Vice President Award - Best 2015 LSS Projects  Industry P&DC Priority Air Missents
M.S. Engineering Management California State University Northridge, CA  2012
 Courses Taken:
 MSE 507 Lean Manufacturing Systems  Participated in a Lean Event at Meggit PLC, North Hollywood, California
 MSE 618 Six Sigma Quality Engineering  Acquired Green Belt Certification  Catapult Manufacturing Simulation
Project (Fall Semester, 2011)
 MSE 617 Quality Assurance Management
B.S. Industrial Engineering, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines  2008
 Courses Taken: Probability and Statistics, Operations Research I & II, Facilities Management & Design, Financial
Management, Engineering Economy, Work Measurement, Industrial Materials, Industrial Organization Management,
Ergonomics, Production Planning and Control, Operations Management, Marketing, Accounting

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  • 1. j o a n a e r i k a . p e r e z @ g m a i l . c o m C e l l : ( 8 1 8 ) 3 5 9 - 3 1 1 2 Joana Erika Buenrostro Accomplishments LSS Green Belt Project: Industry P&DC Missents Reduction. Reduced Priority Air Missents by 25% with annualized savings of $638,055.95. LSS Coordinator: Achieved the target of 10 LSS Projects for Quarter 1 FY 2016 which is part of NPA/5P scoring. Reduced Anaheim P&DC WIP Cycle Time of Standard Flats Bundle to Sort from 57 hours to 32 hours which translates to 43.86% reduction. Conducted pair analysis using PMRC reports to improve Phase 1 conversion of Priority Air to Surface destinations on-time score from 93.30% (week 33 FY16) to 97.80% (week 36 FY16). Assisted in Improving Overall SV Score from 80.4% in week 28 FY 2016 to 88.4% week 35 FY 2016 through data analysis, cooperation with work floor employees and addressing SV technical/equipment issues. Professional Experience Acting Operations Industrial Engineer (OIE), EAS-23 United States Postal Service (USPS), San Diego, CA Pacific Area In-Plant Support (PAO-IPS) May 2016 Present Assigned to conduct training for OIE interns from June-August 2016. Part of PAO-IPS to conduct training on Priority Pair Analysis and the use of the Macro Analysis tool that I have developed to make drill downs more effective and efficient. Operations Industrial Engineer-EAS 21USPS, Anaheim P&DC June 2014 Present Provides data analysis of service performance and metrics to improve productivity, eliminate wastes and reduce cost. Works on various projects using Lean Six Sigma tools and methodologies to identify gaps and inefficiencies in the process in order to drive performance. Implements Lean Mail Processing initiatives in the facility. Updates Operational Space Layout (OSL) using AutoCAD to the most current work space layout and condition. Provides recommendations and feedback to improve process flows in the workroom floor that will enable employees to work efficiently and safely. Provides analysis and insights on volume projections and staffing. Acting Manager, In-Plant Support (MIPS)USPS, Anaheim P&DC Jan 2016Mar 2016 Provided assistance in Surface Visibility (SV) during the implementation phase and monitors SV Scanning scores through SV Web reports. Prepares SV missed load and close scans report and send to all Tour SDO and MDO for corrective action if necessary. Performs Data analysis on Priority and First Class failures based on PMRC/First Class reports. Assisted other plants in the district on their drill downs. Analyzes the WIP-cycle time failures on Flats and Letters and sends a response to the Area on corrective action/s when necessary. Acting Manager, In-Plant Support (MIPS)USPS, Industry P&DC Jan 2016Mar 2016 Monitored the installation of Low Cost Universal Sorter (LCUS) in the building and coordinated layout adjustments and equipment moves with OIE. Worked with safety specialist and (ad-hoc) safety coordinator regarding work availability for limited/light duty employees. Reviewed daily quality reports from Data Collection Tech and drilled down on weekly Priority Air Root Cause Failures and discussed action items during the Tour Turnover meeting for Tour 2/Tour 3.
  • 2. Adjusted Baseline Staffing Model and helped realign Clerk & Mail Handler bids in order to support operating windows for the parcel sorter machines. Ensured that the daily production boards on every machine is well kept and has most recent information on throughputs, clearance times and employee schedules in order to drive productivity and performance. Communicated and explained the importance of production boards with the MDO and SDO. Acting Lead OIEUSPS, Santa Ana P&DC Oct 2016 Dec 2016 Coordinates Lean Six Sigma Projects for the district and coaches Project teams in the use of LSS methodologies and tools to deliver good results. Provided data analysis for Priority and First Class Parcels and was involved in kaizen teams to improve mail flows. Oversees and applies nationwide industrial engineering, standardization, and continuous improvement policies, standards and processes to improve service and cost performance through direct involvement in projects and initiatives. Performs analysis of mail processing operations using industrial engineering and continuous improvement principles to improve service, productivity, and cost performance. Develops and reviews alternatives to improve operating performance and reduce costs; monitors the implementation of new procedures and evaluates and reports on results. Recommends changes to workroom floor layout of equipment and operations to drive efficiency and productivity Acting MIPSUSPS, Anaheim P&DC Feb 2015 July 2015 Manages service performance metrics on a daily and weekly basis through various USPS reports such as PMRC, MPV, WebEOR, MPEWatch, SPD, TimesWeb, and EDW and addresses variances with In-Plant Support staff and Operations. Reviews local operations and evaluates opportunities for improvement to ensure service and quality goals are met. Provides response to the Area on service performance reports such as HQ Action Items Response from PMRC and WIP Cycle Time response. Monitors and coordinates Lean Mail Processing initiatives and Lean Six Sigma projects in the facility. Technical WriterCalifornia State University, Northridge CA March 2011 Dec 2012 Provided assistance in updating the CSUN IT web pages with recent news and information using HTML on Adobe Dreamweaver and Drupal. Assisted in migrating 90% of the IT web page contents from the old webdrive to the new content management system, Drupal. Project Consultant (Business Advisory Services)Ernst & Young Philippines June 2008 Oct 2009 Member of the consulting team, which is a group of Industrial Engineers, assigned to conduct business process reviews, process improvement, organizational structuring, system design and implementation for various clients such as government agencies, automobile industries, leisure and resort industries, and steel coil forming industries. PROJECT CONSULTANCY EXPERIENCE Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB) The Project includes analysis of project performance, identification of issues and concerns as well as proposal of corrective actions to address the identified issues and improve the program. Furthermore, the project aimed to conduct system and technical specification audit on the Voucher System and determine if procedures were properly followed and intended results were achieved. Toyota Shaw-Ortigas (TSO), Inc. This project aims to improve current workflows, policies, procedures, and internal controls needed to support the company's operations. In addition, this project aims to improve the Organizational Structure and Job Descriptions in the TSO's Human Resource Manual. Rapid Forming Corporation (RFC) Steel Coil Manufacturing Industry The project includes review, improvement, and implementation of policies and procedures in the finance manual of RFC. It also involves designing of forms and encoding templates that will be used in the annual evaluation of accredited and/or reaccredited suppliers.
  • 3. Technical Skills and Certifications MS Excel, MS Word, MS Visio, MS PowerPoint, Minitab, AutoCAD/Postal CAD USPS Internal Reporting tools: EDW, PMRC, WebEOR, RPG, E2E, MIRS, SVWeb, TimesWEB, Product Information (PI), SPD, MHTS Six Sigma Green Belt Certified California State University, Northridge Sept 2011 Dec 2011 Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certified United States Postal Service March 2015 USPS Awards: Area Vice President Award - Best 2015 LSS Projects Industry P&DC Priority Air Missents Reduction Education M.S. Engineering Management California State University Northridge, CA 2012 Courses Taken: MSE 507 Lean Manufacturing Systems Participated in a Lean Event at Meggit PLC, North Hollywood, California MSE 618 Six Sigma Quality Engineering Acquired Green Belt Certification Catapult Manufacturing Simulation Project (Fall Semester, 2011) MSE 617 Quality Assurance Management B.S. Industrial Engineering, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines 2008 Courses Taken: Probability and Statistics, Operations Research I & II, Facilities Management & Design, Financial Management, Engineering Economy, Work Measurement, Industrial Materials, Industrial Organization Management, Ergonomics, Production Planning and Control, Operations Management, Marketing, Accounting