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Address:Ram-LaxmanTower,Flatno1203, Sec -18, NearMAFCO Market, Vashi, Navi Mumbai  400705
Contact Nos.:09702030872/09967418672 ~ E-Mail:sandeepswamy1980@gmail.com
Senior level Assignments
Manager  Project /Application Support
PMP & ITIL Certified
Preferably in Banking/ Insurance/ IT -Software sector
 A highlymotivated,result-oriented professional with morethan 11+yearsof experienceinsoftwareapplication supportand administration.
 Experienced in Project Management, Software Design & Development, Vendor Management, Delivery Management, Requirement
Gathering, Technical Solution, Customer Relationship Management and Team Management
 In-depth understandingof security and backup procedures to ensure databaseintegrity while working on different platform and
technical support on Sybase, Oracle ,SQL & UNIX systems
 Expertise in providing implementation, post-implementation, application maintenance and enhancement support to the client
with regard to the product / software application system and SDLC process
 Proficient in creating and sustaining a dynamic environment that fosters development opportunities and motivates high
performance amongst team members
 Skilled in developing projectbaselineswhilemonitoring& controlling projectswithrespectto cost,resourcedeployment,timeover-runs
and quality compliance to ensure satisfactory execution of projects
 An effective communicator with honed relationship management, analytical, logical and problem-solving abilities
Strategic Planning
Project Management
Delivery Management
Requirement Gathering
Technical Solution
Software Design & Development
Vendor Management
Customer Relationship Management
Team Management
Jan15 Till Date with IDBI Federal Life Insurance Private Ltd., Mumbai Manager  Application & Development
 Monitored the vendor & In house with team size of 15 responsible for day-to-day activities.
 Monitoring the Ticketing tool (Trace) to track issue raised by end user.
 Played a stellar role in Streamline the support process
 Efficiently ensured that Tickets were resolve within the define SLAs
 Played a stellar role in analyzing and implementing new procedures.
 Setting up Roadmap to get permanent fix for reoccurring issue.
 Played a stellar role in managing:
o Support team responsible for resolving functionality problems and helping to execute the application
o CR team responsible for CR deadlines with development and testing
 Analyzing re-occurring issue and getting permanent fix with development team
 Efficiently monitor and ensure 100% system up ,running and available to business user
 Carried out:
o Periodical review meetings with team member and Development update
o Reviewing of CR, Call status & Documentation on timely basis
 Ensured that the UAT testing had been successfully done before moving to production
 Successfully attended meeting with BA, Business user & Management on behalf of IT
 Monitored program and end user documentation as well as for troubleshooting processing problems
 Ensure team having proper training and arrange for training if necessary
Dec13 Till Jan15 with Jewelex India Private Ltd., Mumbai Manager  Project /Application Support
 Monitored the vendor & In house with team size of 40 responsible for day-to-day activities.
 Implemented Open Source Ticketing tool (Jtrac) to track issue raised by end user.
 Played a stellar role in Streamline the support process
 Efficiently ensured that Tickets were resolve within the define SLAs
 Played a stellar role in analyzing and implementing new procedures.
 Setting up Roadmap to get permanent fix for reoccurring issue.
 Played a stellar role in managing:
o Support team responsible for resolving functionality problems and helping to execute the application
o CR team responsible for CR deadlines with development and testing
o Project team responsible for getting the project complete and resolving any functional problem during the project
 Analyzing re-occurring issue and getting permanent fix with development team
 Efficiently monitor and ensure 100% system up ,running and available to business user
 Carried out:
o Periodical review meetings with team member and projects update
o Reviewing of project status, CR, Call status & Documentation on timely basis
 Ensured that the UAT testing had been successfully done before moving to production
 Presenting project status report and having discussion with Higher management
 Successfully attended meeting with business user & management on behalf of IT
 Ensure team having proper training and arrange for training if necessary
Apr12 to Mar13 with TTK Healthcare TPA Private Ltd., Bangalore Manager  Project /Application Support
 Monitored the vendor & In house with team size of 32 responsible for day-to-day activities
 Played a stellar role in managing:
o Support team responsible for resolving functionality problems and helping to execute the application
o CR team responsible for CR deadlines with development and testing
o Project team responsible for getting the project complete and resolving any functional problem during the project
o Involve in project costing and budgeting
 Efficiently ensured that Tickets were resolve within the define SLAs
 Analyzing re-occurring issue and getting permanent fix with development team
 Efficiently monitor and ensure 100% system up ,running and available to business user
 Carried out:
o Periodical review meetings with team member and projects update
o Reviewing of project status, CR, Call status & Documentation on timely basis
 Ensured that the UAT testing had been successfully done before moving to production
 Presenting project status report and having discussion with Higher management
 Successfully attended meeting with business user & management on behalf of IT
 Liaised with:
o Auditor to ensure compliance, implemented ISO 27001 standard to meet the compliance
o DBA, Storage and Server admin team to get the issue resolved
 Received appreciation e-mail from the client , Higher management for executing Accenture Renewal Activity and Yahoo Single
Sign on project & IBM Data Migration Project
 Successfully migrated Oracle 10g to Oracle 11g in short duration with admin team
 Successfully implement DR server application and tested with concern team
 Ensure release is deployed with proper approval and all department been intimated
 Successfully handled client audit and received appreciation e-mail from the client
 Ensure team having proper training and arrange for training if necessary
Sep10 to Apr12 with Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd., Mumbai Assistant Manager-Project/ Application Support
 Served as Manager of team responsible for resolving functionality problems and helping to execute the application
 Efficiently provided 3rd level support the branch users across India for their problems pertaining to the application
 Monitored 20 members of team including vendors
 Played a stellar role in analyzing and implementing new procedures
 Ensured effective preparation of MIS reports as per Audit requirement
 Essayed a key role in writing and modifying Scripts for automation of reports
Oct08 to Sep10 with Magna InfoTech Ltd (Placed in JP Morgan), Mumbai Application Support
 Handled internal databases from planning and testing stages through implementation and support
 Played a stellar role in providing second level support to internal Help Desk to resolve user concerns with specific applications
 Holds the distinction of being a member of team responsible for resolving functionality problems and helping to execute
the application
 Efficiently assisted employees in setting database profiles
 Liaised with other departments in creating procedural methods to solved technical issues
 Monitored program and end user documentation as well as for troubleshooting processing problems
 Significantly created new databases and users: set up backups, export, and other monitoring scripts
 Essayed a key role in enhancing existing applications by improving user interface, introducing multiple-user access and
increasing security and stability
 Played a stellar role in DR drill Activity.
Mar04 to Oct08 with HDFC Bank Ltd., Mumbai Application Support & Technical Lead
 Significantly managed database remodeling and interface development during migration
 Holds thedistinction of beinginvolved in all aspects of application support, from needs assessment to QA/QC, design and support
 Efficiently implemented backup and recovery procedures of databases in Sun Solaris and UNIX environment
 Significantly trained and educated team about latest tools and technologies
 Handling Multiple Technology at the same time.
 Served as a member of team responsible for resolving functionality problems and helping to execute the application
 Successfully provided firstlevel supportthebranch usersacross India for their problems pertaining to the various banking system
 Accredited with an Appreciation Letter for excellent performance in 4DBC Project
 Showed distinctiveability by enhancing existingapplications by improving user interface, introducing multi ple-user access and
increasing security and stability
 Played a stellar role in DR drill Activity.
Oct02 to Mar04 with ICICI Bank Ltd., Mumbai Officer as Trainee (Corporate Banking)
Platforms: Window NT Server 4.0, Solaris, Linux Server, UNIX
Languages: C++, VB.ASP, Net, Java, XML, HTML, Shell Scripts
Databases: Access, MS SQL 2000, Sybase, Oracle
Office Tools: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access
2003 M.Com.-I from Mumbai University, Mumbai
2002 B.Com. From N G Acharya College, Mumbai, Mumbai University, Mumbai
2002 GNIIT (3 years duration Certification Course) from NIIT Ltd., Mumbai
2014 ITIL Foundation Certified
2015 PMP Certified
 Successfully attended training programme on CDSL in Bombay Stock Exchange
 Successfully attended Project Management training in Mumbai.
Date of Birth: 1st March, 1980
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Marathi and Telugu
Passport No.: L1783694 (Expiry Date: 02/06/2023)
At IDBI Federal Life Insurance Private Ltd., Mumbai
 Efficiently handled Development progress.
 Efficiently handled day-to-day issue and support.
 Liaised with BA, Business user & Higher Management.
 Played a stellar role in periodically reviewing the Call Tracking report & CR status.
 Significantly ensured smooth flow & progress of the CRs and Support
 Liaised with Higher Management Development status and Support Status
Title: Elixir
Client: IDBI Federal Life Insurance Pvt. Ltd.
Period: Jan, 15 till Date
Role: Manager
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Java
 Tools: PL/SQL
 Databases: Oracle
Title: Group Asia
Client: IDBI Federal Life Insurance Pvt. Ltd.
Period: Jan, 15 till Date
Role: Manager
Environment Used:
 Platforms: AS400
 Tools: AS400
 Databases: DB2
Title: AML
Client: IDBI Federal Life Insurance Pvt. Ltd.
Period: Jan, 15 till Date
Role: Manager
Environment Used:
 Platforms: .Net
 Tools: PL/SQL
 Databases: SQL Server
Title: BIS
Client: IDBI Federal Life Insurance Pvt. Ltd.
Period: Jan, 15 till Date
Role: Manager
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Java
 Tools: PL/SQL
 Databases: SQL Server
At Jewelex India Private Ltd., Mumbai
 Efficiently handled project progress.
 Efficiently handled day-to-day issue and support.
 Liaised with Client, Business user & Development team.
 Played a stellar role in periodically reviewing the project report & status.
 Significantly ensured smooth flow & progress of the project
 Liaised with Project Manager for project reports & status
Title: Daim Trade
Client: Jewelex India Pvt. Ltd.
Period: Dec, 13 till Jan,15
Role: Manager
Environment Used:
 Platforms: .Net
 Tools: PL/SQL
 Databases: SQL Server
Title: Uncertified Price Lookup
Client: Jewelex India Pvt. Ltd.
Period: Dec, 13 till Jan, 15
Role: Manager
Environment Used:
 Platforms: .Net
 Tools: PL/SQL
 Databases: SQL Server
Title: Supply Chain Management
Client: Jewelex India Pvt. Ltd.
Period: Dec, 13 till Jan, 15
Role: Manager
Environment Used:
 Platforms: .Net
 Tools: PL/SQL
 Databases: SQL Server
At TTK Healthcare TPA Private Ltd., Bangalore
 Efficiently handled project progress
 Liaised with Client, Business user & Development team.
 Played a stellar role in periodically reviewing the project report & status.
 Significantly ensured smooth flow & progress of the project
 Liaised with Project Manager for project reports & status
Title: ISO 27001
Client: TTK HealthCare TPA Pvt. LTD.
Period: Aug12 to Oct12
Role: Manager
Title: IBM Data Migration
Client: IBM Ltd
Period: Apr12 to Oct12
Role: Manager
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Java,J2EE
 Tools: PL/SQL, Ecplise
 Databases: Oracle
Title: Password Policy
Client: TTK Healthcare Pvt. Ltd
Period: Sep12 to Oct12
Role: Manager
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Java,J2EE
 Tools: PL/SQL, Ecplise
 Databases: Oracle
Title: Data Archival
Client: TTK Healthcare TPA Pvt. Ltd
Period: Aug12 to Jan13
Role: Manager
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Java,J2EE
 Tools: PL/SQL, Ecplise
 Databases: Oracle
Title: Data encryption & Decryption
Client: IBM Ltd.
Period: Apr12 to Nov12
Role: Manager
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Java,J2EE
 Tools: PL/SQL, Ecplise
 Databases: Oracle
Title: Application Audit Log
Client: TTK Healthcare TPA Pvt. LTD.
Duration: Sept, 2012 till Oct, 2012
Role: Manager
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Java,J2EE
 Tools: PL/SQL, Ecplise
 Databases: Oracle
At Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd., Mumbai
Title: Genisys (Insurance Application)
Client: Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd
Duration: Sept 2010 till Apr 2012
Role: Application Support
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Unix Sun Solaris
 Tools: Java,.Net, Toad
 Databases: Oracle
 Efficiently provided 3rd level support to the users for their application related problems
 Liaised with DBA and other support vendors for the issues related to the database and applications
 Carried out various daily back office activities
 Significantly provided application support to the branch users for all the live application problems
 Monitored 20 members of team including vendors
 Liaised with:
o Vendor and Business user for new requirement and releases
o Vendor for Version release activity of Server, Database and Application
 Ensured that the UAT testing had been successfully done before moving to production
 Essayed a key role in writing and modifying scripts for automation of reports
 Successfully identified problems and possible solutions and accordingly escalated appropriate issues to relevant teams
 Played a stellar role in providing support for multiple applications
 Optimized and automated Claim MIS query which reduce 4 hrs time of report generation and manual dependency
Title: Quantis (Trading Application)
Client: Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd
Duration: Sept 2010 till Apr 2012
Role: Application Support
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Windows
 Tools: Java,.Net, Toad
 Databases: Oracle
 Efficiently provided 2nd and 3rd level support to the users for their application related problems
 Liaised with DBA and other support vendors for the issues related to the database and applications
 Carried out various daily back office activities
 Significantly provided application support to the branch users for all the live application problems
 Liaised with:
o Vendor and Business user for new requirement and releases
o Vendor for Version release activity of Server, Database and Application
 Ensured that the UAT testing had been successfully done before moving to production
 Installing Quantis application on users machine.
 Successfully identified problems and possible solutions and accordingly escalated appropriate issues to relevant teams
 Played a stellar role in providing support for multiple applications
 Successfully done version upgrade of quantis application.
Title:Sun System (Accounting Application)
Client: Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd
Duration: Sept 2010 till Apr 2012
Role: Application Support
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Windows
 Tools: Java,.Net, Toad
 Databases: Oracle
 Efficiently provided 2nd and 3rd level support to the users for their application related problems
 Liaised with support vendors for the issues related to the database and applications
 Carried out various daily back office activities
 Significantly provided application support to the branch users for all the live application problems
 Liaised with:
o Vendor and Business user for new requirement and releases
o Vendor for Version release activity of Server, Database and Application
 Ensured that the UAT testing had been successfully done before moving to production
At Magna InfoTech Ltd (Placed in JP Morgan), Mumbai
Title: Mfact [Financial Application]
Client: JP Morgan
Period: Oct08 to Sep10
Role: Application Support
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Window NT Server 4.0
 Tools: VB
 Databases: Oracle
 Efficiently provided Second level support to the users for their application related problems.
 Liaised with DBA and other support vendors for the issues related to the database and applications.
 Carried out various daily back office activities.
 Holds the distinction of providing application support to the branch users for all the live application problems.
 Played a stellar role in releasing Version related patch on the Application server in Co-ordination with Vendor.
Title: CDSL / NSDL (Central Depository Service Limited)/ (National Depository Service Limited)
Client: JP Morgan
Duration: Oct 2008 till Sept 2010
Role: Application Support
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Window NT Server 4.0
 Tools: VB
 Databases: MS SQL 2000
 Monitored SOD and backup logs
 Efficiently provided Second level support to the users for their application related problems
 Liaised with CDSL/NSDL Helpdesk for the issues related to the Application
 Played a stellar role in releasing Version related patch on the server as per procedure provided by CDSL/NSDL
 Acknowledged for raisingECMS (Emergency ChangeManagementSystem) and Ticketsfor resolving the problems reported by users
At HDFC Bank Ltd., Mumbai
Title: 4DBC Migration of Finware System
Client: HDFC Bank
Period: Nov07 to Jan08
Role: Team Member
Environment Used:
 Platforms: UNIX Sun Solaris 9
 Tools: E20k
 Databases: Sybase 12.5
 Efficiently involved in the Prototype design, development, implementation, and testing of the project
 Played a stellar role in:
o Analyzing and implementing new procedures.
o Rationalization of queries (Daily/Monthly/Quarterly)
o Training and educating team members on daily system activities
o Educating team members about effective migration process
 Significantly implemented rigorous testing modules to meet specified SLA with internal users
 Carried out:
o Research and development on the latest tools and technologies
o System backup as per project requirements
Title:Application Support (Banking Operations)
Client: HDFC Bank
Period: Mar04 to Oct08
Role: Tech Lead and Application Support
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Window NT Server 4.0, Linux server ,Unix
 Databases: MS SQL 2000,Sybase,Oracle
 Significantly provided second level supportto the branch users acrossIndiafor their problems pertaining to the various banking
 Liaised with DBA and other support vendors for the issues related to the database and applications
 Monitored various daily back office activities pertaining to the various systems such as Finware, Cash In-Collection, Cash In-
Disbursement, and Atpar
 Functioned as Deputy Manager in handling a shift which supports the branch users for al l the live application problems
Title: Veritas [Backup Solution]
Client: HDFC Bank
Period: Mar04 to Oct08
Role: Application Support cum Team Lead
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Window NT Server 4.0
 Tools: Net backup,Java
 Played a stellar role in:
o Creating Policies for regular backup activities
o Trouble shooting of error during backups and restoration aborts
o Managing passwords, security and resources including users, privileges and roles
 Monitored daily Backup and restoration of the database
Title: Base24[ATM Software]
Client: HDFC Bank
Period: Mar04 to Oct08
Role: Application Support cum Team Lead
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Tandam
 Tool : Base24
 Played a stellar role in:
o Restarting ATM Machine when on Call by Branch manager
o Trouble shooting of error during network issue of ATM machine
o Configuring New ATM machine in Base24 ststem
 Monitored daily Backup and restoration of the Base24 system
Title: AS400 [Credit Card]
Client: HDFC Bank
Period: Mar04 to Oct08
Role: Application Support cum Team Lead
Environment Used:
 Platforms: AS400
 Tool : AS400
 Played a stellar role in:
o Checking POS Machine from application fornt when on Call by Branch manager
o Trouble shooting of error during network issue of
o Configuring Pos machine in AS400 ststem
 Monitored daily Backup and restoration of the Base24 system
Title: Finware Retail Application
Client: HDFC Bank
Period: Mar04 to Oct08
Role: Application Support cum Team Lead
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Unix
 Databases: Sybase
 Database Server: SunOS dbdom20k 5.9 and version Adaptive server Enterprise/12.5.3/EBF 13197 ESD#6/P/Sun_svr4/OS
5.8/ase1253/194 5/64-bit/FBO/
 Application Server: SunOS appdom20k 5.9 and version Adaptive Server Enterprise/12.5.3/EBF
 Played a stellar role in:
o Creating, Modifying & Executing shell scripts
o Identifying problems and possible solutions and escalating appropriate issues to relevant teams
o Proper Planning, testing and execution of purging on the basis of segment space monitoring
 Efficiently performed File system backups and restores
 Carried out:
o Monthly down-up and doing failover and failback of live database and operating system
o EOD-BOD Activities
o Performance of systems
Sybase Related:
 Production system (24 X 7)
 Played a stellar role in managing segments
 Carried out creation of Proxy tables on remote servers
Title: Autosys
Client: HDFC Bank
Period: Mar04 to Oct08
Role: Team Member
Environment Used:
 Platforms: Unix
 Databases: Oracle
 Efficiently monitored and executed Autosys jobs
 Handle aborts with support vendors

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Resume_Sandeep_Swamy _Updated

  • 1. SANDEEP SWAMY Address:Ram-LaxmanTower,Flatno1203, Sec -18, NearMAFCO Market, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400705 Contact Nos.:09702030872/09967418672 ~ E-Mail:sandeepswamy1980@gmail.com Senior level Assignments Manager Project /Application Support PMP & ITIL Certified Preferably in Banking/ Insurance/ IT -Software sector PROFILE SUMMARY A highlymotivated,result-oriented professional with morethan 11+yearsof experienceinsoftwareapplication supportand administration. Experienced in Project Management, Software Design & Development, Vendor Management, Delivery Management, Requirement Gathering, Technical Solution, Customer Relationship Management and Team Management In-depth understandingof security and backup procedures to ensure databaseintegrity while working on different platform and technical support on Sybase, Oracle ,SQL & UNIX systems Expertise in providing implementation, post-implementation, application maintenance and enhancement support to the client with regard to the product / software application system and SDLC process Proficient in creating and sustaining a dynamic environment that fosters development opportunities and motivates high performance amongst team members Skilled in developing projectbaselineswhilemonitoring& controlling projectswithrespectto cost,resourcedeployment,timeover-runs and quality compliance to ensure satisfactory execution of projects An effective communicator with honed relationship management, analytical, logical and problem-solving abilities CORE COMPETENCIES Strategic Planning Project Management Delivery Management Requirement Gathering Technical Solution Software Design & Development Vendor Management Customer Relationship Management Team Management WORK EXPERIENCE Jan15 Till Date with IDBI Federal Life Insurance Private Ltd., Mumbai Manager Application & Development Accomplishments: Monitored the vendor & In house with team size of 15 responsible for day-to-day activities. Monitoring the Ticketing tool (Trace) to track issue raised by end user. Played a stellar role in Streamline the support process Efficiently ensured that Tickets were resolve within the define SLAs Played a stellar role in analyzing and implementing new procedures. Setting up Roadmap to get permanent fix for reoccurring issue. Played a stellar role in managing: o Support team responsible for resolving functionality problems and helping to execute the application o CR team responsible for CR deadlines with development and testing Analyzing re-occurring issue and getting permanent fix with development team Efficiently monitor and ensure 100% system up ,running and available to business user Carried out: o Periodical review meetings with team member and Development update o Reviewing of CR, Call status & Documentation on timely basis Ensured that the UAT testing had been successfully done before moving to production Successfully attended meeting with BA, Business user & Management on behalf of IT Monitored program and end user documentation as well as for troubleshooting processing problems Ensure team having proper training and arrange for training if necessary
  • 2. Dec13 Till Jan15 with Jewelex India Private Ltd., Mumbai Manager Project /Application Support Accomplishments: Monitored the vendor & In house with team size of 40 responsible for day-to-day activities. Implemented Open Source Ticketing tool (Jtrac) to track issue raised by end user. Played a stellar role in Streamline the support process Efficiently ensured that Tickets were resolve within the define SLAs Played a stellar role in analyzing and implementing new procedures. Setting up Roadmap to get permanent fix for reoccurring issue. Played a stellar role in managing: o Support team responsible for resolving functionality problems and helping to execute the application o CR team responsible for CR deadlines with development and testing o Project team responsible for getting the project complete and resolving any functional problem during the project Analyzing re-occurring issue and getting permanent fix with development team Efficiently monitor and ensure 100% system up ,running and available to business user Carried out: o Periodical review meetings with team member and projects update o Reviewing of project status, CR, Call status & Documentation on timely basis Ensured that the UAT testing had been successfully done before moving to production Presenting project status report and having discussion with Higher management Successfully attended meeting with business user & management on behalf of IT Ensure team having proper training and arrange for training if necessary Apr12 to Mar13 with TTK Healthcare TPA Private Ltd., Bangalore Manager Project /Application Support Accomplishments: Monitored the vendor & In house with team size of 32 responsible for day-to-day activities Played a stellar role in managing: o Support team responsible for resolving functionality problems and helping to execute the application o CR team responsible for CR deadlines with development and testing o Project team responsible for getting the project complete and resolving any functional problem during the project o Involve in project costing and budgeting Efficiently ensured that Tickets were resolve within the define SLAs Analyzing re-occurring issue and getting permanent fix with development team Efficiently monitor and ensure 100% system up ,running and available to business user Carried out: o Periodical review meetings with team member and projects update o Reviewing of project status, CR, Call status & Documentation on timely basis Ensured that the UAT testing had been successfully done before moving to production Presenting project status report and having discussion with Higher management Successfully attended meeting with business user & management on behalf of IT Liaised with: o Auditor to ensure compliance, implemented ISO 27001 standard to meet the compliance o DBA, Storage and Server admin team to get the issue resolved Received appreciation e-mail from the client , Higher management for executing Accenture Renewal Activity and Yahoo Single Sign on project & IBM Data Migration Project Successfully migrated Oracle 10g to Oracle 11g in short duration with admin team Successfully implement DR server application and tested with concern team Ensure release is deployed with proper approval and all department been intimated Successfully handled client audit and received appreciation e-mail from the client Ensure team having proper training and arrange for training if necessary
  • 3. Sep10 to Apr12 with Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd., Mumbai Assistant Manager-Project/ Application Support Accomplishments: Served as Manager of team responsible for resolving functionality problems and helping to execute the application Efficiently provided 3rd level support the branch users across India for their problems pertaining to the application Monitored 20 members of team including vendors Played a stellar role in analyzing and implementing new procedures Ensured effective preparation of MIS reports as per Audit requirement Essayed a key role in writing and modifying Scripts for automation of reports Oct08 to Sep10 with Magna InfoTech Ltd (Placed in JP Morgan), Mumbai Application Support Accomplishments: Handled internal databases from planning and testing stages through implementation and support Played a stellar role in providing second level support to internal Help Desk to resolve user concerns with specific applications Holds the distinction of being a member of team responsible for resolving functionality problems and helping to execute the application Efficiently assisted employees in setting database profiles Liaised with other departments in creating procedural methods to solved technical issues Monitored program and end user documentation as well as for troubleshooting processing problems Significantly created new databases and users: set up backups, export, and other monitoring scripts Essayed a key role in enhancing existing applications by improving user interface, introducing multiple-user access and increasing security and stability Played a stellar role in DR drill Activity. Mar04 to Oct08 with HDFC Bank Ltd., Mumbai Application Support & Technical Lead Accomplishments: Significantly managed database remodeling and interface development during migration Holds thedistinction of beinginvolved in all aspects of application support, from needs assessment to QA/QC, design and support Efficiently implemented backup and recovery procedures of databases in Sun Solaris and UNIX environment Significantly trained and educated team about latest tools and technologies Handling Multiple Technology at the same time. Served as a member of team responsible for resolving functionality problems and helping to execute the application Successfully provided firstlevel supportthebranch usersacross India for their problems pertaining to the various banking system Accredited with an Appreciation Letter for excellent performance in 4DBC Project Showed distinctiveability by enhancing existingapplications by improving user interface, introducing multi ple-user access and increasing security and stability Played a stellar role in DR drill Activity. PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE Oct02 to Mar04 with ICICI Bank Ltd., Mumbai Officer as Trainee (Corporate Banking) IT SKILLS Platforms: Window NT Server 4.0, Solaris, Linux Server, UNIX Languages: C++, VB.ASP, Net, Java, XML, HTML, Shell Scripts Databases: Access, MS SQL 2000, Sybase, Oracle Office Tools: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access ACADEMIC DETAILS 2003 M.Com.-I from Mumbai University, Mumbai 2002 B.Com. From N G Acharya College, Mumbai, Mumbai University, Mumbai CERTIFICATION DETAILS 2002 GNIIT (3 years duration Certification Course) from NIIT Ltd., Mumbai 2014 ITIL Foundation Certified 2015 PMP Certified
  • 4. ENHANCEMENT SCHEDULE Successfully attended training programme on CDSL in Bombay Stock Exchange Successfully attended Project Management training in Mumbai. PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth: 1st March, 1980 Languages Known: English, Hindi, Marathi and Telugu Passport No.: L1783694 (Expiry Date: 02/06/2023) REFER TO ANNEXURE FOR PROJECTS EXECUTED ANNEXURE At IDBI Federal Life Insurance Private Ltd., Mumbai Highlights: Efficiently handled Development progress. Efficiently handled day-to-day issue and support. Liaised with BA, Business user & Higher Management. Played a stellar role in periodically reviewing the Call Tracking report & CR status. Significantly ensured smooth flow & progress of the CRs and Support Liaised with Higher Management Development status and Support Status Title: Elixir Client: IDBI Federal Life Insurance Pvt. Ltd. Period: Jan, 15 till Date Role: Manager Environment Used: Platforms: Java Tools: PL/SQL Databases: Oracle Title: Group Asia Client: IDBI Federal Life Insurance Pvt. Ltd. Period: Jan, 15 till Date Role: Manager Environment Used: Platforms: AS400 Tools: AS400 Databases: DB2 Title: AML Client: IDBI Federal Life Insurance Pvt. Ltd. Period: Jan, 15 till Date Role: Manager Environment Used: Platforms: .Net Tools: PL/SQL Databases: SQL Server Title: BIS Client: IDBI Federal Life Insurance Pvt. Ltd. Period: Jan, 15 till Date Role: Manager Environment Used: Platforms: Java Tools: PL/SQL Databases: SQL Server
  • 5. At Jewelex India Private Ltd., Mumbai Highlights: Efficiently handled project progress. Efficiently handled day-to-day issue and support. Liaised with Client, Business user & Development team. Played a stellar role in periodically reviewing the project report & status. Significantly ensured smooth flow & progress of the project Liaised with Project Manager for project reports & status Title: Daim Trade Client: Jewelex India Pvt. Ltd. Period: Dec, 13 till Jan,15 Role: Manager Environment Used: Platforms: .Net Tools: PL/SQL Databases: SQL Server Title: Uncertified Price Lookup Client: Jewelex India Pvt. Ltd. Period: Dec, 13 till Jan, 15 Role: Manager Environment Used: Platforms: .Net Tools: PL/SQL Databases: SQL Server Title: Supply Chain Management Client: Jewelex India Pvt. Ltd. Period: Dec, 13 till Jan, 15 Role: Manager Environment Used: Platforms: .Net Tools: PL/SQL Databases: SQL Server At TTK Healthcare TPA Private Ltd., Bangalore Highlights: Efficiently handled project progress Liaised with Client, Business user & Development team. Played a stellar role in periodically reviewing the project report & status. Significantly ensured smooth flow & progress of the project Liaised with Project Manager for project reports & status Title: ISO 27001 Client: TTK HealthCare TPA Pvt. LTD. Period: Aug12 to Oct12 Role: Manager Title: IBM Data Migration Client: IBM Ltd Period: Apr12 to Oct12 Role: Manager Environment Used: Platforms: Java,J2EE Tools: PL/SQL, Ecplise Databases: Oracle
  • 6. Title: Password Policy Client: TTK Healthcare Pvt. Ltd Period: Sep12 to Oct12 Role: Manager Environment Used: Platforms: Java,J2EE Tools: PL/SQL, Ecplise Databases: Oracle Title: Data Archival Client: TTK Healthcare TPA Pvt. Ltd Period: Aug12 to Jan13 Role: Manager Environment Used: Platforms: Java,J2EE Tools: PL/SQL, Ecplise Databases: Oracle Title: Data encryption & Decryption Client: IBM Ltd. Period: Apr12 to Nov12 Role: Manager Environment Used: Platforms: Java,J2EE Tools: PL/SQL, Ecplise Databases: Oracle Title: Application Audit Log Client: TTK Healthcare TPA Pvt. LTD. Duration: Sept, 2012 till Oct, 2012 Role: Manager Environment Used: Platforms: Java,J2EE Tools: PL/SQL, Ecplise Databases: Oracle At Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd., Mumbai Title: Genisys (Insurance Application) Client: Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd Duration: Sept 2010 till Apr 2012 Role: Application Support Environment Used: Platforms: Unix Sun Solaris Tools: Java,.Net, Toad Databases: Oracle Highlights: Efficiently provided 3rd level support to the users for their application related problems Liaised with DBA and other support vendors for the issues related to the database and applications Carried out various daily back office activities Significantly provided application support to the branch users for all the live application problems Monitored 20 members of team including vendors Liaised with: o Vendor and Business user for new requirement and releases o Vendor for Version release activity of Server, Database and Application Ensured that the UAT testing had been successfully done before moving to production Essayed a key role in writing and modifying scripts for automation of reports Successfully identified problems and possible solutions and accordingly escalated appropriate issues to relevant teams Played a stellar role in providing support for multiple applications Optimized and automated Claim MIS query which reduce 4 hrs time of report generation and manual dependency
  • 7. Title: Quantis (Trading Application) Client: Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd Duration: Sept 2010 till Apr 2012 Role: Application Support Environment Used: Platforms: Windows Tools: Java,.Net, Toad Databases: Oracle Highlights: Efficiently provided 2nd and 3rd level support to the users for their application related problems Liaised with DBA and other support vendors for the issues related to the database and applications Carried out various daily back office activities Significantly provided application support to the branch users for all the live application problems Liaised with: o Vendor and Business user for new requirement and releases o Vendor for Version release activity of Server, Database and Application Ensured that the UAT testing had been successfully done before moving to production Installing Quantis application on users machine. Successfully identified problems and possible solutions and accordingly escalated appropriate issues to relevant teams Played a stellar role in providing support for multiple applications Successfully done version upgrade of quantis application. Title:Sun System (Accounting Application) Client: Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd Duration: Sept 2010 till Apr 2012 Role: Application Support Environment Used: Platforms: Windows Tools: Java,.Net, Toad Databases: Oracle Highlights: Efficiently provided 2nd and 3rd level support to the users for their application related problems Liaised with support vendors for the issues related to the database and applications Carried out various daily back office activities Significantly provided application support to the branch users for all the live application problems Liaised with: o Vendor and Business user for new requirement and releases o Vendor for Version release activity of Server, Database and Application Ensured that the UAT testing had been successfully done before moving to production At Magna InfoTech Ltd (Placed in JP Morgan), Mumbai Title: Mfact [Financial Application] Client: JP Morgan Period: Oct08 to Sep10 Role: Application Support Environment Used: Platforms: Window NT Server 4.0 Tools: VB Databases: Oracle Highlights: Efficiently provided Second level support to the users for their application related problems. Liaised with DBA and other support vendors for the issues related to the database and applications. Carried out various daily back office activities. Holds the distinction of providing application support to the branch users for all the live application problems. Played a stellar role in releasing Version related patch on the Application server in Co-ordination with Vendor.
  • 8. Title: CDSL / NSDL (Central Depository Service Limited)/ (National Depository Service Limited) Client: JP Morgan Duration: Oct 2008 till Sept 2010 Role: Application Support Environment Used: Platforms: Window NT Server 4.0 Tools: VB Databases: MS SQL 2000 Highlights: Monitored SOD and backup logs Efficiently provided Second level support to the users for their application related problems Liaised with CDSL/NSDL Helpdesk for the issues related to the Application Played a stellar role in releasing Version related patch on the server as per procedure provided by CDSL/NSDL Acknowledged for raisingECMS (Emergency ChangeManagementSystem) and Ticketsfor resolving the problems reported by users At HDFC Bank Ltd., Mumbai Title: 4DBC Migration of Finware System Client: HDFC Bank Period: Nov07 to Jan08 Role: Team Member Environment Used: Platforms: UNIX Sun Solaris 9 Tools: E20k Databases: Sybase 12.5 Highlights: Efficiently involved in the Prototype design, development, implementation, and testing of the project Played a stellar role in: o Analyzing and implementing new procedures. o Rationalization of queries (Daily/Monthly/Quarterly) o Training and educating team members on daily system activities o Educating team members about effective migration process Significantly implemented rigorous testing modules to meet specified SLA with internal users Carried out: o Research and development on the latest tools and technologies o System backup as per project requirements Title:Application Support (Banking Operations) Client: HDFC Bank Period: Mar04 to Oct08 Role: Tech Lead and Application Support Environment Used: Platforms: Window NT Server 4.0, Linux server ,Unix Databases: MS SQL 2000,Sybase,Oracle Highlights: Significantly provided second level supportto the branch users acrossIndiafor their problems pertaining to the various banking system Liaised with DBA and other support vendors for the issues related to the database and applications Monitored various daily back office activities pertaining to the various systems such as Finware, Cash In-Collection, Cash In- Disbursement, and Atpar Functioned as Deputy Manager in handling a shift which supports the branch users for al l the live application problems Title: Veritas [Backup Solution] Client: HDFC Bank Period: Mar04 to Oct08 Role: Application Support cum Team Lead Environment Used: Platforms: Window NT Server 4.0 Tools: Net backup,Java
  • 9. Highlights: Played a stellar role in: o Creating Policies for regular backup activities o Trouble shooting of error during backups and restoration aborts o Managing passwords, security and resources including users, privileges and roles Monitored daily Backup and restoration of the database Title: Base24[ATM Software] Client: HDFC Bank Period: Mar04 to Oct08 Role: Application Support cum Team Lead Environment Used: Platforms: Tandam Tool : Base24 Highlights: Played a stellar role in: o Restarting ATM Machine when on Call by Branch manager o Trouble shooting of error during network issue of ATM machine o Configuring New ATM machine in Base24 ststem Monitored daily Backup and restoration of the Base24 system Title: AS400 [Credit Card] Client: HDFC Bank Period: Mar04 to Oct08 Role: Application Support cum Team Lead Environment Used: Platforms: AS400 Tool : AS400 Highlights: Played a stellar role in: o Checking POS Machine from application fornt when on Call by Branch manager o Trouble shooting of error during network issue of o Configuring Pos machine in AS400 ststem Monitored daily Backup and restoration of the Base24 system Title: Finware Retail Application Client: HDFC Bank Period: Mar04 to Oct08 Role: Application Support cum Team Lead Environment Used: Platforms: Unix Databases: Sybase Database Server: SunOS dbdom20k 5.9 and version Adaptive server Enterprise/12.5.3/EBF 13197 ESD#6/P/Sun_svr4/OS 5.8/ase1253/194 5/64-bit/FBO/ Application Server: SunOS appdom20k 5.9 and version Adaptive Server Enterprise/12.5.3/EBF Highlights: Played a stellar role in: o Creating, Modifying & Executing shell scripts o Identifying problems and possible solutions and escalating appropriate issues to relevant teams o Proper Planning, testing and execution of purging on the basis of segment space monitoring Efficiently performed File system backups and restores Carried out: o Monthly down-up and doing failover and failback of live database and operating system o EOD-BOD Activities
  • 10. o Performance of systems Sybase Related: Production system (24 X 7) Played a stellar role in managing segments Carried out creation of Proxy tables on remote servers Title: Autosys Client: HDFC Bank Period: Mar04 to Oct08 Role: Team Member Environment Used: Platforms: Unix Databases: Oracle Highlights: Efficiently monitored and executed Autosys jobs Handle aborts with support vendors