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Shenglin Sun
Troy, AL, 36081
118 w Fairview Street
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to express my interest in seeking a Software Development Internship. I am
currently a senior student in Troy University, I expecting to graduate in December 2016. Here
are few more reasons why I believe myself to be a strong candidate.
I can work independently and can be an effective team player in group projects. Proof of this is
my work experience at Shanghai Jiwu International Trading Company and Zeva Technology
Company. I have worked by myself and collaborated with others. For skills, I understand the
basic knowledge about C/C++, Java, Html, Python, and MySQL. Besides during college classes, I
also try to learn new languages on my own, which enhances my knowledge of software
I really want a chance to do an internship. A real work experience will teach me something I
cannot learn in class. My working at your company would provide you with an individual who is
motivated to learn and contribute to your product as well as provide me with the experience I
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you. Please feel
free to contact me at any time if you have further questions. Attached you will find my resume.
Shenglin Sun
Enclosure: resume
Shenglin Sun
Troy, AL, 36081
118 w Fairview Street
A position for Information Technology Department.
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science major Troy University, (Expected graduation: Fall 2016)
- GPA: 3.20/4.00
InternshipZeva Technology (June-July 2015)
- Selenium: its a plug-in software that can testing framework for web page, I also used it
to create an automatic program that can do the pre-set operation on web pages.
Projectemail automatic management project by using selenium (June-July 2015)
- After running the code, it will go to your email page, log in, and doing the operation you
need to do
- This project is using Xpath as guide
ProjectUsed Car Website (Spring Semester 2015)
- Creating a website for selling used cars
- User may select either Chinese market or American market for specialized features in
the home page
ProjectLibrary Administrative Program (Fall Semester 2014)
- Used MySQL to create a library administrative project
- It allows the user to change information about books
- Can help user search information about books as needed
InternshipShanghai Jiwu International Trading Company (June-August 2014)
- Excel operation
- LAN setting
- Fixing basic computer problems
- Languages/Frameworks: C++ /C, HTML, SQL, Java, Python, ruby rails, selenium, MIPS
- Environments: Visual Studio, Eclipse, Dreamweaver
- Operating Systems: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, openSUSE)
- Recipient of international honor scholarships for GPA is higher than 3.0

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  • 1. Shenglin Sun Troy, AL, 36081 118 w Fairview Street 334.492.0468 ssun111177@troy.edu To whom it may concern, I am writing to express my interest in seeking a Software Development Internship. I am currently a senior student in Troy University, I expecting to graduate in December 2016. Here are few more reasons why I believe myself to be a strong candidate. I can work independently and can be an effective team player in group projects. Proof of this is my work experience at Shanghai Jiwu International Trading Company and Zeva Technology Company. I have worked by myself and collaborated with others. For skills, I understand the basic knowledge about C/C++, Java, Html, Python, and MySQL. Besides during college classes, I also try to learn new languages on my own, which enhances my knowledge of software development. I really want a chance to do an internship. A real work experience will teach me something I cannot learn in class. My working at your company would provide you with an individual who is motivated to learn and contribute to your product as well as provide me with the experience I desire. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have further questions. Attached you will find my resume. Sincerely, Shenglin Sun Enclosure: resume
  • 2. Shenglin Sun Troy, AL, 36081 118 w Fairview Street 334.492.0468 ssun111177@troy.edu OBJECTIVE A position for Information Technology Department. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Computer Science major Troy University, (Expected graduation: Fall 2016) - GPA: 3.20/4.00 EXPERIENCE InternshipZeva Technology (June-July 2015) - Selenium: its a plug-in software that can testing framework for web page, I also used it to create an automatic program that can do the pre-set operation on web pages. Projectemail automatic management project by using selenium (June-July 2015) - After running the code, it will go to your email page, log in, and doing the operation you need to do - This project is using Xpath as guide ProjectUsed Car Website (Spring Semester 2015) - Creating a website for selling used cars - User may select either Chinese market or American market for specialized features in the home page ProjectLibrary Administrative Program (Fall Semester 2014) - Used MySQL to create a library administrative project - It allows the user to change information about books - Can help user search information about books as needed InternshipShanghai Jiwu International Trading Company (June-August 2014) - Excel operation - LAN setting - Fixing basic computer problems SKILLS - Languages/Frameworks: C++ /C, HTML, SQL, Java, Python, ruby rails, selenium, MIPS - Environments: Visual Studio, Eclipse, Dreamweaver - Operating Systems: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, openSUSE) HONOR - Recipient of international honor scholarships for GPA is higher than 3.0