Alicia de Manuel is a PhD student studying the transformation of the body through data from wearable devices. She explores how self-tracking technologies allow people to quantify aspects of their daily life to gain self-knowledge. Her work examines how these devices can augment the body and extend it into a network connected to other bodies and objects. Through speculative design, she questions what role the augmented body may play in society and how technology can be used to explore one's own body.
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Rethinking the Body - Alicia de Manuel
1. Alicia de Manuel PhD Student - Philosophy Department
Processes of body transforma0on through data in wearable devices
11. The Quan9?ed is a movement to incorporate technology into
data acquisi9on on aspects of a person's daily life in terms of
inputs (food consumed, quality of surrounding air), states (mood,
arousal, blood oxygen levels), and performance, whether mental
or physical.
In short, quan/?ed self is self-knowledge
through self-tracking with technology.
16. The vision of the body as augmented by self-tracking devices
presents a concept in which such devices not only become
prosthe9cs but extend it into a network of other bodies and objects
Prosthe(cs of sel6ood