Mozilla operates a number of quality websites that, when viewed as a whole, make us one of the most highly trafficked web companies around. But, our current approach to managing these sites creates a confusing user experience and limits our ability to make the most of the traffic.
This slideshow is the start of a discussion about our websites and offers some ways to approach the challenge of making them better. Your input is welcome!
2. todays topic
How can we make our websites better?
(better for users, better for Mozilla)
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3. todays scope
Focusing the big picture: the way our
websites work together, and the way users
interact with them on a macro level (not
speci鍖c content or design stuff).
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4. caveat!
This is a proposal. Its all very much up
for discussion, so lets discuss.
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5. the good news
Mozilla operates a bunch of quality
sites that, when viewed as a group,
make us one of the biggest Web
companies around.
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6. the big leagues
Monthly site stats (9/09):
total: ~660 mm page views
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7. the bad news
Our current approach to managing
these sites creates a bad user
experience and limits our ability to
make the most of the traf鍖c.
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8. in other words...
Coming into the Mozilla web
universe and trying to get the full
picture of what we do (and how to
get involved) can be really confusing.
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9. and...
Were missing an opportunity to
tell people about things besides
the desktop Firefox (add-ons,
mobile, services, stuff from labs,
the mission, etc)
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10. the goal
Create a web universe that makes
sense for users and gives us a better
platform for telling our story.
(and the good news is that these arent mutually exclusive)
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11. more speci鍖cally...
sites that take advantage of massive traf鍖c to
fully support key company goals
more ways to get users engaged with Mozilla
and participate in the community
data-driven sites that allow us to be more
iterative with what we learn from metrics
a stronger platform for communicating product
values & bene鍖ts
a site structure conducive to future growth
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12. step 1
Start thinking of our sites as
components of a larger whole rather
than a bunch of individual pieces.
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13. step 2
Tell our story effectively by
making sure each site has a clear
role and distinct focus.
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14. step 3
Start grouping related content
together so itll be where users
can 鍖nd it.
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15. step 4
Connect sites more effectively
through cross-linking, UI
elements, visual palette, etc.
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16. some tactics
Lets have a single Mozilla site that
can tell the story of why were
here and serve as a central hub for
all the other sites to orbit around.
(i.e., continue to re鍖ne
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17. some tactics
Lets create product- or audience-
speci鍖c sites that will revolve
around that central hub.
(i.e., a single Mozilla-branded site + a bunch
of sites named after each product)
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18. some tactics
For example, would
be renamed to re鍖ect its current
focus on Firefox.
(i.e., 鍖鍖refox?
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19. some tactics
Lets integrate Firefox add-ons
into the Firefox product site to
create a more uni鍖ed experience.
(lots of ways this could be accomplished)
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20. some tactics
Lets unify our sites with some
common elements - like a shared
footer - and create a style guide
for greater visual consistency.
(while allowing each site to retain its
individuality, of course)
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22. challenges & questions
would this create an improper balance between
the Firefox & Mozilla brands?
similarly, were not a one-product company...
would this approach create that impression?
where do Mozilla Europe, Mozilla Japan and
Mozilla China 鍖t in?
should we be working to unify our sites under a
single domain instead of having separate ones?
what else?
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23. for further discussion:
(dont be shy)
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25. 鍖
would be based around the Firefox-related
content on the current site.
major visual and content overhaul of the
Firefox product site...tighter site focus
presents new design, content opportunities.
would allow for greater exposure of
priorities like mobile and add-ons.
would still retain Mozilla branding, but in a
more appropriate hierarchy.
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as the One Mozilla site, it eliminates
current confusion between and
it would the place to tell the full Mozilla
is a great opportunity to expand the Mozilla
brand, promote the mission and drive
greater participation.
would still be coordinated by MoFo, but
with greater MoCo involvement.
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27. add-ons integration
once 鍖 is redesigned, incorporate
Firefox add-ons into the same look & feel.
could be a subset of key add-ons, or the
entire group of them (details tbd).
an integrated site allows for greater cross-
promotion and discovery.
would still be run by the AMO team, but
with greater visual and brand consistency.
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28. common UX elements
connect sites more effectively with universal
footer and other possible solutions.
group sites into categories (ex. community,
product, developer, labs) and develop loose
common design elements to create brand
consistency and user clarity.
publicly share style guides to offer basic
design direction, but dont force this on
anyone as a strict requirement.
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29. back end
use dynamic content to upsell add-ons,
promote new initiatives & drive engagement.
more sites on the same domain creates a
simpler and more accurate data reporting
will create a more ef鍖cient one stop shop
for internal metrics.
will give us new insights how users engage
with us and our websites.
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30. possible roadmap
Q1: 鍖nd external design resources, begin
Q2: make switch to 鍖, begin
redesign process, begin testing new designs
Q3: add common UX elements, launch
redesigned 鍖
Q4: integrate add-ons into 鍖,
publish style guides
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31. summary
the current site structure has become
complex and dense, and no longer 鍖ts the
needs of a rapidly growing Mozilla.
we need to view our sites holistically, rather
than treating them as individual properties.
a more well-organized site universe
increases both visitor and business value.
if done right, this is a win/win for our
products, users, mission and organization.
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Editor's Notes
#13: more of a mental shift than anything else - will get to the details in a minute
#15: Firefox & add-ons, for example; MDN for another example