The Research Experiences for Teachers at Notre Dame (RET@ND) program provides summer research opportunities for K-12 teachers in Notre Dame science and engineering laboratories. The 6-8 week program allows teachers to conduct research on important problems while developing classroom learning materials. Participating teachers receive a $6,200 stipend and continuing education credits. Past projects include constructing light sensors and evaluating fuel cell materials.
2. RET @ ND Program Information
3. RET @ ND Programs Programs in the Following Disciplines: Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Engineering
4. Research Experiences for Teachers at the University of Notre Dame RET @ ND Summer Research Opportunities for Teachers in Notre Dame Science & Engineering Laboratories Workshops in Mathematics Development of Learning Objects for the classroom
5. RET @ ND Program Benefits Research on Important Science and Technology Problems facing Society Experience in State-of-the-Art Labs Enrichment for the Class Room Continuing Education Credit Stipend for Summer Research Development of Classroom Modules
6. RET @ ND Summer Program 6-8 Week Program Duration Research Experience coupled with Development of Educational Materials 30+ Participating Teachers Up to $6,200 Stipend for 8-Weeks Participation Continuing Education Credit Full Access to ND Resources and Facilities
7. Engineering RET @ ND Program Newly-Funded NSF RET Site Research Experiences on Important Problems Facing Society: Energy Environment Transportation Information Technology Nano Science and Technology
8. RET@ND 2005 PROJECTS Connie Biegel, of Elkhart Memorial High School, worked on the LakeNet project. She constructed a low-energy light sensor.
9. RET@ND 2005 PROJECTS Nevin Longenecker, of Adams High School, worked on an Enzymatic Fuel Cell. His work involved evaluation of electrode materials, the immobilization process and cell design.
10. RET@ND 2006 PROJECTS Ian Lightcap , of Clay High School, South Bend, IN, worked with Professor Burns on environmental mineralogy pertaining to actinide transport.
11. RET@ND 2006 PROJECTS Lisa Vukovits, of Washington High School, worked with Professor Fein.
12. Dr. Patrick Fay NDNF Director (574) 631-5693 [email_address] Michael Thomas NDNF Lab Manager (574) 631-7493 [email_address] Welcome to the University of Notre Dame Nanofabrication Facility Home Page 油 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油
13. Notre Dame Nanofabrication Facility February 2001 Currently: 4000 sq. ft cleanroom includes wafer stepper, electron-beam lithography, and mask fabrication Supported processes/ research 4 m LSI CMOS III-V microwave and nanoelectronics MEMS/ microfluidics Molecular electronics