Scrum Sprint Cycle can be viewed as set of several PDCA cycles, one of witch is the Retrospective.
Explaining the why's and how's of the retrospectives will lead us to more effective continuous improvement cycles.
About In棚s Santos
In棚s Santos is currently the Agile Coach of Farfetch Mobile and Core Clusters.
In the past 5 years she has only worked with agile methodologies using different approaches and learning not only from what she reads, but also from what the teams have taught her.
She is CSM certified and an Agile & Scrum enthusiast who loves to discuss agile software development and improvements to the team daily work. She has a passion on retrospectives.
3. Me, Myself & I
4. It is not enough to do your best;
you must know what to do,
and then do your best.
W. Edwards Deming
5. William Edwards Deming was an American
engineer, statistician, professor, author, lecturer,
and management consultant.
Born: October 14, 1900
Died: December 20, 1993
The PDCA Cycle is a systematic series of steps,
for gaining valuable learning and knowledge,
for the continual improvement of a product or
0 identifying a goal or purpose,
0 formulating a theory,
0 defining success metrics, and
0 set up a plan.
0 in which the components of the plan are implemented,
0 such as making a product.
0 the Study step,
0 where outcomes are monitored to test the validity of
the plan for signs of progress and success, or
problems and areas for improvement
10. PDCA
0 closes the cycle,
0 integrating the learning generated by the entire
0 which can be used to adjust the goal, change methods
or even reformulate a theory altogether.
21. Retrospectives as agile foundation
0 Core of any successful Agile environment
0 team reflects on how to become more effective.
0 A method of learning through your mistakes
23. Place retrospectives in the main stage
0 Motivate the team to participate
0 Plan the agile retrospective
0 Make the retrospective a safe place to express issues
0 Apply different feedback techniques
35. Debrief
0 Agile retrospective is a powerful and useful tool
0 Clearly identify good practices and rejoice
0 Go deep to the issues root
0 Brainstorm and decide on improvement actions
0 Plan, Do, Check, Act
#2: Simple welcome In棚s Santos Agile Coach
Restate purpose venho falar-vos sobre Agile Retrospectives
Session timeframe durante 30~35min + Q&A
#4: FEUP =Telecom + Erasmus @ Paris
Siemens = In鱈cio de programa巽達o, de perceber o processo de DEV de SW, Ser parte da equipa -> dev / qa / doc, 1尊 contacto com scrum -> daily meetings
Qimonda = Perceber ambiente industrial vs empresas de servi巽os
Primavera = Defini巽達o de todo o novo processo de DEV luz do Scrum - Agile
#6: Foi um erudito eminente e professor na academia americana durante mais de 50 anos.
Publicou centenas de artigos e livros que abrangem uma ampla gama de assuntos inter-relacionados - da vari但ncia estat鱈stica, sistemas e sistemas de pensamento, a psicologia humana.
Foi consultor de leaders de neg坦cios influentes, empresas poderosas e governos em todo o mundo.
Isso incluiu inspirar e orientar o crescimento espetacular da ind炭stria japonesa ap坦s a Segunda Guerra Mundial, e o ressurgimento da ind炭stria autom坦vel americana no final dos anos 80.
O impacto de suas id辿ias revolucion叩rias foi comparado com o de Cop辿rnico, Darwin e Freud.
Era um vision叩rio, cuja incans叩vel busca da "verdade" e da cren巽a inabal叩vel na "melhoria cont鱈nua" levou a um conjunto de teorias transformacionais e ensinamentos que mudaram a maneira como pensamos sobre qualidade, gest達o e lideran巽a.
#7: Also known as the Deming Wheel, or Deming Cycle,
the concept first introduced to Dr. Deming by his mentor, Walter Shewhart
Conjunto de passo que permitem aprender por forma a melhorar continuamente um produto ou processo
#10: Passo de estudo
Onde monitoramos os resultados,
Validamos os sucessos,
E as 叩reas de melhoria
#22: O Agile n達o funciona se as retros n達o funcionarem -> falta o CHECK e o ACT
A great opportunity for the team to discover its weaknesses and to make changes to continually improve the way in which the team functions
Retro functions to provideClosure
#23: Place retrospectives in the main stage
Exemplo vida pessoal
#24: 1. There is no use to this activity if the team does not actively participate. For breaking the ice for new team members or team members that are new to agile..
3. Conforto em partilhar problemas e preocupa巽探es
4. Diferentes tecnicas asseguram mais motiva巽達o e capacidade de brainstorming
popularized by Esther Derby and Diana Larsen in their bookAgile Retrospectives.
It has 5 sections, each with a specific goal.
#28: The team will be working towards creating a shared image of the current situation based on what they know now.
#29: Hot-air ballon
Hopes & Concerns (futurospective)
4 Ls = Learned + Liked + Laked + Long For
#30: is about coming to solution on how to deal with the problems that gather data has revealed.
looking for solutions.
you may need to dig deeper, hence get extra information/data.
#34: Add cards to backlog, keep actions visible during the sprint:
Sprint backlog
Improvements backlog
Pop-corn flow (Claudio Perrone)
#35: Exercices:
Retro dart
Take aways
One word before leaving
#36: agile retrospective is a powerful and useful tool for any team that is
looking to increase efficiency and adopt a model of continuous improvement.
However, in order to be fully effective it is required that retrospectives are done properly.