Return Of The Pearl Princess was China's most successful drama series and highest rated. It was written by Chiung Yao, known as the Jane Austen of China. The storyline follows a young girl named Rose, the illegitimate daughter of the Emperor, as she travels to find her father and regain her princess title, experiencing adventures in romance, friendship, and family love. It conveyed positive energy and appealed to a wide audience through its Chinese elements and Hollywood dubbing. Viewer testimonies praised it as the best Chinese movie and a highly emotional experience worth watching.
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Return of pricess pearl ppt
1. Return Of The Pearl
When the mountains fade and
the heavens fall only then will I
part from you...
3. About this drama series
? Highest drama audience ratings in Asia up to now
? China¡¯s most beloved drama series
? China¡¯s most commercially successful drama series? China¡¯s most commercially successful drama series
4. Script writer
? Chiung Yao the Jane Austen of China
? Godmother of Romance fiction
? Influenced several generations
? Return of the pearl princess is her most
successful commercialized work
5. Storyline
? It is about an young girl Rose who is the
illegitimate daughter of the Emperor traveling
from Ji Nan to Beijing to find her father getting
back her princess crown, and her love story
? It is a great adventure of romance, friendship and
family love
? It is the <Anastasia> of China
6. Success factors
? Outstanding storyline
? Conveying positive energy
? Wide audience range
? Chinese elements
? Professionally dubbed in Hollywood
? IMDB rating 8.0
7. Testimony
? OMG... the best Chinese movie ever!!!
? A movie filled with romance, comedy, family entertainment, and also
many touching scenes, RPP is definitely Chiung Yao's best work
ever! I can't help but watch it over and over again.
? I was actually very surprised at how great a TV Series this was!
? I saw this about 10 years ago and I still love it! ¡ you go through
just about every emotion while watching this.
? definitely worth watching, and took China by a storm. Households
everywhere have watched this and loved it.
8. Reference
? IMDB rating tt0456785
? Baidu Wikipidia
¨C http://baike./subview/54370/6365115.htm
? Chiung Yao and Jane Austen
¨C http://wenku./view/054a2e791711cc7931b7
? China¡¯s No.1 Television show
¨C Conan O¡¯Brien
9. Producer
? Translated and dubbed by Rock Motion Picture Voice Over
Translation Company
? English version producer: Bran Bai
¨C Tel: 1-626-383-2754 (USA Number)
¨C Email:
? Translated and dubbed by Rock Motion Picture Voice Over
Translation Company
? Now available on NETV:
10. Producer
? Translated and dubbed by Rock Motion Picture Voice Over
Translation Company
? English version producer: Bran Bai
¨C Tel: 1-626-383-2754 (USA Number)
¨C Email:
? Translated and dubbed by Rock Motion Picture Voice Over
Translation Company
? Now available on NETV: