This document outlines a refresher and updated playbook for a Security Champions program. It discusses identifying teams to engage, defining the Security Champion role and expectations, nominating Champions, establishing communication channels, building a training program, and maintaining interest. The goals of the program are to have internal security points of contact for each team to help disseminate secure practices and assist with security issues. An effective training program provides Champions with knowledge and resources to promote security changes within their teams.
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Return of the security champions ep1 (1)
1. Return of The Security Champions
Ep. 1/2
Marcos Valle
3. whoami
Sr Security Engineer @ Glovo
Product Security leader
SSDLC / AppSec
Vulnerability Management
Offensive testing
Security Champions (duh)
4. Security Champions Refresher
The internal security point of contact for the team
Help team managers to monitor that best practices are followed by the team
Disseminate the security by design philosophy company-wide
Assist in mitigating vulnerabilities related to the team and its products
Assist the security team when solving incidents related to the team and its products
Actively participate in the internal and external security community.
Provide assistance and feedback during PoCs.
A dedicated software developer, engineer or system administrator who
acts as a core element of the security assurance process within a
product, service or system.
6. 1. Identify the Teams
Company culture
Internal/external procedures
Document the results publicly
Establish connections and gain trust
Not just a table, human interactions!
Map the existing organizational structure you will be working with.
7. 2. Define the role
Explicitly state what is and what is not expected from them
Remember: Security Champions are NOT Security Engineers
What are the benefits?
For the company
For the Champions
For their teams and managers?
Time commitment (~20%):
Maturity level
Quantity of SCs
Criticality of the team/product
Document definitions in a Wiki page
The main objective of this step is to come up with tangible goals, and to
prepare clear role descriptions for future Security Champions
8. 2. Define the role
Measure progress - Example KPIs
# of products covered
% of training path completed
Rate of Increase in proactive
engagements by Champions
OWASP Top 10 Maturity
Categories for Security
Project roadmap
Main tasks
9. 3. Nominate Champions
Per team Per platform
Remember to get approval on all levels!
10. 3. Nominate Champions
How many Security Champions?
Large enough to cover your org
Small enough to keep close relationships
Ideally, < 50
11. 3. Nominate Champions
Onboarding process
Introduce newbies to the other champions
Communicate it company-wide
Add them to channels, events, meetings etc
Start trainings ASAP
Assign a first task
13. 5. Knowledge base
Do not expect many results if you do not provide enough resources
Empower developers with the right security toolset
SCs have different backgrounds and experiences
Static knowledge base might not be enough
14. Building a training program
Vulnerability Management: Escalated
Incident Response playbooks
Policies, Procedures, Standards, Guidelines
Security toolset (CI/CD, SIEM, BB etc)
Security Champions 101
Secure Coding / OWASP Top 10
Security Assessments
Threat Modeling
Incident Response
Governance, Risk and Compliance
Foundational Internal
15. Building a training program
Trainings must provide the necessary
knowledge and resources for the
Champions to be able to promote a
change in the security posture
inside their teams.
Furthermore, it is a communication
tool between the core Security Team
and other teams.
16. Building a training program
Level 0
Level 1 - Security
Level 2 - Security Champion++
experience (3+
months) Level 3 - Security
2Q 1Q
Level 0 - Company-wide
Level 1 - Foundational topics
Level 2 - Specific trainings
Android/iOS security
Backend (Spring Boot, Java etc)
Frontend (Vue, Next etc)
Infrastructure (Cloud, BTD etc)
Level 3 - Proven experience
17. 6. Maintain Interest
How to maintain motivation/engagement:
SRC: ENGAGEMENT MAGIC: Five Keys for Engaging People, Leaders, and Organizations
Strong technical leadership is essential in the first stages
19. True benefits
Context and visibility
Increased security awareness
Offloading of the core security team
Better overall quality of the code
Makes teams and managers more secure when it comes to security
Effective way to boost the shift-left movement
Improvement of the Vulnerability Management Program