The ReTV project presented by Lyndon Nixon (Modul Technology) at the Cross Media Cafe 'Linear meets Digital'. The presentation from TV to ReTV addressed the aim of the project to develop a dasboard (Trans Vector Platform) which will provides broadcasters and their content partners (e.g. archives, OTT services, etc.) with the ability to publish to all media vectors with the effort of one. It empowers broadcasters and brands to continuously measure and predict the success of content and advertisements in terms of reach and audience engagement across vectors, allowing them to optimize decision making processes.
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ReTV @ cross media cafe 2018
1. @ReTV_EU Facebook: Instagram: retv_project
From TV to ReTV
How television will Re-invent itself
Lyndon Nixon, MODUL Technology
Cross-media Caf辿, 19/6/2018
2. Viewing of linear broadcast TV is
decreasing while time spent with digital
content on Catchup TV, on-demand OTT
or social media rises.
Broadcaster audiences are fragmented
across digital channels and digital channels
are full of competing content offers for
their limited attention.
The TV industry is still catching up with
their online competition in the use of Web
technology: interaction, tracking,
personalisation and targeting.
3. @ReTV_EU Facebook: Instagram: retv_project
ReTV works on a Trans-Vector Platform (TVP) to analyse content
and advertisements across all channels and publish to all media
vectors with the effort of one
6. The ReTV Stakeholder Forum is your
opportunity to engage with us, be first
to get updates and have the opportunity
to test the TVP and applications!
First prototype of the TVP Dashboard
will be made available by end of 2018
Applications on top of TVP (for content
placement, media recommendation and
targeted advertising) will be tested in
the 1st half of 2019
7. @ReTV_EU Facebook: Instagram: retv_project
Prof. dr. Lora
ReTV Project Coordinator
@ReTV_EU @ReTVeu
ReTV Project retv_project