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CopperPoint Mutual parking garage retrofit. Annual Savings
Our Partners
Next Step Energy Solutions are distributors of LED
fixtures and bulbs from all the major
manufacturers, and all of their products come with
a manufacturers warranty of up to 10 years.
Equipment leases are available through Next Step
Energy Solutions.
Sustainability Partners (SP) delivers effective
energy, water and fuel efficient technologies to
large resource consumers. Focusing on high
impact economic products, SP acquires, installs,
and maintains these devices forever new with no
upfront fees, minimums, or multi-year
SP offers a revolutionary service called
Sustainability as a Service速 (SaaS), which serves
as an inside the building utility and bills
customers on a monthly basis for energy services
under a shared savings agreement.
Products include: Alternative Fuel Conversions;
Smart Water Systems; Building Insulation; HVAC;
Boilers and LED Lighting.
About Us
Revelation Energy & Lighting is an innovative
energy efficiency solutions agency. Founded by
Brett Jones, a former Vice President of Operations
for the Arizona Construction Association and
founder of the Phoenix Energy Efficiency Sector
Partnership. Mr. Jones vast array of industry
experience in the areas of construction,
manufacturing, corporate/association leadership,
strategic planning, public affairs and marketing
led to the creation of Revelation Energy &
Revelation Energy & Lighting is an authorized
dealer representative for Next Step Energy
Solutions a full service LED lighting solutions
company headquartered in Denver, CO.
Revelation Energy & Lighting has also partnered
with Sustainability Partners who offers a new,
innovative financing tool for retrofits and
upgrades to existing infrastructure with energy
and water efficient technologies.
Contact Us
Phone: 602.663.0886
Email: brett@revelation-energy.com
Web: www.revelation-energy.com
Revelation Energy & Lighting
1404 W Libby St
Phoenix, AZ 85023
Saving You Energy & Money
Revelation is defined as an act of
revealing something, usually in a
surprising way. Thats what we do,
when we show you how much you can
save on energy costs!
Energy efficiency is our revelation to you. By
reducing energy use through a variety of energy
efficiency technologies such as LED lighting, our
customers will be surprised by the savings they
can receive through energy efficiency upgrades.
Our mission is to enlighten our customers of the
cost effective, energy savings solutions of energy
efficient technologies.
Did You Know?
 Lighting accounts for an average of 25%
of a buildings energy consumption.
 LED Lighting can reduce annual lighting
costs by 50% - 80%.
 Approximately $3.6 billion in rebates
and incentives are available annually in
the U.S. for energy efficiency projects.
Project Types
From offices to office building, parking lots to
parking garages, interior or exterior our lighting
solutions have you covered. Revelation Energy &
Lighting has provided energy efficient solutions
for CopperPoint Mutual Insurance Company, Gila
River Telecommunications Center, FirstService
Residential, CID Management, OMR Builders and
Delaying the start of an
energy efficiency project
will lead to missed savings
that will never be
Case Sample
Bell55 Office Condos  Exterior Lighting Retrofit
Projected Annual Energy Savings - $4,072
Project Annual Avoided Costs Savings - $632
Total Projected Annual Savings - $4,707
Total Savings Over the Life of the LEDs - $79,267
Project ROI  1.9 years
Bell Professional Center exterior lighting retrofit. Annual Savings
What We Do
Whether its a small LED lighting retrofit or a
large facility infrastructure upgrade Revelation
Energy & Lighting provides our customers with
technical solutions optimized for our customers.
We conduct facility audits for our customers
determining the savings benefits and propose
specific technical solutions that provide high
quality products with great ROIs.
We can work with contractors you have an
existing relationship with or recommend
contractors that we have work worked with for
the install.
We prepare all utility rebate or incentive
paperwork and will help you determine the best
payment options for you projects.
Here at Revelation Energy & Lighting we take
pride in our projects, delivering you safe and
energy saving devices, reducing your overhead
and carbon footprint. Find out how much you can
save with Revelation Energy & Lighting!

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Revelation Brochure

  • 1. CopperPoint Mutual parking garage retrofit. Annual Savings $15,000. Our Partners Next Step Energy Solutions are distributors of LED fixtures and bulbs from all the major manufacturers, and all of their products come with a manufacturers warranty of up to 10 years. Equipment leases are available through Next Step Energy Solutions. Sustainability Partners (SP) delivers effective energy, water and fuel efficient technologies to large resource consumers. Focusing on high impact economic products, SP acquires, installs, and maintains these devices forever new with no upfront fees, minimums, or multi-year commitments. SP offers a revolutionary service called Sustainability as a Service速 (SaaS), which serves as an inside the building utility and bills customers on a monthly basis for energy services under a shared savings agreement. Products include: Alternative Fuel Conversions; Smart Water Systems; Building Insulation; HVAC; Boilers and LED Lighting. About Us Revelation Energy & Lighting is an innovative energy efficiency solutions agency. Founded by Brett Jones, a former Vice President of Operations for the Arizona Construction Association and founder of the Phoenix Energy Efficiency Sector Partnership. Mr. Jones vast array of industry experience in the areas of construction, manufacturing, corporate/association leadership, strategic planning, public affairs and marketing led to the creation of Revelation Energy & Lighting. Revelation Energy & Lighting is an authorized dealer representative for Next Step Energy Solutions a full service LED lighting solutions company headquartered in Denver, CO. Revelation Energy & Lighting has also partnered with Sustainability Partners who offers a new, innovative financing tool for retrofits and upgrades to existing infrastructure with energy and water efficient technologies. Contact Us Phone: 602.663.0886 Email: brett@revelation-energy.com Web: www.revelation-energy.com Revelation Energy & Lighting 1404 W Libby St Phoenix, AZ 85023 Saving You Energy & Money
  • 2. LIGHT-N-UP Revelation is defined as an act of revealing something, usually in a surprising way. Thats what we do, when we show you how much you can save on energy costs! Energy efficiency is our revelation to you. By reducing energy use through a variety of energy efficiency technologies such as LED lighting, our customers will be surprised by the savings they can receive through energy efficiency upgrades. Our mission is to enlighten our customers of the cost effective, energy savings solutions of energy efficient technologies. Did You Know? Lighting accounts for an average of 25% of a buildings energy consumption. LED Lighting can reduce annual lighting costs by 50% - 80%. Approximately $3.6 billion in rebates and incentives are available annually in the U.S. for energy efficiency projects. Project Types From offices to office building, parking lots to parking garages, interior or exterior our lighting solutions have you covered. Revelation Energy & Lighting has provided energy efficient solutions for CopperPoint Mutual Insurance Company, Gila River Telecommunications Center, FirstService Residential, CID Management, OMR Builders and more. Delaying the start of an energy efficiency project will lead to missed savings that will never be recouped. Case Sample Bell55 Office Condos Exterior Lighting Retrofit Projected Annual Energy Savings - $4,072 Project Annual Avoided Costs Savings - $632 Total Projected Annual Savings - $4,707 Total Savings Over the Life of the LEDs - $79,267 Project ROI 1.9 years Bell Professional Center exterior lighting retrofit. Annual Savings $5,127.00. What We Do Whether its a small LED lighting retrofit or a large facility infrastructure upgrade Revelation Energy & Lighting provides our customers with technical solutions optimized for our customers. We conduct facility audits for our customers determining the savings benefits and propose specific technical solutions that provide high quality products with great ROIs. We can work with contractors you have an existing relationship with or recommend contractors that we have work worked with for the install. We prepare all utility rebate or incentive paperwork and will help you determine the best payment options for you projects. Here at Revelation Energy & Lighting we take pride in our projects, delivering you safe and energy saving devices, reducing your overhead and carbon footprint. Find out how much you can save with Revelation Energy & Lighting!