This review form summarizes a research article titled "Water Requirement of Different Crops for Khurda District of Odisha, India". The reviewer indicates that the article title and abstract are appropriate, the purpose and significance are clearly stated, the study methods are sound, the writing is clear and concise, and the conclusions are accurate and supported. The reviewer recommends publishing the article with no alterations.
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Review Form_ECAG-14-RA-018
1. Review Form
Dear Reviewer,
Hope your valuable and eminent review helps to propel the quality of article.
TITLE: Water Requirement of Different Crops for Khurda District of Odisha, India
CATEGORY: Research Article
Please indicate whether the following criteria are met Yes/No
The article title and abstract are appropriate yes
The purpose of the article and its significance is stated clearly yes
The study methods are sound and appropriate yes
The writing is clear and concise yes
The conclusions or summary are accurate and supported by the content yes
The article is of interest to members of the education research community yes
Please indicate any one of the following actions you recommend
Publish, no significant alterations suggested yes
Publish, but suggest changes to the article as specified in this review
Publish, but suggestions in this review must be addressed
Reject, but encourage author to try a major revision and a second peer review
Reject, do not encourage a rewrite
Review Comments & Suggestions
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