The document discusses the opportunities and challenges of Instagram's algorithm for online florists in Denpasar, Bali in improving their competitive advantage. The algorithm aims to improve Instagram's system but can reduce the number of viewers. It discusses integrated marketing communication, digital marketing, social media marketing, artificial intelligence, and how the Instagram algorithm works. It also defines competitive advantage. The research analyzes how online florists can leverage opportunities and overcome challenges of the algorithm to increase their competitive position.
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1. Opportunities and Challenges of Instagram Algorithm
in Improving Competitive Advantage
Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2019 International Journal
of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Muhammad Baiqun Isbahi
In 2018, Instagram launched a new systematics of work, the Instagram
algorithm which adopted an artificial intelligent and big data-based work
system. This Instagram algorithm aims to improve Instagram's work system
and to avoid cheating by Instagram users such as the use of auto likes, auto
follow, auto comment and auto unfollow. But, Instagram algorithm creates
controversy due to the complexity of the application and its impact which can
reduce the number of audiences from user content.
The lack of online florists knowledge of the Instagram algorithm closes the
opportunity to increase competitive advantage and only focus on challenges.
This should have a serious impact on the development of sales and will end in
decreasing the use of Instagram as a marketing platform. However, the
phenomenon that occurs is that the use of Instagram for business purposes is
increasing, especially for online florists in the city of Denpasar.
A. Integrated Marketing Communication
Communication affects satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. Integrated marketing
communication (Integrated Marketing Communication) becomes a new strategy
oriented in building more effective and efficient communication with consumers.
Integrated marketing communication is the process by which consumers see
offers, products, services, companies and actors.
B. Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is defined as marketing activities that used internet-based
media[1]. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines digital marketing as
an activity, institution and process facilitated by digital technology in creating,
communicating and conveying values to consumers and other parties.
C. Social Media Marketing
Social media is known to be the right place to reach the target market in
business goals[7]. Arrigo (2018) says that social media is an application for
collecting data that is interactive and controlled by users which can help users to
distribute experiences in business and social. Social media is also said to be a
collaborative project, community, blog / micro blog, or social networking site
that uses mobile and web-based devices that are used to create interactive
platform where users can share, together create things, discuss and modify
content that generated by the user.
D. Artificial Intelligent
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an important thing that affects the performance of
each platform to support this social media marketing process. Gadanidissaid that
AI is a science that studies how to make computers and computer
software with intelligent behavior. Artificial Intelligent gives such a great effect
and provides new innovations to deliver new content through social media to the
right targets.
E. Instagram Algorithm
Instagram algorithm is the latest instagrams systematic that has just been
implemented in early 2018. The Instagram algorithm is a logical and systematic
arrangement of big data based on Instagram with the aim to answer user needs.
The way the Instagram algorithm works is categorized in several points such us
Algorithm post exposure, shadow banned, interaction, Instagram stories,
hashtag, edit caption also post and repost. After this algorithm be valid, in the
first 60 minutes after users posting a content on Instagram will be monitored.
Userspost will not be immediately seen by all audience/Instagram users.
Competitive Advantage
According to Sigalas [12]Competitive Advantage is a basic concept used in
management strategies because this competitive advantage explains how
differences in performance between companies. Competitive Advantage
is defined as the best effort made by a company to face market competition
compared to its competitors. According to Sigalas [12]Competitive Advantage is
the ability of the average industry to exploit market opportunities and
neutralize the threat of competition.
This research was held in Denpasar City with online florists who actively
market their products through Instagram and have many followers as research
informants. The type of data from this study is descriptive qualitative. The
source of primary data is taken through the results of direct interviews with
research informants and secondary data taken from the literature as well as
journals related to the topic of research. The key instrument in this Instagram
algorithm research is the researcher himself. Data collection techniques are
done by means of interviews (in dept interview), observation and
documentation while the data analysis technique used is the analysis of the
Miles and Huberman models, namely data reduction, data presentation and
conclusions. Source triangulation was used as the data validity technique in
this study.
A. Opportunities of Instagram Algorithm for Online Marketers
B. Challenges of Instagram Algorithm for Online Marketers
C. Opportunities and Challenges in Improving Competitive Advantage