This document discusses the University of Texas at Austin scholarship search process and resources. It notes that the scholarship search and information available to prospective students can be confusing and lacking centralization. There are suggestions that UT should create a centralized clearinghouse listing all merit scholarships for incoming freshmen, similar to what Rice University has. The document also explores some UT webpages on scholarships and notes when information or links are missing or outdated.
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Review of Texas Exes Forty Acres Scholars Program web presence - from prospective student/parent perspective
Search box works great
when searching on
merit, forty, 40, f
ull ride: FASP shows up
on first page and
sometimes even as first
When searching on
scholarships, however
, first mention of FASP
is on 2nd page.
In general, when Michelle and
Katy applied to UT, I found the
whole scholarship process to
be confusing. There seemed
to be no central clearing
house where you could find
a list of all merit scholarships
available for incoming
Actually, maybe there needs to
be a separate section for Texas
Exes. (This is an important but
tricky page!)
7. Help, Im lost in the woods!
Branding looks different. Its
.org instead of .edu. This makes
me wonder if its really UT.
No mention of FASP at all!
Does mention The Texas Exes in
the About section, but it really
needs to change the link. (See
next slide.)
9. HUGE project to implement and
maintain, but what would be so helpful
to prospective students and parents is
to have a central clearing house for
merit scholarships for incoming
freshmen, ranked by amount of
aid, with active links to where people
can learn more.
It might look something like Rices, but
UTs would be pages and pages
long, Im sure.
Name, College, Recipients, Amount