This document contains references to various reports and articles about the Fukushima nuclear crisis in Japan between 2011-2013. It includes references from the National Diet of Japan's independent investigation, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, and Tokyo Electric Power Company. The references discuss causes of the crisis, crisis management and response, lessons learned, rebuilding efforts, and the nationalization and leadership changes at TEPCO in the aftermath of the disaster.
31. Acton, J. M., & Hibbs, M. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Nuclear Policy. (2012). Why
Fukushima was preventable. Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Publications Department.
Akiyama, N., Sato, H., Naito, K., Naoi, Y., & Katsuta, T. The Sasakawa Peace Foundation, (2012). The
Fukushima nuclear accident and crisis management: Lessons for Japan-U.S. alliance cooperation
Kurokawa, K., Ishibashi, K., Oshima, K., Sakiyama, H., Sakurai, M., Tanaka, K., Nomura, S. The National
Diet of Japan, (2012). The official report of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent
Investigation Commission
Nagata, K. (2014, 01 15). Tepco business plan, including July reactor restart, gets official OK. The Japan
Orts, E., & Spigonardo, J. The Initiative for Global Environmental Leadership (IGEL),
Knowledge@Wharton, (2013). Disasters, leadership and rebuilding tough lessons from japan
and the U.S.
Pacchioli, D. (2013). Communicating disaster: How did government, scientists, and the media perform
in the crisis? Oceanus Magazine, 50(1), 24-26.
Press Releases. (2014). TEPCO: Establishment of Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination &
Decommissioning Engineering Company.
State power: Tepco's nationalization. (2012, 05 11). The Economist.
Tepco president resigns over japan nuclear crisis. (2011, 05 20). The Telegraph.
Tokyo Electric Power Company, Co., (2011). Fukushima nuclear accident analysis report (interim report).
Tokyo Electric Power Company, Co., (2012). Fukushima nuclear accident analysis report.