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The Life, Music, and History ofMichael JacksonBy: Lauren HardmanMusic 1010
OutlineBiographyComposition HistoryListening GuidesReferences & BibliographyQuestions
Early LifeBorn Aug 29, 1958Child # 7 of 9Father Joe was Steel WorkerMother worked in Department StoreJoe Jackson was very musical and in a band
Jackson 5Jackson 5 formed in 1964Gave Michael a jumpstart to his career as a singerMichael was lead singer with Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, and Jackie accompanying him
Jackson 5 ContdAll in all produced 14 albums over a 12 year periodMichael produced 4 solo albums1970 Jackson 5 became the first group ever to top charts with first 4 singlesGroup split up in 1976 to gain more artistic freedom
The WizMichael starred with Dianna Ross in an all black musical called The WizGave Michael even more exposure leading him to meet Quincy Jones who would help Michael produce his own work
Michaels Early WorkThriller---1983The 14 minute song set a world record staying top 10 for 80 consecutive weeksThriller generated 9 million in revenue as of 2006.
The Moon WalkOf everything Michael Jackson did, he is probably most famous for his Moonwalk dance moveMichael created and debuted this infamous move on May 16, 1983 while performing Billie Jean.
From Thriller to BadIn 1987, Michael Jackson recorded another album Bad which included his famous song BadMichael went on a 16 month Bad Tour Beginning in Japan and ending in the United States setting many records on the way.
Moonwalk publishedAt the completion of the Bad Tour Michael Jackson finished and released his first autobiography Moon Walk in 1988Book became an instant New York Times Best Seller
Neverland RanchA month after Moon Walk was published Michael purchased Neverland Ranch2,700 AcresSanta Barbara CountyTried to Recapture Childhood with animals and fair rides
The New Michael JacksonAfter purchasing Neverland Ranch, Michael began treatment to bleach his skin as well as have multiple plastic surgeriesMichael Jackson defended his actions claiming he had a disease called vitilago a disorder in which the pigment leaves the skin leaving white spotsMichaels appearance changed forever
Before and After
Michael Jacksons Later WorkIn 1992 Michael Jackson completed his Dangerous album which turned into the Dangerous World TourSmooth Criminal, another record breaking song was included in the Dangerous Era
Michaels First MarriageMarried Lisa Presley on May 26, 1994Marriage only lasted 19 monthsNo children came about
Michaels 2nd MarriageMarried 1996 to Debbie RoweThey had 2 childrenBy 1998 Debbie and Michael were divorced
Michaels ChildrenPrince Michael Joseph Jackson Born 1997 with RoweParis Katherine Michael Jackson 1999 with RowePrince Michael Jackson ll Blanket 2002 (Unknown)
Michaels Final Work2001 Michael Released The Ultimate CollectionPerformed several post 9/11 concertsIn 2008 announced This is It tour which would debut in London July 8, 2009
Passing of a LegendMichael passed away in his home on June 25, 2009 13 days before his This is It debutDied from Cardiac Arrest, however prescription drugs were believed to have been the cause
Composition HistoryWill You Be ThereBillie JeanThe Way You Make Me Feel
Will You Be ThereWritten and recorded in 1991Wrote song while sitting in tree at Neverland ranchBecame theme song on Disneys Free WillyReleased on June 28, 1993
Billie JeanWritten and composed by Michael in 1982Released January 2, 19836th Hit on Thriller AlbumIntroduced the Moon Walk
The Way You Make Me FeelWritten and recorded by Michael from 1985-1987Released on November 9, 1987Performed on 3 different toursCovered by other artists
Listening GuideWill You Be There3:40 in lengthOriginal version uses Symphony number 9Backed up by choir with lots of harmony and very spiritual
Listening Guide CONTDBillie Jean	-4:53 in length-Stong beat drives song	-Very smooth and flows easy
Listening GuideThe Way You Make Me Feel	-4:26 in length	-Lots of synthesizing	-Very strong Pop beat		-Uses the Chorus many times	-Lots of Bridges
BibliographyJackson, Michael.油Moon Walk. Doubleday, 1988. 283. Print.Roberts, Chris.油Michael Jackson: The King of Pop 1958-2009. Carlton Books Ltd, 2009. 144. Print."News."油mailonline.com. Associated Newspapers Ltd, 26 June 2009. Web. 24 Sep 2010. <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1195847/How-Michael-Jacksons-father-Joe-whipped-missed-note.html>.**("mailonline.com")油"All Michael Jackson."油All Michael Jackson.com. N.p., 03 January 2010. Web. 25 Sep 2010. <http://www.allmichaeljackson.com/biography.html>.油油"Michael Jackson."油VH1. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sep 2010. <http://www.vh1.com/artists/az/jackson_michael/bio.jhtml>. "Will You Be There."油Music VF. Howard Drake, 2009. Web. 22 Sep 2010. http://www.musicvf.com/song.php?id=28805 "Michael Jackson." 2010. Biography.com. 28 Sep 2010, 01:05油http://www.biography.com/articles/Michael-Jackson-38211

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Revised michael jackson presentation

  • 1. The Life, Music, and History ofMichael JacksonBy: Lauren HardmanMusic 1010
  • 4. Early LifeBorn Aug 29, 1958Child # 7 of 9Father Joe was Steel WorkerMother worked in Department StoreJoe Jackson was very musical and in a band
  • 5. Jackson 5Jackson 5 formed in 1964Gave Michael a jumpstart to his career as a singerMichael was lead singer with Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, and Jackie accompanying him
  • 6. Jackson 5 ContdAll in all produced 14 albums over a 12 year periodMichael produced 4 solo albums1970 Jackson 5 became the first group ever to top charts with first 4 singlesGroup split up in 1976 to gain more artistic freedom
  • 7. The WizMichael starred with Dianna Ross in an all black musical called The WizGave Michael even more exposure leading him to meet Quincy Jones who would help Michael produce his own work
  • 8. Michaels Early WorkThriller---1983The 14 minute song set a world record staying top 10 for 80 consecutive weeksThriller generated 9 million in revenue as of 2006.
  • 9. The Moon WalkOf everything Michael Jackson did, he is probably most famous for his Moonwalk dance moveMichael created and debuted this infamous move on May 16, 1983 while performing Billie Jean.
  • 10. From Thriller to BadIn 1987, Michael Jackson recorded another album Bad which included his famous song BadMichael went on a 16 month Bad Tour Beginning in Japan and ending in the United States setting many records on the way.
  • 11. Moonwalk publishedAt the completion of the Bad Tour Michael Jackson finished and released his first autobiography Moon Walk in 1988Book became an instant New York Times Best Seller
  • 12. Neverland RanchA month after Moon Walk was published Michael purchased Neverland Ranch2,700 AcresSanta Barbara CountyTried to Recapture Childhood with animals and fair rides
  • 13. The New Michael JacksonAfter purchasing Neverland Ranch, Michael began treatment to bleach his skin as well as have multiple plastic surgeriesMichael Jackson defended his actions claiming he had a disease called vitilago a disorder in which the pigment leaves the skin leaving white spotsMichaels appearance changed forever
  • 15. Michael Jacksons Later WorkIn 1992 Michael Jackson completed his Dangerous album which turned into the Dangerous World TourSmooth Criminal, another record breaking song was included in the Dangerous Era
  • 16. Michaels First MarriageMarried Lisa Presley on May 26, 1994Marriage only lasted 19 monthsNo children came about
  • 17. Michaels 2nd MarriageMarried 1996 to Debbie RoweThey had 2 childrenBy 1998 Debbie and Michael were divorced
  • 18. Michaels ChildrenPrince Michael Joseph Jackson Born 1997 with RoweParis Katherine Michael Jackson 1999 with RowePrince Michael Jackson ll Blanket 2002 (Unknown)
  • 19. Michaels Final Work2001 Michael Released The Ultimate CollectionPerformed several post 9/11 concertsIn 2008 announced This is It tour which would debut in London July 8, 2009
  • 20. Passing of a LegendMichael passed away in his home on June 25, 2009 13 days before his This is It debutDied from Cardiac Arrest, however prescription drugs were believed to have been the cause
  • 21. Composition HistoryWill You Be ThereBillie JeanThe Way You Make Me Feel
  • 22. Will You Be ThereWritten and recorded in 1991Wrote song while sitting in tree at Neverland ranchBecame theme song on Disneys Free WillyReleased on June 28, 1993
  • 23. Billie JeanWritten and composed by Michael in 1982Released January 2, 19836th Hit on Thriller AlbumIntroduced the Moon Walk
  • 24. The Way You Make Me FeelWritten and recorded by Michael from 1985-1987Released on November 9, 1987Performed on 3 different toursCovered by other artists
  • 25. Listening GuideWill You Be There3:40 in lengthOriginal version uses Symphony number 9Backed up by choir with lots of harmony and very spiritual
  • 26. Listening Guide CONTDBillie Jean -4:53 in length-Stong beat drives song -Very smooth and flows easy
  • 27. Listening GuideThe Way You Make Me Feel -4:26 in length -Lots of synthesizing -Very strong Pop beat -Uses the Chorus many times -Lots of Bridges
  • 28. BibliographyJackson, Michael.油Moon Walk. Doubleday, 1988. 283. Print.Roberts, Chris.油Michael Jackson: The King of Pop 1958-2009. Carlton Books Ltd, 2009. 144. Print."News."油mailonline.com. Associated Newspapers Ltd, 26 June 2009. Web. 24 Sep 2010. <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1195847/How-Michael-Jacksons-father-Joe-whipped-missed-note.html>.**("mailonline.com")油"All Michael Jackson."油All Michael Jackson.com. N.p., 03 January 2010. Web. 25 Sep 2010. <http://www.allmichaeljackson.com/biography.html>.油油"Michael Jackson."油VH1. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Sep 2010. <http://www.vh1.com/artists/az/jackson_michael/bio.jhtml>. "Will You Be There."油Music VF. Howard Drake, 2009. Web. 22 Sep 2010. http://www.musicvf.com/song.php?id=28805 "Michael Jackson." 2010. Biography.com. 28 Sep 2010, 01:05油http://www.biography.com/articles/Michael-Jackson-38211