The document discusses dating abuse, which includes any behavior used to manipulate, gain control or power over a dating partner. It notes physical, sexual, and emotional/psychological abuse can occur. Teen victims may hide abusive relationships due to fears over getting in trouble or not being believed. The document provides examples of red flags of abusive relationships and notes that 1 in 3 teens will experience dating abuse, though less than 30% report it. Teens are more likely to confide in friends over other adults. Dating abuse can have long-term negative effects on victims.
2. Dating Abuse
a pattern of abusive behaviors
used to exert power and
control over a dating partner
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3. What is Dating Abuse
O Dating abuse includes any behavior
by a dating partner that:
O Is used to manipulate
O Is used to gain control
O Is used to gain power over someone
O Makes a person feel bad
O Makes a person afraid
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4. Types of Abuse
Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse
O Hitting
O Pinching
O Shaking
O Throwing Things
O Choking
O Biting
O Using a weapon
O Forcing a date to
have sex
O Forcing a date to do
other sexual things
he/she doesnt want
to do
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5. Types of Abuse
O Psychological/ Emotional Abuse
O Ignoring a dates feelings
O Insulting a dates beliefs or values
O Calling a date names
O Telling lies
O Threating to hurt oneself
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6. Who is Hurt?
O Patterns within an abusive relationship do
not only occur between teens and their
dating partners
O Parents, loved ones and friends can also
experience the emotional ups and downs
along with the victim
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7. Teen Hide Abusive
O Because they:
O Worry that they will be in trouble
O Think their parents will overreact
O Think their parents will prevent them from
dating in the future
O Dont think their parents will believe them
O Dont think their parents will understand
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8. Talk about it
Have you ever had trouble
convincing someone that a
good person was treating
someone badly?
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9. Questions From the Movie
O Were you surprised that Elizabeth was
the one to experience abuse?
O Do you have preconceived ideas
about abusive relationships?
O Do you believe abuse only happens to
certain types of people?
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10. Questions From the Movie
O What would you have done if you were
Kellys mom?
O What tools have you gained from
watching this true story that will help
you notice red flags in your
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11. Red Flags
Of people who may be in an abusive
O Being physically hurt
O Feeling afraid of your dating partner
O Losing your friends
O Changing behaviors
O Being threatened
O Feeling manipulated or controlled
O Not having personal respect for oneself
O Not being allowed to make decisions for
themselves 09:24 AM
12. Red Flags
Of people who may be in an abusive
OFeeling isolated
OFeeling ashamed, put down or guilty
OBeing afraid to express your own feelings of anger
OFeeling nervous or sick in your stomach when
your dating partner is irritated or frustrated
OFeeling as if your dating partner gets too personal
or touches you in an unwanted way
OFeeling a pounding or fluttering in your chest
when your dating partner is happy
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14. Pop Quiz
O Does you boy/friend or girlfriend
O Say you are involved with too many
O Text or call you all the time?
O Get jealous easily?
O Accuse you of flirting/cheating/
O Checks up on you constantly?
O Expects you to be with them all the time?
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15. Dating Abuse &
O No one has the right to monitor your
communications with other or text/call you
repeatedly without your permission
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17. Dating Abuse &
Before you share private information on
line think about who might have access
to it and potentially use it against you
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19. By The Numbers.
O 1/3 teens will experience abuse in their
dating relationships
O Less than 30 % report the abuse
O Over 50 % of teens have experienced some
form of digital abuse
O Young women between the ages of 15-24
experience the highest rate of abuse
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20. By The Numbers.
O Girls who are abuse are 4-6 times more
likely to get pregnant
O 8-9 times more likely to commit suicide
O Abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of
gender, sexual identity or ethnicity
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21. By The Numbers.
O 81% of parents believe teen dating abuse is
not an issue
O 54% of parents have not spoken to their
child about dating abuse
O In reported cases67% females and 88% of
male sexual assault victims were under the
age of 18
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22. Who Will They Turn To?
O Teens report that they would turn to a friend
for help with dating abuse before they turn
to a:
O Teacher
O Counselor
O Parents
O Other caring adult
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23. Fact:
e The long term effffeeccttss ooff ddaattiinngg vviioolleennccee aarree
OTeen victims exhibit higher rates of:
O Depression
O Truancy
O Substance Abuse
O Pregnancy
O Eating Disorders
O Dangerous Sexual Behaviors
O Suicide
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24. Myths about Dating Abuse #1
O She/he must have done something to
deserve the abuse.
O It may be tempting to focus on what the
victim could have done to cause the violence.
FAULT. Domestic violence is a crime that is
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25. Myths about Dating Abuse #2
O Its just puppy love
O Young people can truly be in love. Victims of
abuse are experiencing real emotions for the
people they are dating. It may even be more
confusing or difficult for a young person to
tell the difference between healthy and
unhealthy relationship
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26. Myths about Dating Abuse #3
O Jealousy is a sign of love
O While it might seem like acts of jealousy
demonstrate true love. In reality jealousy is
an emotion stemming from insecurity and
lack of trust
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Editor's Notes
#14: Honeymoon- the abuser will apologize, try to make up, and shift the blame for the explosion to someone or something else
Explosion- There is an outburst of violence that can include intense emotional, verbal, sexual and/or physical abuse
Tension Building- Things start to get tense between the teen and the dating partner they are with