This document provides information on various GOST certifications for products and technical specifications available for purchase from Russia GOST. It lists multiple GOST standards for plain bearings, hand tools, fabrics, sound broadcasting, and erecting fitters tools. For each standard, it provides the status, format, order number, languages available, and indicates to contact for pricing.
This document provides information on GOST certifications for various technical standards and regulations from Russia. It lists 14 different GOST standards covering topics like electrical machine parts, agricultural machine parts, wool, grease, magnetic tape heads, wood drying conditions, steel angles, and more. Each entry provides the GOST number and title in Russian and English, availability, format, order number, and languages available. It directs the reader to request pricing and places orders on their website.
This document provides information on several GOST certifications and regulations for ordering, including:
1) GOST certifications for empty enclosures for low-voltage switchgear, boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories, and floor boxes and enclosures.
2) GOST regulations for ring-shaped rolls, canned meat, determination of benzo[a]pyrene in animal and vegetable fats and oils, and determination of organochlorine pesticides in vegetable oils.
3) The documents are available in electronic PDF format in several languages, and the price should be obtained by contacting the supplier.
This document provides information on various GOST certifications for ordering technical specifications and standards from Russia. It lists several GOST certifications covering topics like wood boxes for explosives, agricultural machine names and markings, wind characteristics, ship shaft specifications, nuclear reactor requirements, camera lenses, sea water pipes, and more. Each entry provides the GOST number and title in Russian and English, availability, format, order number, and languages available with a note that the price can be obtained upon contacting the seller.
This document provides information about GOST certifications and regulations that are available for order. It lists 10 different GOST regulations covering topics like wind energy plant certification, product development and manufacturing systems, and energy conservation in metallurgy. For each regulation, it provides the Russian and English title, availability, format, order number, available languages, and indicates that the price can be obtained upon request.
This document provides information on various GOST certifications for products and technical specifications available for purchase from Russia GOST. It lists multiple GOST standards for plain bearings, hand tools, fabrics, sound broadcasting, and erecting fitters tools. For each standard, it provides the status, format, order number, languages available, and indicates to contact for pricing.
This document provides information on GOST certifications for various technical standards and regulations from Russia. It lists 14 different GOST standards covering topics like electrical machine parts, agricultural machine parts, wool, grease, magnetic tape heads, wood drying conditions, steel angles, and more. Each entry provides the GOST number and title in Russian and English, availability, format, order number, and languages available. It directs the reader to request pricing and places orders on their website.
This document provides information on several GOST certifications and regulations for ordering, including:
1) GOST certifications for empty enclosures for low-voltage switchgear, boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories, and floor boxes and enclosures.
2) GOST regulations for ring-shaped rolls, canned meat, determination of benzo[a]pyrene in animal and vegetable fats and oils, and determination of organochlorine pesticides in vegetable oils.
3) The documents are available in electronic PDF format in several languages, and the price should be obtained by contacting the supplier.
This document provides information on various GOST certifications for ordering technical specifications and standards from Russia. It lists several GOST certifications covering topics like wood boxes for explosives, agricultural machine names and markings, wind characteristics, ship shaft specifications, nuclear reactor requirements, camera lenses, sea water pipes, and more. Each entry provides the GOST number and title in Russian and English, availability, format, order number, and languages available with a note that the price can be obtained upon contacting the seller.
This document provides information about GOST certifications and regulations that are available for order. It lists 10 different GOST regulations covering topics like wind energy plant certification, product development and manufacturing systems, and energy conservation in metallurgy. For each regulation, it provides the Russian and English title, availability, format, order number, available languages, and indicates that the price can be obtained upon request.
This document provides information on GOST certifications for various industrial and chemical products available for purchase from Russia. It lists over a dozen GOST standards covering materials like coke chemicals, nitric acid, glass, and concrete panels. Each entry notes the GOST number, product, language availability, order number and instructions to contact for pricing. The document functions as a catalog for technical standards and certifications from Russia.
This document provides information on GOST certifications and technical regulations for various products available from It lists several GOST standards for foods like anchovies, herrings, canned fish, and food additives. It also includes GOST standards for non-food items like cotton fiber, railway spikes, and mespilus fruit. The listings provide order numbers, formats, languages and instructions to contact for pricing on the electronic PDF documents.
This document provides a catalog of regulations available for order from Kazakhstan including norms for livestock buildings, storage buildings, greenhouses, grain storage, cold storage, and fire service locations. The regulations are available electronically in PDF format in several languages. Interested parties should contact the supplier for pricing and discount offers.
This document provides a catalog listing several GOST R standards that are available for order from Each listing includes the standard title in English and Russian, status as available, format as electronic PDF, order number, languages available, and instruction to contact for price and discount offers. The standards relate to topics including petroleum products, electromagnetic compatibility, crude petroleum, sun-protective lenses, portable earthing connections, and materials/components for railways.
As a trial lawyer, what do you really need in order to win your case? Attention the jurys attention. I dont mean that in the narcissistic everyone look at me sense. When I say every trial lawyer wants more attention, what I mean is that before you can build a rapport with the jury and earn their trust, you have to fight a war the war for the jurys attention. Attention and connection are the key elements needed to win the minds and hearts of the jury.
Like it or not, we are in the midst of an attention war. We need to confront the reality that the jurys attention can no longer be taken for granted. We have to change our way of thinking to focus on gaining attention before we can leave lasting impressions. The jurys attention must be the currency that every trial lawyer trades in. In this presentation, I will talk about how storytelling can help lawyers to cut through all of the noise and distractions of everyday life in order to connect to the jury on a human level.
John Halpern, cofounder of Bain Capital, Sued for Sexual Assault.pdflunaticsumon
Plaintiff Christopher Michael Ausnit (hereinafter Plaintiff) was sexually assaulted and abused by Defendant John Dale Halpern (hereinafter Defendant) multiple times during an extensive and extenuating period of time, ranging between 1972 and 1994, approximately. The abuse was systematic, repetitive, horrific, outrageous, and spanned from when the Plaintiff was a minor, to adulthood, causing extensive psychological trauma and emotional distress.
Indian Partnership Act: Definitions - Nature - Mode of determining the existence of partnership - Relation of partner - Relation to partners to one another - Rights and duties of partner - Relation of partners with third parties - Types of partners , Admission of partners - Retirement - Expulsion - Dissolution of firm. Registration of firms.
Master the art of persuasive debate with the 10 Golden Rules of Argumentation! Whether you're in a legal discussion, a business negotiation, or an everyday conversation, strong argumentation skills are essential. In this video, we break down the key principles that help you construct logical, compelling, and well-structured arguments.
Learn how to present your points effectively
Avoid common logical fallacies
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Brought to you by BrydonLaw, a trusted name among lawyers in Jefferson City, MO, this guide will help you argue with confidence and clarity. Watch now and elevate your debate skills!
A New Lens on Justice_ The Impact of Trauma-Informed Approaches in Criminal J...Jolene Maloney
Adopting these practices requires training and a shift in mindset for police officers, attorneys, judges, and corrections officers. Training focuses on enhancing empathy, improving communication skills, and implementing de-escalation techniques to prevent re-traumatization of individuals in the criminal justice system. Moreover, it encourages professionals to consider alternatives to incarceration, such as diversion programs and therapeutic interventions, which can provide the necessary support and rehabilitation.
Sales of Goods Act. Contract of sale - sale and agreement to sell - subject matter of sale - Price - Sale distinguished from analogous contracts .Auction sale. Conditions and warrantee. Effect and meaning of implied warranties in a sale . Caveat Emptor Changing concept -Transfer of Property and title. Nemo dat quad non habet - The rule of caveat emptor and the exceptions thereto under the Sale of Goods Act. Delivery of goods: various rules regarding delivery of goods. Unpaid seller and his rights - Remedies for breach of contract; distinction between lien and stoppage in transit.
The Nigerian Insurance Industry An Overview of the Regulatory & Commercial La...MerisLabs
The Nigerian Insurance Industry: An Overview of the Regulatory & Commercial Landscape
Presented at Zelle International LLP Insurance Conference at The Old Library @ Lloyds
June 26, 2024
Obafemi Agaba, LLM (Lond.); MCIArb (UK); Notary Public, Jackson Etti & Edu
Designed by
Tomide Adeoye
Terrorism Risk Insurance Program 2025 Data CallJasonSchupp1
For many years, CBI has raised concern that only a small number of captive insurance companies participating in the program respond to Treasurys compulsory data calls such as the one subject to this Notice. Treasury has been generally dismissive of CBIs concerns. CBI again raises this concern coupled supported by data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and Treasurys own analysis suggesting that Treasurys data collection reaches at most one-third of all participating captive insurers.
Captive insurance companies are insurers formed to insure the risks of their corporate owners. Because only large businesses have the resources to form captives, captive insurance company performance under the program is a fair proxy for determining the extent to which program benefits flow to large corporations (i.e., through their participating captives) or to small and medium businesses (i.e., through traditional insurers).
While representing a relatively small amount of direct written premium covered by the program, captives play an outsized role in the receipt of potential benefits under the program. Based on Treasurys own reporting, captives represent a mere 5% of the programs premium but are expected to receive up to 95% of any benefits paid out under the program. Given the low response rate of captives to Treasurys data call, even this extraordinary proportion understates the dominance of captive insurance companies (and of their large corporate parents) in the consumption of program benefits.
More complete collection of data from captive insurers would surely reveal that closer to 99% of program benefits flow to large corporations through their participating captive insurance subsidiaries, while small and medium sized businesses receive nearly no benefits under the program. CBI suggests that through outreach to state licensed or registered captive managers Treasury would be in a better position to fulfill its statutory mandate to report on the effectiveness of the program.
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Rg 1645
1. GOST Certification
GOST 10985-80
Cases, boards, boxes metal. Enclosures, frames. Basic dimensions
弌丐 10985-80
丿从舒, 亳, 亳从亳 仄亠舒仍仍亳亠从亳亠. 弍仂仍仂从亳, 从舒从舒. 仆仂于仆亠 舒亰仄亠
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
This book is available in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact for price and discount offers.
Order No.: GS3297418
GOST 10982-75
Write enamel 亅-148 for refrigerators and other electrodomestic devices. Specifications
弌丐 10982-75
亅仄舒仍 亅-148 弍亠仍舒 亟仍 仂仍仂亟亳仍仆亳从仂于 亳 亟亞亳 仍亠从仂弍仂于 仗亳弍仂仂于. 丐亠仆亳亠从亳亠 仍仂于亳
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: GS3297416
This book is available in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact for price and discount offers.
GOST 10984-74
External lighting and signalling devices for mechanic vehicles, trailers and semitrailers. Light and colour characteristics. Norms and methods of tests
弌丐 10984-74
个仂仆舒亳 于仆亠仆亳亠 亳亞仆舒仍仆亠 亳 仂于亠亳亠仍仆亠 仄亠舒仆亳亠从亳 舒仆仗仂仆 亠亟于, 仗亳亠仗仂于 亳 仗仂仍仗亳亠仗仂于. 弌于亠仂于亠 亳 于亠仂于亠
舒舒从亠亳亳从亳. 仂仄 亳 仄亠仂亟 亳仗舒仆亳亶
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: GS3297417
This book is available in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact for price and discount offers.
GOST 10981-64
Canned fish. Ragout of far-eastern salmon fishes in natural juice. Specifications
弌丐 10981-64
仂仆亠于 弍仆亠. 舒亞 亳亰 亟舒仍仆亠于仂仂仆 仍仂仂亠于 弍 于 仂弍于亠仆仆仂仄 仂从. 丐亠仆亳亠从亳亠 仍仂于亳
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: GS3297414
This book is available in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact for price and discount offers.
GOST 10981-97
Canned 'Ragout of Far-Eastern salmon fishes in natural juice'. Specifications
弌丐 10981-97
仂仆亠于 '舒亞 亳亰 亟舒仍仆亠于仂仂仆 仍仂仂亠于 弍 仆舒舒仍仆仂亠'. 丐亠仆亳亠从亳亠 仍仂于亳
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: GS3297415
This book is available in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact for price and discount offers.
GOST 10979-85
Fish preserves. Special salted saury. Specifications
弌丐 10979-85
亠亠于 弍仆亠. 弌舒亶舒 仗亠亳舒仍仆仂亞仂 仗仂仂仍舒. 丐亠仆亳亠从亳亠 仍仂于亳
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: GS3297413
This book is available in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact for price and discount offers.
GOST 10979-2009
Special salted saury preservers. Specifications
弌丐 10979-2009
亠亠于 亳亰 舒亶 仗亠亳舒仍仆仂亞仂 仗仂仂仍舒. 丐亠仆亳亠从亳亠 仍仂于亳
STATUS: Available
Format: Electronic (Adobe Acrobat, pdf)
Order No.: GS3297412
This book is available in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, other (upon request).
Price: Please contact for price and discount offers.
Russia imports and exports