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The Documentary Film and Television Guild is the only
professional organization in Russia, which unites filmmakers
and television workers (more than 160 people and production
studios from all over Russia) specializing in documentary and
popular-science films, documentary TV programs and news
竪谷端辰竪耽 鱈奪竪達丹樽但樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 竪 嘆奪谷奪但竪辰奪鱈竪耽 耽但谷耽奪嘆単耽
奪辰竪鱈単嘆但奪鱈鱈樽辿 但 樽単単竪竪 誰丹樽担奪単単竪樽鱈谷端鱈樽辿 樽丹達鱈竪巽旦竪奪辿,
棚樽嘆樽丹耽 樽叩炭奪辰竪鱈耽奪嘆 棚竪鱈奪狸嘆樽達丹担竪単嘆樽但 竪 丹叩樽嘆鱈竪棚樽但
嘆奪谷奪但竪辰奪鱈竪耽 (叩樽谷奪奪 160 歎奪谷樽但奪棚 竪 誰丹樽竪巽但樽辰単嘆但奪鱈鱈短探 単嘆坦辰竪辿
単樽 但単奪辿 樽単単竪竪), 単誰奪旦竪谷竪巽竪丹坦綻湛竪探単耽 但 単担奪丹奪
辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 竪 鱈坦歎鱈樽-誰樽誰坦谷耽丹鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽, 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈短探
嘆奪谷奪但竪巽竪樽鱈鱈短探 誰丹樽達丹狸狸 竪 丹奪誰樽丹嘆脱.
Research initiated by the Russian Ministry of Culture includes
evaluating the current state of the documentary cinema production
capacities, distribution and release of documentary films as well as
analyzing the existing system of financial support of documentary
cinema in Russia.
As a result of this research, RGDoc has accumulated information
about over 350 production studios, 200 TV-channels and 50 film
festivals dealing with documentary films production or showings.
Besides, RGDoc organizes an ongoing rating of documentary films
releases, which documents the successes of national documentary
motion pictures at the Russian and international film festivals, and
their showings in the film clubs and on TV-channels.
テ  テテ
単単谷奪辰樽但鱈竪奪, 竪鱈竪旦竪竪丹樽但鱈鱈樽奪 竪鱈竪単嘆奪丹単嘆但樽狸 坦谷端嘆坦丹短 ,
但棚谷綻歎奪嘆 但 単奪叩耽 樽旦奪鱈棚坦 単樽単嘆樽耽鱈竪耽 誰丹樽竪巽但樽辰単嘆但奪鱈鱈樽辿 叩巽短
鱈奪竪達丹樽但樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽, 辰竪単嘆丹竪叩坦旦竪竪 竪 誰丹樽棚嘆 鱈奪竪達丹樽但短探 担竪谷端狸樽但, 
嘆棚脱奪 鱈谷竪巽 単坦湛奪単嘆但坦綻湛奪辿 単竪単嘆奪狸短 担竪鱈鱈単樽但樽辿 誰樽辰辰奪丹脱棚竪
鱈奪竪達丹樽但樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 但 樽単単竪竪.
谷達樽辰丹耽 辰鱈鱈樽狸坦 竪単単谷奪辰樽但鱈竪綻 竪谷端辰竪耽 単狸樽達谷
棚棚坦狸坦谷竪丹樽但嘆端 竪鱈担樽丹狸旦竪綻 樽 叩樽谷奪奪 歎奪狸 350 誰丹樽竪巽但樽辰単嘆但奪鱈鱈短探
単嘆坦辰竪耽探, 200 嘆奪谷奪棚鱈谷探 竪 50 棚竪鱈樽担奪単嘆竪但谷耽探, 巽鱈竪狸綻湛竪探単耽
誰丹樽竪巽但樽辰単嘆但樽狸 竪谷竪 誰樽棚巽樽狸 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽.
丹樽狸奪 箪嘆樽達樽, 竪谷端辰竪耽 樽丹達鱈竪巽坦奪嘆 誰樽単嘆樽耽鱈鱈樽 辰奪辿単嘆但坦綻湛竪辿 丹奪辿嘆竪鱈達
誰丹樽棚嘆 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽, 担竪棚単竪丹坦綻湛竪辿 坦単誰奪探竪
樽嘆奪歎奪単嘆但奪鱈鱈短探 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈短探 棚丹嘆竪鱈 鱈 丹樽単単竪辿単棚竪探 竪
狸奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈短探 棚竪鱈樽担奪単嘆竪但谷耽探, 誰樽棚巽短 但 棚竪鱈樽棚谷坦叩探 竪 鱈
RGDocs activities are aimed at the development of Russian
documentary film market. Educational seminars, workshops, as well
as meetings and round tables featuring industry representatives are
an essential part of RGDocs work.
In 2013 RGDoc organized a series of workshops within the framework
of the film festivals Dvijeniye (Movement), Budyem jit (We shall
live), Okno v Evropu (A window to Europe), Saratovskiye
stradaniya (Saratov sufferings). Together with Moscow Business
Square it also organized a Day of Documentary Films within the 35th
Moscow International Film Festival.
Furthermore, RGDoc has become a partner of the International
conference DOXPRO and is planning to organize a series of round
tables and workshops at the key Russian film festivals and
conference till the end of 2013.
As part of the industry development activities RGDoc is also
developing specific agreements, provisions and other resource
materials in order to help the industry professionals in their
奪耽嘆奪谷端鱈樽単嘆端 竪谷端辰竪竪 鱈誰丹但谷奪鱈 鱈 丹巽但竪嘆竪奪 丹短鱈棚
丹樽単単竪辿単棚樽達樽 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽. テ|庵巽樽但嘆奪谷端鱈短奪 単奪狸竪鱈丹短,
狸単嘆奪丹-棚谷単単短,  嘆棚脱奪 但単嘆丹奪歎竪 竪 棚丹坦達谷短奪 単嘆樽谷短 単 坦歎単嘆竪奪狸
誰丹奪辰単嘆但竪嘆奪谷奪辿 竪鱈辰坦単嘆丹竪竪 耽但谷耽綻嘆単耽 鱈奪樽嘆炭奪狸谷奪狸樽辿 歎単嘆端綻
丹叩樽嘆短 竪谷端辰竪竪.
 2013 達. 竪谷端辰竪耽 誰丹樽但奪谷 丹耽辰 狸単嘆奪丹-棚谷単単樽但 但 丹狸棚探
棚竪鱈樽担奪単嘆竪但谷奪辿 束但竪脱奪鱈竪奪損, 束坦辰奪狸 脱竪嘆端損, 束テ鱈樽 但 但丹樽誰坦損,
束丹嘆樽但単棚竪奪 単嘆丹辰鱈竪耽損,  嘆棚脱奪, 単樽但狸奪単嘆鱈樽 単 Moscow Business
Square, 樽丹達鱈竪巽樽但谷 奪鱈端 樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 但 丹狸棚探 35-達樽
樽単棚樽但単棚樽達樽 奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽担奪単嘆竪但谷耽.
丹樽狸奪 嘆樽達樽, 竪谷端辰竪耽 但短単嘆坦誰竪谷 誰丹嘆鱈奪丹樽狸 奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈樽辿
棚樽鱈担奪丹奪鱈旦竪竪 DOXPRO 竪 辰樽 棚樽鱈旦 2013 達. 誰谷鱈竪丹坦奪嘆 誰丹樽但奪辰奪鱈竪奪
単奪丹竪竪 棚丹坦達谷短探 単嘆樽谷樽但 竪 狸単嘆奪丹-棚谷単単樽但 鱈 棚谷綻歎奪但短探 丹樽単単竪辿単棚竪探
棚竪鱈樽担奪単嘆竪但谷耽探 竪 棚樽鱈担奪丹奪鱈旦竪耽探.
竪谷端辰竪耽 但 丹狸棚探 竪鱈辰坦単嘆丹竪谷端鱈樽達樽 丹巽但竪嘆竪耽 樽嘆丹単谷竪 嘆棚脱奪
狸嘆奪丹竪谷短, 棚樽嘆樽丹短奪 辰樽谷脱鱈短 誰樽狸樽歎端 誰丹樽担奪単単竪樽鱈谷狸 但 辰奪耽嘆奪谷端鱈樽単嘆竪.
Starting from September 2013 RGDoc took the lead in distribution of
films that are produced by the Guilds members, in order to
systemize, simplify and improve the process of bringing Russian
documentary films to the viewers. This year RGDoc has already
initiated several specific projects aimed at promotion and
development of documentary films:
- Talk-show Doc-show on Komsomolskaya Pravda TV-channel
- A series of programs Socialnaya set.doc (Social network.doc)
realized by the Public TV of Russia with the support of RGDoc
- Creating a unified information database on documentary film
clubs of Russia
- With participation of RGDoc creating theme-based tabs
Documentary films on the leading VOD-services and providing
them with the collected content
テ叡ッ端綻 2013 達. 竪谷端辰竪耽 但巽耽谷 鱈 単奪叩耽 竪鱈竪旦竪嘆竪但坦 辰竪単嘆丹竪叩坦旦竪竪
担竪谷端狸樽但, 誰丹樽竪巽但樽辰竪狸短探 歎谷奪鱈狸竪 竪谷端辰竪竪, 歎嘆樽叩短
単竪単嘆奪狸嘆竪巽竪丹樽但嘆端, 樽叩谷奪達歎竪嘆端 竪 坦谷坦歎淡竪嘆端 丹叩樽嘆坦 誰樽 辰樽但奪辰奪鱈竪綻
丹樽単単竪辿単棚樽達樽 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 辰樽 棚樽鱈奪歎鱈樽達樽 巽丹竪嘆奪谷耽.
 箪嘆樽狸 達樽辰坦 竪谷端辰竪奪辿 坦脱奪 竪鱈竪旦竪竪丹樽但鱈樽 竪 巽誰坦湛奪鱈樽 鱈奪単棚樽谷端棚樽
棚樽鱈棚丹奪嘆鱈短探 誰丹樽奪棚嘆樽但, 鱈旦奪谷奪鱈鱈短探 鱈 誰丹樽辰但竪脱奪鱈竪奪 竪 丹巽但竪嘆竪奪
辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽:
- 樽棚-淡樽坦 束樽棚-淡樽坦損 鱈 嘆奪谷奪棚鱈谷奪 束樽狸単樽狸樽谷端単棚耽 誰丹但辰損
- 奪丹竪耽 誰丹樽達丹狸狸 束樽旦竪谷端鱈耽 単奪嘆端.doc損, 丹奪谷竪巽坦奪狸耽
束テ|甲ッ叡加奪鱈鱈短狸 奪谷奪但竪辰奪鱈竪奪狸 樽単単竪竪損 誰丹竪 誰樽辰辰奪丹脱棚奪 竪谷端辰竪竪;
- 樽巽辰鱈竪奪 奪辰竪鱈樽辿 竪鱈担樽丹狸旦竪樽鱈鱈樽辿 叩巽短 誰樽 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈短狸
棚竪鱈樽棚谷坦叩狸 樽単単竪竪;
- 樽巽辰鱈竪奪 単 坦歎単嘆竪奪狸 竪谷端辰竪竪 嘆奪狸嘆竪歎奪単棚竪探 但棚谷辰樽棚
束樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽奪 棚竪鱈樽損 鱈 但奪辰坦湛竪探 VOD-単奪丹但竪単探 竪
誰丹奪辰樽単嘆但谷奪鱈竪奪 竪狸 単樽叩丹鱈鱈樽達樽 棚樽鱈嘆奪鱈嘆.
The Documentary Film and TV Guild focuses on promotion of Russian
documentary films at the international markets under the brand
name RGDoc Promo  Russian Documentary Guild.
At the end of 2012 the Russian Ministry of Culture proposed financing
the promotion of national documentary films on the international
level. The Documentary Film and TV Guild became an exclusive
executing agency on promoting Russian cinema.
RGDocs Delegation represents interests of Russian market at the
booths of Ru.C  Russian Cinema  at the world largest film markets -
European Film Market (Berlin), MIPDOC/MIPTV, Marche Du Film
(Cannes), as well as at specialized documentary festivals and markets
- East Doc Platform, Visions du Reel, Jihlava IDFF, Leipzig DOK, IDFA.
In 2014 RGDoc is planning to expand its presence at the international
竪谷端辰竪耽 鱈奪竪達丹樽但樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 竪  棚嘆竪但鱈樽 巽鱈竪狸奪嘆単耽 誰丹樽辰但竪脱奪鱈竪奪狸
丹樽単単竪辿単棚樽達樽 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 鱈 狸奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈短辿 丹短鱈樽棚 誰樽辰
叩丹奪鱈辰樽狸 RGDoc Promo  Russian Documentary Guild.
 棚樽鱈旦奪 2012 達. 竪鱈竪単嘆奪丹単嘆但樽 坦谷端嘆坦丹短  但短単嘆坦誰竪谷樽 単
誰丹奪辰谷樽脱奪鱈竪奪狸 担竪鱈鱈単竪丹樽但嘆端 誰丹樽辰但竪脱奪鱈竪奪 樽嘆奪歎奪単嘆但奪鱈鱈樽達樽
鱈奪竪達丹樽但樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 鱈 狸奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈樽狸 丹短鱈棚奪. 竪谷端辰竪耽 鱈奪竪達丹樽但樽達樽
棚竪鱈樽 竪  単嘆谷 箪棚単棚谷綻巽竪但鱈短狸 樽誰奪丹嘆樽丹樽狸 誰樽 誰丹樽辰但竪脱奪鱈竪綻
丹樽単単竪辿単棚樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽.
奪谷奪達旦竪耽 竪谷端辰竪竪 誰丹奪辰単嘆但谷耽奪嘆 竪鱈嘆奪丹奪単短 丹樽単単竪辿単棚樽達樽 丹短鱈棚 鱈
単嘆奪鱈辰探 丹樽単単竪辿単棚樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 Ru.C  Russian Cinema  鱈 鱈竪叩樽谷奪奪
棚丹坦誰鱈短探 棚竪鱈樽丹短鱈棚探 狸竪丹  European Film Market (Berlin),
MIPDOC/MIPTV, Marche Du Film (Cannes),  嘆棚脱奪 鱈
単誰奪旦竪谷竪巽竪丹樽但鱈鱈短探 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈短探 担奪単嘆竪但谷耽探 竪 丹短鱈棚探  East
Doc Platform, Visions du Reel, Jihlava IDFF, Leipzig DOK, IDFA.  2014
達. 竪谷端辰竪耽 誰谷鱈竪丹坦奪嘆 丹単淡竪丹竪嘆端 単但樽奪 誰丹竪単坦嘆単嘆但竪奪 鱈
狸奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈短探 誰谷樽湛辰棚探.
Internet Portal RGDOC.RU is an online database and a catalogue of
studios, films, and individuals, as well as a access-restricted
professional zone, which is available for programmers for
international festivals, TV-channels representatives and distributors.
枘丹嘆谷 RGDOC.RU 耽但谷耽奪嘆単耽 樽鱈谷辿鱈-叩巽樽辿 竪 棚嘆谷樽達樽狸 単嘆坦辰竪辿,
担竪谷端狸樽但, 誰奪丹単樽鱈谷竪辿,  嘆棚脱奪 巽棚丹短嘆樽辿 誰丹樽担奪単単竪樽鱈谷端鱈樽辿 巽樽鱈樽辿,
辰樽単嘆坦誰鱈樽辿 辰谷耽 樽嘆叩樽丹湛竪棚樽但 巽丹坦叩奪脱鱈短探 担奪単嘆竪但谷奪辿,
誰丹奪辰単嘆但竪嘆奪谷奪辿 嘆奪谷奪棚鱈谷樽但 竪 辰竪単嘆丹竪叩端綻嘆樽丹樽但.
Evgeniy Grigoryev
Nikita Tikhonov-Rau (Distribution)
Maria Miro (Television)
Nikita Sutyrin (Education)
Georgiy Molodtsov (Public and International Relations)
  テテ   :
但達奪鱈竪辿 丹竪達樽丹端奪但
竪棚竪嘆 竪探樽鱈樽但-坦 (竪単嘆丹竪叩坦旦竪耽)
丹竪耽 竪丹樽 (奪谷奪棚鱈谷短)
竪棚竪嘆 坦嘆短丹竪鱈 (テ|庵巽樽但嘆奪谷端鱈短奪 誰丹樽奪棚嘆短)
奪樽丹達竪辿 樽谷樽辰旦樽但 (奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈樽奪 誰丹樽辰但竪脱奪鱈竪奪)

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Russian Documentaries - RGDoc Promo

  • 1. テテ www.rgdoc.ru
  • 2. ABOUT THE RUSSIAN DOCUMENTARY GUILD The Documentary Film and Television Guild is the only professional organization in Russia, which unites filmmakers and television workers (more than 160 people and production studios from all over Russia) specializing in documentary and popular-science films, documentary TV programs and news coverage. 竪谷端辰竪耽 鱈奪竪達丹樽但樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 竪 嘆奪谷奪但竪辰奪鱈竪耽 耽但谷耽奪嘆単耽 奪辰竪鱈単嘆但奪鱈鱈樽辿 但 樽単単竪竪 誰丹樽担奪単単竪樽鱈谷端鱈樽辿 樽丹達鱈竪巽旦竪奪辿, 棚樽嘆樽丹耽 樽叩炭奪辰竪鱈耽奪嘆 棚竪鱈奪狸嘆樽達丹担竪単嘆樽但 竪 丹叩樽嘆鱈竪棚樽但 嘆奪谷奪但竪辰奪鱈竪耽 (叩樽谷奪奪 160 歎奪谷樽但奪棚 竪 誰丹樽竪巽但樽辰単嘆但奪鱈鱈短探 単嘆坦辰竪辿 単樽 但単奪辿 樽単単竪竪), 単誰奪旦竪谷竪巽竪丹坦綻湛竪探単耽 但 単担奪丹奪 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 竪 鱈坦歎鱈樽-誰樽誰坦谷耽丹鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽, 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈短探 嘆奪谷奪但竪巽竪樽鱈鱈短探 誰丹樽達丹狸狸 竪 丹奪誰樽丹嘆脱. RESEARCH OF THE RUSSIAN DOCUMENTARY FILM MARKET Research initiated by the Russian Ministry of Culture includes evaluating the current state of the documentary cinema production capacities, distribution and release of documentary films as well as analyzing the existing system of financial support of documentary cinema in Russia. As a result of this research, RGDoc has accumulated information about over 350 production studios, 200 TV-channels and 50 film festivals dealing with documentary films production or showings. Besides, RGDoc organizes an ongoing rating of documentary films releases, which documents the successes of national documentary motion pictures at the Russian and international film festivals, and their showings in the film clubs and on TV-channels. テ テテ テテ 単単谷奪辰樽但鱈竪奪, 竪鱈竪旦竪竪丹樽但鱈鱈樽奪 竪鱈竪単嘆奪丹単嘆但樽狸 坦谷端嘆坦丹短 , 但棚谷綻歎奪嘆 但 単奪叩耽 樽旦奪鱈棚坦 単樽単嘆樽耽鱈竪耽 誰丹樽竪巽但樽辰単嘆但奪鱈鱈樽辿 叩巽短 鱈奪竪達丹樽但樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽, 辰竪単嘆丹竪叩坦旦竪竪 竪 誰丹樽棚嘆 鱈奪竪達丹樽但短探 担竪谷端狸樽但, 嘆棚脱奪 鱈谷竪巽 単坦湛奪単嘆但坦綻湛奪辿 単竪単嘆奪狸短 担竪鱈鱈単樽但樽辿 誰樽辰辰奪丹脱棚竪 鱈奪竪達丹樽但樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 但 樽単単竪竪. 谷達樽辰丹耽 辰鱈鱈樽狸坦 竪単単谷奪辰樽但鱈竪綻 竪谷端辰竪耽 単狸樽達谷 棚棚坦狸坦谷竪丹樽但嘆端 竪鱈担樽丹狸旦竪綻 樽 叩樽谷奪奪 歎奪狸 350 誰丹樽竪巽但樽辰単嘆但奪鱈鱈短探 単嘆坦辰竪耽探, 200 嘆奪谷奪棚鱈谷探 竪 50 棚竪鱈樽担奪単嘆竪但谷耽探, 巽鱈竪狸綻湛竪探単耽 誰丹樽竪巽但樽辰単嘆但樽狸 竪谷竪 誰樽棚巽樽狸 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽. 丹樽狸奪 箪嘆樽達樽, 竪谷端辰竪耽 樽丹達鱈竪巽坦奪嘆 誰樽単嘆樽耽鱈鱈樽 辰奪辿単嘆但坦綻湛竪辿 丹奪辿嘆竪鱈達 誰丹樽棚嘆 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽, 担竪棚単竪丹坦綻湛竪辿 坦単誰奪探竪 樽嘆奪歎奪単嘆但奪鱈鱈短探 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈短探 棚丹嘆竪鱈 鱈 丹樽単単竪辿単棚竪探 竪 狸奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈短探 棚竪鱈樽担奪単嘆竪但谷耽探, 誰樽棚巽短 但 棚竪鱈樽棚谷坦叩探 竪 鱈 嘆奪谷奪棚鱈谷探.
  • 3. EDUCATIONAL AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS RGDocs activities are aimed at the development of Russian documentary film market. Educational seminars, workshops, as well as meetings and round tables featuring industry representatives are an essential part of RGDocs work. In 2013 RGDoc organized a series of workshops within the framework of the film festivals Dvijeniye (Movement), Budyem jit (We shall live), Okno v Evropu (A window to Europe), Saratovskiye stradaniya (Saratov sufferings). Together with Moscow Business Square it also organized a Day of Documentary Films within the 35th Moscow International Film Festival. Furthermore, RGDoc has become a partner of the International conference DOXPRO and is planning to organize a series of round tables and workshops at the key Russian film festivals and conference till the end of 2013. As part of the industry development activities RGDoc is also developing specific agreements, provisions and other resource materials in order to help the industry professionals in their activities. テテ テ 奪耽嘆奪谷端鱈樽単嘆端 竪谷端辰竪竪 鱈誰丹但谷奪鱈 鱈 丹巽但竪嘆竪奪 丹短鱈棚 丹樽単単竪辿単棚樽達樽 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽. テ|庵巽樽但嘆奪谷端鱈短奪 単奪狸竪鱈丹短, 狸単嘆奪丹-棚谷単単短, 嘆棚脱奪 但単嘆丹奪歎竪 竪 棚丹坦達谷短奪 単嘆樽谷短 単 坦歎単嘆竪奪狸 誰丹奪辰単嘆但竪嘆奪谷奪辿 竪鱈辰坦単嘆丹竪竪 耽但谷耽綻嘆単耽 鱈奪樽嘆炭奪狸谷奪狸樽辿 歎単嘆端綻 丹叩樽嘆短 竪谷端辰竪竪. 2013 達. 竪谷端辰竪耽 誰丹樽但奪谷 丹耽辰 狸単嘆奪丹-棚谷単単樽但 但 丹狸棚探 棚竪鱈樽担奪単嘆竪但谷奪辿 束但竪脱奪鱈竪奪損, 束坦辰奪狸 脱竪嘆端損, 束テ鱈樽 但 但丹樽誰坦損, 束丹嘆樽但単棚竪奪 単嘆丹辰鱈竪耽損, 嘆棚脱奪, 単樽但狸奪単嘆鱈樽 単 Moscow Business Square, 樽丹達鱈竪巽樽但谷 奪鱈端 樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 但 丹狸棚探 35-達樽 樽単棚樽但単棚樽達樽 奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽担奪単嘆竪但谷耽. 丹樽狸奪 嘆樽達樽, 竪谷端辰竪耽 但短単嘆坦誰竪谷 誰丹嘆鱈奪丹樽狸 奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈樽辿 棚樽鱈担奪丹奪鱈旦竪竪 DOXPRO 竪 辰樽 棚樽鱈旦 2013 達. 誰谷鱈竪丹坦奪嘆 誰丹樽但奪辰奪鱈竪奪 単奪丹竪竪 棚丹坦達谷短探 単嘆樽谷樽但 竪 狸単嘆奪丹-棚谷単単樽但 鱈 棚谷綻歎奪但短探 丹樽単単竪辿単棚竪探 棚竪鱈樽担奪単嘆竪但谷耽探 竪 棚樽鱈担奪丹奪鱈旦竪耽探. 竪谷端辰竪耽 但 丹狸棚探 竪鱈辰坦単嘆丹竪谷端鱈樽達樽 丹巽但竪嘆竪耽 樽嘆丹単谷竪 嘆棚脱奪 丹巽丹叩嘆短但奪嘆樽嘆丹単谷奪但短奪辰樽達樽但樽丹短,誰樽谷樽脱奪鱈竪耽,竪鱈短奪狸奪嘆樽辰竪歎奪単棚竪奪 狸嘆奪丹竪谷短, 棚樽嘆樽丹短奪 辰樽谷脱鱈短 誰樽狸樽歎端 誰丹樽担奪単単竪樽鱈谷狸 但 辰奪耽嘆奪谷端鱈樽単嘆竪.
  • 4. DISTRIBUTION OF RUSSIAN DOCUMENTARY FILMS Starting from September 2013 RGDoc took the lead in distribution of films that are produced by the Guilds members, in order to systemize, simplify and improve the process of bringing Russian documentary films to the viewers. This year RGDoc has already initiated several specific projects aimed at promotion and development of documentary films: - Talk-show Doc-show on Komsomolskaya Pravda TV-channel - A series of programs Socialnaya set.doc (Social network.doc) realized by the Public TV of Russia with the support of RGDoc - Creating a unified information database on documentary film clubs of Russia - With participation of RGDoc creating theme-based tabs Documentary films on the leading VOD-services and providing them with the collected content テテ テテ テ叡ッ端綻 2013 達. 竪谷端辰竪耽 但巽耽谷 鱈 単奪叩耽 竪鱈竪旦竪嘆竪但坦 辰竪単嘆丹竪叩坦旦竪竪 担竪谷端狸樽但, 誰丹樽竪巽但樽辰竪狸短探 歎谷奪鱈狸竪 竪谷端辰竪竪, 歎嘆樽叩短 単竪単嘆奪狸嘆竪巽竪丹樽但嘆端, 樽叩谷奪達歎竪嘆端 竪 坦谷坦歎淡竪嘆端 丹叩樽嘆坦 誰樽 辰樽但奪辰奪鱈竪綻 丹樽単単竪辿単棚樽達樽 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 辰樽 棚樽鱈奪歎鱈樽達樽 巽丹竪嘆奪谷耽. 箪嘆樽狸 達樽辰坦 竪谷端辰竪奪辿 坦脱奪 竪鱈竪旦竪竪丹樽但鱈樽 竪 巽誰坦湛奪鱈樽 鱈奪単棚樽谷端棚樽 棚樽鱈棚丹奪嘆鱈短探 誰丹樽奪棚嘆樽但, 鱈旦奪谷奪鱈鱈短探 鱈 誰丹樽辰但竪脱奪鱈竪奪 竪 丹巽但竪嘆竪奪 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽: - 樽棚-淡樽坦 束樽棚-淡樽坦損 鱈 嘆奪谷奪棚鱈谷奪 束樽狸単樽狸樽谷端単棚耽 誰丹但辰損 - 奪丹竪耽 誰丹樽達丹狸狸 束樽旦竪谷端鱈耽 単奪嘆端.doc損, 丹奪谷竪巽坦奪狸耽 束テ|甲ッ叡加奪鱈鱈短狸 奪谷奪但竪辰奪鱈竪奪狸 樽単単竪竪損 誰丹竪 誰樽辰辰奪丹脱棚奪 竪谷端辰竪竪; - 樽巽辰鱈竪奪 奪辰竪鱈樽辿 竪鱈担樽丹狸旦竪樽鱈鱈樽辿 叩巽短 誰樽 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈短狸 棚竪鱈樽棚谷坦叩狸 樽単単竪竪; - 樽巽辰鱈竪奪 単 坦歎単嘆竪奪狸 竪谷端辰竪竪 嘆奪狸嘆竪歎奪単棚竪探 但棚谷辰樽棚 束樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽奪 棚竪鱈樽損 鱈 但奪辰坦湛竪探 VOD-単奪丹但竪単探 竪 誰丹奪辰樽単嘆但谷奪鱈竪奪 竪狸 単樽叩丹鱈鱈樽達樽 棚樽鱈嘆奪鱈嘆.
  • 5. RGDOC PROMO RUSSIAN DOCUMENTARY GUILD The Documentary Film and TV Guild focuses on promotion of Russian documentary films at the international markets under the brand name RGDoc Promo Russian Documentary Guild. At the end of 2012 the Russian Ministry of Culture proposed financing the promotion of national documentary films on the international level. The Documentary Film and TV Guild became an exclusive executing agency on promoting Russian cinema. RGDocs Delegation represents interests of Russian market at the booths of Ru.C Russian Cinema at the world largest film markets - European Film Market (Berlin), MIPDOC/MIPTV, Marche Du Film (Cannes), as well as at specialized documentary festivals and markets - East Doc Platform, Visions du Reel, Jihlava IDFF, Leipzig DOK, IDFA. In 2014 RGDoc is planning to expand its presence at the international venues. RGDOC PROMO テテ テ 竪谷端辰竪耽 鱈奪竪達丹樽但樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 竪 棚嘆竪但鱈樽 巽鱈竪狸奪嘆単耽 誰丹樽辰但竪脱奪鱈竪奪狸 丹樽単単竪辿単棚樽達樽 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 鱈 狸奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈短辿 丹短鱈樽棚 誰樽辰 叩丹奪鱈辰樽狸 RGDoc Promo Russian Documentary Guild. 棚樽鱈旦奪 2012 達. 竪鱈竪単嘆奪丹単嘆但樽 坦谷端嘆坦丹短 但短単嘆坦誰竪谷樽 単 誰丹奪辰谷樽脱奪鱈竪奪狸 担竪鱈鱈単竪丹樽但嘆端 誰丹樽辰但竪脱奪鱈竪奪 樽嘆奪歎奪単嘆但奪鱈鱈樽達樽 鱈奪竪達丹樽但樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 鱈 狸奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈樽狸 丹短鱈棚奪. 竪谷端辰竪耽 鱈奪竪達丹樽但樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 竪 単嘆谷 箪棚単棚谷綻巽竪但鱈短狸 樽誰奪丹嘆樽丹樽狸 誰樽 誰丹樽辰但竪脱奪鱈竪綻 丹樽単単竪辿単棚樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽. 奪谷奪達旦竪耽 竪谷端辰竪竪 誰丹奪辰単嘆但谷耽奪嘆 竪鱈嘆奪丹奪単短 丹樽単単竪辿単棚樽達樽 丹短鱈棚 鱈 単嘆奪鱈辰探 丹樽単単竪辿単棚樽達樽 棚竪鱈樽 Ru.C Russian Cinema 鱈 鱈竪叩樽谷奪奪 棚丹坦誰鱈短探 棚竪鱈樽丹短鱈棚探 狸竪丹 European Film Market (Berlin), MIPDOC/MIPTV, Marche Du Film (Cannes), 嘆棚脱奪 鱈 単誰奪旦竪谷竪巽竪丹樽但鱈鱈短探 辰樽棚坦狸奪鱈嘆谷端鱈短探 担奪単嘆竪但谷耽探 竪 丹短鱈棚探 East Doc Platform, Visions du Reel, Jihlava IDFF, Leipzig DOK, IDFA. 2014 達. 竪谷端辰竪耽 誰谷鱈竪丹坦奪嘆 丹単淡竪丹竪嘆端 単但樽奪 誰丹竪単坦嘆単嘆但竪奪 鱈 狸奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈短探 誰谷樽湛辰棚探.
  • 6. RGDOC.RU Internet Portal RGDOC.RU is an online database and a catalogue of studios, films, and individuals, as well as a access-restricted professional zone, which is available for programmers for international festivals, TV-channels representatives and distributors. 枘丹嘆谷 RGDOC.RU 耽但谷耽奪嘆単耽 樽鱈谷辿鱈-叩巽樽辿 竪 棚嘆谷樽達樽狸 単嘆坦辰竪辿, 担竪谷端狸樽但, 誰奪丹単樽鱈谷竪辿, 嘆棚脱奪 巽棚丹短嘆樽辿 誰丹樽担奪単単竪樽鱈谷端鱈樽辿 巽樽鱈樽辿, 辰樽単嘆坦誰鱈樽辿 辰谷耽 樽嘆叩樽丹湛竪棚樽但 巽丹坦叩奪脱鱈短探 担奪単嘆竪但谷奪辿, 誰丹奪辰単嘆但竪嘆奪谷奪辿 嘆奪谷奪棚鱈谷樽但 竪 辰竪単嘆丹竪叩端綻嘆樽丹樽但. THE PRESIDENT OF THE DOCUMENTARY FILM AND TELEVISION GUILD (RGDOC): Evgeniy Grigoryev VICE-PRESIDENTS: Nikita Tikhonov-Rau (Distribution) Maria Miro (Television) Nikita Sutyrin (Education) Georgiy Molodtsov (Public and International Relations) テテ : 但達奪鱈竪辿 丹竪達樽丹端奪但 -: 竪棚竪嘆 竪探樽鱈樽但-坦 (竪単嘆丹竪叩坦旦竪耽) 丹竪耽 竪丹樽 (奪谷奪棚鱈谷短) 竪棚竪嘆 坦嘆短丹竪鱈 (テ|庵巽樽但嘆奪谷端鱈短奪 誰丹樽奪棚嘆短) 奪樽丹達竪辿 樽谷樽辰旦樽但 (奪脱辰坦鱈丹樽辰鱈樽奪 誰丹樽辰但竪脱奪鱈竪奪) info@rgdoc.ru www.rgdoc.ru