The Russian Documentary Guild is the only professional organization in Russia that unites over 160 filmmakers and television workers specializing in documentary films and TV programs. It focuses on promoting Russian documentary films internationally under the brand RGDoc Promo. In 2012, the Russian Ministry of Culture proposed financing the promotion of Russian documentaries internationally, and the Guild became the exclusive agency for this. The RGDoc delegation represents Russian documentary films at major film markets and festivals around the world.
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RGDoc Promo IDFA
1. About the Russian
Documentary Guild
of Russian Delegation at IDFA:
The Documentary Film and Television Guild is the only professional organization in Russia, which unites filmmakers
and television workers (over 160 professionals and production studios from all over Russia) specializing in documentary and popularscience films, documentary TV programs
and news coverage
Vera Obolonkina
NKS / 24 Doc TVchannel, executive producer,
official representative of The Russian Documentary Guild
Pavel Pechenkin
FLAHERTIANA, president
RGDoc Promo
Russian Documentary Guild
Vitaliy Mansky
The Pipeline, director
The Documentary Film and TV
Guild focuses on promotion
of Russian documentary films
at the international markets under
the brand name RGDoc Promo
Russian Documentary Guild.
At the end of 2012 the Russian Ministry of Culture proposed
financing the promotion of national documentary films on
the international level. The Documentary Film and TV Guild
became an exclusive executing agency on promoting Russian cinema.
RGDocs Delegation represents interests of Russian market
at the booths of Ru.C Russian Cinema at the world
largest film markets European Film Market (Berlin),
MIPDOC/MIPTV, Marche Du Film (Cannes), as well as at
specialized documentary festivals and markets East Doc
Platform, Visions du Reel, Jihlava IDFF, Leipzig DOK, IDFA.
In 2014 RGDoc is planning to expand its presence at the
international venues.
With the financial support of
the Ministry of Culture
of the Russian Federation
Victoria Belopolskaya
ARTDOCFEST, programming director
Victor Kossakovsky
Demonstration, director
Alina Rudnitskaya
Blood, director
Dina Barinova
Shrove Sunday, director
Boris Karadzhev
KLIO XXI, director
Sofia Gudkova
Documentary Film Center, general director
Irina Belykh
Contemporary Science Film Festival 360,
programming director
IDFA 2013
Alyona Bocharova
Beat Film Festival, executive director
Alexey Medvedev
Message to Man International Film Festival,
programming director
Alexey Sokhnev
Reflection Films, distributor
Marina Drozdova
Screen and Stage, film critic
design KYKA
Evdokia Moskvina