Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that can occur following a streptococcal throat infection. It commonly affects children ages 5-15 and is more prevalent in developing countries. The disease involves the heart, joints, skin, and brain. Diagnosis is based on the modified Jones criteria of major and minor manifestations along with evidence of a prior streptococcal infection. Treatment involves eradicating streptococci, using anti-inflammatory drugs, supportive care, and long-term preventative antibiotics to avoid recurrent attacks. Prognosis depends on factors like age and whether carditis was present initially.
2. Etiology
Acute rheumatic fever is a systemic disease of
childhood,often recurrent that follows group
A beta hemolytic streptococcal infection
It is a delayed non-suppurative sequelae to
URTI with GABH streptococci.
It is a diffuse inflammatory disease of
connective tissue,primarily involving
heart,blood vessels,joints, subcut.tissue and
3. Epidemiology
Ages 5-15 yrs are most susceptible
Rare <3 yrs
Common in 3rd world countries
Environmental factors-- over crowding, poor
sanitation, poverty,
Incidence more during fall ,winter & early
4. Pathogenesis
Delayed immune response to infection with
group.A beta hemolytic streptococci.
After a latent period of 1-3 weeks, antibody
induced immunological damage occur to
heart valves,joints, subcutaneous tissue
& basal ganglia of brain
5. Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus
Strains that produces rheumatic fever - M
types l, 3, 5, 6,18 & 24
Pharyngitis- produced by GABHS can lead to-
acute rheumatic fever ,
rheumatic heart disease &
post strept. Glomerulonepritis
Skin infection- produced by GABHS leads to
post streptococcal glomerulo nephritis only. It
will not result in Rh.Fever or carditis
6. Clinical Features
Migratory polyarthritis, involving major joints
Commonly involved joints-knee,ankle,elbow &
Occur in 80%,involved joints are exquisitely
In children below 5 yrs arthritis usually mild
but carditis more prominent
Arthritis do not progress to chronic disease
7. Clinical Features (Contd)
Manifest as pancarditis(endocarditis,
myocarditis and pericarditis),occur in 40-50%
of cases
Carditis is the only manifestation of
rheumatic fever that leaves a sequelae &
permanent damage to the organ
Valvulitis occur in acute phase
Chronic phase- fibrosis,calcification &
stenosis of heart valves.
8. Clinical Features (Contd)
3.Sydenham Chorea
Occur in 5-10% of cases
Mainly in girls of 1-15 yrs age
May appear even 6 months after the attack
of rheumatic fever
Clinically manifest as-clumsiness,
deterioration of handwriting,emotional
lability or grimacing of face
9. Clinical Features (Contd)
4.Erythema Marginatum
Occur in <5%.
Unique, transient lesions of 1-2 inches in
Pale center with red irregular margin
More on trunks & limbs & non-itchy
Worsens with application of heat
Often associated with chronic carditis
10. Clinical Features (Contd)
5.Subcutaneous nodules
Occur in 10%
Painless,pea-sized,palpable nodules
Mainly over extensor surfaces of
joints,spine,scapulae & scalp
Associated with strong seropositivity
Always associated with severe carditis
12. Laboratory Findings
High ESR
Anemia, leucocytosis
Elevated C-reactive protien
ASO titre >200. (Peak
value attained at 3 weeks,then comes
down to normal by 6 weeks)
Anti-DNAse B test
Throat culture-GABHstreptococci
14. Diagnosis
Rheumatic fever is mainly a clinical diagnosis
No single diagnostic sign or specific laboratory
test available for diagnosis
Diagnosis based on MODIFIED JONES
15. Jones Criteria (Revised) for Guidance in the
Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever*
Major Manifestation Minor Supporting Evidence
Manifestations of Streptococal Infection
Carditis Clinical Laboratory
Polyarthritis Previous Acute phase
Chorea rheumatic reactants: Increased Titer of Anti-
Erythema Marginatum fever or Erythrocyte Streptococcal Antibodies ASO
Subcutaneous Nodules rheumatic sedimentation (anti-streptolysin O),
heart disease rate, others
Arthralgia C-reactive Positive Throat Culture
Fever protein, for Group A Streptococcus
leukocytosis Recent Scarlet Fever
Prolonged P-
R interval
*The presence of two major criteria, or of one major and two minor criteria,
indicates a high probability of acute rheumatic fever, if supported by evidence of
Group A streptococcal nfection.
Recommendations of the American Heart Association
16. Treatment
Step I - primary prevention
(eradication of streptococci)
Step II - anti inflammatory treatment
Step III- supportive management &
management of complications
Step IV- secondary prevention
(prevention of recurrent attacks)
17. STEP I: Primary Prevention of Rheumatic Fever
(Treatment of Streptococcal Tonsillopharyngitis)
Agent Dose Mode Duration
Benzathine penicillin G 600 000 U for patients Intramuscular Once
27 kg (60 lb)
1 200 000 U for patients >27 kg
Penicillin V Children: 250 mg 2-3 times daily Oral 10 d
(phenoxymethyl penicillin) Adolescents and adults:
500 mg 2-3 times daily
For individuals allergic to penicillin
Erythromycin: 20-40 mg/kg/d 2-4 times daily Oral 10 d
Estolate (maximum 1 g/d)
Ethylsuccinate 40 mg/kg/d 2-4 times daily Oral 10 d
(maximum 1 g/d)
Recommendations of American Heart Association
18. Step II: Anti inflammatory treatment
Clinical condition Drugs
Arthritis only Aspirin 75-100
mg/kg/day,give as 4
divided doses for 6
(Attain a blood level 20-
30 mg/dl)
Carditis Prednisolone 2-2.5
mg/kg/day, give as two
divided doses for 2
Taper over 2 weeks &
while tapering add
Aspirin 75 mg/kg/day
for 2 weeks.
Continue aspirin alone
100 mg/kg/day for
another 4 weeks
19. 3.Step III: Supportive management &
management of complications
Bed rest
Treatment of congestive cardiac failure:
Treatment of chorea:
-diazepam or haloperidol
Rest to joints & supportive splinting
20. STEP IV : Secondary Prevention of Rheumatic Fever
(Prevention of Recurrent Attacks)
Agent Dose Mode
Benzathine penicillin G 1 200 000 U every 4 weeks* Intramuscular
Penicillin V 250 mg twice daily Oral
Sulfadiazine 0.5 g once daily for patients 27 kg (60 lb Oral
1.0 g once daily for patients >27 kg (60 lb)
For individuals allergic to penicillin and sulfadiazine
Erythromycin 250 mg twice daily Oral
*In high-risk situations, administration every 3 weeks is justified and
Recommendations of American Heart Association 20
21. Prognosis
Rheumatic fever can recur whenever the
individual experience new GABH streptococcal
infection,if not on prophylactic medicines
Good prognosis for older age group & if no
carditis during the initial attack
Bad prognosis for younger children & those
with carditis with valvar lesions