This document summarizes a consultation meeting held in Syria on September 15-16, 2010 regarding the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought, and population mobility in Morocco. It discusses how Morocco has experienced climate change since the early 1980s, with decreased rainfall and increased temperatures projected in climate scenarios for Morocco. It also notes that various organizations studied the impacts of climate change on Moroccan agriculture through the end of the current century.
This document discusses the need for communities to shift from disaster response to anticipation and building resilience. It outlines various natural hazards communities face such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis and wildfires. It then discusses how communities can measure disaster risk and outlines policy options for increasing resilience through preparedness, protection, early warning systems and more. Benefit-cost analyses are provided showing the high economic value of investing in various resilience measures like building codes, retrofitting infrastructure and education. Case studies of hazard impacts and damage from earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides are also reviewed.
The document discusses establishing multi-hazard early warning systems for floods as targeted by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. It notes that all hazards impact water systems and the water cycle is interconnected. It proposes that multi-hazard early warning systems could help mitigate dangers by providing opportunities to prepare for floods. It outlines various elements that should be monitored by early warning systems like clouds, rainfall, surface runoff, and water elevations to forecast flooding. It also suggests taking a risk-oriented approach and considering factors like flood type, severity, and impact on communities to improve planning and preparedness.
This document provides an overview of the water sector in South Africa and the drivers towards a more water sensitive society. It discusses factors like population growth, urbanization, and climate change that are placing increasing demands on limited water resources. It also outlines South Africa's current water context, including water usage and supply/demand projections. The document advocates for more sustainable urban water management approaches like rainwater harvesting, greywater reuse, and stormwater use to help meet future needs and save up to 50% of water in cities. It presents a vision of an "enlightened" water wise society for South Africa's water sector by 2025.
1) The document discusses the effect of climate change on water related disasters in Indonesia. It notes that climate change has led to increasing temperatures, more intense rainfall, rising sea levels and more extreme conditions like flooding and drought.
2) It outlines Indonesia's water resources law and the government's holistic approach to integrated water resources management that includes conservation, utilization and disaster control.
3) The document proposes strategies for mitigating and adapting to climate change impacts like improving water infrastructure, reforestation, and water management.
Climate Change Hazards in Pakistan. A presentation by Saima Abbasi. www.saima...Saimaabbasi12
I developed a power point presentation on Climate Change hazards in Pakistan with some basic concepts, hazards facing with its impacts and future suggestions. Also linked it with global thoughts and suggestions relevant to my country showing that what steps could be taking to minimize CC impacts. It can be accessed on Target audience is mass including students at school, university and general public ( Private and government offices). Presentation is made in response to final project Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4属C Warmer World Must be Avoided online course conducted by World Bank Group.
The document discusses the impacts of climate change in Bangladesh and the challenges it faces. It outlines how Bangladesh is vulnerable to climate change due to factors like sea level rise, increased cyclones, erratic rainfall patterns and floods. It also summarizes the potential consequences of climate change stressors like increased temperatures, variations in precipitation, sea level rise and more frequent extreme weather events. Finally, it provides an overview of Bangladesh's national policies and adaptation programs to address climate change impacts.
Henk Ovink, Embajador de Asuntos de Agua de HolandaACCIN Empresas
This document discusses the risks of climate change-related flooding. It notes that by 2050, over 1.6 billion people are projected to live in flood-prone areas, with most of those in developing countries. Developing countries in South and East Asia will see the largest increases in populations exposed to flooding risks and associated economic damages. While developed countries will face greater total economic damages from flooding, developing countries will see the most people affected and vulnerable due to flooding.
Presentation at Twentieth Fobana 2006
Host: Bangladesh Association of Georgia
Date: Labor Day Weekend, September 1-3, 2006
Venue: Cobb Galleria Centre, Atlanta, GA
Convener: Jashim Uddin
Member Secretary: Mohammed Arefin Babul
The drought in central valley of California has lasted about four years due to lack of rain and overuse of water. The city of Fresno implemented water conservation regulations like watering schedules and household water use limits. Agriculture in Fresno has been impacted, with farmers having to reduce crop amounts. If rain does not come soon, the water shortage will worsen.
Michal Kravcik, "The New Water Reality"bio4climate
Innovative Slovakian hydrologist Michal Krav鱈k gives an introduction to his New Water Paradigm and the critical importance of regional or small rainwater cycles. The result is a set of empowering ecological concepts that enable people everywhere to secure clean and adequate water, prevent floods and drought and moderate local climate, simply by harvesting rainfall. Since the 1990s he has demonstrated these concepts in his native Slovakia.
Presented at the Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
Michal Kravcik, "The New Water Paradigm"bio4climate
Michal Krav鱈k guides us through the concepts of the New Water Paradigm in greater detail, showing how water cycles can be supported to enhance local climates and biodiversity, and how this understanding can broaden and enhance our strategies for addressing climate change.
Presented at the Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
Business risk assessment & the management of climate change impacts phase 2Muneer Hinay
This document provides an overview of climate change impacts in the Philippines and methodology for assessing impacts in 8 major cities. It summarizes 6 key climate change scenarios for the region from a 2009 report, including more extreme weather events, rising sea surface temperatures, ocean acidification, sea level rise, intensifying tropical cyclones, and more variable rainfall. It then describes using scenario building and a three-vector analysis of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity to evaluate climate risks in Baguio, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Cagayan de Oro, Dagupan, Laoag, and Zamboanga out to 2050.
The document discusses the impacts of climate change in Bangladesh and the challenges it faces. It outlines how Bangladesh is vulnerable to climate change due to factors like sea level rise, increased cyclones, erratic rainfall patterns and floods. It also summarizes the potential consequences of climate change stressors like increased temperatures, variations in precipitation, sea level rise and more frequent extreme weather events. Finally, it provides an overview of Bangladesh's national policies and adaptation programs to address climate change impacts.
Henk Ovink, Embajador de Asuntos de Agua de HolandaACCIN Empresas
This document discusses the risks of climate change-related flooding. It notes that by 2050, over 1.6 billion people are projected to live in flood-prone areas, with most of those in developing countries. Developing countries in South and East Asia will see the largest increases in populations exposed to flooding risks and associated economic damages. While developed countries will face greater total economic damages from flooding, developing countries will see the most people affected and vulnerable due to flooding.
Presentation at Twentieth Fobana 2006
Host: Bangladesh Association of Georgia
Date: Labor Day Weekend, September 1-3, 2006
Venue: Cobb Galleria Centre, Atlanta, GA
Convener: Jashim Uddin
Member Secretary: Mohammed Arefin Babul
The drought in central valley of California has lasted about four years due to lack of rain and overuse of water. The city of Fresno implemented water conservation regulations like watering schedules and household water use limits. Agriculture in Fresno has been impacted, with farmers having to reduce crop amounts. If rain does not come soon, the water shortage will worsen.
Michal Kravcik, "The New Water Reality"bio4climate
Innovative Slovakian hydrologist Michal Krav鱈k gives an introduction to his New Water Paradigm and the critical importance of regional or small rainwater cycles. The result is a set of empowering ecological concepts that enable people everywhere to secure clean and adequate water, prevent floods and drought and moderate local climate, simply by harvesting rainfall. Since the 1990s he has demonstrated these concepts in his native Slovakia.
Presented at the Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
Michal Kravcik, "The New Water Paradigm"bio4climate
Michal Krav鱈k guides us through the concepts of the New Water Paradigm in greater detail, showing how water cycles can be supported to enhance local climates and biodiversity, and how this understanding can broaden and enhance our strategies for addressing climate change.
Presented at the Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
Business risk assessment & the management of climate change impacts phase 2Muneer Hinay
This document provides an overview of climate change impacts in the Philippines and methodology for assessing impacts in 8 major cities. It summarizes 6 key climate change scenarios for the region from a 2009 report, including more extreme weather events, rising sea surface temperatures, ocean acidification, sea level rise, intensifying tropical cyclones, and more variable rainfall. It then describes using scenario building and a three-vector analysis of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity to evaluate climate risks in Baguio, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Cagayan de Oro, Dagupan, Laoag, and Zamboanga out to 2050.
1. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010
鏈鏤種鏤霞 鏈鏤鰹鏈盾
鏈鏤鏈鏈鏈鏤鏤霞 鏤鏤鏈鏈o 鏈鏤鏤鏤鏤э参 鏈鏤鏤o鏤鏈鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈
鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏈э山鏈 鏈鏤鏈鏤鏤鰹梱鏈鏈鏤鏈随撮鏤モ 鏈鏤鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏈鏈o懇鏤鰹鏈 鏈鏈鏤o鏈 鏤鏤鰹鏤鰹
束 鏈鏤件婚鏈随梱 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏈э鏈 損
鏈鏤鏈鏈o梱鏤奄 鏤鏈鏤鏈誌山鏈 鏈鏤鏤鏤種今鏈 鏤鏈鏈鏈鏈
2. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010 2
鏈鏤鏤鏈鏈鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o今鏈鏤o鏈 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏈э山鏈 鏈鏤鏈鰹山鏤э鏈鏤鰹鮫鏤鏈鏈
鏈鏤鏤鏈鏈o鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏈モ 鏤鏤鰹撮鏤э 鏤鏤鏤謂 鏈鏤鏤o鏤鏈鰹 鏈鏤件鏤鰹砂 鏈鏤鏈鏈o梱 鏤o薩鏤鏤鏈 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏈э山鏈 鏈鏤鏈鏤鏤鏤鏈鏈 鏤鏤 鏈鏈鏈鏤o
IPCC Working Group II, 2007
鏈鏤件撮鏤鏈鏈 鏤鏤鏤鏤 鏤o鏈鏤 鏈鏤э婚鏤鏈鏈盾鏈鏤鏈o梱鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏈鏈鏤鏈鏤
3. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010 3
鏈鏤鏈鏈o梱鏤奄 鏈鏤鏈誌山鏈 鏤鏤鏈鏤 鏤鏤鏤謂 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏈モ 鏈鏤鏤鰹梱 鏤居鏈鏈 鏈鏤鏤鏤鏤э山鏈 鏈鏤誌鏈鏈誌鏈鏈鏈 鏈随鏤
鏈鏤鏤鏈鏈鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o今鏈鏤o鏈 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏈э山鏈 鏈鏤鏈鰹山鏤э鏈鏤鰹鮫鏤鏈鏈
4. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010 4
鏈鏈鏤 鏈鏤鏈件鏤 鏤o薩鏈鏈э錆鏈 鏈鏈鰹鏈 鏤鏤鏈鏈誌今鏈 鏤鏤鏤鏈鏤鰹 鏈o些鏈鏈鰹 鏤o薩鏤鏤鏈 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏤鰹鏤
鏈鏤鏤鏈鏈鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o今鏈鏤o鏈 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏈э山鏈 鏈鏤鏈鰹山鏤э鏈鏤鰹鮫鏤鏈鏈
6. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010 6
鏈鏤鏈鏤o鏤э山鏤э鏈 鏈鏤鏈鏈鏤 鏤o薩鏈 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏈モ 鏈鏤鏤鰹梱 鏈鏈鏤鏤鏤鏤 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏤鰹鏈鏤
鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o今鏈鏤o鏈 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏈э山鏈 鏈鏤鏈鰹山鏤э鏈鏤鰹鮫鏤鏈鏈
鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏤o札 鏈鏤鏈件梱鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏤鏤鏈
7. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010 7
鏈鏤鏈э山鏈鏈鏈鏈鏈鏤鏈鰹山鏈鏈鰹山鏈.鏈鏤刻山鏤鏤鏤鏤鏈鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏈鏈鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏤鏤
鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o今鏈鏤o鏈 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏈э山鏈 鏈鏤鏈鰹山鏤э鏈鏤鰹鮫鏤鏈鏈
11. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010 11
鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏈鏈鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤o今鏈鏈誌山鏤 鏤鏤鏤謂 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏈モ 鏈鏤鏤鰹梱 鏈鏈鏈
鏈鏤刻山鏤鏤鏤鏤鏈鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏈鏈鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏤鏤 鏈o些鏈 鏤鰹婚鏈鏤鏤 鏈鏤件鏈
Barley Durum wheat rainfed Soft wheat rainfed
12. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010 12
鏈鏤件婚鏈随梱 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏈э鏈 鏈随撮鏤モ 鏈鏤鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏈鏈o懇鏤鰹鏈 鏈鏈鏤o鏈
鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏈鏈鏈鏤鏈 鏤鏤鏤鏈鏤 鏈鏈鏤鰹懇鏈 鏈鏈鰹鏈鏈鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹
"鏈鏤件婚鏈随梱 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏈э鏈"
鏤o懇鏤 鏤鏤鏤謂 鏈鏈鏤鰹懇鏈 鏤鏤種今鏤鰹鯖 鏈鏈鰹鏈鏈鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹10鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏤鏈 鏈鰹薩鏤鏈鏈
13. 2010 鏤o鏤鰹鮫21-19鏈鏤鏈鏈鏈鏤.鏈鏤鏈鏈誌今鏈 鏤鏤o鏈鏤鏈o 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈鏈鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤鏤o 鏈鏈鏤э鏤o 鏈鏈o山鏤鰹札 鏤 鏈鏤鏤鰹山鏤≠
鏈鏈鰹鏈鰹山鏈 鏈鏤鏤鏈鏈 鏈鰹鏈 鏤鏤鏤謂 鏈鏤鏤鏤≠ 鏈鏤鏤鏤種今鏤霞 鏈鏈鏤鏤鏤鏈鏤 鏤鏤削鏤種 鏈鏈鰹鏈鏈鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹
3 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤鏤鏈 鏤o今鏈鏈鏈鏈 鏤 鏤鏤鏤э撮鏤 鏈鏤鏈鏈鏤鰹些鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o今鏈鏤 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤鏤種今鏈 鏈鏈鏤モ 鏈鏤鏤鰹鏤鰹札 1
N辿cessit辿 dune strat辿gie autour de 2 piliers prenant en compte
toutes les cat辿gories dacteurs, y compris les plus fragiles
3 ''鏈鏈鰹鏈鏤эリ≠ 鏈鏤鏤モ 鏈鏤鏈鏤o山鏤 鏈鏈鏤 鏤o札 鏤鏤種今鏈''鏈鏤鏤鏈鏤鏤鏤鰹札 鏤o札 鏤鏈鏈 鏤鏤鏤 鏤o纂鏈鏤o 鏤o鏤o山鏈鏈 鏈鏈鰹鏈鏈鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹 鏤鏈鏈 鏤鏈鏤鏤 2
N辿cessit辿 dune strat辿gie autour de 2 piliers prenant en compte
toutes les cat辿gories dacteurs, y compris les plus fragiles
3 鏤э鏈鏈o錆鏈 鏤鏤モ 鏈鏈鏈鏤э 鏈鏤鏈鏤霞 鏈鏤鏈鏈鏤o山鏤 鏤э撮鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏈鏤鏈鏤o鏈 鏈鏤鏤鏈鏤鏤鏤鰹札 鏤э些鏤鰹 鏈随鏤 鏤o鏈鏤鏈鏈 3
N辿cessit辿 dune strat辿gie autour de 2 piliers prenant en compte
toutes les cat辿gories dacteurs, y compris les plus fragiles
3 鏤鏤o鮫鏤o参 鏈鏈鏤鏤≠ 鏈鏤鏤o沙鏈鏈o 鏈鏤鏈э鏈高 鏈鏤誌些鏈鏈鏤o鏈 鏈鏈件鏤鰹.鏈鏤鏤鏈鏤:鏈鏤鏈鰹薩鏈 鏤鏤霞 鏤鰹鮫鏈鏤 鏤o鏤鰹鏈 鏈o鮫鏈鏤鏤霞 4
N辿cessit辿 dune strat辿gie autour de 2 piliers prenant en compte
toutes les cat辿gories dacteurs, y compris les plus fragiles
3 ''鏤鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤э鏈鏈 鏈鰹鏈鰹鏈 鏈鏤奄 鏈鏈鰹鏈鏤鏈鏈 鏤鏈鏤≠''鏈鏤鏤э撮鏤 鏈鏤o鏈鏤э鏈 鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤鰹痕 鏈鏤鏈鰹鮫鏤 鏤鏤霞 鏤鏤鰹鏈鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤鰹鏈 鏈鏤鏤鏤鰹梱 鏈鏤鏤o錆鏤≠ 鏤o札 鏈o山鏈 6
N辿cessit辿 dune strat辿gie autour de 2 piliers prenant en compte
toutes les cat辿gories dacteurs, y compris les plus fragiles
3 鏈鏤鰹札 鏤鏤o 鏤o鏤o鮫鏈奄 鏤刻薩鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤鰹 鏤 鏈鏈鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏤鰹 鏤o鏈鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏤鏈鏤o鏈1000鏤1500鏈鏤э撮鏤鏤奄 鏤o嵯鏈鏤鏤 5
23 - 25 / 2 / 2009
鏈鏤o嵯鏤鏈鏤鏈鰹鮫鏈鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤鏈鏈鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏈鏤o錆鏤鏈鏤鰹
鏈鏤件婚鏈随梱 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏈э鏈 鏈随撮鏤モ 鏈鏤鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏈鏈o懇鏤鰹鏈 鏈鏈鏤o鏈
14. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010 14
鏈鏈鏤鰹些鏤霞 鏤鏤o今鏤鏈 鏈鏤鏤鏤種今鏈鏤鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤誌鏈鏈誌鏈鏤奄鏤鏈鏤誌鏈鏤o鏤鏤霞
鏈鏤件鮫鏤鏤謂 鏈鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤o
鏈鏤鏤鏈誌梱鏤奄 鏈鏤鏤鏤種今鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤鏤鏈鏤 鏈鏤鏤鏤鰹梱
鏤o鎖鏈鏤鏈 鏤鏤鰹撮鏈 鏤鏈э鏤 鏈鏤誌些鏈鏈鏤o鏈
鏤鏈鏤鏤鰹/鏤鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤э鏈鏈鏤鰹
鏤鏤o鏤鰹 鏤o嵯鏈鏈鏤鰹 鏈o鮫鏤 鏤o鮫鏈鏤鏈 鏤o鏈鏈鏈鏈
鏈鏤件婚鏈随梱 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏈э鏈 鏈随撮鏤モ 鏈鏤鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏈鏈o懇鏤鰹鏈 鏈鏈鏤o鏈
鏈鏤鏈鏈鏤э山鏈 鏈鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤o
鏤鏈誌梱鏤э鏈鏈鏈鏤o鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏈 鏈鏈鏈
鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈鏈鏈鏈 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤誌些鏈鏈鏤o鏈
鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤鏤鏈 鏤鏤o今鏈鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏤誌鏈鏤o鏤鏤鰹
鏈鏤鏤鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏤鏤
15. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010
鏈鏤件鮫鏤鏤謂 鏈鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤o:
鏤鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏤o鎖鏈鏤鏈 鏤鏤鰹撮鏈 鏈э鏤
/鏤鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤э鏈鏈鏤鰹
鏈鏤鏤鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤刻薩鏈鏈鏈鏤鰹 鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏤鏤鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤鏤鏈鏤鏈鏈 鏤鏈鏤鏤鏤鰹梱 鏈э鏤 鏈鰹鏤鏈
鏈鏤鏤o梱鏈鏤鏤鏈 鏈鏤鏤o鎖鏈鏤鏈 鏈鏤鏤鏤鰹撮鏈 鏤
鏈鏈鏈o懇鏈鏈 鏈鏈鏤鏤鏤 鏤o鮫鏈鏤鏈 鏤o鏈鏈鏈鏈700鏈鏤鏤謂900鏈鏈鏤o山鏤 鏤鏤o鏤鰹
鏈鏤鏤э撮鏤 鏈鏈э鏤 鏤 鏈鏈鏈鏤o鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤鏈鏈鏤鏈 鏈鏤鏤o嵯鏈鏈鏤鰹
鏤鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏤 鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o今鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏈э鏈高 鏈鏤誌些鏈鏈鏤o鏈 鏤o札 鏤o鮫鏈鏈
鏤鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏈鏈鏤鰹梱鏤鰹鯖
鏤o懇鏤 鏤鏤鏤謂 鏈鏈鏤鏤≠10鏈鰹薩鏤鏈鏈
鏈鏤件婚鏈随梱 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏈э鏈 鏈随撮鏤モ 鏈鏤鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏈鏈o懇鏤鰹鏈 鏈鏈鏤o鏈
16. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010
鏈鏤鏈鏈鏤э山鏈 鏈鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤o:鏤o鏈鏈鏈鏈鏈
鏈鏤鏤鏤鏈 鏤鏤o今鏈鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏈鏈鏤o鏤鏤鰹
鏈鏤鏤鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏤鏤 鏤鏤霞
鏤o懇鏤 鏤鏤鏤謂 鏈鏈鏤鏤≠10鏈鰹薩鏤鏈鏈
鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤鏤鏤鰹山鏤モ 鏈鏤鏤o今鏤鏤鰹山鏤モ 鏤鏤鏤o些鏈鏈鏤o梱鏤鰹札 鏈鏤誌些鏈鏈鏈鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏈鏈鰹鮫鏤鰹
鏤鏤鰹鏈奄 鏤o山鏤鏤鰹薩鏈鏈 鏤 鏈鏤鰹 鏤o鏈鰹些鏈 鏈鏤鏈鏈鏤э参 鏈鏤鏈o些鏤モ 鏈誌薩鏈鏤鏤
鏈鏤э鏤鰹昆 鏤鏤鏤謂 鏈鏤鏤鏈鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏤誌鏈鏤o鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鰹些鏈鏈 鏤鏈鏈 鏈鏤鰹鏈鏈
鏈鏤鏤鏤o鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤o嵯鏈鏈鏤鰹
鏈鏤э鏤鰹昆300鏈鏤鏤謂400鏈鰹山鏈鏤 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏈鏈鏤o鏤鏤霞 鏤o嵯鏈鏤鏤
16鏈鏤鏤鏤鰹 鏤o婚鏤鏤鏈鏈
鏈鏤件婚鏈随梱 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏈э鏈 鏈随撮鏤モ 鏈鏤鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏈鏈o懇鏤鰹鏈 鏈鏈鏤o鏈
18. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010 18
鏈鏤件婚鏈随梱 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏈э鏈 鏈随撮鏤モ 鏈鏤鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏈鏈o懇鏤鰹鏈 鏈鏈鏤o鏈
鏤鏈鏤≠ 鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤鏤種今鏈 鏤鏈鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏈鏈鏈1998鏈鏤刻薩鏈鏈鏈鏤鰹 鏤鏤鏤鏈鏈鏈 鏤鏈鏤鏤鰹山鏤≠ 鏤鏤鏤鏤э参 鏈鏤鏈鏈鏤э鏤o
鏈鏤鏈鏈鏈鏤鏤霞 鏤鏤鏈鏈o 鏈鏤鏤鏤鏤э参 鏈鏤鏤o鏤鏈 鏤鰹薩鏤鏈鏤 鏈鏤鏈鏤奄 鏈鏤鏤鏤種今鏤鰹 鏤鏤醐梱鏈鏈随参.
鏤 鏈э梱鏈鏈鏤 鏈鏤鏤o鏤鏈 鏈鏤э鏈6鏈鏤鏈鏤鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤o薩鏈鏤鏤 鏤鏤霞 鏤鏤鏈鏈鏈 鏤o纂鏤鰹山鏤モ.鏈鏤鏈鏈鏤э鏤o 鏤鏈鏈 鏤鏤鰹錆鏈鏤
鏈鏤鏤鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤o鮫鏈鏈鏈 鏤鏤鏈鏤鏈 鏈鏈鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏈o鏤鰹)鏤鏈鏤鏈鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏤鏤o山鏈鏤(鏈鏤鏈鏤種懇 鏤鏤霞.鏈鏈o懇鏤鰹懇 鏤鏤鰹撮鏤鏤モ
鏈鏤鏤o鮫鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏈鰹鏈э懇鏈鏤≠ 鏤鏈鏈o些鏤鰹札 鏈鏤鏤鏈件 鏈鏤件梱鏈鏈随参 鏤鏤鏤謂 鏤鏈鏤鏈o鏈鏤 鏈鏤刻薩鏈鏈鏈 鏤o鏈鏤誌
鏈鏤鏤鏈鏤o 鏤鏤鏈鰹山鏈鏈鰹 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈件梱 鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤鏤≠/鏈鏤刻鏈鏤э鏈.鏤鏤霞 鏈鏤鏤o痕鏈鏈鏤鏤鰹札 鏈鏈鰹鏤鏈 鏈鏤э錆鏈 鏤鏤o
鏤o札 鏤鏈鏤鏤o梱鏈鏈o 鏈鏤鏤鏤э山鏈 鏈鏤鏤э鏈o山鏈 鏤o札 鏈鏤鏤o撮鏤鏤э 鏈鏤鏈鏈鏈鏤鏈 鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤鏤э山鏈鏈 鏤鏤鏤o今鏈鏈誌山鏤 鏈鏈э鏤鰹鏈鏤鏤≠
鏈鏈鏤 鏤o札 鏈鏤件梱鏈盾 鏤鏤o鮫鏈鏈鏈 鏈鏤件撮鏈鏤 鏈鏤誌些鏈鏈э懇鏈鏤≠ 鏈鏈鰹艮 鏤鏈鏈鏈鰹リ≠ 鏈鏤誌鏈鏈誌鏈鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏤э鏈o山鏈
鏈鏤鏤o些鏈鏈鏈鏤o 鏈鏈鏈鏤鏤鰹 鏈鏤э撮鏤鰹.
19. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010 19
鏈鏤件婚鏈随梱 鏈鏤鏤o鏈鏈 鏈э鏈 鏈随撮鏤モ 鏈鏤鏈鏤鰹鏤鰹 鏈鏤鏈鏈o懇鏤鰹鏈 鏈鏈鏤o鏈
鏈鏤鏤鏤種今鏤鰹 鏤鏤醐梱鏈鏈随参 鏈鏤刻薩鏈鏈鏈鏤鰹 鏤鏤鏤鏈鏈鏈 鏤鏈鏤鏤鰹山鏤≠ 鏤鏤鏤鏤э参 鏈鏤鏈鏈鏤э鏤o
21. Consultation meeting on the impacts of climate change on water resources, drought and population mobility
Republic of Syria, on 15-16 of September 2010 21