6. Kniget al. & Sayyadiet al. have exploited the blogosphere for event detectionObama VictoryNumber of blog postsDay (November 2008)M. Thelwall WWW06Knig et al. SIGIR09Sayyadi et al. ICWSM09
10. Rank articles by readership interestFrontPagePage2NewspaperEditor . . .We investigate how such a ranking can be approximated using evidence from the blogosphere
19. Given a day of interest dQ we wish to score each news article a by its predicted importance, score(a,dQ) using evidence from the blogosphere.=29Day dQ=23=14=13News ArticleRanker=4=4ImportanceScores
20. Idea:The more blog posts about an article the more important the subject must be.
21. Score by blog post volumeApproachTwo Stages:Score each news article a for all days d based on related blog post volume for day d. News articles are represented by their headlinesGiven a query day dQ rank A based on the score for each news article on day dQ, i.e. score(a, dQ)-> a voting processThe Votes Approach
22. Votes Approach : Stage 1Stage 1: Score days for each news story11234234Ranking of days for ablog postranking4) Rank days by votes received2) Select the top 1000 blog posts for a3) Each post votes for a dayDaysvotes = 2votes = 1votes = 2votes = 2For eachnews articlea1) Use its representation (headline) as a queryvotes = 0votes = 1votes = 2votes = 0TerrierVotesVoting Model : Count* Craig Macdonald PhD thesis 2009
31. Hypothesis:The volume of relevant blog posts published on a news article is a strong indicator of that articles importance (from an editors perspective).Research Questions:Can the number of related blog posts to a news article published on day dQ provide a comparative ranking to that which an editor might make?Evaluating Votes
52. Prominence : Favour stories about celebrities, politicians etc.TREC Task:Each participating system needs to rank a set of news articles for a day dQ based upon evidence from the Blogs08 collection.
53. Ranking performance is measured in terms of Mean Average Precision (MAP).Indexing & Retrieval:Indexed Blogs08 using Terrier (stemming, stopwords)
60. Votes PerformanceBetter performance than TREC 2009 best systemsResults:BM25<DPH (DFR)Votes + extrasHyperlink evidence is of less value than textual evidenceVotes ApproachTREC 2009 Best Systems
71. IdeaRe-score for each news article using evidence from days before and after dQ.IntuitionImportant stories will be discussed before or after the eventE.g. Run up to an electionTemporal PromotionBoth articles receive the same score for dQ under VotesdQNumVotesDays
72. Hypothesis:An article which is highly blogged about either before or after dQ should be scored more highly than one which is not.Approach:Promote articles which were highly blogged before or after dQ
78. NDayBoost might over-estimate the importance of days distant from dQApproach:Linearly combine scores as with NDayBoost, but weight each day by its distance from dQ using a Gaussian curve.GaussBoostDistance of days d Weight
83. Weights downward the scores for each day dependent on w.ScoreGaussBoost(B,4) = (1*4)+(0.79*1)+(0.18*1) = 4.970ScoreGaussBoost(A,4) = (1*4)+(0.79*4)+(0.18*3) = 7.700dQN = -2Score=7.700NumVotesScore=11Score=4.970Score=6Days
84. Hypothesis:An article which is highly blogged about either before or after dQ is more likely to be important than one which is not.Research Questions:Can the promotion of articles which are highly blogged about before or after dQ improve article ranking performance?
85. Does the quality of evidence decrease as distance from dQ increases?
86. Is historical or future (before or after dQ) blog post evidence more useful?Research Questions
88. The parameter w determines the width of the Gaussian curve, and as such, the weights d for the days.( n = -2, w = 0.5 )ScoreGaussBoost(A,4) = (1*4)+(0.38*4)+(0.01*3) = 4.608ScoreGaussBoost(B,4) = (1*4)+(0.38*1)+(0.01*1) = 4.390( n = -2, w = 1 )ScoreGaussBoost(A,4) = (1*4)+(0.79*4)+(0.18*3) = 7.700ScoreGaussBoost(B,4) = (1*4)+(0.79*1)+(0.18*1) = 4.970Temporal Promotion
89. NDayBoost PerformanceFuture blog postings does provide useful evidenceBaseline DPH+VotesMAPHistorical evidence is not useful for NDayBoostn value (days)
90. GaussBoost PerformanceFuture blog postings provide stronger evidence than historical postingsHistorical blog postings are useful for days close to dQBaseline DPH+VotesMAPw value (not days!)
115. Add related terms (counter sparsity)Approach:Select retrieve top 3 blog posts from: Blogs08 (query expansion , K. L. Kwok and M. S. Chan. SIGIR 1998)Wikipedia(collection enrichment, F. Diaz and D. Metzler. SIGIR 2006) using DPH (DFR)Expand query with the top 10 terms identified using Bo1 (G. Amati, Thesis 2003) from those documents.aTerrierTopTermsDPHBo1Blogs08/WikipediaQuery expansion/External Query expansion/Collection Enrichment
118. Collection enrichment helps find the blog posts that are related.Article Improvement PerformanceCollection enrichment with Wikipedia significantly increases performanceMAP
121. Prune away articles that an editor would not even considerNon-stories:Remove news articles which follow editorially defined patternsNoisy headlines:Remove misleading dates
135. Music ReviewE.g. Inside the Times, November 6, 2008E.g. N.F.L. ROUNDUP; Giants Shut Down Tyree for Season; Raiders Cut Hall
136. Article Pruning:Removing non-news-worthy articles makes the ranking of articles easier.Article Pruning PerformanceDates and Uppercase further increase performance when combined.Patterns significantly increase performance over Votes aloneMAP
142. DPH+Votes + Single techniquesVotes:The volume of blog posts about a news story is a useful measure for the importance from an editorial perspective
143. Can be used to automatically rank news stories for a newspaper editor
144. The Voting model provides strong baseline ranking performaceTemporal Promotion:Can be beneficial to look at blog post volume either before or after the day of interest
145. More useful to look at tomorrows blog posts than yesterdays blog posts
146. Evidence diminishes as we look further from the day of interest, evidence should be weighted accordinglyArticle representation ImprovementsEditorshold much in the way of latent knowledge that we need to simulate
147. i.e. they can disregard whole classes of articles as not being news-worthy
148. By pruning away such articlesapriori, ranking performance is improved