The document is an invitation to a Business Team Luncheon on October 1st at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago to hear a presentation by Seyfarth & Shaw at Work on navigating the ADA and ADAAA. The presentation will provide an interactive and practical session to help deal with the complexities of the expanded definitions of disability under the ADA and ADAAA. Attendees will learn how to engage in the interactive process as well as be provided with interactive tools and techniques to ensure all steps and interactions are conducted safely and appropriately.
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RIC October luncheon Invitation
1. We are pleased to invite you to attend our next Business Team Luncheon to be held:
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
11:45 1:30 pm
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
Heyworth Room, 2nd
345 E. Superior Street
Chicago, IL
We encourage you to invite colleagues to join you for this informative event presented by
Seyfarth & Shaw at Work (SSAW)
*** Requests for accommodations gladly accepted.
Navigating the ADA (and ADAAA)
All SSAW trainings are interactive, high-energy, practical and presented with a sense of
humor. They are delivered in everyday language, emphasize real-world skill-building and
avoid legalese. As a result, clients report finding them both effective and memorable.
As we are all aware, the ADAAA has greatly expanded the definition of who is an
individual with a disability. This interactive and practical session will help us all deal with
the complexities of the expanded ADA as well as business team members' roles in
responding to disability-related issues/requests and the unique potholes of the
interactive process. Participants will learn when and how to engage in the process.
Interactive tools and techniques as well as simple "scripts" will be provided to
participants to best ensure that all steps and interactions (that are appropriate for each
business team member) are conducted safely. The course also places the ADA in the
larger context of "latest trend workplace protections" including a four-step approach to
leaves of absence, touching on issues such as concurrent leave, availability of paid time
off, and certification requirements.
息2013 Workright Training LLC. All rights reserved