This document provides an overview of fundamental analysis techniques and different types of stock orders. It discusses analyzing annual reports, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. It also covers common ratios like P/E and P/B. The document outlines different order types like market, limit, stop, and stop-limit orders. It describes characteristics of each type, such as instant fills for market orders and price conditions for limit and stop orders.
2. Fundamental analysis
Analysis of the underlying asset
Analysis of annual report
Annual report consists of:
Income statement
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
And some other crap
3. Income statement
Details the revenue
Every type of cost
Total revenue
7. Cash flow statement
Cash is king
Hard to fake
Cash expenditures
Cash receipts
8. Ratios
Price to earnings ratio
Price to book value ratio
9. Now that you have learned technical and
fundamental analysis
Are you going to make money if you dont know how to buy or sell a stock?
How to put your order into the market
10. Order types
Market order
Limit order
Stop order
Stop limit order
Stop market order
11. Market order
Buy at the best offer
Sell at the best bid
Instant fill
Should be used more for exit than entry
12. Limit order
Buy price has to be below current price
Sell price has to be above current price
My price or better
E.g. Limit buy @ $20.00 means your order can be filled at $20.00 or below
E.g. Limit sell @ $50.00 means your order can be filled at $50.00 or higher
13. Stop order
Buy price has to be above current price
Sell price has to be below current price
My price or worse
Two types of stop orders:
Stop market,
Stop limit
14. Stop market order
Gurantees that your stop order is filled
Buy stop market order at $20.00, once price hits $20.00, the system
executes a buy market order
Vice versa for sell stop market order
16. Order conditions
Pending order- the order is sitting in the exchange
Filled order- the order has already been filled
Cancelled order- need me to explain or not?
17. Order duration
Day order- cancelled at the close of the regular session
Good till cancelled order- stays in the market until you cancels it or 60 days
or 90 days is up, depending on what platform you are using.