Eastern Research Group's Richard Billings presented on improvements to the Category 1 and 2 Vessel Emission Inventory for EPA's 2011 National Emission Inventory. These improvements provided a more accurate assessment of port and underway emissions using data ERG developed for the 2007 Category 1 and 2 Census study.
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Improvements to the Category 1 and 2 Vessel Emission Inventory
1. Category 1 / Category 2 Vessel Port Underway
Split for 2011 National Emission Inventory
U.S. EPA Emission Inventory Conference,San Diego,CA
April 12 - 16, 2015
Richard Billings
Eastern Research Group
4. C1/C2 Vessel Categories / Data Source
Vessel Type Vessel Characteristics Activity Spatial elements
Tugboats American Waterways Operators
U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Vessels of the U.S.
U.S. ACE Waterborne Transportation Lines of the U.S.
Inland River Record
IHS Registry of Ships
American Bureau of Shipping
American Waterways
U.S. ACE Waterborne
U.S. Coast Guard Vessel
Movement Database
BTS Transportation Atlas
U.S. ACE Waterborne Commerce.
U.S. ACE Waterborne Transportation
Lines of the U.S.
U.S. ACE Waterway Link Commodity
U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Vessels of the U.S.
California Commercial fishing Data
Alaska CFEC permits
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
NOAA, National Marine
Fisheries Service
NOAA, National Marine Fisheries
Coast Guard U.S. Coast Guard Website U.S. Coast Guard Website
Ferries Inland River Record
American Bureau of Shipping
American Public
Transportation Association,
Public Transportation Fact
BTS National Ferry Data base
cargo vessels
IHS Register of Ships
American Bureau of Shipping
U.S. ACE Vessel Clearance and
Entrance Data
U.S. Coast Guard Vessel
Movement Database
BTS Transportation Atlas
U.S. ACE Waterway Link Commodity
Offshore Marine Service Association
Rig zone
U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Vessels of the U.S.
Offshore Support Vessels of the World.
BOEM Gulf of Mexico
emission inventory
Workboat (publication)
BOEM Gulf of Mexico emission
EPA 2011 NEI data file
Great Lake
IHS Register of Ships
American Bureau of Shipping
U.S. ACE Vessel Clearance and
Entrance Data
U.S. Coast Guard Vessel
Movement Database
BTS Transportation Atlas
U.S. ACE Waterway Link Commodity
IHS Register of Ships
American Bureau of Shipping
University of Delaware
database of Research vessels
University- National
Laboratory System
Ocean Physics Laboratory
University of Delaware database of
Research vessels
University- National Laboratory
10. 2011 Summary Results
Vessel Type
% of Port
% of Sea
Deepwater 0.0791% 7.8333%
Ferries 2.8246% 1.5210%
Fishing 0.5064% 9.6219%
Government 2.5239% 1.7539%
GreatLake 0.0413% 4.0934%
Support (Offshore &
Research) 1.7766% 43.9192%
Tugs 3.9959% 19.5094%
Total 11.7479% 88.2521%
The activity for port and underway operations for
all C1/C2 vessel types were aggregated and used
as a weight factor for each allocation block and
vessel operations using the following equation:
SAiJ = AiJ/AiJ
SAiJ = Spatial activity factor for vessel
type i operating in block J
AiJ = Census Report activity for vessel
type i in block J
i = Vessel type (e.g., tug, ferry,
fishing) and operation (i.e., port,
J = Specific spatial block
11. Improvements
Disaggregation of Port of Southern Louisiana and
Baton Rouge port emissions to include extended
boundaries of the ports
Disaggregation of CT and MA ferry activities to all
ports that reported ferry traffic in BTS National
Census of Ferry Operators
Reviewed tug data to check high activity in the Ohio
River area
12. Conclusions....
Use of the C1/C2 census data allowed for a better
approximation of port and underway activities
Allowed activity to be developed for different vessels
Planning to update the C1/C2 census data and apply
the kw-hrs to emission factors to get 2014 emissions
for NEI.
13. Acknowledgments
EPA staff that supported this effort,
Laurel Driver
Penny Carey
Brian Timin
Staff who work on the original C1/C2 report
Dr. James Corbett
Sam Wells
Guiselle Aldrete
Staff who helped with the 2011 CMV NEI
Roger Chang
Heather Perez
Jennifer Sellers