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Mia Orlandi
Comm 366
BD Interview
I had the pleasure of interviewing my partner, Richard, an African-American male. I first
asked Richard a few basic questions, and then I got more personal and learned a lot more about
him. The questions I asked him all related to research articles that I had read about his specific
gender and racial group. I started off by asked Richard who his biggest role model was when he
was growing up and how this person influenced his behavior. Richard informed me that his
mother was the most important role model when he was a kid, since she hit him with different
dynamics of situations. Richard also said that she taught him how to deal with different situations
and how to become a great person in society. Next I asked Richard what he considers career
success? Did he think of it as money or status, or just being happy with what you do? Richard
informed me that he believes success in your own career is just being stable in all aspects. He
said that a successful career with give you financial stability, along swith stability with happiness
and time spent at work. Next I asked Richard if he ever wanted to become a teacher when he was
growing up. This question was relevant because of a research article I had read about African-
American men making great teachers. Richard informed me that yes, he would have wanted to
be a teacher and work with kids and he had been thinking about this recently. My next questions
for Richard was whether or not he had been involved in any counseling or nurturing during
middle school or high school, to which he replied no. To follow up this question, I then asked
him if he would want to volunteer with mentoring young African-American boys. His answer
made me smile: Yes, I would want to help with Big/Brothers Big/Sisters, Boys & Girls, or any
sort of program that assists inner-city youth either during the summer or after school. My next
question for Richard was whether he has experienced any sort of prejudice in any jobs he has had
so far. He answered yes, because of his disability, and employers such as Petco, Gamestop, and
Target have done this. To follow up this question, I then asked him if he anticipates any sort of
prejudice to happen when he enters the workplace. He told me yes, mainly because of his
disability, but also because he is an African American front Flint, a lower class area. I then asked
him about his time here at Ferris State and if he has experienced any sort of negative
stereotyping while he has been here, and he said no, not since he's been in Big Rapids. I then
went on to ask Richard some questions about high school. First off, I asked whether or not he
mattered in high school. He said yes he did matter because he was the salesman for the school
store. I then asked Richard did whether or not he mattered have an effect on his
academics/wellness/performance, he said no because he had a lot of stability at home.
I learned a lot about Richard in this small interview session which will help me out even
more with understanding African-American males and their roles, differences and culture in our

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  • 1. Mia Orlandi 4/21/15 Comm 366 BD Interview I had the pleasure of interviewing my partner, Richard, an African-American male. I first asked Richard a few basic questions, and then I got more personal and learned a lot more about him. The questions I asked him all related to research articles that I had read about his specific gender and racial group. I started off by asked Richard who his biggest role model was when he was growing up and how this person influenced his behavior. Richard informed me that his mother was the most important role model when he was a kid, since she hit him with different dynamics of situations. Richard also said that she taught him how to deal with different situations and how to become a great person in society. Next I asked Richard what he considers career success? Did he think of it as money or status, or just being happy with what you do? Richard informed me that he believes success in your own career is just being stable in all aspects. He said that a successful career with give you financial stability, along swith stability with happiness and time spent at work. Next I asked Richard if he ever wanted to become a teacher when he was growing up. This question was relevant because of a research article I had read about African- American men making great teachers. Richard informed me that yes, he would have wanted to be a teacher and work with kids and he had been thinking about this recently. My next questions for Richard was whether or not he had been involved in any counseling or nurturing during middle school or high school, to which he replied no. To follow up this question, I then asked
  • 2. him if he would want to volunteer with mentoring young African-American boys. His answer made me smile: Yes, I would want to help with Big/Brothers Big/Sisters, Boys & Girls, or any sort of program that assists inner-city youth either during the summer or after school. My next question for Richard was whether he has experienced any sort of prejudice in any jobs he has had so far. He answered yes, because of his disability, and employers such as Petco, Gamestop, and Target have done this. To follow up this question, I then asked him if he anticipates any sort of prejudice to happen when he enters the workplace. He told me yes, mainly because of his disability, but also because he is an African American front Flint, a lower class area. I then asked him about his time here at Ferris State and if he has experienced any sort of negative stereotyping while he has been here, and he said no, not since he's been in Big Rapids. I then went on to ask Richard some questions about high school. First off, I asked whether or not he mattered in high school. He said yes he did matter because he was the salesman for the school store. I then asked Richard did whether or not he mattered have an effect on his academics/wellness/performance, he said no because he had a lot of stability at home. I learned a lot about Richard in this small interview session which will help me out even more with understanding African-American males and their roles, differences and culture in our society.