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Riches to RagsEric Harrington
Background1923- Henry Ford creates assembly line1914 WW1 starts1917- U.S. enters the war1919- Treaty of Verseille signed. Ends war
Time of fun (1920s)Personal entertainment/ fadsMiss America (1921)Steamboat Willie (1928)RadioPole Sitting
Time of fun cont.With the radio came dancingFlappersLouie Armstrong and jazzTeam sports fan base grew
InventionsRadioPenicillinInsulin for diabetics
Organized CrimeRose Drastically in the 1920sProhibition was one leading causeSpeak easies Al Capone
End of the decadeOctober 29, 1929 Black TuesdayStock prices fell for weeksThe Great DepressionHoovervillesSeattle Municipal Archives,  Shantytown and garbage dump on 6th Avenue South, 1939, August 31, 2009, Attribution via Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/seattlemunicipalarchives/3875231044/#/
A new DealRoosevelt Elected President So first of all, let me asses my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.                     - Franklin D. Roosevelt A new hope for America
F.D.R.s new dealRaise the country from the depressionFeds take control of welfareGreat fear of deficit spending avoidedSfjlar, Franklin D. Roosevelt, October 17, 2008 Attribution License via Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/sfjalar/2949654021/in/gallery-54188950@N05-72157624895600759/
100 daysFirst 100 days of F.D.R.s PresidencyGoal to recover the nationCrazy amounts of legislation passed
Legislation that was passedEmergency Banking ActEconomy ActBeer-Wine Revenue Act (tax booze)Agriculture Adjustment ActTennessee Valley Authority ActFederal Securities Act
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)Comes from 100 days Created  jobs for people ages 18-25Planted trees, flowers and built national preserves
The second 100 daysSummer Congress 1935More legislation passedStarted to unite everyone working together
Civil Works AdministrationCreated 1933Provided funds for local government projectsBridges, streets, parks schools Many thought useless but did some good
Key points1920s coming out partyRadio, assembly line affects on AmericaOrganized crimeBlack Tuesday and the Depression
More key pointsF.D.R.s New DealFirst 100 daysCCC not Second 100 days
Riches to rags

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Riches to rags

  • 1. Riches to RagsEric Harrington
  • 2. Background1923- Henry Ford creates assembly line1914 WW1 starts1917- U.S. enters the war1919- Treaty of Verseille signed. Ends war
  • 3. Time of fun (1920s)Personal entertainment/ fadsMiss America (1921)Steamboat Willie (1928)RadioPole Sitting
  • 4. Time of fun cont.With the radio came dancingFlappersLouie Armstrong and jazzTeam sports fan base grew
  • 6. Organized CrimeRose Drastically in the 1920sProhibition was one leading causeSpeak easies Al Capone
  • 7. End of the decadeOctober 29, 1929 Black TuesdayStock prices fell for weeksThe Great DepressionHoovervillesSeattle Municipal Archives, Shantytown and garbage dump on 6th Avenue South, 1939, August 31, 2009, Attribution via Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/seattlemunicipalarchives/3875231044/#/
  • 8. A new DealRoosevelt Elected President So first of all, let me asses my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. - Franklin D. Roosevelt A new hope for America
  • 9. F.D.R.s new dealRaise the country from the depressionFeds take control of welfareGreat fear of deficit spending avoidedSfjlar, Franklin D. Roosevelt, October 17, 2008 Attribution License via Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/sfjalar/2949654021/in/gallery-54188950@N05-72157624895600759/
  • 10. 100 daysFirst 100 days of F.D.R.s PresidencyGoal to recover the nationCrazy amounts of legislation passed
  • 11. Legislation that was passedEmergency Banking ActEconomy ActBeer-Wine Revenue Act (tax booze)Agriculture Adjustment ActTennessee Valley Authority ActFederal Securities Act
  • 12. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)Comes from 100 days Created jobs for people ages 18-25Planted trees, flowers and built national preserves
  • 13. The second 100 daysSummer Congress 1935More legislation passedStarted to unite everyone working together
  • 14. Civil Works AdministrationCreated 1933Provided funds for local government projectsBridges, streets, parks schools Many thought useless but did some good
  • 15. Key points1920s coming out partyRadio, assembly line affects on AmericaOrganized crimeBlack Tuesday and the Depression
  • 16. More key pointsF.D.R.s New DealFirst 100 daysCCC not Second 100 days