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Topic: Timer, ComboBox,
Rich TextBox, 際際滷r
 Timer Contol
 Rich Textbox

 Timer Control Works like a stopwatch or alarm clock
 Timer control counts repeatedly as long as enabled
  property is set to true
 Interval: It specifies the interval between Timer events in

Timer Control
Timer Control Application
   Dim counter As Integer
   Private Sub cmdend_Click()
   Timer1.Enabled = False
   End Sub

 Private Sub cmdstart_Click()
 Timer1.Enabled = True
 End Sub

   Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
   counter = counter + 1
   If counter = 95 Then
   counter = 1
   End If
   If counter = 1 Then
   Shape1.FillColor = vbRed
   Shape2.FillColor = vbWhite
   Shape3.FillColor = vbWhite
   End If

 If counter = 45 Then
 Shape1.FillColor = vbWhite
 Shape2.FillColor = vbYellow
 Shape3.FillColor = vbWhite
 End If
 If counter = 50 Then
 Shape1.FillColor = vbWhite
 Shape2.FillColor = vbWhite
 Shape3.FillColor = vbGreen
 End If
 End Sub
 Features of Text box and List box
 It is used to present list to the User
 This control allow the user to select an item either by
  typing into the Combo box, or by selecting it from the list
 It contains an edit field

Combo Box Control
 Three Styles Combo Box
   The drop down combo Box
   The Simple combo Box
   The drop down list

Combo Box Styles
Drop down Combo Box
Style 0

Simple Combo Box
Style 1

 Drop Down List Box
 Style 2
Form Design
     Dim a, b
     Private Sub cmdshowdate_Click()
     lblcombo.Caption = Combo2.Text + " " + Combo3.Text + "," + Combo4.Text
     End Sub

     Private Sub Combo1_click()
     If Combo1.ListIndex = 0 Then
     lblcombo.ForeColor = vbRed
     End If
     If Combo1.ListIndex = 1 Then
     lblcombo.ForeColor = vbGreen
     End If
     If Combo1.ListIndex = 2 Then
     lblcombo.ForeColor = vbBlue
     End If
     End Sub

  Combo Box Application
   Private Sub Form_Load()
   Combo1.AddItem "Red"
   Combo1.AddItem "Green"
   Combo1.AddItem "Blue"
   Do While a < 31
   Combo3.AddItem a

   b = 1900
   Do While b < 2012
   Combo4.AddItem b

 Combo2.AddItem "Jan"
 Combo2.AddItem "Feb"
 Combo2.AddItem "March"
 Combo2.AddItem "April"
 Combo2.AddItem "May"
 Combo2.AddItem "June"
 Combo2.AddItem "july"
 Combo2.AddItem "August"
 Combo2.AddItem "September"
 Combo2.AddItem "October"
 Combo2.AddItem "November"
 Combo2.AddItem "December"
 End Sub

 The Rich Text Box Control allows the user to enter and
  edit text while also providing more advanced formatting
  features than the conventional TextBox control.

Rich Text Box
How to Open Rich Text Box
Form Design
 Private Sub cmdrtbbox_Click()
 rtb1.Text = "The rich text box support underlines, Bold
  and Italic text."
 rtb1.SelStart = rtb1.Find("underlines")
 rtb1.Span ("underlines")
 rtb1.SelUnderline = True

 rtb1.SelStart = 0
 rtb1.SelStart = rtb1.Find("Bold")
 rtb1.Span ("Bold")
 rtb1.SelBold = True

 rtb1.SelStart = 0
 rtb1.SelStart = rtb1.Find("Italic")
 rtb1.Span ("Italic")
 rtb1.SelItalic = True
 rtb1.SelStart = 0
 rtb1.SelStart = rtb1.Find("underlines")
 rtb1.Span ("underlines")
 rtb1.SelFontName = "Arial"
 rtb1.SelFontSize = 18
 End Sub

 To Set the value of a point on a graph
 To select the range of number to be passed into the array
 To resize a form, field or other graphic object

際際滷r Control
How to open a slider
 Min, Max
 Select range

Operations using 際際滷r
 ccOrientationhorizontal (value 0, the default)
   Orients the slider horizontally

 ccOrientationvertical (value1)
   Orients the slider vertically


Selecting a 際際滷rs

Setting a 際際滷rs Range
 Private Sub Form_Load()
 際際滷r1.Max = 250
 際際滷r1.Min = 0
 際際滷r1.LargeChange = 5
 際際滷r1.TickFrequency = 25
 End Sub

 Private Sub 際際滷r1_Change()
 txt1.Text = "slider position" & Str(際際滷r1.Value)
 End Sub

Handling 際際滷r Events
 Private Sub Form_Load()
 際際滷r1.Max = 100
 際際滷r1.Min = 0
 際際滷r1.LargeChange = 5
 際際滷r1.TickFrequency = 10
 際際滷r1.TickStyle = sldNoTicks
 End Sub

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  • 2. Timer Contol Combobox Rich Textbox 際際滷r Contents
  • 3. Timer Control Works like a stopwatch or alarm clock Timer control counts repeatedly as long as enabled property is set to true Interval: It specifies the interval between Timer events in milliseconds Timer Control
  • 5. Dim counter As Integer Private Sub cmdend_Click() Timer1.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub cmdstart_Click() Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() counter = counter + 1 If counter = 95 Then counter = 1 End If If counter = 1 Then Shape1.FillColor = vbRed Shape2.FillColor = vbWhite Shape3.FillColor = vbWhite End If Coding
  • 6. If counter = 45 Then Shape1.FillColor = vbWhite Shape2.FillColor = vbYellow Shape3.FillColor = vbWhite End If If counter = 50 Then Shape1.FillColor = vbWhite Shape2.FillColor = vbWhite Shape3.FillColor = vbGreen End If End Sub
  • 8. Features of Text box and List box It is used to present list to the User This control allow the user to select an item either by typing into the Combo box, or by selecting it from the list It contains an edit field Combo Box Control
  • 9. Three Styles Combo Box The drop down combo Box The Simple combo Box The drop down list Combo Box Styles
  • 10. Drop down Combo Box Style 0 Simple Combo Box Style 1 Drop Down List Box Style 2
  • 12. Coding Dim a, b Private Sub cmdshowdate_Click() lblcombo.Caption = Combo2.Text + " " + Combo3.Text + "," + Combo4.Text End Sub Private Sub Combo1_click() If Combo1.ListIndex = 0 Then lblcombo.ForeColor = vbRed End If If Combo1.ListIndex = 1 Then lblcombo.ForeColor = vbGreen End If If Combo1.ListIndex = 2 Then lblcombo.ForeColor = vbBlue End If End Sub Combo Box Application
  • 13. Private Sub Form_Load() Combo1.AddItem "Red" Combo1.AddItem "Green" Combo1.AddItem "Blue" a=0 Do While a < 31 a=a+1 Combo3.AddItem a Loop b = 1900 Do While b < 2012 b=b+1 Combo4.AddItem b Loop 遺看稼岳庄
  • 14. Combo2.AddItem "Jan" Combo2.AddItem "Feb" Combo2.AddItem "March" Combo2.AddItem "April" Combo2.AddItem "May" Combo2.AddItem "June" Combo2.AddItem "july" Combo2.AddItem "August" Combo2.AddItem "September" Combo2.AddItem "October" Combo2.AddItem "November" Combo2.AddItem "December" End Sub 遺看稼岳庄
  • 16. The Rich Text Box Control allows the user to enter and edit text while also providing more advanced formatting features than the conventional TextBox control. Syntax: RichTextBox Rich Text Box
  • 17. How to Open Rich Text Box
  • 19. Private Sub cmdrtbbox_Click() rtb1.Text = "The rich text box support underlines, Bold and Italic text." rtb1.SelStart = rtb1.Find("underlines") rtb1.Span ("underlines") rtb1.SelUnderline = True rtb1.SelStart = 0 rtb1.SelStart = rtb1.Find("Bold") rtb1.Span ("Bold") rtb1.SelBold = True 遺看稼岳庄
  • 20. rtb1.SelStart = 0 rtb1.SelStart = rtb1.Find("Italic") rtb1.Span ("Italic") rtb1.SelItalic = True rtb1.SelStart = 0 rtb1.SelStart = rtb1.Find("underlines") rtb1.Span ("underlines") rtb1.SelFontName = "Arial" rtb1.SelFontSize = 18 End Sub 遺看稼岳庄
  • 22. To Set the value of a point on a graph To select the range of number to be passed into the array To resize a form, field or other graphic object 際際滷r Control
  • 23. How to open a slider
  • 24. Value Min, Max Tickfrequency Tickstyle Smallchange Largespace Select range Selstart Sellength Operations using 際際滷r
  • 27. ccOrientationhorizontal (value 0, the default) Orients the slider horizontally ccOrientationvertical (value1) Orients the slider vertically 際際滷r1.orientation=ccorientationvertical Selecting a 際際滷rs Orientation
  • 29. Private Sub Form_Load() 際際滷r1.Max = 250 際際滷r1.Min = 0 際際滷r1.LargeChange = 5 際際滷r1.TickFrequency = 25 End Sub Private Sub 際際滷r1_Change() txt1.Text = "slider position" & Str(際際滷r1.Value) End Sub Handling 際際滷r Events
  • 31. Private Sub Form_Load() 際際滷r1.Max = 100 際際滷r1.Min = 0 際際滷r1.LargeChange = 5 際際滷r1.TickFrequency = 10 際際滷r1.TickStyle = sldNoTicks End Sub