Next EMU - Atlantis Workshop will be in Venice, from June, 28th, to July, 8th. Main topic, exploring Veneto Region as Fixed Energy Gross Capital. For more information,
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Riciclare città 2
1. Atlantis Programme
Parsons New School, TU Eindhoven, KU Leuven,
IUAV Venice
Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus IP
(Intensive Programme). Consortium EMU
(European Master in Urbanism, UPC Barcelona, TU
Delft, KU Leuven, IUAV, Venice).
Venice, June 28 - July 8 2013
Re-cycling city 2
Energy, Recycling and
the Diffuse City
2. Re-cycle1: the city as renewable resource
3. Re-cycle 2: the city as Gross Fixed Energy Capital
5. Embodied
The total energy consumption over a
building's lifetime is the sum of grey, or
hidden, or embodied energy and the
energy required over the course of its life
cycle to cover the needs of heating, hot
water, electricity...
Embodied energy is the energy “trapped”
in the body of the territory.
Embodied energy is a cost. The more
energy is embodied in an object, the more
entropy required its production. Recycling
is considering priority when managing this
gross fixed energy capita which territory is.
It focuses on the physical stratification of
what exists.
7. Re-cycle and
If we accept that the city is a renewable
resource, that it is subject to life-cyles, we
can observe it as embodied energy, thus
trying to understand it in terms of entropy
and ways to adapt to it; focusing on how
energy is used we observe new social
The way territories make use of their
energy and re-cycle in new lifecycles,
implies choosing priorities, what to recycle,
when, and who will take it; which creates
new exclusions.
8. Questions and _fields
1.the crisis of small and medium enterprises on which the diffuse city has been
According to some estimates, in the province of Treviso alone at least 20% of
industrial warehouses are disused or underused. If this were true this means that 18
million sqm of built surface is available only in the province of Treviso
Greyfields 1: recycling industrial boxes
9. Questions and _fields
2. aging population and migrants
Like many other parts of Italy, in the Veneto region the aging of the population is
remarkable and it will produce, in the near future, a demand for new habitat and
services. Considering the actual and future presence of migrants, with their habits and
lifestyles, it seems reasonable to think that a relevant part of the housing stock will be
subjected to a through revision.
Greyfields 2: recycling habitat
10. Questions and _fields
3. the diffuse city after peak oil. A territory in transition
The scenario "no auto" defines a high inten-city (very well served by public transport)
and a low inten-city. The railways is the main support of a new mobility system, which
will reduce or eliminate private cars. In this hypothesis, a project of recycling should
start from the spaces close to the train stations. Moreover, the drastic reduction of cars
will free a lot of space, which can be redesigned for new uses and functions.
Greyfields 3: recycling infrastructures
11. in between high inten-city
and low inten-city
Ospedale al Mare - Lido