Juanita Hotchkiss began working at the Family Inn children's program in 2005 and has played a pivotal role in developing it into a comprehensive program. She spearheaded efforts to create structured programming for children, including case management, parenting groups, and referrals to additional services. Juanita developed key relationships within the community to obtain donations and raise funds to ensure families had support. She demonstrated strong leadership and dedication over her years with the program.
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1. Family Inn
Family of Woodstock
38 Thomas Street
Kingston, New York 12401
845-340-1847 845-839-0549 Fax
To Whom It May Concern,
Juanita Hotchkiss began employment at the Family Inn in 2005. At that time the program
had just moved to Thomas Street after 2 year stint at the Kings Inn Motel.
; Running an actual children's programming bad proven to be more difficult that we had
anticipated. Upon our move we were dedicated to taking a tighter reins approach for developing
actual programming for our children which bad been daunting at the Motel where our children '8
population averaged 30. At the time of the move we were a 16bed facility. The average number
of children was 10.Juanita was hired during this time period as a Children's Coordinator having
been highly recommended to me by the Program Director of Family of Woodstock's Domestic
Violence Shelter.
Juanita jumped in with a vision for how the children's piece could fit into the rest of the
adult case management system. Juanita was quickly promoted to the supervisor of the children's
program. She single-handedly spearheaded a determined effort to create what bas become a fully
formed program for the children, which, though standing on its own, interfaces flawlessly with
the rest of programming. Under her guidance the program went from a tiny space that essentially
offered free play, arts and crafts, and babysitting to a fully realized comprehensive case
management program for children that includes a strong component focusing on parenting
guidance and issues which is the piece parents take with them and incorporate into their daily
lives. Juanita was trained in CLFC (Creating Lasting Family Connections) and ran a weekly
group using their guidelines and handouts to gives parents tools and insights into the
complexities of childrearing.
Juanita noticed the difficulties that many of these children experienced in accepting
boundaries, socialization and the ability to keep their attention focused (which often made school
a painful experience). Juanita developed strong relationships with all the resources in the county
that provided assessments and evaluations. The children were then referred for all appropriate
services ranging from groups for children whose parents have separated to help with speech
delays and therapy to improve motor skill coordination.
She created a form titled "Child's Profile". It is a series of questions for the staff to
utilize when interviewing either a parent of a young child or, in the case of an older child, the
child to learn things about both the child, the parent, and the relationship between them. Juanita's
skills and job duties also included hiring, training, and supervising new staff, statistical reporting
and fundraising,
2. Juanita again showed her abiJityto determine anced and develop the steps to achieve the
solution. She developed relationships with the community by going to community meetings,
representing the program at public speaking engagements, going in to the schools to ten children
and teachers what we do and what it is like to live at a temporary residence. Juanita would leave
with arm loads ofpersonal hygiene items, ~ school ~ and checks for the children's
recreation program.
Juanita's fundraising prowess ensmed that by the middle of December each year our
families were adopted either by groups or individuals for the holidays. In addition, there was a
continuous flow of presents 1hroughout the month so that any new families or ex-resident
families who had no gifts for 1heir childmJ. were guaranteed a happy holiday.
Juanita is someone who makes a difficult job seem e1forttess. She has proved to be an
extremely moti~ creative, bright and dedicated employee. We were lucky to have bad
Juanita as part of our team and feel the loss of her not being with us full time.
Jfyou need any additional information do not hesitate to call IDe.
- Rickit. AbramsOn
Program Director