1. This document contains 15 riddles about various objects, concepts, and wordplays. The riddles range from describing common objects like a clock to word puzzles involving homophones or ambiguous phrases. Solving the riddles requires thinking about different interpretations and perspectives.
12. 11.
What has thirteen hearts but no
other organs?
13. 12.
Give me food, and I will live.
Give me water, and I will die.
What am I?
14. 13.
What loses its head every morning;
but gets it back every night?
15. 14.
First I threw away the outside.
Then, I cooked the inside.
And, then I ate the outside and threw away the inside.
What am I?
16. 15.
I have four legs, but no hair.
People ride me for hours,
But dont go anywhere.
Without needing to be tugged or turned on,
I always manage to be ready for work.
What am I?