Анти-APT своими рукамиPositive Hack DaysОбфускация вредоносного кода, социальная инженерия, использование «то ли багов, то ли фич» Windows — сегодняшний арсенал злоумышленников дает возможность успешно обходить сигнатурные средства защиты. Доклад посвящен опыту построения в корпоративной среде системы на базе опенсорса, нацеленной на выявление атак, не детектируемых классическими средствами защиты. Речь пойдет о элементах статического и динамического анализа, интересных инцидентах, которые были выявлены за время работы системы (с использованием эксплойтов на MS Office, JS-кода в CHM-файлах, трюков с упаковкой OLE в PDF и Multipart, с промежуточным взломом предприятия-контрагента и крупного авиаперевозчика), будет озвучена накопленная статистика по детекту самодельной системы, сигнатурных средств и одного коммерческого анти-APT-решения.
Как работать над сайтом, чтобы не было стыдноТарасов КонстантинКак работать над сайтом, чтобы не было стыдно
Бизнес и живые люди в интернете
автор - Андрей Столяров, USABILITYLAB
HubbleKostas TampakisThe Hubble Space Telescope is a robotic telescope located 593 km above Earth's surface. Named after Edwin Hubble, it was launched in 1990 as a joint NASA and ESA project. Hubble weighs 11 tons and can obtain images with a resolution of 0.1 seconds of arc. The document then provides 10 examples of Hubble's best photographs, which include galaxies, nebulae, and other celestial objects located between 2.5 to 114 million light years from Earth. It concludes by showing an image of the Eagle Nebula, where young stars are forming within gaseous emissions.
Gary Francione The VegananimalrightsadvocatesGary Francione argues that animal welfare is misguided and will not lead to the abolition of animal exploitation. He believes animal rights requires recognizing that animals should not be treated as property and advocates for veganism. While some groups campaign for more humane treatment standards, Francione rejects this as it still views animals as commodities and reinforces speciesism. True progress requires promoting veganism as the moral baseline and normal position of the animal rights movement.
Informe sobre crecimiento económico de la OCDEVicente Rocamora1. Most economic indicators show signs that the recession has bottomed out in major OECD economies. GDP growth is projected to return in the third quarter of 2009 for the US and Eurozone.
2. However, unemployment has continued to rise sharply in many countries. Inflation remains low, reflecting falling oil and commodity prices.
3. Central banks have expanded their balance sheets significantly through large bond purchase programs. Government bond rates have stabilized after substantial declines.
4. While recovery appears to have started, the outlook remains uncertain depending on the strength of the upturn in private demand. Policy support will be needed to foster job creation and sustainable growth.
Animal Law Talk - Maike DornanimalrightsadvocatesA talk given Maike Dorn at ARA's Animal Law forum held in November 2009 on the limited protections that exist in Western Australia for animals.
Управление реальными инвестициями компанииFormulaSМастер-класс Евгения Ромащина, Генерального директора компании «Горные машины» в рамках проекта компании СКМ "FormulaS".
My PDF FileMd. Tariq AnjumThe document provides descriptions of 20 widgets that are available in Cisco WebEx Connect. The widgets allow users to access applications, share links, manage contacts and calendars, track tasks, view activity feeds and recordings, edit wikis, and more all within WebEx Connect spaces. The widgets are designed to help users collaborate more effectively and extend productivity.
Как работать над сайтом, чтобы не было стыдноТарасов КонстантинКак работать над сайтом, чтобы не было стыдно
Бизнес и живые люди в интернете
автор - Андрей Столяров, USABILITYLAB
HubbleKostas TampakisThe Hubble Space Telescope is a robotic telescope located 593 km above Earth's surface. Named after Edwin Hubble, it was launched in 1990 as a joint NASA and ESA project. Hubble weighs 11 tons and can obtain images with a resolution of 0.1 seconds of arc. The document then provides 10 examples of Hubble's best photographs, which include galaxies, nebulae, and other celestial objects located between 2.5 to 114 million light years from Earth. It concludes by showing an image of the Eagle Nebula, where young stars are forming within gaseous emissions.
Gary Francione The VegananimalrightsadvocatesGary Francione argues that animal welfare is misguided and will not lead to the abolition of animal exploitation. He believes animal rights requires recognizing that animals should not be treated as property and advocates for veganism. While some groups campaign for more humane treatment standards, Francione rejects this as it still views animals as commodities and reinforces speciesism. True progress requires promoting veganism as the moral baseline and normal position of the animal rights movement.
Informe sobre crecimiento económico de la OCDEVicente Rocamora1. Most economic indicators show signs that the recession has bottomed out in major OECD economies. GDP growth is projected to return in the third quarter of 2009 for the US and Eurozone.
2. However, unemployment has continued to rise sharply in many countries. Inflation remains low, reflecting falling oil and commodity prices.
3. Central banks have expanded their balance sheets significantly through large bond purchase programs. Government bond rates have stabilized after substantial declines.
4. While recovery appears to have started, the outlook remains uncertain depending on the strength of the upturn in private demand. Policy support will be needed to foster job creation and sustainable growth.
Animal Law Talk - Maike DornanimalrightsadvocatesA talk given Maike Dorn at ARA's Animal Law forum held in November 2009 on the limited protections that exist in Western Australia for animals.
Управление реальными инвестициями компанииFormulaSМастер-класс Евгения Ромащина, Генерального директора компании «Горные машины» в рамках проекта компании СКМ "FormulaS".
My PDF FileMd. Tariq AnjumThe document provides descriptions of 20 widgets that are available in Cisco WebEx Connect. The widgets allow users to access applications, share links, manage contacts and calendars, track tasks, view activity feeds and recordings, edit wikis, and more all within WebEx Connect spaces. The widgets are designed to help users collaborate more effectively and extend productivity.
2. Что такое лид?
Лидогенерация Традиционный канал
ФИО Иванов Сергей Петрович
Email ivanov44@yandex.ru
Тел: +7(863) 1234509
Компания: Техстрой
Подробности: Срочно партия
гвоздей 12 тон. с доставкой в
Поисковый запрос «гвозди
География: Россия
Время захода: 10:48
Глубина просмотра: 4 стр.
Цель: посетил контакты
4. Механики квалификации
1. Авторизация по каналу.
( @ , sms).
2. Подтверждение данных по звонку.
(Опрос пользователя)
3. Экспресс-квалификация.
(Опрос пользователя и проверка по стоп-
5. Фрод
1. География пользователей.
2. Информационный интерес.
3. Ошибки в выборе продукта.
4. Проверка конкурентами.
5. Накрутка через САРы.
6. Шутки друзей. (Супруг).
Метод борьбы – квалификация контактов.
6. На подумать?
1. Зачем вам лидогенерация?
2. Готов ли бизнес к работе с заявками?
3. Кто и как делает промо?
4. Кто отслеживает путь заявки внутри
5. Как строите обратную связь CPA-системой?
6. Готовы ли вы продавать с телефона?