The school is announcing that Right At School, an after school enrichment provider, will be offering classes and extended day care at the school from the dismissal until 6 PM beginning in the 2012-2013 school year. Parents can choose hourly enrichment classes in subjects like fitness, arts, and homework help or multiple hours of extended care each day. Registration will begin in mid-June and costs are $5-8 per hour depending on frequency of use. An information session about the program will be held on May 16th at 7 PM at the high school and those who RSVP by May 4th will receive a $30 voucher.
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Right At School Information
1. Dear Dunlap District Elementary School Parents,
As you may recall, we recently surveyed parents to determine if there
would be interest in bringing Right At School, an outstanding after school
enrichment provider, to our schools this Fall (beginning 2012-2013 school
year). The response was overwhelming and we are pleased to announce
that Right At School will be offering enrichment classes and extended day
opportunities right in our school every day that school is in session until
6:00 PM.
Whether you are looking for one hour after school enrichment classes
(such as fitness, arts, drama, homework help, and so on) or multiple hours
of extended care until 6:00 PM, Right At School will be here all next year
for as many days per week as you need. Costs to parents average $5 - $8
per hour, depending on how often your child uses the program. Each
afternoon begins with choices of outstanding hour-long enrichment classes
and homework help followed by optional extended care activities.
Registration for the programs will begin in mid-June.
Right At School is offering a 45-minute information session for anyone
interested in learning more about the program on Wednesday, May 16th,
at 7:00PM at Dunlap High School in the Auditorium. You do not need
to be present to register for the enrichment programs, but anyone who
RSVPs to by FRIDAY, MAY 4 and attends the
session will receive a $30 voucher for Right At School programming in the
If you have any questions about the program or the information session,
please email, or visit the Right At
School Website at: