Rijekaprojekt in転enjering is an engineering company founded in 1992 in Rijeka, Croatia that offers project and construction management services. It uses computer systems for project planning, cost management, and documentation. The company has grown to 16 employees working across offices in Rijeka and Zadar. Rijekaprojekt's services include construction management, project management, and project control through activities like site supervision, project administration, organizational structure planning, and regular project meetings.
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Company Profile
Company, Rijekaprojekt in転enjering d.o.o., was founded in Rijeka in 1992 by ime Raduli.
A priority was to use the network analysis system, to set planning and execution dates and to
determine the critical path. In addition, the company did, of course, also take on practical construction
supervision work and subsequent planning work, as well.
As a result of using the network analysis system, an extensive range of services for process control,
cost management and claims and procedures was developed, which essentially form the basis of the
all-encompassing project management service offered today.
Today, Rijekaprojekt in転enjering is an engineering company that offers professional project- and
construction management in the field of building construction, underground works, civil engineering
and plant engineering and construction and also provides project-related consulting in a number of
different sectors.
The company activities cover both project development (from the idea behind the project until the
building is in service, including commissioning) and implementation (planning and execution of
construction works).
The company has grown steadily and now has offices in Rijeka and Zadar with a total of 16
We use our own computer programs for process planning and control (network analysis), cost
planning, documentation and building data (database) as well as customized Nemetschek software.
All the desktops in our offices and on our sites are connected to networked computer systems.
In addition to providing a proven and widely recognized range of services in the areas described,
Rijekaprojekt in転enjering continues to make intensive efforts to develop new, innovative approaches to
successful project management and project control.
This particularly applies to project execution, information technology and the even more efficient
control and monitoring of construction cost.
We see this as being one of our greatest challenges for the future. By using computer network
systems to interlink all our activities, by developing increasingly powerful CAD systems and by taking
account of the requirements of facility management at an early stage, it is possible to develop an all
encompassing approach to intelligent project management.
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Internal structure of organization
Raduli family as owners
Ing. Sanja Raduli - Gali
Cost Management
Research and
Finance and
Damir Raduli
Organization and
Department Manager
Team 3
Team 3
Team 2t
Team 2
Team 1
Project Control
Department Manager
Morana Ro邸i
Project Manager
Virna Mattias
Project Manager
Department Manager
Boris Brkovi
Project Manager
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Rijekaprojekt in転enjering d.o.o.
Founder ime Raduli, dipl. ing.
CEO Sanja Raduli Gali, ing.
Rijeka HQ office
Heads of department:
1. Virna Mattias, dipl. ing. Project management
2. Morana Ro邸i, dipl. ing. Project management
3. Jasminka Ple邸e, ing. arh. Project management
4. Dejan Martinovi, ing. Project management assistant
5. Paolo Ronevi, dipl. ing. Project management assistant
6. Marija Markovi, dipl. ing. Project management assistant
7. Marisstella Boli, ing. Project management assistant
8. Radmila Jovanovi, ing. Project management assistant
9. Damir Raduli, oec. CFO, CTO
Draga 12 Phone: +385 (0)51 / 628 900
51215 Kastav, Hrvatska Fax: +385 (0)51 / 628 901
E-mail: info@rijekaprojekt.eu
Zadar office
Branch managers
1. Boris Brkovi, dipl. Ing. Project management
Gudue Phone: +385 (0)23 / 288 614
23 Ugljan, Hrvatska Fax: +385 (0)23 / 288 614
E-mail: boris@rijekaprojekt.eu
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Construction Management
Our services in construction management include all those engineering activities which are necessary
to prepare and to execute the construction works. The essential activities are:
Preparation of tender documents
Assistance for contract agreement
Site supervision.
Tender documents
In general we start our activities in construction management with setting up the tender documents.
Depending on the kind of the project and the required design by the contractor, we are able to prepare
these documents as specification with bill of quantities or as specification with description of functions
according to the following two figures.
Approval design
Final design
Bill of quantities
Workshop drawings Bid
Check on quantities
and invoicing
and payment
Traditional approach with specifications with bill of quantities (structural specs)
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Contract award
The most important activities in the stage to come up with contract award are:
Compile the tender documents
Arrange the bid procedure
Check and evaluate the offers
Negotiate with the bidders and
Assist the client during contract agreement.
for details
and payment
Modern approach with specifications and description of functions (functional specs)
check on
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Site supervision and resident engineer
Our engineers are well acquainted to provide the client for:
Inspecting the construction operations in consistency with the:
Contract documents
Public authorities approval
Shop drawings and
Coordinate the parties concerned and
Inform the client about:
Instructions and
Proposals or similar acts;
Draw up
Progress reports and
Contemporary records;
Check the
Time schedule
Measurements and
Issue the
Taking-over certificate
Final payment certificate and
Defects liability certificate.
In international construction projects our supervisors are able to act as Engineer in accordance with
FIDIC general conditions of contract for construction.
In the subject of construction management are engaged Engineers in the Rijekaprojekt in転enjering
offices and on site. We are using EDP Programs for maintaining the data from tendering until final
payment including data conversion from third parties.
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Project management / Project control
Our services are also designed to take over the responsibilities of achieving the objectives set for the
project. Clients can take upon us their own internal building department for the duration of the project,
offering program control, process control and cost management. A brief outline what we do follows
subdivided into different areas of activities.
Project administration
Project administration covers all those activities of the client that can be delegated. The scope of our
activities must be defined precisely in advance including the responsibilities of the project manager.
Once this has been done, it must be taken into account in the organizational structure of the project.
Organizational structure of the project
The organizational structure of the project shows the relationships between the different people
involved in the project and describes their managerial and decision-making authority and their duty to
cooperate und to inform. This is essentially done by means of organizational charts, which are set out
in the organization manual following discussion with the client. In effect, this manual enables the entire
structural and process organization of all those involved in the project to be placed under central
control and thus forms the basis for how they work which each other. It covers the following different
Project structure
Structural organization
Process organization
Organization of discussions and meetings
Planning coordination
Standard processes for all activities required in the project.
Project control
The project group is made up of those responsible for project management and project control. They
have regular project meetings (generally every two weeks) in which they:
Analyze the state of the project
Take any decisions that are necessary
Take up and discuss current problems
Decide on any measures required to achieve their objectives.
The representative of the users, the architect and the technical planners generally also take part in
these scheduled meetings. The project group is thus an interface that allows the representatives of the
client to exchange information with those involved in the project, but it is also the body that takes
decision on all factors affecting the project. All the decision-making criteria are discussed in the
presence of all those are involved. As a result, it is clear to everybody why decisions are made.
Detailed minutes are taken to document these meetings. These are preceded by a general section
that outlines all the most important findings and results.
For critical decisions that have to be made by the clients because they go beyond the authority of the
project manager, we prepare documents that enable the client to make a decision. These:
Describe the need for the action
Specify any alternatives and their effects
Describe all the determining factors
Make recommendations.
Except in special cases, these documents follow the rhythm of the scheduled meetings.
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Following discussions with the client (and, where appropriate, the clients supervisory or regulator
authority), we draw up draft contracts for all parties concerned, including the range of services to be
provided and calculation of the fees to be charged. General terms of contract are available that have
already been used in a large number of projects. We conduct contract negotiations, document the
results and then prepare the contract so that they are ready to be signed. We also prepare the
contracts with the subcontractor in the same way. With the exception of legal advice, which not being
lawyers, we are of course unable to give but we do everything possible to effectively relieve our clients
of the burden of drawing up and concluding the projects contracts.
Other administrative services
Depending on the organizational structure of the client, we also provide additional administrative
services as part of our project management activities. These include:
Overall management and accompaniment of project documentation
Announcement of invitations to tender in the name of and on the account of the client
Dispatch of lists of tender documents
Opening of bids
Management of all payment for the client.
Project definition / quality
The basis of the project is essentially formed by the schedules or lists that are drawn up and the
quality of execution. These must be defined in detail as early as possible because it is in the early
stages of project execution that the cost-effective parameters can be influenced most successfully.
The planning results are checked for plausibility and completeness at the appropriate planning stages,
and their effect on the factors of costs and scheduling is examined. Adjustments are made, if
necessary, and the process then continues.
As part of quality control, a project manual comparable to the organization manual already described
is created. This documents the following planning results:
A schedule of users卒 requirements
Schedules of rooms and functions required
General technical requirements / stipulations / regulations
A quality description for room types
A room book produced by the architect (if required).
Cost planning consists of the following individual components:
Cost control
Cost management.
The basic task involved in cost planning is to make available a tool kit that enables a current overview
to be provided of the forecast overall project costs at all stages of the project.
On the basis of the schedule of users` requirements and the associated schedules of required rooms
and functions, costs are determined throughout the project using a series of calculations that built
upon each other and become increasingly detailed the:
Cost framework (generally on the basis of characteristic values per m
main floor space or m
gross volume)
Rough cost estimate (on the basis of construction elements such as the area of the external
walls in m
Cost estimate (on the basis of cost elements from preliminary planning)
Cost computation (on the basis of cost elements from design planning)
Final estimate (after contracts have been awarded for the work of the main trades involved)
Final determination of costs (on completion of the project).
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As a result of the assignment of the cost elements to the various categories of services, precisely
defined budgets for awarding contracts can be submitted on completion of cost computation.
The costs are reviewed on a continuous basis throughout the project to take account of new
developments. Depending on the progress of planning or construction, the effects of changes are
reviewed constantly. Proposals detailing how to keep within the cost framework are submitted, if
necessary, and the appropriate decisions are then considered and taken. The budgets are generally
monitored on the basis of the categories in the list of items and quantities. In the case of particularly
sensitive work units, additional random checks are carried out on packages of services and on
significant items. The aim is to be able to forecast the invoice amount and keep cost development
transparent. This early warning system means that, where necessary, immediate, effective actions can
be taken to ensure adherence to the budget. At the same time, the various cost forecasts provide
current input values for planning the outflow of funds.
The company uses appropriate tools and proven computer programs for these tasks, some of which
have been developed in house.
Accounting (controlling)
In conjunction with cost management, project accounts are kept in much the same way as a
companys account:
All order data is kept and compared with the released budgets (to ensure costs are covered by
The results of negotiations are included (reductions, discounts, etc.).
All incoming invoices are checked immediately against the orders issued.
The result of these invoice checks are audited and entered into the system by the construction
management team.
The checked invoices are forwarded for payment in accordance with the power of attorney
that has been granted.
In conjunction with cost management, this system also covers the cash book and the entire order
processing system, but not projects accounting or the preparation of a balance sheet for tax purpose.
These are generally dealt with by one of the clients departments, although we can take care of them
on request.
Process diagrams are drawn up using proven network analysis programs across all phases of the
project, becoming increasingly detailed as work progresses. We take particular care to ensure that the
diagrams are comprehensible to all concerned.
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Process control
Process control affects the following project phases:
Planning of the design works
Planning of preliminary work for construction works
Planning of execution
Planning of acceptance inspections
Planning of take-over/acceptance and commissioning/utilization (on request).
The various degrees of detail for this are:
Overall process: This outlines all the steps involved in implementation.
Outline process: These are easily understood processes for planning / carcass construction /
interior work / technical systems, bases on detailed analyses and from which project deadlines
are derived and stipulated in the contract.
Detailed processes: These serve as specifications and as a basis for monitoring the work
done. They are created successively as the project progresses, checked regularly and
updated as required.
Check lists: These are created as the basis for discussion of particularly complex and
intensive operations. The aim is to avoid overloading overall process diagrams with
excessively detailed considerations.
In a defined rhythm (generally fortnightly) we review the schedule, compare the actual situation with
the target situation to ascertain any discrepancies, and submit proposals for countermeasures. We
base our assessment of how the project is progressing not just on reports from those involved but also
on our investigations, and we than discuss the results with all those affected.
In the subject of project management / project control are engaged 12 Engineers in the Rijekaprojekt
in転enjering offices and, or if necessary, in the clients office or at site.