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Rijutha Ramesh
Phone: +91 9791164657 E-mail: pintooriju@yahoo.co.in
To reach the pinnacle of the organizational pyramid, through continuous self-development process of
learning, experiencing and executing the critical blend of technology & management that we come across in
day to day interactions and simultaneously working towards continuous improvement and standardization of
the organization.
Professional Profile
 Having 2+ years of experience in Banking Operations.
 Hands-On experience in Term loan processing and Cancellation towards Credit Cards made by
individual customers.
 Accurate and highly ethical in work related projects, contributing to corporate financial goals and
Professional Work Experience
Assistant Manager, Term Loan (Credit Cards) Mar 2013  Aug 2015
Active team member in Transaction Processing Unit, under Credit cards division, where payments process
and term loan process are carried out. Five different term loans and loan cancellation under credit cards are
taken for processing in this operation unit.
Roles and Responsibilities:
 Manage the Term loan team of six members to carry out credit card operations.
 Analyze and rectify various exceptions and issues in process, with accuracy.
 Maintained higher accuracy level and quantifiable record in process automation and cost cutting.
 Manage the request from Merchants for term loan processing against Credit Card.
 Check the criteria on which the loan is processed or rejected.
 Mail and phone queries resolution for pan India internal customers.
 Reporting monthly and yearly MIS for term loans and Cancellation, submitted to senior
 Handling Internal audits, ISO and SOX audits every year.
 Outlined employees evaluation process that ranked the performance of employees in various areas
and offered constructive feedback for improvisation.
 Effectively supervise and improve employees knowledge on financial products and services.
 Proficiency in MS-OFFICE suites ( EXCEL, POWERPOINT and WORD), Vision plus and Flexcube
 Keeping track of the Attendance details of Subordinate Staff, calculate the OT amount for their extra
working hours and submit the claim
 Prepare Sat-Off Roaster and plan backup activities
 Maintain leave details and training details of the team members.
 Have received Silver Star Award for the Quarter Jul14-Sep14
Academic Chronicle
 Master of Business Administration in Finance/Marketing from SRM University in 2012 with 8.8
 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Ethiraj College for women under Madras University in
2010 with 84%.
 H.S.C from St.Johns Matric Higher Secondary School, Chennai in 2007 with 79%.
 SSLC  Matriculation from St.Johns Matric Higher Secondary School, Chennai in 2005 with 78%.
Personal Profile
DOB : 20-Jan-1990
Gender : Female
Languages Known : Tamil, English, Malayalam.
Marital Status : Married
Nationality : Indian
Address : No. 45, Second main road,
Jawahar Nagar, Chennai  600082
I hereby solemnly assure that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge.
Rijutha Ramesh.

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Rijutha Ramesh...

  • 1. Rijutha Ramesh Phone: +91 9791164657 E-mail: pintooriju@yahoo.co.in To reach the pinnacle of the organizational pyramid, through continuous self-development process of learning, experiencing and executing the critical blend of technology & management that we come across in day to day interactions and simultaneously working towards continuous improvement and standardization of the organization. Professional Profile Having 2+ years of experience in Banking Operations. Hands-On experience in Term loan processing and Cancellation towards Credit Cards made by individual customers. Accurate and highly ethical in work related projects, contributing to corporate financial goals and objectives. Professional Work Experience HDFC BANK LTD Chennai, TN, IND Assistant Manager, Term Loan (Credit Cards) Mar 2013 Aug 2015 Active team member in Transaction Processing Unit, under Credit cards division, where payments process and term loan process are carried out. Five different term loans and loan cancellation under credit cards are taken for processing in this operation unit. Roles and Responsibilities: Manage the Term loan team of six members to carry out credit card operations. Analyze and rectify various exceptions and issues in process, with accuracy. Maintained higher accuracy level and quantifiable record in process automation and cost cutting. Manage the request from Merchants for term loan processing against Credit Card. Check the criteria on which the loan is processed or rejected. Mail and phone queries resolution for pan India internal customers.
  • 2. Reporting monthly and yearly MIS for term loans and Cancellation, submitted to senior management. Handling Internal audits, ISO and SOX audits every year. Outlined employees evaluation process that ranked the performance of employees in various areas and offered constructive feedback for improvisation. Effectively supervise and improve employees knowledge on financial products and services. Proficiency in MS-OFFICE suites ( EXCEL, POWERPOINT and WORD), Vision plus and Flexcube Keeping track of the Attendance details of Subordinate Staff, calculate the OT amount for their extra working hours and submit the claim Prepare Sat-Off Roaster and plan backup activities Maintain leave details and training details of the team members. Achievements: Have received Silver Star Award for the Quarter Jul14-Sep14 Academic Chronicle Master of Business Administration in Finance/Marketing from SRM University in 2012 with 8.8 CGPA. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Ethiraj College for women under Madras University in 2010 with 84%. H.S.C from St.Johns Matric Higher Secondary School, Chennai in 2007 with 79%. SSLC Matriculation from St.Johns Matric Higher Secondary School, Chennai in 2005 with 78%. Personal Profile DOB : 20-Jan-1990 Gender : Female Languages Known : Tamil, English, Malayalam. Marital Status : Married Nationality : Indian Address : No. 45, Second main road, Jawahar Nagar, Chennai 600082 Affirmation
  • 3. I hereby solemnly assure that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge. Rijutha Ramesh.