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Rimming Cup 
"Blind squirrels find a nut every now and then," said the 51 years old Judy Melvin, as aimlessly 
stumbling through the undergrowth in the forest next to the 6th fairway. 
"But probably not this time," freshly minted grandmother grumbled when dodged what looked like a 
piece of Poison Ivy. 
"Not exactly my idea of ​​a relaxing vacation," she shook her head and thought, as she 
looked at the little white dimpled Gentiles her husband had just shanked off the tee. 
Playing a round alternate shot with a couple she had met Wesley at night, another swing belonged to 
Judy and she was determined to find this thing. 
"Look at him there gabbing on his cell phone ... so much to get away from the office for a week," 
lifelong native of Cincinnati rang when he used one of his clubs put aside brush and scrub. 
Wesley Melvin won an all-expense paid trip to Myrtle Beach a few weeks back, providing he and his 
wife their first opportunity to take a real vacation in almost a decade. Provided 10 free rounds of golf 
came with a price, but Judy went south with visions shopping trips, lazy afternoons by the pool, visit 
the spa area. 
While she did not hate her husband or his golf addiction, in that moment, were both number one and 
two, with a bullet on its blacklist. If it was not how well that would hit him with the Masons, a couple 
from the suburbs of Chicago that he met the night before, Judy would not be anywhere near the 
course plays round. 
"Son-of-a-bitch can not even hit the toilet when it is directly on top of it half the time ... how did he 
hit the golf ball straight," he looked Judy forest and cringed as her husband continued to criticize, 
who spoke from his office to home. 
"Do you need help ... you know I'm allergic to bees ... right?" Lynette Mason said that the sun-drenched 
track, so it is all too clear that I will not go into the forest to help her new friend. 
As annoying as Judy's husband to be, at least he did it in an unobtrusive way. Nothing compared to 
the band of brutal louts, they played a few holes before the Melvins and the Masons. The sounds of 
these men "obscenity laden frolicking filtered easily through the calm air in mid-February, but it was 
not until the point where Judy found it necessary to report them. At the moment he was far more 
disturbing things on hand to find her husband's wayward drive . 
"Well ... there is a ball," she immediately perked up, shuffled to a lonely little ball only to realize that 
it was not her. 
"Just to play anyway, and get on the bike," she said, knowing that would break any long-term rules of 
"No. .. just look at your whole little longer ... you can always go back to that one," said Judy. 
It was a decision that would lead to a breach in etiquette Royal & Ancient never covered.
Forest belt Judy was traipsing through separate sixth fairway her band played from the 11th, when a 
group of loudmouths were present. To her disappointment, it looked as if one of them was shanked 
shot, of course, when the loudest of the guys took a few steps into the forest, about 150 meters 
above the hill. 
"Maybe the ball I saw was him," Judy muttered aloud, deciding whether it was in fact, she just keeps 
a little secret to myself. 
As it turned out, the guy was more concerned with the release of the previous few beers that drink 
instead of finding a wayward drive. 
"Oh ... Ugh," she bit her lip and moaned and lowered her head, immediately came across as a blush 
on her face. 
Topography of course, had the back nine at a slightly higher grade than nine Judy group was 
currently on. Although the question was half a football field from however, and almost 20 meters 
above the level of cost, Judy could still hear the faint echo of his piss stream sizzling down the 
foliage lining the forest floor. 
"Oh, God ... what if he saw me," Judy stomach rolled instinctively looked up to make sure his eyes 
unblocked it. 
Fortunately, he seemed more interested in the landfill can of Bud Light to his mouth with his left 
hand as stabilized his penis in his left hand. 
"He started drinking at dawn," she said in disbelief, thinking that it is impossible for a man to pee so 
long as the guy was apparently. 
He sensed that he is safe from view, just to make sure Judy still crept behind a tree and waited until 
the coast was clear. Hidden from the road, she lost the ability to hear the man's impingement on the 
ground. Due to quickly look back up the hill, Judy looked up just in time to see the tremor last few 
drops of dew from his prick head before stuffing thing back to their Dockers. 
There in seclusion, for the first time since man unzipped and went to the bathroom, something about 
the appropriateness of it all simmered inside Judy's head. Before she could make some sense of it, 
however, her husband yelled from the fairway. 
"Give it to Judy ... Masons said I could take a Mulligan," Wes yelled down from the tee. 
Judy waited until the man upstairs threw his empty beer can into the woods and then went back to 
join his group before turning to join her. When she came out of the Woodline, the sun suddenly 
seemed much warmer on the skin than before. 
Two nights after Judy "meeting" with vulgar stranger to the golf course, she found herself having 
dinner with her husband in one of the city's finer device. They were about half the food, though 
familiar tone with the same man raised the hair on the back of the neck Judy. Even though the 
dining room was dimly lit, looked after her husband left shoulder and recognized the man in 
question stands with some of his friends on the other side of the bar, 30 or so meters.
Just sovereign and arrogant sound of the man's voice from Judy sick. One moment was a joy star 
cuisine, and further, that he was tempted to spit a mouthful of it in her napkin. Through it all, her 
husband continued to tell longwinded story, oblivious to his wife's distraction. 
"Umm ... humm ... yeah ... uh ... yeah," Judy occasionally nod your head and answer after he learned 
long ago how to fake her attention to Wes Although her focus was somewhere else right. 
If Wesley Melvin investigated the gaze of his wife 25 years just a little closer, you may be surprised 
glow ambiguous fascination in her hazel eyes. 
Lost in self-induced fog, Judy took a few seconds to realize her husband to deal with it directly. 
"... Dessert, honey ... what do you think you'll want dessert?" Wes asked, studying the menu, while 
he put the finishing touches on his entrée. 
"... Well ... I do not know ... I could skip it," blathered Judy, still looking after her husband left 
shoulder with such finesse that you thought was looking at him. 
If he looked out the dessert options at the right moment, Wes could see the flash of fascination in 
Judy's eyes suddenly hot to jealousy when the man began to talk in a bar with a 20 something 
Without the glasses, the restaurant was too dark Judy get a good look at what is happening at the 
bar, and the last thing she wanted to do was very clear in its interest. Every time she tried to focus 
her attention back to her husband and her food but felt the gnawing urge to look over his shoulder. 
"... I have to get up ... I need to use the ladies room ..." he finally said Judy, pushing herself away 
from the table. 
Wes seemed relatively unphased, just give it a cursory nod as he chewed the last few bites of my 
"Are you okay?" I managed to ask after ingestion. 
"Well ... yeah ... just powder up?" Judy said, tapping him on the shoulder reassuringly as she passed, 
though her eyes were locked on the side clearly clustered around the other end of the bar. 
It has been a while since Judy Melvin to wear 4 inches heels, and she was so confident about keeping 
his balance stepping away from the table, he nearly overturned at the foot of a man who was sitting 
to her right. 
"Oh ... Oops ... sorry," she croaked, patted her chest and a few deep breaths before resuming its 
journey across the dining room. 
"You're going to walk right past him, Judy ... you do not even look to his direction," she said defiantly 
rallied when they neared the place of the man's group were collected. 
Getting close enough to pick up the scent of a young blonde perfume but something that initial 
stumbling in the context of a married mother of two. The last thing you expect Judy was the guy to 
distract his attention from the platinum blonde was chatting when she passed.
Sources her curly auburn hair, streaked with gray tinge, tickling her rouge colored cheeks every 
time he took a step, it was not long before Judy got her first fascinating scent of men's cologne. 
"Just keep your face forward and not fall over," still she thought as she navigated the minefield 
shuffling of feet and legs of chairs that lined the path to the bathroom. 
Just as he was about to go through the site but still, the man fell like a hawk in his peripheral vision. 
Stopping, as if someone politely offered Judy Lord chance to go first. In that split second, Judy was 
able to study for a guy without being too obvious in its evaluation. He seemed to be in his late 30s, 
was nicely tanned, and seemed to be much higher than thought in moments with him a few days 
earlier, stands on a hill above it. 
"I went into the bathroom with me ... care. You can watch me pee again," Judy swore she heard the 
man's words leaving his lips. 
She shook her head, as if the transistor was blown between the ears, Judy watched the man's lips 
move a second time before he realized he'd just said, "Go for it ... ladies first." 
"Uhhh ... thanks," Judy nodded sheepishly before bowing and trudged forward. 
"God ... this is so embarrassing ... I'm crazy," she shook her head and muttered, as he walked to the 
door of the room of women, and shrines waited inside. 
Before she could disappear inside, however, Judy felt a presence behind her man, and in the 
reflection of a freshly buffed door she saw he was not alone. 
"What will you do now?" Judy asked myself what made the trip to the toilet, when in all honesty, she 
is not required to use it. 
Taking a few seconds to refresh her make-up and dress her hair in the mirror, Judy thank my lucky 
stars that it does not look as disheveled as she felt. Having a bathroom all to myself for a while, even 
gave myself a little pep talk verbal grow. 
"Get on back there and enjoy dinner with my husband," she chided face staring back. "You've been 
waiting to leave for more than five years and you finally got one, but here you are in the bathroom 
talking to himself." 
Maybe it was extended to the case of empty-nest syndrome, but both of her daughters graduated 
from high school in the last few years and was of the house for quite some time. Maybe it was after-effects 
of the change of life that has just passed, and the ongoing struggle with the wrong hormones. 
More likely, perhaps selfishly, it was simply the result was the perceived lack of attention get home. 
The problem, which served as an extra set on hand luggage, which made the 1000 mile trip south 
with a pair. Maybe it was something as simple as missing the feeling of being desirable. 
I'm trying to pull itself out of its malaise of self-pity, faint echo of voices coming from the men's room 
on the other side of the wall running down to Judy eardrums. 
"Oh ..." she muttered. "You would think a nice place like this would have a little more insulation 
between the walls."
The longer you listen, however genesis sounds became obvious. 
Knowing the guy at the bar fell in line behind her on the way to the toilet, Judy from natural 
assumption that one of his drinking buddies had to answer the call of nature as well. Hearing the 
mark of a woman's voice on the other side of the wall, slowly there, Judy, what could be happening. 
"Just get back out there and finish dinner before it gets cold ... get there before Wes comes looking 
for you," he says Judy herself, but her legs gradually began edging in the direction of the bathroom 
stalls in place on the wall where the sounds He seemed to be in the middle. 
"At least you're snooping around in a restroom at a restaurant ... not at some dive bar somewhere," 
Judy trying to bring some light on the situation, when you click on the stable door closed behind her. 
Locked, the stand seemed to amplify the noise coming from the men's room. It was hard to tell what 
the women giggling and merriment there led k 
"How long do you think you can stand here before going any other lady?" calmly asked myself how to 
drive head against the wall above the toilet. 
"God, that's so tacky," she admonished herself, knowing how it must look to her balancing on the 
balls of his heels pressed flat against the side of the head ivory tiles. 
It was not long before giggling on the other side of the wall to stop, followed by several seconds of 
silence, and then the occasional rustle of clothes and changing bodies. 
"You will not be able to hear anything," said Judy into his mouth when he hit two hands caused the 
wall to vibrate in front of her. 
Cassette her right ear flush against the cold smooth surface, Judy held her breath as her pulse 
raced, listens oil telltale signs of improvised intercourse. 
Visualization of the highlights of blonde she previously adopted Judy kept his head tilted to the side, 
sounds gradually transformed from playful to something a little more serious. Frosty tremor tore 
Judy's spine when she heard the girl gasp over the wall. 
"A little more than you thought, huh," Judy heard the man's arrogant remark as a girl keep whining 
sound clear nail polish, no doubt trying to get a hold on the wall in the opposite stand. 
Immediately, Judy was rushed to the den and back into the woods lining, the sixth fairway, where 
her husband lost half a golf ball. Suddenly Judy now understood what was so strange about 
proportionality, as she saw a man take a piss. 
Not exactly a veteran watching men pee, so she had not seen enough penises over the years to have 
some insight into what looked like urination. She closed her eyes when she disappeared 36 hours 
back in time, Judy now remembered obscene, as the man's penis dangling much lower than expected 
when connected to the ground below. 
With each successive breath, cry the girl grew in intensity and volume, causing goose bumps rise on 
Judy bare shoulders. You can not see yourself, what is transpiring just a few meters, Judy mind has 
created its own story.
Girl and boy was probably flirting with him for a while before he joined his group at the bar. There 
was some playful back and forth until the guy almost knew it in the bag whenever he wanted. With 
poetic license, Judy introduced as the man warned a young girl who might just be the case that she 
jokingly laugh it off as a false bravado. Judy then imagine how the man took the girl's dainty hand in 
his strong, urgent grip and reduces toward his crotch while his friends looked on, essentially acts as 
a shield from anyone else watch the restaurant. 
Burning swept a shot over Judy Quim when the picture how the girl had jumped when a guy pressed 
a hand to the log grows along the inner thigh. Conclusion own left hand against the wall to steady 
herself, Judy mouth watered as the girl screamed again. 
Instead of wasting your time walking back to the hotel on the street, the girl told the man to get her 
there in the establishment's restroom. 
"They went right behind you, Jude ... they may have been on her way to the ladies room to do it 
before he bent down and they just went into the men's room as a plan B," she thought. 
Now it seemed clear the girl's mouth wrote a check her ass could not cash. 
girl beg, youthful enthusiasm and confidence in her voice all but gone. 
"I thought you could do it," the man arrogantly humming, the sound of hands slapping the girl's ass 
stinging Judy ears when voyeuristically listening. 
"... Just ... please ... go ... slowly," girl now sounded very young and unsure of himself as nails 
continue to dig the smooth tiled wall surface. 
"I am," he scoffed. "I barely even poked his head inside!" 
Imagine how it must look like a girl bent over the toilet, her face just inches away from the wall over 
Judy, Judy saw a man sitting behind her, walking the girl's skirt and black thong torsion spring party 
led his horse-hung circuit between the tender pale ass cheeks. 
Angelique Maybin was 25 and on vacation for the first time since graduating from high school. She 
works as a pharmaceutical sales representative, everything went pretty well for bubbly former 
cheerleader Carolina. Among the great paying job where you get to hobnob with grapes rich men, 
released the Corvette and the benefits that come with that amazingly beautiful, Angel almost had it 
Perfectly suited for her career, Angel was almost 5'9 "with long natural blond hair that hung halfway 
down her back, he did not have it. Owning body spokesmodel, she also had a personality to match. 
Regardless of what room it may be, each head (male and female) would inevitably turn every time 
you walked in. Things are different, which, especially at night. 
Always make a point to narrow its focus on the most wanted men in the room, Angel rarely had 
trouble landing her goal. Within 15 minutes of cozying up to the bar and found that her evening 
match with a well-tanned man from Tempe business on behalf of Byron Hodges. The game shy for a 
few minutes, Angel finally accepted an invitation to join Byron and his friends for a few drinks, and
not so polite conversation. 
After escorting on and off to help pay his way through school, the angel would generally peg the man 
as Byron miles away. Even into adulthood, she found that she immediately gravitated to men only as 
one who seemed worldly, confident, and more to the point, financially secure. Maybe it was the fact 
that he never knew her father grew up, maybe it was the nice things that occasionally bought it, and 
deep down, maybe it was just a feeling that she was getting attention from someone perceived as 
important. In any case, Byron was right in the wheelhouse Angel, and as with most serendipitous 
contacts, the feeling was mutual. 
No doubt Byron enjoyed the attention received from their friends, not to mention the view of a 
majority of wandering in place to have the prettiest girl in the room hanging on his every word. He 
whisked Angel there whenever he wanted, but when flirtatious banter led to perhaps the 
consummating act in an immoral place, the restaurant is a powder room seemed appropriate 
picture. They should actually do it in the ladies room if Judy did not go there just before them. So, 
they settled on men.

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Stephanie Sahr

Rimming Cup

  • 1. Rimming Cup "Blind squirrels find a nut every now and then," said the 51 years old Judy Melvin, as aimlessly stumbling through the undergrowth in the forest next to the 6th fairway. "But probably not this time," freshly minted grandmother grumbled when dodged what looked like a piece of Poison Ivy. "Not exactly my idea of ​​a relaxing vacation," she shook her head and thought, as she looked at the little white dimpled Gentiles her husband had just shanked off the tee. Playing a round alternate shot with a couple she had met Wesley at night, another swing belonged to Judy and she was determined to find this thing. "Look at him there gabbing on his cell phone ... so much to get away from the office for a week," lifelong native of Cincinnati rang when he used one of his clubs put aside brush and scrub. Wesley Melvin won an all-expense paid trip to Myrtle Beach a few weeks back, providing he and his wife their first opportunity to take a real vacation in almost a decade. Provided 10 free rounds of golf came with a price, but Judy went south with visions shopping trips, lazy afternoons by the pool, visit the spa area. While she did not hate her husband or his golf addiction, in that moment, were both number one and two, with a bullet on its blacklist. If it was not how well that would hit him with the Masons, a couple from the suburbs of Chicago that he met the night before, Judy would not be anywhere near the course plays round. "Son-of-a-bitch can not even hit the toilet when it is directly on top of it half the time ... how did he hit the golf ball straight," he looked Judy forest and cringed as her husband continued to criticize, who spoke from his office to home. "Do you need help ... you know I'm allergic to bees ... right?" Lynette Mason said that the sun-drenched track, so it is all too clear that I will not go into the forest to help her new friend. As annoying as Judy's husband to be, at least he did it in an unobtrusive way. Nothing compared to the band of brutal louts, they played a few holes before the Melvins and the Masons. The sounds of these men "obscenity laden frolicking filtered easily through the calm air in mid-February, but it was not until the point where Judy found it necessary to report them. At the moment he was far more disturbing things on hand to find her husband's wayward drive . "Well ... there is a ball," she immediately perked up, shuffled to a lonely little ball only to realize that it was not her. "Just to play anyway, and get on the bike," she said, knowing that would break any long-term rules of golf. "No. .. just look at your whole little longer ... you can always go back to that one," said Judy. It was a decision that would lead to a breach in etiquette Royal & Ancient never covered.
  • 2. Forest belt Judy was traipsing through separate sixth fairway her band played from the 11th, when a group of loudmouths were present. To her disappointment, it looked as if one of them was shanked shot, of course, when the loudest of the guys took a few steps into the forest, about 150 meters above the hill. "Maybe the ball I saw was him," Judy muttered aloud, deciding whether it was in fact, she just keeps a little secret to myself. As it turned out, the guy was more concerned with the release of the previous few beers that drink instead of finding a wayward drive. "Oh ... Ugh," she bit her lip and moaned and lowered her head, immediately came across as a blush on her face. Topography of course, had the back nine at a slightly higher grade than nine Judy group was currently on. Although the question was half a football field from however, and almost 20 meters above the level of cost, Judy could still hear the faint echo of his piss stream sizzling down the foliage lining the forest floor. "Oh, God ... what if he saw me," Judy stomach rolled instinctively looked up to make sure his eyes unblocked it. Fortunately, he seemed more interested in the landfill can of Bud Light to his mouth with his left hand as stabilized his penis in his left hand. "He started drinking at dawn," she said in disbelief, thinking that it is impossible for a man to pee so long as the guy was apparently. He sensed that he is safe from view, just to make sure Judy still crept behind a tree and waited until the coast was clear. Hidden from the road, she lost the ability to hear the man's impingement on the ground. Due to quickly look back up the hill, Judy looked up just in time to see the tremor last few drops of dew from his prick head before stuffing thing back to their Dockers. There in seclusion, for the first time since man unzipped and went to the bathroom, something about the appropriateness of it all simmered inside Judy's head. Before she could make some sense of it, however, her husband yelled from the fairway. "Give it to Judy ... Masons said I could take a Mulligan," Wes yelled down from the tee. Judy waited until the man upstairs threw his empty beer can into the woods and then went back to join his group before turning to join her. When she came out of the Woodline, the sun suddenly seemed much warmer on the skin than before. ___________________________________ Two nights after Judy "meeting" with vulgar stranger to the golf course, she found herself having dinner with her husband in one of the city's finer device. They were about half the food, though familiar tone with the same man raised the hair on the back of the neck Judy. Even though the dining room was dimly lit, looked after her husband left shoulder and recognized the man in question stands with some of his friends on the other side of the bar, 30 or so meters.
  • 3. Just sovereign and arrogant sound of the man's voice from Judy sick. One moment was a joy star cuisine, and further, that he was tempted to spit a mouthful of it in her napkin. Through it all, her husband continued to tell longwinded story, oblivious to his wife's distraction. "Umm ... humm ... yeah ... uh ... yeah," Judy occasionally nod your head and answer after he learned long ago how to fake her attention to Wes Although her focus was somewhere else right. If Wesley Melvin investigated the gaze of his wife 25 years just a little closer, you may be surprised glow ambiguous fascination in her hazel eyes. Lost in self-induced fog, Judy took a few seconds to realize her husband to deal with it directly. "... Dessert, honey ... what do you think you'll want dessert?" Wes asked, studying the menu, while he put the finishing touches on his entrée. "... Well ... I do not know ... I could skip it," blathered Judy, still looking after her husband left shoulder with such finesse that you thought was looking at him. If he looked out the dessert options at the right moment, Wes could see the flash of fascination in Judy's eyes suddenly hot to jealousy when the man began to talk in a bar with a 20 something blonde. Without the glasses, the restaurant was too dark Judy get a good look at what is happening at the bar, and the last thing she wanted to do was very clear in its interest. Every time she tried to focus her attention back to her husband and her food but felt the gnawing urge to look over his shoulder. "... I have to get up ... I need to use the ladies room ..." he finally said Judy, pushing herself away from the table. Wes seemed relatively unphased, just give it a cursory nod as he chewed the last few bites of my entree. "Are you okay?" I managed to ask after ingestion. "Well ... yeah ... just powder up?" Judy said, tapping him on the shoulder reassuringly as she passed, though her eyes were locked on the side clearly clustered around the other end of the bar. It has been a while since Judy Melvin to wear 4 inches heels, and she was so confident about keeping his balance stepping away from the table, he nearly overturned at the foot of a man who was sitting to her right. "Oh ... Oops ... sorry," she croaked, patted her chest and a few deep breaths before resuming its journey across the dining room. "You're going to walk right past him, Judy ... you do not even look to his direction," she said defiantly rallied when they neared the place of the man's group were collected. Getting close enough to pick up the scent of a young blonde perfume but something that initial stumbling in the context of a married mother of two. The last thing you expect Judy was the guy to distract his attention from the platinum blonde was chatting when she passed.
  • 4. Sources her curly auburn hair, streaked with gray tinge, tickling her rouge colored cheeks every time he took a step, it was not long before Judy got her first fascinating scent of men's cologne. "Just keep your face forward and not fall over," still she thought as she navigated the minefield shuffling of feet and legs of chairs that lined the path to the bathroom. Just as he was about to go through the site but still, the man fell like a hawk in his peripheral vision. Stopping, as if someone politely offered Judy Lord chance to go first. In that split second, Judy was able to study for a guy without being too obvious in its evaluation. He seemed to be in his late 30s, was nicely tanned, and seemed to be much higher than thought in moments with him a few days earlier, stands on a hill above it. "I went into the bathroom with me ... care. You can watch me pee again," Judy swore she heard the man's words leaving his lips. She shook her head, as if the transistor was blown between the ears, Judy watched the man's lips move a second time before he realized he'd just said, "Go for it ... ladies first." "Uhhh ... thanks," Judy nodded sheepishly before bowing and trudged forward. "God ... this is so embarrassing ... I'm crazy," she shook her head and muttered, as he walked to the door of the room of women, and shrines waited inside. Before she could disappear inside, however, Judy felt a presence behind her man, and in the reflection of a freshly buffed door she saw he was not alone. __________________________________ "What will you do now?" Judy asked myself what made the trip to the toilet, when in all honesty, she is not required to use it. Taking a few seconds to refresh her make-up and dress her hair in the mirror, Judy thank my lucky stars that it does not look as disheveled as she felt. Having a bathroom all to myself for a while, even gave myself a little pep talk verbal grow. "Get on back there and enjoy dinner with my husband," she chided face staring back. "You've been waiting to leave for more than five years and you finally got one, but here you are in the bathroom talking to himself." Maybe it was extended to the case of empty-nest syndrome, but both of her daughters graduated from high school in the last few years and was of the house for quite some time. Maybe it was after-effects of the change of life that has just passed, and the ongoing struggle with the wrong hormones. More likely, perhaps selfishly, it was simply the result was the perceived lack of attention get home. The problem, which served as an extra set on hand luggage, which made the 1000 mile trip south with a pair. Maybe it was something as simple as missing the feeling of being desirable. I'm trying to pull itself out of its malaise of self-pity, faint echo of voices coming from the men's room on the other side of the wall running down to Judy eardrums. "Oh ..." she muttered. "You would think a nice place like this would have a little more insulation between the walls."
  • 5. The longer you listen, however genesis sounds became obvious. Knowing the guy at the bar fell in line behind her on the way to the toilet, Judy from natural assumption that one of his drinking buddies had to answer the call of nature as well. Hearing the mark of a woman's voice on the other side of the wall, slowly there, Judy, what could be happening. "Just get back out there and finish dinner before it gets cold ... get there before Wes comes looking for you," he says Judy herself, but her legs gradually began edging in the direction of the bathroom stalls in place on the wall where the sounds He seemed to be in the middle. "At least you're snooping around in a restroom at a restaurant ... not at some dive bar somewhere," Judy trying to bring some light on the situation, when you click on the stable door closed behind her. Locked, the stand seemed to amplify the noise coming from the men's room. It was hard to tell what the women giggling and merriment there led k "How long do you think you can stand here before going any other lady?" calmly asked myself how to drive head against the wall above the toilet. "God, that's so tacky," she admonished herself, knowing how it must look to her balancing on the balls of his heels pressed flat against the side of the head ivory tiles. It was not long before giggling on the other side of the wall to stop, followed by several seconds of silence, and then the occasional rustle of clothes and changing bodies. "You will not be able to hear anything," said Judy into his mouth when he hit two hands caused the wall to vibrate in front of her. Cassette her right ear flush against the cold smooth surface, Judy held her breath as her pulse raced, listens oil telltale signs of improvised intercourse. Visualization of the highlights of blonde she previously adopted Judy kept his head tilted to the side, sounds gradually transformed from playful to something a little more serious. Frosty tremor tore Judy's spine when she heard the girl gasp over the wall. "A little more than you thought, huh," Judy heard the man's arrogant remark as a girl keep whining sound clear nail polish, no doubt trying to get a hold on the wall in the opposite stand. Immediately, Judy was rushed to the den and back into the woods lining, the sixth fairway, where her husband lost half a golf ball. Suddenly Judy now understood what was so strange about proportionality, as she saw a man take a piss. Not exactly a veteran watching men pee, so she had not seen enough penises over the years to have some insight into what looked like urination. She closed her eyes when she disappeared 36 hours back in time, Judy now remembered obscene, as the man's penis dangling much lower than expected when connected to the ground below. With each successive breath, cry the girl grew in intensity and volume, causing goose bumps rise on Judy bare shoulders. You can not see yourself, what is transpiring just a few meters, Judy mind has created its own story.
  • 6. Girl and boy was probably flirting with him for a while before he joined his group at the bar. There was some playful back and forth until the guy almost knew it in the bag whenever he wanted. With poetic license, Judy introduced as the man warned a young girl who might just be the case that she jokingly laugh it off as a false bravado. Judy then imagine how the man took the girl's dainty hand in his strong, urgent grip and reduces toward his crotch while his friends looked on, essentially acts as a shield from anyone else watch the restaurant. Burning swept a shot over Judy Quim when the picture how the girl had jumped when a guy pressed a hand to the log grows along the inner thigh. Conclusion own left hand against the wall to steady herself, Judy mouth watered as the girl screamed again. Instead of wasting your time walking back to the hotel on the street, the girl told the man to get her there in the establishment's restroom. "They went right behind you, Jude ... they may have been on her way to the ladies room to do it before he bent down and they just went into the men's room as a plan B," she thought. Now it seemed clear the girl's mouth wrote a check her ass could not cash. "GGAAAWWDDD ... AAAHHHGGRRR ... AAAHHHH ... GO SLOW ... PLLEEEZZZEEE," Judy heard a girl beg, youthful enthusiasm and confidence in her voice all but gone. "I thought you could do it," the man arrogantly humming, the sound of hands slapping the girl's ass stinging Judy ears when voyeuristically listening. "... Just ... please ... go ... slowly," girl now sounded very young and unsure of himself as nails continue to dig the smooth tiled wall surface. "I am," he scoffed. "I barely even poked his head inside!" Imagine how it must look like a girl bent over the toilet, her face just inches away from the wall over Judy, Judy saw a man sitting behind her, walking the girl's skirt and black thong torsion spring party led his horse-hung circuit between the tender pale ass cheeks. ____________________________________ Angelique Maybin was 25 and on vacation for the first time since graduating from high school. She works as a pharmaceutical sales representative, everything went pretty well for bubbly former cheerleader Carolina. Among the great paying job where you get to hobnob with grapes rich men, released the Corvette and the benefits that come with that amazingly beautiful, Angel almost had it made. Perfectly suited for her career, Angel was almost 5'9 "with long natural blond hair that hung halfway down her back, he did not have it. Owning body spokesmodel, she also had a personality to match. Regardless of what room it may be, each head (male and female) would inevitably turn every time you walked in. Things are different, which, especially at night. Always make a point to narrow its focus on the most wanted men in the room, Angel rarely had trouble landing her goal. Within 15 minutes of cozying up to the bar and found that her evening match with a well-tanned man from Tempe business on behalf of Byron Hodges. The game shy for a few minutes, Angel finally accepted an invitation to join Byron and his friends for a few drinks, and
  • 7. not so polite conversation. After escorting on and off to help pay his way through school, the angel would generally peg the man as Byron miles away. Even into adulthood, she found that she immediately gravitated to men only as one who seemed worldly, confident, and more to the point, financially secure. Maybe it was the fact that he never knew her father grew up, maybe it was the nice things that occasionally bought it, and deep down, maybe it was just a feeling that she was getting attention from someone perceived as important. In any case, Byron was right in the wheelhouse Angel, and as with most serendipitous contacts, the feeling was mutual. No doubt Byron enjoyed the attention received from their friends, not to mention the view of a majority of wandering in place to have the prettiest girl in the room hanging on his every word. He whisked Angel there whenever he wanted, but when flirtatious banter led to perhaps the consummating act in an immoral place, the restaurant is a powder room seemed appropriate picture. They should actually do it in the ladies room if Judy did not go there just before them. So, they settled on men.