Guam is an island located in the Pacific Ocean that was acquired by the United States from Spain in 1898 following the Spanish-American War. It has since been an important strategic location for the US due to its naval and shipping routes in the Pacific. Richard P. Leary was the first Naval Governor of Guam from 1860-1901 and botanist William Edward Safford named 16 plant species found on Guam in his honor.
Richard P. Leary (1842-1901) William Edward Safford (1859-
Naval Governor of Guam: 1860- 1926)
1901 Sixteen plant species are named for
Safford in honor of his contributions
to botany.
1. In 1898, the United States had a war with Spain
and took Guam under the Treaty of Paris, which also
brought the giving of Cuba, the Philippines and
Puerto Rico from Spain. Guam continued to be
important due to its strategic location, both for
shipping and air travel in the Pacific
2. To establish a naval base for steamships, and it
had resources such as coal.