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Marcelo Fuchs1· BE
River, raisingtheflighttotherhythm of samba. .
RioAdventureof exotic birdsthat develops inan environmentno lesscolorful:Riode JaneiroandCarnival.Each of thecharactersRIOoffers viewersa very different personalityand a past thatdefineswho they are,or whatmight have been,but ultimately thebottom line is thatwe can allbecome whatwe want withthe help ofour friends andfamily.
BluThemaincharacter in the filmcalledBLUERIVER,a rarespecies ofbirdthathas livedallhislifeprotectedbyherownerandbestfriend,Linda.Although he isabletoputthekeyson a computer andskateboarding,notknowhowtofly!Butwhentheothersideof theworldcaught inanadventure inthejungleandthestreets of Riode Janeiro, isforcedout of hiscage andseeifhaswhatittakestoflyaway!
Bluhas a lot offishout of water(howbirdwithoutthesky?)UnstableevenbeforemeetingwithPearl.Arriving inRio andexperiencethesensoryoverloadof colors,soundsand surroundings, Bluiscompletelyout oftheircomfortzoneofMinnesota.ThecagedBlu- rememberingthatthiscampusishomeforhim,makeshisfirstfriendsin Rio:Nico,a canary, whichdoublesJamieFoxx,and Peter,a cardinalwholendshisvoiceWill.i.am.Meetsomehigh-flyingbirdsasculturalshockintensifiesBlu,butisintriguedbythetinyfigureslushduet, andNicoand PeterfeelthesamecuriosityBlu
PerlaThejewel in thejungle,longeyelashes andsilkyand bluefeathers.Blu.Ellaisdaringtofall in loveand everythingunlikeBlulovestofly,theyvaluetheirfreedomandneverletanyonegetintoa cage.Whenyouare caughtwitha "pet", you'llfinda place tolivepermanentlyisnot sobad.
RafaelAtrue romanticand soul ofthepartyin hisday.Thatwastheking ofCarnival, isnow afatherof 17 childrenToucanand a wifethatkeepsyouclosetothenest.Hewouldneverletsuchahappyfamilyunlessitwastohelpsomeyoungbirdsarein danger ...and theopportunitytoenjoythecarnivalsambaonelast time!
LuisHisbarkisworsethanhisbite.ThisfriendofRafaelis a friendlyandslobberybulldogtoshow thatyou can notalwaysjudge a bookbyitscover.Youmightthinkit'sgoingtobite youbutallIreallywanttolickyouwiththeirslime.A fan ofCarmenMirandacannotwaitforCarnivalhatbearingthatfruit!
Pedro Y NicoThisdynamicduoare birds ofhiphopand R&B.Theyare alwaysup to date andRio isyourplayground.Someoneaskedforsomethingnewwith a touch ofstyle?Nicoand Peterbringthe wild side ofBlu's new lifein Rio,so do notdo more thanask,'Whyisthisguyin a cage? "BluisfortunatetohaveNicoand Peterontheirside, in fact,needallthefriendsit can getinbecause he andPearlRiverarekidnappedbysmugglerswhose planistosellrarebirds andgeesemakea paste.
NigelAcockatooconniving,Nigelis not a nicebird ...butit used to be.Ex-star in aBrazilian telenovela, wasfired some yearsand replaced with abeautifulcolored bird.Nowhe hatesall  birds"beautiful."Jealousyand anger thatNigelusedhis new role as"devil" will be usedby smugglers toachieve their aims.Nigelis bitter.At one timeit was abird ofsuccess andvery good looking.Buttheir appearancechangedto reflect theirinternalmalignancy.And believe mewhen I say thatNigelis not agood guy.Notimetoloseany wrongdoing.
Myopinion aboutthe movie:The movieRio, I feltvery good.Containshumor,love and adventure,thensee itwill leave aclear messageabout friendship, dreamsand notbe afraid offear butlearn todeal with them.excellentmovie.

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  • 3. RioAdventureof exotic birdsthat develops inan environmentno lesscolorful:Riode JaneiroandCarnival.Each of thecharactersRIOoffers viewersa very different personalityand a past thatdefineswho they are,or whatmight have been,but ultimately thebottom line is thatwe can allbecome whatwe want withthe help ofour friends andfamily.
  • 4. BluThemaincharacter in the filmcalledBLUERIVER,a rarespecies ofbirdthathas livedallhislifeprotectedbyherownerandbestfriend,Linda.Although he isabletoputthekeyson a computer andskateboarding,notknowhowtofly!Butwhentheothersideof theworldcaught inanadventure inthejungleandthestreets of Riode Janeiro, isforcedout of hiscage andseeifhaswhatittakestoflyaway!
  • 5. Bluhas a lot offishout of water(howbirdwithoutthesky?)UnstableevenbeforemeetingwithPearl.Arriving inRio andexperiencethesensoryoverloadof colors,soundsand surroundings, Bluiscompletelyout oftheircomfortzoneofMinnesota.ThecagedBlu- rememberingthatthiscampusishomeforhim,makeshisfirstfriendsin Rio:Nico,a canary, whichdoublesJamieFoxx,and Peter,a cardinalwholendshisvoiceWill.i.am.Meetsomehigh-flyingbirdsasculturalshockintensifiesBlu,butisintriguedbythetinyfigureslushduet, andNicoand PeterfeelthesamecuriosityBlu
  • 6. PerlaThejewel in thejungle,longeyelashes andsilkyand bluefeathers.Blu.Ellaisdaringtofall in loveand everythingunlikeBlulovestofly,theyvaluetheirfreedomandneverletanyonegetintoa cage.Whenyouare caughtwitha "pet", you'llfinda place tolivepermanentlyisnot sobad.
  • 7. RafaelAtrue romanticand soul ofthepartyin hisday.Thatwastheking ofCarnival, isnow afatherof 17 childrenToucanand a wifethatkeepsyouclosetothenest.Hewouldneverletsuchahappyfamilyunlessitwastohelpsomeyoungbirdsarein danger ...and theopportunitytoenjoythecarnivalsambaonelast time!
  • 8. LuisHisbarkisworsethanhisbite.ThisfriendofRafaelis a friendlyandslobberybulldogtoshow thatyou can notalwaysjudge a bookbyitscover.Youmightthinkit'sgoingtobite youbutallIreallywanttolickyouwiththeirslime.A fan ofCarmenMirandacannotwaitforCarnivalhatbearingthatfruit!
  • 9. Pedro Y NicoThisdynamicduoare birds ofhiphopand R&B.Theyare alwaysup to date andRio isyourplayground.Someoneaskedforsomethingnewwith a touch ofstyle?Nicoand Peterbringthe wild side ofBlu's new lifein Rio,so do notdo more thanask,'Whyisthisguyin a cage? "BluisfortunatetohaveNicoand Peterontheirside, in fact,needallthefriendsit can getinbecause he andPearlRiverarekidnappedbysmugglerswhose planistosellrarebirds andgeesemakea paste.
  • 10. NigelAcockatooconniving,Nigelis not a nicebird ...butit used to be.Ex-star in aBrazilian telenovela, wasfired some yearsand replaced with abeautifulcolored bird.Nowhe hatesall birds"beautiful."Jealousyand anger thatNigelusedhis new role as"devil" will be usedby smugglers toachieve their aims.Nigelis bitter.At one timeit was abird ofsuccess andvery good looking.Buttheir appearancechangedto reflect theirinternalmalignancy.And believe mewhen I say thatNigelis not agood guy.Notimetoloseany wrongdoing.
  • 11. Myopinion aboutthe movie:The movieRio, I feltvery good.Containshumor,love and adventure,thensee itwill leave aclear messageabout friendship, dreamsand notbe afraid offear butlearn todeal with them.excellentmovie.