Veiling-Tesett端r goes into more and more fashionable. So, it seems that the new market will flourish within the social networks and an emerging social-boutique market will rise for tesett端r in Turkey.
This document presents information about culture and consumer behavior. It defines culture and lists its key attributes and aspects. Culture is described as comprehensive, intangible, created by people, and evolving over time. The three main aspects of culture are patterns, being learned, and being transmitted. Characteristics of culture include it being dynamic, shared, satisfying needs, and learned rather than genetic. The main components of culture are cognitive, material, and normative. Cultural change can occur due to technological changes, exposure to other cultures, conflicts between existing values, and dramatic events.
Kurumsal blog yaz脹m脹 端zerine basit, k脹sa ve ie yarar notlar 巽脹karmaya 巽al脹t脹m. Ne yazaca脹n脹z da, nas脹l yazaca脹n脹z da eit derecede 旦nemli. 聴nternet kullan脹c脹s脹n脹n okumaya ilgisi gittik巽e azal脹yor olabilir, fakat iyi i巽erik hala okunuyor, g端zel olan da bu.
This document discusses representation of different groups in media. It addresses representation of religions, with Christianity portrayed more positively than other religions like Islam. It notes Islam is often negatively depicted in controversial ways. Representation of women is discussed, noting they are still often judged on looks and magazines portray unrealistic standards. Men are also discussed, focusing on physique, strength, and relationships. Disability representation is changing but still uses disability for comedy at times or portrays stereotypes. Representation of age, ethnicity, and race are also issues discussed.
From Islamophobia to Mosquephobia The Predicament of Urbanism, Multicultural...Ali Alraouf
Prof. Alraouf's Contribution in:
The First World Assembly of Islamic Cities 31 Aug1 Sep, 2013. Iran.
From Islamophobia to Mosquephobia
The Predicament of Urbanism, Multiculturalism and Islam.
Ali A. Alraouf, Ph.D.
Prof. of Architecture and Urbanism
Head of Research and Development QNMP, Qatar.
Digital marketing can be used for so much more than just promoting products. It can help re-brand religions such as Islam to foster social harmony. Check out our presentation on the intersection of religion and digital!
Retrospect, Intropect and Prospect of website in disseminating ...Nor Hashim
The document discusses the retrospect, introspect, and prospect of Islamic websites in disseminating da'wah (Islamic propagation). It summarizes past studies on how Muslims have adopted the internet for da'wah efforts. Local efforts in Malaysia to define Islamic websites and models for online da'wah are also examined. The document proposes analyzing elements of credibility and trust to provide a comprehensive description of an Islamic website for effective da'wah online based on existing da'wah models.
Social Cognition and Media Psychology Uncovered: Social Representations of C...Ula Baar Gezgin
Gezgin, U.B. (2013). Social Cognition and Media Psychology Uncovered: Social Representations of Chinese on Turkish Newspapers. Seminar at Shanghai University, China, 11 November 2013.
The area of social cognition involves how people interpret the social phenomena such as other people, countries, nations, social groups etc. The notion of stereotypes is one of the most common topics studied as one of the keys to uncover psychology of social cognition. The Oxford Dictionary defines stereotype as a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Due to the non-existence of Chinatowns and thus low social accessibility of Chinese people, Chinese are less known by Turkish people face-to-face. The information about Chinese are mostly acquired from news media and fictional works such as Jackie Chan films and kung-fu movies. The absence of face-to-face contact among many and the selectivity of media and films over social representations of Chinese might be held responsible for stereotypicality of social representations of Chinese in Turkey, rather than genuineness. Secondly, the area of media psychology studies the link between media and peoples psychology including peoples stereotypes and social representations. Mass communication theories consider media users as passive recipients which are shaped by media corporations, while more recent theories revamp this equation. In this paper, matching the discussions within media psychology and intercultural communication, the social representations of Chinese on Turkish newspapers are investigated. It is observed that Chinese appear on Turkish newspapers with extraordinary news, male-female imbalance, one child policy, political issues, commerce, long life, made-in-China products, consumerism, electronic products, hackers, tainted products, archeological and scientific discoveries, economic competition between China and U.S. etc.
Keywords: Media psychology, social cognition, stereotypes, Chinese, intercultural communication
Cultural dimension and international relationsSel San
This document discusses new approaches to understanding global politics through a cultural lens. It first defines culture and how it forms with communities. It then explains how culture shapes global politics, citing examples like European colonialism imposing their cultures. The main part presents Arjun Appadurai's theory of "scapes", or dimensions of global cultural flow, including ethnoscapes of human migration, technoscapes of technology, financescapes of economies, mediascapes of media, and ideoscapes of political ideologies. It concludes that understanding these cultural dimensions is important for comprehending differences between societies and global conflicts.
Popular Culture in study of Cultural Studies.pdfAsha Rathod
M.A sem 3 paper No -205 cultural studies I'm deal with the topic popular Culture presentation submitted to Department of English, M K Bhavnagar University of Gujarat
Impact of Mass Culture on Personnel Potential in Ecotourism Sphereijtsrd
This article is devoted to one of the functions of mass culture as a form of social relations, which consists in ensuring the socialization of a person, helping him to master new social roles and values, to teach him how to regulate behavior in various non standard situations so inherent to modern society. This by modeling different life situations, it gives people an idea of how to act in certain conditions, gives guidelines for the way of life. The article reveals the meaning of the concept human potential-. In the article much attention is focused on the idea that in the modern sphere of ecotourism, no society can see its own perspective without strengthening of cultural and spiritual potential, ecclesiastical and moral values in the minds of people. Therefore the problem of spirituality, the problem of spiritual and moral education is becoming especially important today. The analysis of the research is provided. Albina Romenovna Sharipova "Impact of Mass Culture on Personnel Potential in Ecotourism Sphere" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5 , August 2021, URL: Paper URL:
The Fusion of Culture and Fashion in Modern Magazines.pdfThe Luxury Report
The Luxury Report, a leading Fashion Magazine based in London, embodies the epitome of style and elegance. With a captivating blend of haute couture, trends, and insider knowledge, it serves as a premier guide for fashion enthusiasts worldwide. From exclusive interviews with industry icons to editorial spreads featuring haute designs, The Luxury Report is a beacon of sophistication. Its artistic flair, coupled with in-depth analysis, makes it an indispensable companion for the fashion-conscious, setting new standards in the world of glossy publications.
The document summarizes how the old magazine format differs from the new magazine format. It discusses how women's magazines have historically focused on women as homemakers but now target independent career women and teenagers. New technologies like the internet have influenced this change through increased interactivity and visualization of content. The traditional one-way format has shifted to two-way communication online. Personalized magazines and interactive websites point to the future of the format, but the industry has yet to fully transition readers to new media experiences.
Journal of sociology publishes research papers on all aspects of sociology for the international audience with interest in the field of sociology. The articles are highly relevant to the issues and challenges faced in real social life and encourage innovative research based approaches to solve those issues in society. And it provides a forum for exchange of knowledge among academicians and researchers for advancement of research in the area of sociology. The journal covers following topics related to sociology.
This document discusses various contemporary subcultures and issues surrounding their appropriation and commodification. It begins by examining theories of subcultural style and identity formation from sources like Dick Hebdige. Case studies of postwar Japanese subcultures like the Futen-zoku and Bszoku are presented. The document then discusses the rise of DIY design in Singapore and a case study of the Mash-Up fashion label. Issues of subcultural trends moving from street to runway and back again, as well as their marketing and commodification are explored through sources like Yuniya Kawamura's Fashion-ology. The blurring lines between production and consumption of subcultural styles is discussed.
Transformation of subaltern, marginalized and dalit in the postmodern scenarioManojkumar Mane
This document discusses how postmodernism has transformed concepts of subaltern, marginalized, and dalit groups. Postmodernism has destroyed boundaries by promoting an "anything goes" lifestyle with freely chosen global cultures. However, postmodernism has also strengthened borders between the wealthy who can participate and the poor who are excluded. Money and buying power now define subaltern and marginalized groups more than attributes like caste or region. While postmodernism offers freedom of choice, this benefit is only accessible to those who can afford it, leaving others in deprived conditions.
Postmodernism emerged after modernism in the 1970s as a period defined by a shift away from production towards an economy and culture based on consumption. Postmodern thinkers argue that absolute truths and fixed identities have dissolved in contemporary society, leaving individuals to construct identities through consumption and popular culture. Theories of risk also suggest identities are now based on managing risks in everyday life through individual actions and choices.
Modernism had a significant impact on educational systems as it promoted new ways of thinking and experimentation. Traditional education focused on rote learning through lectures while modern education emphasizes participatory and experiential learning using new technologies. Modernization led to both benefits like increased access to education, literacy, and career opportunities, as well as challenges such as stress, competition, and urbanization's impact on family structures. The development of nations is now closely tied to investments in education to develop skilled workforces and knowledge economies.
This document discusses media and globalization. It explores how media has allowed for the spread of ideas, cultures, religions, and commerce across borders throughout history. Media acts as a means of communication through various channels like print, broadcast, and digital. While new media can extend human senses, it can also limit them. Some scholars argue media has led to cultural imperialism through influence of strong foreign cultures, while others critique this view. Both positive and negative effects of social media are discussed, such as how it enables communication but can also divide people and spread misinformation.
A Critical Analysis of Social Issues Discussed In Important English Newspaper...iosrjce
The purpose of the study was to analyze the newspaper articles published in the Daily Dawn and the
Daily News International during the year 2012-2011. The researcher analyzed the articles from different
aspects e.g. knowledge of social issues, enriching English language etc. so as to enhance the level of awareness
regarding social issues and learning skills of English language of the readers. One hypotheses was formulated.
The scope of the study was limited to the articles published in the important English newspapers of Pakistan
(the Daily Dawn and the Daily News) and their readers in Karachi. Mixed research approach was adopted. The
population was comprised of all the readers of the selected articles of the Daily Dawn and the Daily News
newspapers published during the year 2012-2011 in Karachi. The researcher used the stratified random
sampling design along with purposive sampling design was adopted. The mode of determining the role of
English newspapers was through a close and careful analysis of the newspaper articles. Questionnaires and
interview protocol were major techniques used for data collection. Data was analyzed qualitatively and
quantitatively. Content analysis of the articles revealed the level of social issues discussed in important
newspapers. It has created an impact specifically on the authorities of the newspaper organizations and
generally in the public. It was a sort of litmus test. It was found knowledge related to social issues was available
for the readers. On the basis of findings concrete recommendations were made.
Exploration of the Cultural and Artistic Development of the Disabled Under th...ijtsrd
In the context of the new era, the development of cultural and artistic development of people with disabilities is getting more attention and exploration. With the recognition of multicultural society and the improvement of inclusiveness, people with disabilities have gradually gained the opportunity to show their cultural and artistic talents. With the development of culture and art of the disabled in the context of the new era, this paper explores the development path of the disabled in the field of culture and art. This paper introduces the current situation and existing problems of the cultural and artistic development of the disabled, including the lack of accessibility environment, unequal participation opportunities and the lack of inclusive social environment. To explore the development direction of inclusiveness and equality, including the provision of accessibility, equal opportunities and inclusive social environment. By analyzing the current situation and exploring the development direction, it provides thinking and prospects for the development of the culture and art of the disabled in the new era. Xu Mengyu | Bi Zhen | Sun Weiyi | Peng Qiulin "Exploration of the Cultural and Artistic Development of the Disabled Under the Background of the New Era" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-5 , October 2023, URL: Paper Url:
Student Copy - Grade 12 Unit Syllabus - Normative Values and Popular CultureAshley Slade
This document provides information about a 12-class unit on critical media literacy focusing on portrayals of gender, sexuality, and race in popular culture. The unit will be taught by Ms. Slade and will examine how popular culture, including media, imposes normative values through various forms of entertainment and social discourse. Students will learn critical thinking skills to analyze the role of popular culture in perpetuating ideas of normalcy around topics like gender, sexuality, race, and class. The driving question for the unit is how popular culture perpetuates normative values in society.
This document discusses various aspects of globalization and culture. It begins by defining key terms like culture, discussing elements of culture like symbols and practices. It then discusses how globalization impacts culture through concepts like cultural flow, cultural hybridization, and cultural convergence. The document also discusses how media is a key force of globalization, and how media has evolved from traditional to new forms. It discusses issues in media cultures around access, production, representation, and cultural integrity. The document also examines the globalization of religion, technology, and lifestyle. It analyzes how religion, technology, and various lifestyle domains like food, music, and sports have been impacted and transformed through the process of globalization and cultural exchange.
This document discusses various aspects of globalization and culture. It begins by defining key terms like culture, discussing elements of culture like symbols and practices. It then discusses how globalization impacts culture through concepts like cultural flow, cultural hybridization, and cultural convergence. The document also discusses how media plays a role in cultural globalization and changes in media over time from traditional to new media. Specific topics covered include the globalization of religion, technology, and lifestyle. For lifestyle, it examines the globalization of areas like food, music, and sports. Overall, the document provides a broad overview of the relationship between globalization and cultural changes across different domains.
Necessity of investigating garbage - The future of Journalism Cardiff 2013Journalismlab HU
This essay argues that todays journalism studies stick too much to a traditional concept of man and society and therefore to a too confined idea of what journalism is, could be and should be. The starting point is a discussion about the new course of the most important quality newspaper of the Netherlands, NRC Handelsblad. Its critics equalize this new course with popular (also called soft, lifestyle or human interest) journalism and even with tabloidization, which in its turn is traditionally seen as the opposite of quality journalism. But popular journalism is not only a very vague term but also a segment of the journalistic field that is poorly analysed. Although this recently seems to be changing, as is shown by the Cardiff 2013 conference on the future of the profession, most journalism scholars still stay away from it. After having given some reasons for this neglect, this essay argues that we have no choice but changing our focus, even if we go on thinking about popular journalism as just garbage a view the author doesnt support, the term is used as a honorary nickname or what is called in Dutch a Geuzennaam.1 The most important reason for this necessity is simple: the growth of popular journalism is unstoppable if only because of the invasion of non- professionals in the field. However, there is another and perhaps more interesting case to be made for popular journalism: the changing characteristics of our society in which the care for politics in the narrow sense of the term (developments concerning the state) is every day less important than the care for politics in the broad and original sense of the term (developments concerning society & the self). Although the analysis of the last phase of modernity so far leads to little more than debate and confusion, there seems to be no doubt about its consequences for media and journalism. Popular journalism, to put it shortly, is more than ever a part of our world. Neglecting it is like closing ones eyes. By doing so journalism studies manoeuvre itself in an undesirable position.
Academic research and creative industries: a brief and partial genealogyGraham Jeffery
a quick, rough,and semi-historical overview of the relationship between academic research/theory and the development of concepts of creative/cultural industry. Lecture for MA Music, Innovation and Entrepreneurship students at the University of the West of Scotland.
Week 1 Notes: The Anthropology of Media and MediationCameron Murray
This document provides an overview of key concepts and readings for Week 1 of an anthropology course on the anthropology of media. It discusses how anthropologists have increasingly studied media and its role in cultural contexts over the past few decades. Some key points made include:
- Media shapes and is shaped by cultural practices and defies easy categorization or boundaries.
- Studying media has altered understandings of the relationship between the local and global.
- There is a renewed interest in studying Western media and how media circulates globally.
- The field has moved beyond just studying communication technologies to a broader anthropology of social mediation and how various processes circulate images and knowledge.
SEO TRENDS 2025 - Presentation - Matej otar - Digimedia.pdfDIGIMEDIA
SEO TRENDS 2025: Adapt or Get Left Behind
What really matters in 2025 SEO?
The SEO landscape is evolvingfast. If youre stuck in old playbooks, youre already behind.
¥ Swipe also through the carousel below for more detailed tips about each trend.
1. E-E-A-T: The Non-Negotiable Core
Google prioritizes Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness (critical for YMYL topics).
鏝 Share case studies, customer journeys, etc.
鏝 Add credentials to bios.
鏝 Earn niche-related backlinks; update content regularly.
2. AI Tools: Speed vs. Substance
Help yourself with AI, but have in mind that purely AI content lack uniqueness and expertise; Googles AI Overviews reward expertise.
鏝 Inject original data, your expertise, testimonials.
鏝 Use headers & bullets for AI parsing.
3. Search Intent
65% of searches trigger SERP features (Ahrefs).
鏝 Analyze top-ranking pages content type.
鏝 Use SEO tools keyword intent filter.
4. Firsthand Experience: Your Unfair Advantage
Googles OriginalContentScore is a ranking factor.
鏝 Publish original research (surveys, A/B tests, etc.).
鏝 Add Meet the Team pages.
5. User-Centric SEO: Solve, Dont Sell
Algorithms prioritize content that solves problems, not just
keyword matches.
鏝 Turn support logs into guides.
鏝 Use simple language.
6. Hyper-Focused Keywords: Win Niches, Not Battles
Long-tail keywords convert 3x higher (Backlinko).
鏝 Use Answer The Public & Semrush Keyword Gap.
鏝 Target micro-niches.
7. SERP Features: Steal the Spotlight
Featured snippets/image packs eat 65% clicks.
鏝 Answer questions in 4060 words.
鏝 SEO-optimize images with descriptive alt text.
8. Cross-Platform SEO
40% of Gen Z uses TikTok/Instagram for search. Google prioritizes its platforms like YouTube.
鏝 Repurpose blogs into posts, reels, and videos.
鏝 Use hashtags.
9. UX: Googles Secret Metric
Dwell time / bounce rates impact rankings.
鏝 Ditch autoplay videos, unnecessary & intrusive pop-ups.
鏝 Use subheadings, visuals & short paragraphs.
10. Technical SEO: Silent Rank Killer
53% abandon slow sites (>3s load).
鏝 Fix slow pages.
鏝 Compress images.
鏝 Improve Core Web Vitals.
鏝 Minify JS & CSS.
11. Video SEO
YouTube drives 10% global traffic. Google shows videos in SERPs.
鏝 Optimize titles & descriptions.
鏝 Add tags, timestamps & transcripts.
12. Local SEO
46% seek local info (BrightLocal).
鏝 Target near me + service keywords.
鏝 Encourage reviews.
13. Voice Search
20% of searches are voice-based.
鏝 Target question-based keywords.
鏝 Use FAQ schema.
14. SEO Basics
Core SEO principles remain critical.
鏝 Clean URLs.
鏝 Compelling meta titles & descriptions.
鏝 Quality content + internal linking.
Pro Tip: SEO Audit your site regularly. Monitor Google Search Console.
Whats your #1 focus for 2025 SEO? Would you add any additional important SEO trend?
Comment below 皙鏝
Popular Culture in study of Cultural Studies.pdfAsha Rathod
M.A sem 3 paper No -205 cultural studies I'm deal with the topic popular Culture presentation submitted to Department of English, M K Bhavnagar University of Gujarat
Impact of Mass Culture on Personnel Potential in Ecotourism Sphereijtsrd
This article is devoted to one of the functions of mass culture as a form of social relations, which consists in ensuring the socialization of a person, helping him to master new social roles and values, to teach him how to regulate behavior in various non standard situations so inherent to modern society. This by modeling different life situations, it gives people an idea of how to act in certain conditions, gives guidelines for the way of life. The article reveals the meaning of the concept human potential-. In the article much attention is focused on the idea that in the modern sphere of ecotourism, no society can see its own perspective without strengthening of cultural and spiritual potential, ecclesiastical and moral values in the minds of people. Therefore the problem of spirituality, the problem of spiritual and moral education is becoming especially important today. The analysis of the research is provided. Albina Romenovna Sharipova "Impact of Mass Culture on Personnel Potential in Ecotourism Sphere" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5 , August 2021, URL: Paper URL:
The Fusion of Culture and Fashion in Modern Magazines.pdfThe Luxury Report
The Luxury Report, a leading Fashion Magazine based in London, embodies the epitome of style and elegance. With a captivating blend of haute couture, trends, and insider knowledge, it serves as a premier guide for fashion enthusiasts worldwide. From exclusive interviews with industry icons to editorial spreads featuring haute designs, The Luxury Report is a beacon of sophistication. Its artistic flair, coupled with in-depth analysis, makes it an indispensable companion for the fashion-conscious, setting new standards in the world of glossy publications.
The document summarizes how the old magazine format differs from the new magazine format. It discusses how women's magazines have historically focused on women as homemakers but now target independent career women and teenagers. New technologies like the internet have influenced this change through increased interactivity and visualization of content. The traditional one-way format has shifted to two-way communication online. Personalized magazines and interactive websites point to the future of the format, but the industry has yet to fully transition readers to new media experiences.
Journal of sociology publishes research papers on all aspects of sociology for the international audience with interest in the field of sociology. The articles are highly relevant to the issues and challenges faced in real social life and encourage innovative research based approaches to solve those issues in society. And it provides a forum for exchange of knowledge among academicians and researchers for advancement of research in the area of sociology. The journal covers following topics related to sociology.
This document discusses various contemporary subcultures and issues surrounding their appropriation and commodification. It begins by examining theories of subcultural style and identity formation from sources like Dick Hebdige. Case studies of postwar Japanese subcultures like the Futen-zoku and Bszoku are presented. The document then discusses the rise of DIY design in Singapore and a case study of the Mash-Up fashion label. Issues of subcultural trends moving from street to runway and back again, as well as their marketing and commodification are explored through sources like Yuniya Kawamura's Fashion-ology. The blurring lines between production and consumption of subcultural styles is discussed.
Transformation of subaltern, marginalized and dalit in the postmodern scenarioManojkumar Mane
This document discusses how postmodernism has transformed concepts of subaltern, marginalized, and dalit groups. Postmodernism has destroyed boundaries by promoting an "anything goes" lifestyle with freely chosen global cultures. However, postmodernism has also strengthened borders between the wealthy who can participate and the poor who are excluded. Money and buying power now define subaltern and marginalized groups more than attributes like caste or region. While postmodernism offers freedom of choice, this benefit is only accessible to those who can afford it, leaving others in deprived conditions.
Postmodernism emerged after modernism in the 1970s as a period defined by a shift away from production towards an economy and culture based on consumption. Postmodern thinkers argue that absolute truths and fixed identities have dissolved in contemporary society, leaving individuals to construct identities through consumption and popular culture. Theories of risk also suggest identities are now based on managing risks in everyday life through individual actions and choices.
Modernism had a significant impact on educational systems as it promoted new ways of thinking and experimentation. Traditional education focused on rote learning through lectures while modern education emphasizes participatory and experiential learning using new technologies. Modernization led to both benefits like increased access to education, literacy, and career opportunities, as well as challenges such as stress, competition, and urbanization's impact on family structures. The development of nations is now closely tied to investments in education to develop skilled workforces and knowledge economies.
This document discusses media and globalization. It explores how media has allowed for the spread of ideas, cultures, religions, and commerce across borders throughout history. Media acts as a means of communication through various channels like print, broadcast, and digital. While new media can extend human senses, it can also limit them. Some scholars argue media has led to cultural imperialism through influence of strong foreign cultures, while others critique this view. Both positive and negative effects of social media are discussed, such as how it enables communication but can also divide people and spread misinformation.
A Critical Analysis of Social Issues Discussed In Important English Newspaper...iosrjce
The purpose of the study was to analyze the newspaper articles published in the Daily Dawn and the
Daily News International during the year 2012-2011. The researcher analyzed the articles from different
aspects e.g. knowledge of social issues, enriching English language etc. so as to enhance the level of awareness
regarding social issues and learning skills of English language of the readers. One hypotheses was formulated.
The scope of the study was limited to the articles published in the important English newspapers of Pakistan
(the Daily Dawn and the Daily News) and their readers in Karachi. Mixed research approach was adopted. The
population was comprised of all the readers of the selected articles of the Daily Dawn and the Daily News
newspapers published during the year 2012-2011 in Karachi. The researcher used the stratified random
sampling design along with purposive sampling design was adopted. The mode of determining the role of
English newspapers was through a close and careful analysis of the newspaper articles. Questionnaires and
interview protocol were major techniques used for data collection. Data was analyzed qualitatively and
quantitatively. Content analysis of the articles revealed the level of social issues discussed in important
newspapers. It has created an impact specifically on the authorities of the newspaper organizations and
generally in the public. It was a sort of litmus test. It was found knowledge related to social issues was available
for the readers. On the basis of findings concrete recommendations were made.
Exploration of the Cultural and Artistic Development of the Disabled Under th...ijtsrd
In the context of the new era, the development of cultural and artistic development of people with disabilities is getting more attention and exploration. With the recognition of multicultural society and the improvement of inclusiveness, people with disabilities have gradually gained the opportunity to show their cultural and artistic talents. With the development of culture and art of the disabled in the context of the new era, this paper explores the development path of the disabled in the field of culture and art. This paper introduces the current situation and existing problems of the cultural and artistic development of the disabled, including the lack of accessibility environment, unequal participation opportunities and the lack of inclusive social environment. To explore the development direction of inclusiveness and equality, including the provision of accessibility, equal opportunities and inclusive social environment. By analyzing the current situation and exploring the development direction, it provides thinking and prospects for the development of the culture and art of the disabled in the new era. Xu Mengyu | Bi Zhen | Sun Weiyi | Peng Qiulin "Exploration of the Cultural and Artistic Development of the Disabled Under the Background of the New Era" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-5 , October 2023, URL: Paper Url:
Student Copy - Grade 12 Unit Syllabus - Normative Values and Popular CultureAshley Slade
This document provides information about a 12-class unit on critical media literacy focusing on portrayals of gender, sexuality, and race in popular culture. The unit will be taught by Ms. Slade and will examine how popular culture, including media, imposes normative values through various forms of entertainment and social discourse. Students will learn critical thinking skills to analyze the role of popular culture in perpetuating ideas of normalcy around topics like gender, sexuality, race, and class. The driving question for the unit is how popular culture perpetuates normative values in society.
This document discusses various aspects of globalization and culture. It begins by defining key terms like culture, discussing elements of culture like symbols and practices. It then discusses how globalization impacts culture through concepts like cultural flow, cultural hybridization, and cultural convergence. The document also discusses how media is a key force of globalization, and how media has evolved from traditional to new forms. It discusses issues in media cultures around access, production, representation, and cultural integrity. The document also examines the globalization of religion, technology, and lifestyle. It analyzes how religion, technology, and various lifestyle domains like food, music, and sports have been impacted and transformed through the process of globalization and cultural exchange.
This document discusses various aspects of globalization and culture. It begins by defining key terms like culture, discussing elements of culture like symbols and practices. It then discusses how globalization impacts culture through concepts like cultural flow, cultural hybridization, and cultural convergence. The document also discusses how media plays a role in cultural globalization and changes in media over time from traditional to new media. Specific topics covered include the globalization of religion, technology, and lifestyle. For lifestyle, it examines the globalization of areas like food, music, and sports. Overall, the document provides a broad overview of the relationship between globalization and cultural changes across different domains.
Necessity of investigating garbage - The future of Journalism Cardiff 2013Journalismlab HU
This essay argues that todays journalism studies stick too much to a traditional concept of man and society and therefore to a too confined idea of what journalism is, could be and should be. The starting point is a discussion about the new course of the most important quality newspaper of the Netherlands, NRC Handelsblad. Its critics equalize this new course with popular (also called soft, lifestyle or human interest) journalism and even with tabloidization, which in its turn is traditionally seen as the opposite of quality journalism. But popular journalism is not only a very vague term but also a segment of the journalistic field that is poorly analysed. Although this recently seems to be changing, as is shown by the Cardiff 2013 conference on the future of the profession, most journalism scholars still stay away from it. After having given some reasons for this neglect, this essay argues that we have no choice but changing our focus, even if we go on thinking about popular journalism as just garbage a view the author doesnt support, the term is used as a honorary nickname or what is called in Dutch a Geuzennaam.1 The most important reason for this necessity is simple: the growth of popular journalism is unstoppable if only because of the invasion of non- professionals in the field. However, there is another and perhaps more interesting case to be made for popular journalism: the changing characteristics of our society in which the care for politics in the narrow sense of the term (developments concerning the state) is every day less important than the care for politics in the broad and original sense of the term (developments concerning society & the self). Although the analysis of the last phase of modernity so far leads to little more than debate and confusion, there seems to be no doubt about its consequences for media and journalism. Popular journalism, to put it shortly, is more than ever a part of our world. Neglecting it is like closing ones eyes. By doing so journalism studies manoeuvre itself in an undesirable position.
Academic research and creative industries: a brief and partial genealogyGraham Jeffery
a quick, rough,and semi-historical overview of the relationship between academic research/theory and the development of concepts of creative/cultural industry. Lecture for MA Music, Innovation and Entrepreneurship students at the University of the West of Scotland.
Week 1 Notes: The Anthropology of Media and MediationCameron Murray
This document provides an overview of key concepts and readings for Week 1 of an anthropology course on the anthropology of media. It discusses how anthropologists have increasingly studied media and its role in cultural contexts over the past few decades. Some key points made include:
- Media shapes and is shaped by cultural practices and defies easy categorization or boundaries.
- Studying media has altered understandings of the relationship between the local and global.
- There is a renewed interest in studying Western media and how media circulates globally.
- The field has moved beyond just studying communication technologies to a broader anthropology of social mediation and how various processes circulate images and knowledge.
SEO TRENDS 2025 - Presentation - Matej otar - Digimedia.pdfDIGIMEDIA
SEO TRENDS 2025: Adapt or Get Left Behind
What really matters in 2025 SEO?
The SEO landscape is evolvingfast. If youre stuck in old playbooks, youre already behind.
¥ Swipe also through the carousel below for more detailed tips about each trend.
1. E-E-A-T: The Non-Negotiable Core
Google prioritizes Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness (critical for YMYL topics).
鏝 Share case studies, customer journeys, etc.
鏝 Add credentials to bios.
鏝 Earn niche-related backlinks; update content regularly.
2. AI Tools: Speed vs. Substance
Help yourself with AI, but have in mind that purely AI content lack uniqueness and expertise; Googles AI Overviews reward expertise.
鏝 Inject original data, your expertise, testimonials.
鏝 Use headers & bullets for AI parsing.
3. Search Intent
65% of searches trigger SERP features (Ahrefs).
鏝 Analyze top-ranking pages content type.
鏝 Use SEO tools keyword intent filter.
4. Firsthand Experience: Your Unfair Advantage
Googles OriginalContentScore is a ranking factor.
鏝 Publish original research (surveys, A/B tests, etc.).
鏝 Add Meet the Team pages.
5. User-Centric SEO: Solve, Dont Sell
Algorithms prioritize content that solves problems, not just
keyword matches.
鏝 Turn support logs into guides.
鏝 Use simple language.
6. Hyper-Focused Keywords: Win Niches, Not Battles
Long-tail keywords convert 3x higher (Backlinko).
鏝 Use Answer The Public & Semrush Keyword Gap.
鏝 Target micro-niches.
7. SERP Features: Steal the Spotlight
Featured snippets/image packs eat 65% clicks.
鏝 Answer questions in 4060 words.
鏝 SEO-optimize images with descriptive alt text.
8. Cross-Platform SEO
40% of Gen Z uses TikTok/Instagram for search. Google prioritizes its platforms like YouTube.
鏝 Repurpose blogs into posts, reels, and videos.
鏝 Use hashtags.
9. UX: Googles Secret Metric
Dwell time / bounce rates impact rankings.
鏝 Ditch autoplay videos, unnecessary & intrusive pop-ups.
鏝 Use subheadings, visuals & short paragraphs.
10. Technical SEO: Silent Rank Killer
53% abandon slow sites (>3s load).
鏝 Fix slow pages.
鏝 Compress images.
鏝 Improve Core Web Vitals.
鏝 Minify JS & CSS.
11. Video SEO
YouTube drives 10% global traffic. Google shows videos in SERPs.
鏝 Optimize titles & descriptions.
鏝 Add tags, timestamps & transcripts.
12. Local SEO
46% seek local info (BrightLocal).
鏝 Target near me + service keywords.
鏝 Encourage reviews.
13. Voice Search
20% of searches are voice-based.
鏝 Target question-based keywords.
鏝 Use FAQ schema.
14. SEO Basics
Core SEO principles remain critical.
鏝 Clean URLs.
鏝 Compelling meta titles & descriptions.
鏝 Quality content + internal linking.
Pro Tip: SEO Audit your site regularly. Monitor Google Search Console.
Whats your #1 focus for 2025 SEO? Would you add any additional important SEO trend?
Comment below 皙鏝
David Kircus serves as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at TEAM Strategies, where he combines his experience as a retired NFL wide receiver with a strong leadership mindset to guide the company. In addition to his executive role, he is passionate about helping young athletes develop and often spends his summers volunteering at recruiting camps. During these camps, he works with incoming athletes to perfect their drills and techniques, preparing them for future challenges in their athletic careers. His commitment to helping others succeed is a key aspect of his leadership style.
Beyond the Basics- Scaling SME Marketing with Advanced Tactics and AIQuibble
During this session we discussed how businesses can go a step further to enhance their marketing strategy. Following a website audit and once technical issues are fixed, businesses can review teir backlink profile, reviewing competitors, conduct keyword gap analysis and audit their own content to support an increase in organic traffic, rankings and conversions. We also looked at predictive marketing and provided a list of tools and resources businesses can access to stay ahead of the competition.
Austin MUG: Using Scripting & AI in Marketo for Dynamic PersonalizationRobyn Hatfield
Personalization is essential for modern marketing, but standard Marketo tokens have limitations. This session explores how Velocity scripting and AI tools like ChatGPT empower marketers to create smarter, more dynamic campaigns without adding complexity. Learn how to automate personalization, scale email customization, and use AI to generate scripts faster for more effective engagement.
Influencer marketing continues to evolve, shaping consumer behavior and brand strategies in 2025. With AI-driven personalization, micro-influencers gaining traction, and a shift toward authentic content, brands are leveraging influencers to drive engagement and sales. This document explores the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in influencer marketing, highlighting its growing impact on digital marketing strategies.
2025 March - High Performing Landing Pages - Greeville HUG.pptxBoundify
Learn how to create stunning, high-converting landing pages with HubSpots intuitive drag-and-drop editor!
Join us for our next Greenville HUG event where well explore proven strategies and practical tips for designing landing pages that drive action. From layout design to optimizing for mobile and incorporating smart content, youll discover how to make the most of HubSpots tools to elevate your marketing efforts.
Whether youre new to HubSpot or a seasoned user, this event will provide actionable insights to improve your landing pages and boost your conversions!
Why Landing Pages Matter
Key Elements of a High-Converting Landing Page
HubSpots Drag-and-Drop Editor Overview & Best Practices
Advanced Techniques for High-Converting Pages
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Who Should Attend:
Marketing professionals
Sales professionals
Business owners
Anyone interested in learning more about HubSpot Landing Pages!
Top Electronic and Electrical Components Manufacturers and Suppliers in Indiaworkmintmedia
India's electronics and electrical industry is growing rapidly with a strong supply chain. With government incentives and increasing demand, the country is set to become a global leader.
Turn client websites into revenue enginesAnton Shulke
Discover how interactive features elevate websites, transforming them into lead generators and revenue creators.
Gain strategies to upsell these increasingly necessary features to your clients in a way that enhances your value proposition.
Explore what success looks like out in the field, with real-life examples of clients and agencies employing transactional features on their sites.
The Secret Guide to Marketing Your Local Business For More Sales & Customers!Hopeton Wilson
Discover the best Video Marketing tips for Local Businesses. Learn how to: 皚 Attract more customers and leads with targeted online strategies 皚 Leverage social media to boost visibility 皚 Convert leads into loyal customers with proven techniques and strategies. Learn how to use video marketing to build local trust and attract customers with testimonials.
This guide is a must-read for local businesses aiming to attract customers, boost sales, and stay competitive in the digital age.
This document, "WhatsApp Marketing Strategies for Business Success," explores how to use WhatsApp, a powerful communication tool, to improve your company's marketing effectiveness. It covers effective customer communication techniques, personalized marketing plans, and how to expand brand influence through group and broadcast functions. By implementing these strategies, companies can enhance customer loyalty, increase sales conversion rates, and achieve sustainable business growth.
How Audiences use Technology and its Impact on their Livesamiejulianoamaral
In this presentation, "How Audiences use Technology and its Impact on their Lives", I explore how audiences (or people) engage with technology and its profound effects on individuals, society, and the world at large.
l examine the evolution of technology and the rise of the internet and its profound effect on human interactions, reshaping personal relationships, business practices, and global connectivity over the past two decades. A mix of key statistics and case studies will highlight the significant changes in how we communicate in the digital age.
- Introduction
- Access to the Internet
- History of the internet and technology
- Internet Connection Types
- Types of Electronic Devices
- Digital Device Applications
- Digital Devices used by Audiences
- How Consumers Search for Information
- What Consumers Buy Online
- Online Buyer Process
- Online Video Trends
- Consumer Trends
- Top Strategic Technology Trends
- 5 Biggest Changes Technology has Made to Modern Life
- Pros & Cons
- Summary
- References
In conclusion, we have the unprecedented ability to shape and envision different future through technology. As we continue to innovate, it's crucial to reflect on the ethical implications these advancements have on society and the diverse groups it affects. The rapid pace of technological change brings both opportunities and challenges, making it essential to consider how our decisions today will influence the world of tomorrow.
How Does a Digital Marketing & Advertising Agency Create Engaging Content.pdfWhiz Marketers
At Whiz Marketers, creating engaging content is more than just words and visualsit's about crafting an experience that resonates. We dive deep into audience behavior, leveraging data insights, emotional storytelling, and strategic execution to create content that captivates and converts. From interactive social media campaigns to SEO-optimized articles, we ensure every piece is tailored to drive engagement and brand growth. In the fast-paced digital world, content isnt just kingits the key to connection. Lets make yours unforgettable.
EEAT your way to the top of Google - Enhance your SEOQuibble
If you're looking to enhance your SEO and conversions, consider EEAT. Showcasing your experience, expertise, authority and trust is vital in helping your stand out against your competitors. During this session we take a look at the steps you can take to ensure you cover all of these elements and maximise your results.
TAM AdEx-A Glimpse into Print Advertising Trends for Y 2024.pdfSocial Samosa
TAM AdEx reports 58% rise in print ad space since 2020
Overview of Print Advertising Trends
The latest TAM AdEx report reveals a 58% increase in print ad space in 2024 compared to 2020, with a modest 1% rise over the previous year. The quarterly trends show a 9% growth in ad space per publication in the fourth quarter of 2024 compared to the first quarter.
Leading Sectors and Categories
The auto sector led print advertising in 2024, contributing 15.2% of the total ad space, followed closely by the services sector at 14.9%. Within the auto category, cars accounted for 8% of ad space, while two-wheelers secured a 6% share. Notably, two-wheelers recorded the highest growth among the top 10 categories, increasing by 29% year-on-year.
Advertisers and Brands
Over 78,000 advertisers and 104,000 brands utilised print advertising in 2024. Among them, Maruti Suzuki India emerged as the top advertiser, while Honda Activa H Smart led the brand rankings. The top 10 advertisers collectively contributed 14% of the total ad space, with notable entries from Hero Motocorp, Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India, and Tata Motors.
Sales Promotions
Sales promotion ads played a significant role, occupying 32% of total ad space in 2024. Multiple promotions accounted for the largest share at 48%, followed by discount promotions at 39%.
Over 78,000 advertisers and 104,000 brands utilised print advertising in 2024. Among them, Maruti Suzuki India emerged as the top advertiser, while Honda Activa H Smart led the brand rankings. The top 10 advertisers collectively contributed 14% of the total ad space, with notable entries from Hero Motocorp, Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India, and Tata Motors.
Sales promotion ads played a significant role, occupying 32% of total ad space. Multiple promotions accounted for the largest share at 48%, followed by discount promotions at 39%. Brand promotion ads, without additional incentives, made up 65% of the ad space.
Festive Advertising
Deepavali remained the most prominent festival for print advertising, capturing 28% of the total ad space in 2024. It was followed by Navratri/Durga Puja at 21% and Christmas/New Year at 15%.
Ad Innovations and Positions
Ad innovation also marked a notable trend, with figured outline emerging as the leading innovative ad layout, followed by French window and tab formats. The top five innovative ad layouts collectively accounted for 0.6% of total ad space.
In terms of ad positioning, jacket-full page ads were the most preferred, with more than 8,400 brands opting for this format, led by Allen Career Institute.
The report highlights the resilience of print advertising, with sectors like auto, services, and education driving ad volumes, while festive themes and promotional strategies continue to shape the landscape.
Conservatism, Politics, Islam, Lifestyle,
Consumption, Popular Culture, Fashion, Market, Networks, Media
Veiling-Tesett端r goes into more and more fashionable. So, it seems that the new
market will 鍖ourish within the social networks and an emerging social-boutique
market will emerge for tesett端r in Turkey. Also, a new popular culture is emerging
such as Tesett端r as an accessory.
3. From Politics to Lifestyle
New Middle-Upper Class
New Consumer
New Marketplace
Technology adaption
Veiled Fashion Imagery:
Ads and magazines
Turkish Islamic Media-sphere
Turkish Modernism Project
Representation of "The Others"
11. " New Middle-Upper Class"
-" Pacesetters, Pioneers and Opinion !!
! Leaders of the change.
" New Marketplace"
-" From Small Businesses to Stylish Brands"
-" Boutique Production"
-" Social Networks"
" New Consumer"
-" Young, demanding, and self-represented"
" in Turkish public sphere"
" Technology"
-" Increasing Smartphone Penetration"
-" Rise of Social Networks"
-" Instagram Fashionistas
Neoliberal Transformation!
12. Some Consumption Facts!
- 3hrs 鍖ight to more than 70 countries,"
- 38M Internet users (50% penetration)"
- 50% of the population under is 30,!
- 16M total smartphone device!
- Over 1 Gb per month mobile internet !
consumption per user above 50% (2013 Q1)!
and over 3M Instagram users.!
GfK 2013 - 11/2013
13. "
-" Veiled Fashion Imagery:
" Ads and magazines"
- Opinions from Pacesetters:"
Interviews with veiled fashionistas"
- and Instagram:"
Rise of Social-Fashionista
14. " "
Gole, N. (1996). Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veiling. The University of Michigan Press."
Avci, O. (2012). 聴ki D端nya Aras脹nda: 聴stanbulda Dindar niversite Gen巽lii. 聴letiim Yay脹nlar脹."
Mardin, . (1992). Din ve 聴deoloji. 聴letiim Yay脹nlar脹."
Journals and Articles:"
Kramer, E., & Bloggs, T. (2002). On quality in art and art therapy. American Journal of Art Therapy, 40, 218-231."
Genel, S., & Karaosmanolu, K. (2006) A New Islamic Individualism in Turkey: Headscarved Women in the City, Turkish Studies,
7:3, 473-488,"
Kili巽bay, B., & Binark, M. (2002) Consumer Culture, Islam and the Politics of Lifestyle: Fashion for Veiling in Contemporary Turkey,
European Journal of Communication 17: 495"
Sandikci, O., & Ger, G. (2007) Fashion Theory, Volume 11, Issue 2/3, pp. 189-210!
Sandikci, O. & Rice, G. (2011) Handbook of Islamic Marketing. !
Interviews and Opinions:!
Bilefsky, D. (2012, March 29). A Fashion Magazine Unshy About Baring a Bit of Piety. New York Times. Retrieved from""