This document summarizes the risk assessment for filming a production in an accommodation space. It identifies four potential hazards: hygiene and comfort, trips and slips, accidents, and electrical issues. For each hazard, it lists who may be harmed, the potential harm, and control measures already in place to mitigate the risks. It rates each hazard based on its likelihood, severity, and overall risk level both with and without controls. All hazards have control measures in place, and with those controls the risks are rated as low or moderate.
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Risk assessment
Each assessment must take into account and record any specific hazards arising from the activity, before the assessment is complete.
Principal of College
Accommodation Assessed . Buisness Ventures. Classroom S1 . 10
desks in various arrangements, approx 10 chairs. Benching to 3 Assessment Date:
Assessor. Peter Hart
walls, 18 P.C.s and chairs. 2 Stationary Cupboards. Shelving at 3
RISK (with controls) Additional
Who might be
harmed and
potential for harm already in place to remove hazard, reduce risk level L S R Needed.
Details Over
Hygiene And Comfort The actors, Toilets and sinks provided within Corridor
camera person, accommodation. Hot and Cold water, soap supplied. 1 1 1
director and By making sure drinks are available.
everyone Make sure that all the areas are clean.
involved in the
production and
people passing
by for when we
are filming
2. Who might be RISK (with controls) Additional
harmed and Controls
potential for harm already in place to remove hazard, reduce risk level L S R
how? Needed.
Trips, Slips and Falls The actors, Make sure the location where we are filming is kept 3 2 3
camera person, clear of anything that we dont need, so it doesnt
director and become cluttered and so we can move around
everyone easily.
involved in the Make sure there are no wires trailing on the floor off
production and any of the equipment for people to trip over.
people passing
by for when we
are filming
outdoors, if
there were for
example wires
trailing across
the floor and
someone was
to trip over it.
Accident The actors, There are 3 actors and one person that will be doing
camera person, the camera work but there will always be at least 2 2 3
director and one actor that wont be being filmed so there will be
everyone a first aid box available for them to use if someone
involved in the needs it.
Electrical Everyone Make sure that there are no drinks around when
involved in the filming. 1 2 2
production, if
drinks were to
get knocked
over and spill
on any
The three columns (L,S,R) are for assessing the level or degree of risk. The first (L) is for an assessment of the likelihood of the hazard taking place, the second (S) for
the severity of the hazard, both based on the following:-
(L) LIKELIHOOD (S) SEVERITY OF HAZARD (R) RISK LEVEL is product of Likelihood and Severity
1. Hazard exists very infrequently; limited numbers 1. Could cause minor injury only
exposed 2. Could cause major injury/3 day or more Very high risks score 6 or 9
3. 2. Likely to occur; hazard exists intermittently or occurs absence Moderate risks score 3 or 4
occasionally 3. Could cause fatality/severe injury Low priority risks score 1 or 2
3. Likely to occur soon; permanent hazard or occurs
daily / repeatedly; many may be exposed VERY HIGH RISKS NEED IMMEDIATE ACTION