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RiskAssessment Kyle Stevens
Activity Hazard Level of Risk Control Measures
The weather changes to
either rainor storm.
Water damage to
equipment couldharm the
High Cheek weather reports for
the days of filming and
avoid days inwhichthe
weather is unsuitable. A
second measure wouldbe
to make sure to have
shelter nearbyand simply
wait until.
Loose cables from
Operator and actors cantrip
over loose cables injuring
themselves anddamaging
the equipment
Medium While setting the
equipment upremember to
both keepaneye out for
loose wiring andmove to
avoid accidents.
Night filming. Unable to filmdue to the
lack of light thiswill but
camera operator and
equipment at risk as noone
will be unable to see what
theyare doing.
Low Bring touches/lights while
filmingor plan to film
earlier inthe dayfor any
outside locations .
Filmingat unsurfaced
The locationmayhave
obstacles while filming such
as pot holes rubbish. Similar
to the loose wires risk, that
being people inuring
Low Visit the different location
before filming to see is
they’re suitable to use or
use a different locationif
theyare not.
Filmingnext to roads. Film crewmaybe hit bya
High Avoid filming next to roads
entirely. This willhelpevade
Filminginunfamiliar areas. It is possible that
equipment maybe stolen.
Medium Bring touches/light while
Avoid filming withinthese
locations for longer periods
of time anddon’t leave

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  • 1. RiskAssessment Kyle Stevens Activity Hazard Level of Risk Control Measures The weather changes to either rainor storm. Water damage to equipment couldharm the user. High Cheek weather reports for the days of filming and avoid days inwhichthe weather is unsuitable. A second measure wouldbe to make sure to have shelter nearbyand simply wait until. Loose cables from equipment. Operator and actors cantrip over loose cables injuring themselves anddamaging the equipment Medium While setting the equipment upremember to both keepaneye out for loose wiring andmove to avoid accidents. Night filming. Unable to filmdue to the lack of light thiswill but camera operator and equipment at risk as noone will be unable to see what theyare doing. Low Bring touches/lights while filmingor plan to film earlier inthe dayfor any outside locations . Filmingat unsurfaced location. The locationmayhave obstacles while filming such as pot holes rubbish. Similar to the loose wires risk, that being people inuring themselves. Low Visit the different location before filming to see is they’re suitable to use or use a different locationif theyare not. Filmingnext to roads. Film crewmaybe hit bya car. High Avoid filming next to roads entirely. This willhelpevade anyrisk. Filminginunfamiliar areas. It is possible that equipment maybe stolen. Medium Bring touches/light while Avoid filming withinthese locations for longer periods of time anddon’t leave equipment.