This risk assessment form outlines the key details and hazards for the production "Walking on Water" at Sunderland College from March 9th to April 13th, 2020. It lists the producer, locations, team members, and hazards identified which include slippery surfaces, trip hazards, objects moving or flying, and stress/anxiety. For each hazard, the form evaluates the risk level both before and after control measures are implemented. Control measures aim to minimize risks and include removing slippery or obstructing items from floors, clearing potential flying objects, and making people feel comfortable.
This risk assessment form summarizes the proposed production of a TV advertisement for Better Health by Sunderland College. It will involve a single-camera shoot taking place from November 2022 to February 2023 at various indoor and outdoor locations. Potential hazards identified include assault, infection, noise, litter, trip hazards, and falls. The risk matrix is used to determine the level of risk for each hazard from remote to extremely high based on the likelihood and severity of harm. Control measures are outlined to minimize risks such as appointing competent personnel, training, planning, and use of personal protective equipment.
This risk assessment form is for a student film production shooting at Sunderland College between March 9th and April 13th 2020. It involves shooting a scene using a green screen effect. Hazards identified include cold environment, slippery surfaces, and repetitive action. Control measures to minimize risks include turning on radiators, wearing appropriate footwear and layers, minimizing repeated takes, and scheduling breaks. The assessor is Drew Naylor, who also authorizes the assessment.
This risk assessment form summarizes the production of a documentary about music in the digital age. It will involve interviewing a guest, Daniel Parushev, in the producer's bedroom on December 12, 2021. Potential hazards identified include stress, litter, fire, trip hazards, and attack by an animal. Control measures to minimize risks include clear communication, keeping the area clean and organized, ensuring equipment is not overheating, and removing any wires or objects from the camera man's path. The camera man and interview guest are identified as those exposed to risks. With controls in place, all potential risks are rated as trivial.
This risk assessment form evaluates the risks associated with the production "Culture In The Digital Age" being created by Sunderland College from March 29th to April 9th 2022. The production involves Elliot Daroczy and will take place at 10 Burlaw n Close Ryhope, Sunderland and the College's Bede Campus. Potential hazards identified include object falling, trip hazards, slippery surfaces, and litter. Control measures like being careful of equipment, not leaving wires on the floor, not running outside, and watching where you step will help lower the risks.
This risk assessment form outlines the risks associated with a production called the "Smile campaign". It contains:
1) Contact information for the production and those involved.
2) A list of potential hazards divided into situational, physical/chemical, and health categories for the assessor to consider.
3) A risk matrix for assessing the likelihood and severity of harm for each identified hazard.
4) Part B where the assessor lists specific activities, locations, hazards, those exposed, initial risk level, and control measures to minimize risks and reduce them to acceptable levels.
This risk assessment form evaluates the risks associated with the production "Reliving the Memories" filmed in Central Liverpool and Sunderland from February 20th to March 6th, 2020. It involves Emma Wallace as the sole crew member. Potential hazards include assault, vehicle collision while driving between locations, and trip hazards while filming in various outdoor locations. Control measures to minimize risks include planning filming during daylight hours, receiving no traffic safety training, and having no first aid provisions or emergency contacts. The overall risk level is deemed high before controls and remains high even after controls are listed.
This risk assessment form outlines the production of a musical theatre project taking place at Sunderland College from January to May 2022. It identifies potential hazards such as environmental temperature, trip hazards, and electric shock. Control measures are proposed to minimize risks, such as opening windows if too hot, hiding or securing wires to prevent tripping, and appointing competent staff. The form will be distributed to Neil Wilson and Emma Leslie-Boddy, and assesses risks associated with filming at specific on-campus and off-campus locations. Interviews may involve staff, contractors, and contributors. Overall risks are evaluated as low once control measures are implemented.
This risk assessment form summarizes the proposed production of "Canon- Journey" by Sunderland College Creative Media. It will involve single-camera shooting of images in Barnes Park and the Winter Garden from February 20th to March 6th, 2023. Hazards identified include physical fatigue, slippery surfaces, cold environment, and trip hazards. Control measures like taking breaks, testing surfaces, wearing warm clothing, and clearing trip hazards are outlined to minimize risks. The on-location shoot of witchcraft-inspired images in Barnes Park on February 25th from 3-4pm is assessed, with residual risks deemed negligible after controls are implemented.
This risk assessment form summarizes the proposed production of "Canon- Journey" by Sunderland College Creative Media. It will involve single-camera shooting of images in Barnes Park and the Winter Garden from February 20th to March 6th, 2023. Hazards identified include physical fatigue, slippery surfaces, cold environment, and trip hazards. Control measures like taking breaks, testing surfaces, wearing warm clothing, and clearing trip hazards are outlined to minimize risks. The on-location shoot of witchcraft-inspired images in Barnes Park on February 25th from 3-4pm is assessed, with residual risks deemed negligible after controls are implemented.
This risk assessment form outlines the proposed production activities for Jake HR Production's project from January 16-26, 2019. It will involve filming in Castletown and woods.
The hazards identified include cold environment, slippery surfaces, trip hazards, and objects falling. For the cold environment hazard, the risk level is low once warm clothes are provided to staff and cast. Slippery surfaces and trip hazards pose an unlikely risk level given suitable footwear and care. Objects falling present a low risk if cast are careful.
The form documents the hazards, those exposed, initial risk level, and control measures to minimize risks for each activity to bring the risk level down once controls are implemented.
This risk assessment form summarizes the proposed production "The Demon Organisation" to be filmed between January 31st and February 25th 2020. It will involve scenes shot at Bede College and in a nearby forest. The production team includes Gaynor Dobson, Connor Morrison, Keiron Smiles and Joseph Burton. Locations may present cold environments and trip hazards. Identified hazards include cold exposure, long driving times, slips/trips, litter, management factors, and physical fatigue. Control measures proposed include providing warm clothing, taking care while driving, removing litter, ensuring clear communication, and scheduling breaks. With these controls in place, most risks are assessed as negligible or low.
This risk assessment form outlines the risks involved in a production taking place from November 5th to an unspecified end date. It lists the producer, locations, team members, and hazards identified from assault to waste substance release. The form includes a risk matrix to determine likelihood and severity of harm for each hazard. Part B will list specific activities, locations, dates/times, identified hazards for each activity, those exposed, initial risk level, and control measures to minimize risks and final risk level with controls in place. Hazards addressed will include trip hazards, stress/anxiety, slippery surfaces, and physical fatigue.
This risk assessment form is for taking photos at the Winter Gardens in Sunderland on February 21st, 2023. Hazards identified include cold environment, drowning, and trip hazards which could harm everyone involved. To minimize risks, the team will wear warm clothing, stay behind barriers around water, and watch their stepping to remove trip hazards. With these control measures in place, the risks are considered negligible.
This risk assessment form is for taking photos at the Winter Gardens in Sunderland on February 21st, 2023. Hazards identified include cold environment, drowning, and trip hazards that could harm everyone involved in the photo shoot. Control measures to minimize risk include wearing warm clothing, staying behind barriers around water, and watching footing to remove trip hazards. With these controls in place, the risk level for all identified hazards is considered negligible.
This risk assessment form evaluates the risks associated with filming a death scene sequence at Barnes Park on March 2-3, 2020 for the production "Victim of Circumstance" by Sunderland College. It identifies hazards such as a cold environment, hot environment, slippery surfaces, trip hazards, and lack of food/water and assesses the likelihood and severity of potential harm. The key people involved are listed as Samuel Todd, Hollie Joice, Ben Walmsley and Nathen Dunlop. Control measures to minimize risks include wearing warm clothing, staying hydrated, being aware of slippery surfaces, clearing trip hazards, and bringing food and water. The form requires signatures and dates to verify completion and authorization.
This risk assessment form summarizes the proposed production "Witchcraft in the Digital Age" which will involve single-camera footage of scenery, buildings, and interviews from April 11-27, 2023. It will involve Katie Moon, Faith Sowerby, Henry Briggs, and Molly Brown at locations including a photography studio, church, and town areas. Potential hazards identified include cold environment, stress/anxiety, trip hazards, and litter. Control measures like appropriate clothing, script preparation, area checks, and crew care are outlined to reduce the risks.
This risk assessment form evaluates the risks associated with filming a short student film called "Victim of Circumstance" at a private home. It will involve a wake-up scene, leaving scene, and return scene filmed over one day with a crew of 4 students. Potential hazards identified include slippery surfaces, trip hazards, and lack of food/water. Control measures like being careful of hazards, clearing areas, and bringing supplies will lower the risks. Locations involve the filmmaker's home which presents no identified hostile environments. The assessment was completed by Samuel Todd and will be shared with cast/crew to ensure a safe production.
This risk assessment form details the production of a visual effect to make Ellis walk on water for a project at Sunderland College, identifying potential hazards such as slippery surfaces, trip hazards, and objects moving or flying that could harm Ellis, and proposing control measures like clearing the floor and making Ellis comfortable to minimize risks. The locations involved are the media hub and dates are from March 9th to April 13th 2020.
The risk assessment outlines the hazards, control measures, and risk levels associated with filming a documentary over 5 days in March 2022 at a photography/film studio on the Bede campus. Potential hazards include hot environment, trip hazards from lighting equipment cables, and electric shock. Control measures such as opening doors for airflow, taping cables to the floor, and keeping liquids away from electrical equipment aim to reduce the risks.
This risk assessment form outlines the potential hazards and risks associated with the production of a film called "His Soul Organisation" taking place in February-March. It identifies locations like the producer's home and college. Potential hazards are listed and include uneven floors outside, contact with candle wax/flame, falling, lack of food/water, and entanglement with wires. Control measures are described to minimize each risk, such as being careful of uneven ground, keeping food away from filming, and managing wires. The risk level is re-evaluated after controls and most hazards are deemed low risk.
This risk assessment form summarizes the risks involved in a photography project taking place from February 6th to April 5th 2020 at Sunderland College. It identifies hazards such as a hot environment, falling or moving objects, obstructions, trip hazards, electric shocks, fire, lack of oxygen, and stress/anxiety. Control measures are outlined to minimize each risk, such as turning on air conditioning, securing equipment, clearing obstructions, being cautious of wires, keeping water away from electronics, turning lights off when not in use, opening doors, and maintaining a calm environment. The producer, cast and assessor sign off on the assessment.
This risk assessment form evaluates the risks associated with filming a production titled "Vinyl in the Digital Age" that will take place solely in the producer's home.
The assessment identifies Emma Wallace as the sole crew member. It lists the hazards that may be encountered while filming inside a home such as trip hazards, fire, and repetitive strain from camera work.
Control measures are outlined to minimize risks like appointing a competent crew, receiving training, planning filming schedules carefully, and using any necessary protective equipment. With these controls in place, the overall risks are deemed to be low.
This risk assessment form summarizes the production details and hazards for the film project "Curious Organisation" to be filmed from November 7th to an unspecified end date. The production will involve Jake Rose, Iesha Heads, Emelia Crocker, and Anthony Martin filming scenes at someone's house and a park. Potential hazards identified include cold environment, slippery surfaces, and falls from height. Control measures to mitigate these risks include providing warm clothing, checking locations for hazards beforehand, and ensuring no one can fall from heights on set. With these controls in place, the risks are assessed as low to negligible.
This risk assessment form is for a single camera shoot taking place over 7 days at Sunderland College. It lists the production details and team members involved. Hazards identified include hot environment, objects falling, and trip hazards. Controls such as regular breaks, water, caution, training, and tidying equipment are outlined to minimize risks. The risks are reduced to low or trivial levels once controls are implemented.
This risk assessment form outlines the production details and hazards for the Twinz Organisation Vision Productions project filming from March 21st to April 15th, 2016. It identifies the production address, contact information, and team members involved. Filming locations include Ward Jackson Park and The Lodge. Potential hazards include contact with cold surfaces, fire, sharp objects, slips/trips, and noise. The risk matrix is used to determine the likelihood and severity of each hazard. Part B then lists specific filming activities, hazards for each, those exposed, initial risk level, control measures to reduce risk, and residual risk level with controls in place.
This risk assessment form is for a production called "Creepy Organisation" taking place from January 31st to an unspecified end date. It involves the use of fake weapons and fight scenes in forest locations. Hazards identified include physical fatigue, trip hazards, assault by person during fight scenes, and cold environment. Control measures to minimize risks include providing breaks, ensuring safe footing, carefully choreographing fight scenes, and keeping all crew warm. With these controls in place, the risks are deemed negligible or slight.
This document contains a risk assessment form for a film trailer production. It lists the production team members and locations involved. It identifies potential hazards such as using sharp objects, tripping hazards, and cold environments. For each hazard, it evaluates the risk level before and after control measures are implemented. The control measures aim to minimize risks through careful behavior, awareness, preparation, and making team members competent in order to lower the risk levels.
The document considers four locations - Durham, Newcastle, York, and Lancaster-Pendle Hill - for filming a documentary about the Pendle Witch trials. However, none of the locations are ultimately suitable due to their distance from Lancaster, where the trials took place, or lack of significance to the documentary topic. Durham, Newcastle and York are discussed as possible replacements for Lancaster despite not being directly related to the witch trials, but Lancaster-Pendle Hill is considered the best location though also too far for filming.
This document is a contributors release form for a film/media project. It outlines that the contributor agrees to be filmed and recorded for the project and that their contribution may be edited and used in the final production as well as publicity materials. It also assigns the copyright of the contributor's performance to the filmmaker and grants permission for the filmmaker to use and distribute the content worldwide in all media in perpetuity. The form requires signatures from both the contributor and the filmmaker.
This risk assessment form summarizes the proposed production of "Canon- Journey" by Sunderland College Creative Media. It will involve single-camera shooting of images in Barnes Park and the Winter Garden from February 20th to March 6th, 2023. Hazards identified include physical fatigue, slippery surfaces, cold environment, and trip hazards. Control measures like taking breaks, testing surfaces, wearing warm clothing, and clearing trip hazards are outlined to minimize risks. The on-location shoot of witchcraft-inspired images in Barnes Park on February 25th from 3-4pm is assessed, with residual risks deemed negligible after controls are implemented.
This risk assessment form summarizes the proposed production of "Canon- Journey" by Sunderland College Creative Media. It will involve single-camera shooting of images in Barnes Park and the Winter Garden from February 20th to March 6th, 2023. Hazards identified include physical fatigue, slippery surfaces, cold environment, and trip hazards. Control measures like taking breaks, testing surfaces, wearing warm clothing, and clearing trip hazards are outlined to minimize risks. The on-location shoot of witchcraft-inspired images in Barnes Park on February 25th from 3-4pm is assessed, with residual risks deemed negligible after controls are implemented.
This risk assessment form outlines the proposed production activities for Jake HR Production's project from January 16-26, 2019. It will involve filming in Castletown and woods.
The hazards identified include cold environment, slippery surfaces, trip hazards, and objects falling. For the cold environment hazard, the risk level is low once warm clothes are provided to staff and cast. Slippery surfaces and trip hazards pose an unlikely risk level given suitable footwear and care. Objects falling present a low risk if cast are careful.
The form documents the hazards, those exposed, initial risk level, and control measures to minimize risks for each activity to bring the risk level down once controls are implemented.
This risk assessment form summarizes the proposed production "The Demon Organisation" to be filmed between January 31st and February 25th 2020. It will involve scenes shot at Bede College and in a nearby forest. The production team includes Gaynor Dobson, Connor Morrison, Keiron Smiles and Joseph Burton. Locations may present cold environments and trip hazards. Identified hazards include cold exposure, long driving times, slips/trips, litter, management factors, and physical fatigue. Control measures proposed include providing warm clothing, taking care while driving, removing litter, ensuring clear communication, and scheduling breaks. With these controls in place, most risks are assessed as negligible or low.
This risk assessment form outlines the risks involved in a production taking place from November 5th to an unspecified end date. It lists the producer, locations, team members, and hazards identified from assault to waste substance release. The form includes a risk matrix to determine likelihood and severity of harm for each hazard. Part B will list specific activities, locations, dates/times, identified hazards for each activity, those exposed, initial risk level, and control measures to minimize risks and final risk level with controls in place. Hazards addressed will include trip hazards, stress/anxiety, slippery surfaces, and physical fatigue.
This risk assessment form is for taking photos at the Winter Gardens in Sunderland on February 21st, 2023. Hazards identified include cold environment, drowning, and trip hazards which could harm everyone involved. To minimize risks, the team will wear warm clothing, stay behind barriers around water, and watch their stepping to remove trip hazards. With these control measures in place, the risks are considered negligible.
This risk assessment form is for taking photos at the Winter Gardens in Sunderland on February 21st, 2023. Hazards identified include cold environment, drowning, and trip hazards that could harm everyone involved in the photo shoot. Control measures to minimize risk include wearing warm clothing, staying behind barriers around water, and watching footing to remove trip hazards. With these controls in place, the risk level for all identified hazards is considered negligible.
This risk assessment form evaluates the risks associated with filming a death scene sequence at Barnes Park on March 2-3, 2020 for the production "Victim of Circumstance" by Sunderland College. It identifies hazards such as a cold environment, hot environment, slippery surfaces, trip hazards, and lack of food/water and assesses the likelihood and severity of potential harm. The key people involved are listed as Samuel Todd, Hollie Joice, Ben Walmsley and Nathen Dunlop. Control measures to minimize risks include wearing warm clothing, staying hydrated, being aware of slippery surfaces, clearing trip hazards, and bringing food and water. The form requires signatures and dates to verify completion and authorization.
This risk assessment form summarizes the proposed production "Witchcraft in the Digital Age" which will involve single-camera footage of scenery, buildings, and interviews from April 11-27, 2023. It will involve Katie Moon, Faith Sowerby, Henry Briggs, and Molly Brown at locations including a photography studio, church, and town areas. Potential hazards identified include cold environment, stress/anxiety, trip hazards, and litter. Control measures like appropriate clothing, script preparation, area checks, and crew care are outlined to reduce the risks.
This risk assessment form evaluates the risks associated with filming a short student film called "Victim of Circumstance" at a private home. It will involve a wake-up scene, leaving scene, and return scene filmed over one day with a crew of 4 students. Potential hazards identified include slippery surfaces, trip hazards, and lack of food/water. Control measures like being careful of hazards, clearing areas, and bringing supplies will lower the risks. Locations involve the filmmaker's home which presents no identified hostile environments. The assessment was completed by Samuel Todd and will be shared with cast/crew to ensure a safe production.
This risk assessment form details the production of a visual effect to make Ellis walk on water for a project at Sunderland College, identifying potential hazards such as slippery surfaces, trip hazards, and objects moving or flying that could harm Ellis, and proposing control measures like clearing the floor and making Ellis comfortable to minimize risks. The locations involved are the media hub and dates are from March 9th to April 13th 2020.
The risk assessment outlines the hazards, control measures, and risk levels associated with filming a documentary over 5 days in March 2022 at a photography/film studio on the Bede campus. Potential hazards include hot environment, trip hazards from lighting equipment cables, and electric shock. Control measures such as opening doors for airflow, taping cables to the floor, and keeping liquids away from electrical equipment aim to reduce the risks.
This risk assessment form outlines the potential hazards and risks associated with the production of a film called "His Soul Organisation" taking place in February-March. It identifies locations like the producer's home and college. Potential hazards are listed and include uneven floors outside, contact with candle wax/flame, falling, lack of food/water, and entanglement with wires. Control measures are described to minimize each risk, such as being careful of uneven ground, keeping food away from filming, and managing wires. The risk level is re-evaluated after controls and most hazards are deemed low risk.
This risk assessment form summarizes the risks involved in a photography project taking place from February 6th to April 5th 2020 at Sunderland College. It identifies hazards such as a hot environment, falling or moving objects, obstructions, trip hazards, electric shocks, fire, lack of oxygen, and stress/anxiety. Control measures are outlined to minimize each risk, such as turning on air conditioning, securing equipment, clearing obstructions, being cautious of wires, keeping water away from electronics, turning lights off when not in use, opening doors, and maintaining a calm environment. The producer, cast and assessor sign off on the assessment.
This risk assessment form evaluates the risks associated with filming a production titled "Vinyl in the Digital Age" that will take place solely in the producer's home.
The assessment identifies Emma Wallace as the sole crew member. It lists the hazards that may be encountered while filming inside a home such as trip hazards, fire, and repetitive strain from camera work.
Control measures are outlined to minimize risks like appointing a competent crew, receiving training, planning filming schedules carefully, and using any necessary protective equipment. With these controls in place, the overall risks are deemed to be low.
This risk assessment form summarizes the production details and hazards for the film project "Curious Organisation" to be filmed from November 7th to an unspecified end date. The production will involve Jake Rose, Iesha Heads, Emelia Crocker, and Anthony Martin filming scenes at someone's house and a park. Potential hazards identified include cold environment, slippery surfaces, and falls from height. Control measures to mitigate these risks include providing warm clothing, checking locations for hazards beforehand, and ensuring no one can fall from heights on set. With these controls in place, the risks are assessed as low to negligible.
This risk assessment form is for a single camera shoot taking place over 7 days at Sunderland College. It lists the production details and team members involved. Hazards identified include hot environment, objects falling, and trip hazards. Controls such as regular breaks, water, caution, training, and tidying equipment are outlined to minimize risks. The risks are reduced to low or trivial levels once controls are implemented.
This risk assessment form outlines the production details and hazards for the Twinz Organisation Vision Productions project filming from March 21st to April 15th, 2016. It identifies the production address, contact information, and team members involved. Filming locations include Ward Jackson Park and The Lodge. Potential hazards include contact with cold surfaces, fire, sharp objects, slips/trips, and noise. The risk matrix is used to determine the likelihood and severity of each hazard. Part B then lists specific filming activities, hazards for each, those exposed, initial risk level, control measures to reduce risk, and residual risk level with controls in place.
This risk assessment form is for a production called "Creepy Organisation" taking place from January 31st to an unspecified end date. It involves the use of fake weapons and fight scenes in forest locations. Hazards identified include physical fatigue, trip hazards, assault by person during fight scenes, and cold environment. Control measures to minimize risks include providing breaks, ensuring safe footing, carefully choreographing fight scenes, and keeping all crew warm. With these controls in place, the risks are deemed negligible or slight.
This document contains a risk assessment form for a film trailer production. It lists the production team members and locations involved. It identifies potential hazards such as using sharp objects, tripping hazards, and cold environments. For each hazard, it evaluates the risk level before and after control measures are implemented. The control measures aim to minimize risks through careful behavior, awareness, preparation, and making team members competent in order to lower the risk levels.
The document considers four locations - Durham, Newcastle, York, and Lancaster-Pendle Hill - for filming a documentary about the Pendle Witch trials. However, none of the locations are ultimately suitable due to their distance from Lancaster, where the trials took place, or lack of significance to the documentary topic. Durham, Newcastle and York are discussed as possible replacements for Lancaster despite not being directly related to the witch trials, but Lancaster-Pendle Hill is considered the best location though also too far for filming.
This document is a contributors release form for a film/media project. It outlines that the contributor agrees to be filmed and recorded for the project and that their contribution may be edited and used in the final production as well as publicity materials. It also assigns the copyright of the contributor's performance to the filmmaker and grants permission for the filmmaker to use and distribute the content worldwide in all media in perpetuity. The form requires signatures from both the contributor and the filmmaker.
This document is a contributors release form for a film/media project. It outlines that the contributor agrees to be filmed and recorded for the project and that their contribution may be edited and used in the final production as well as publicity materials. It also assigns the copyright of the contributor's performance and images to the filmmaker. The contributor signs and prints their name to confirm their agreement to these terms.
This document is a contributors release form for a film/media project. It outlines that the contributor agrees to be filmed and recorded for the project and that their contribution may be edited and used in the final production as well as publicity materials. It also assigns the copyright of the contributor's performance to the filmmaker and grants permission for the filmmaker to use and distribute the content worldwide in all media in perpetuity. The form requires signatures from both the contributor and the filmmaker.
The document summarizes research conducted through a questionnaire posted to a Facebook witchcraft group to inform the topic of a documentary. It describes the questions asked in the questionnaire which covered respondents' gender, age, religion, interests, documentary watching habits, and views on how social media has impacted witchcraft. Most respondents were female aged 16-24 who watch documentaries to learn new things. Over 75% said they would watch a documentary on how social media has influenced witchcraft and most felt it has had a positive impact. Based on the responses, the documentary topic will compare the Pendle witch trials to modern witchcraft with the evolution of technology.
The document references three sources that discuss the Pendle Witches trial of 1612 in Lancashire, England. The trial involved members of the Demdike family and other residents of the Pendle Hill area who were accused and convicted of witchcraft. The sources provide historical overviews of the famous witch trial and details about the individuals involved.
The BBC is launching a new documentary partnership between BBC Three and BBC England called Northern Voices. They are seeking proposals from independent production companies in the North of England to create short documentaries exploring how digital technology has affected young people's culture. The document proposes a 10-15 minute documentary examining how the internet has influenced modern witchcraft and pagan practices, especially making information more accessible. Research included watching other documentaries on the topic, conducting an audience survey, and exploring the history of witchcraft trials in Lancashire. Interviews are planned to discuss how the internet has opened up the practice of witchcraft.
This document discusses different camera angles and shot sizes that can be used when filming, including establishing shots, high angles, low angles, eye-level shots, mid shots, over the shoulder shots, point-of-view shots, two shots, canted angles, and various close-ups. Each type of shot conveys different meanings - for example, high angles make subjects seem weaker while low angles make them seem powerful, and close-ups draw viewers closer to observe emotions. Proper use of shots can influence audience perspective and involvement in the story.
Foley art involves creating and recording everyday sound effects in a post-production studio to enhance films and television shows. Foley artists replace sounds that could not be properly recorded on set by using props and their bodies to replicate sounds like footsteps, clothing movements, and breaking glass. The term "Foley" originates from Jack Foley, a pioneering sound effects artist who worked with Stanley Kubrick. Foley artists meticulously recreate diegetic, or on-screen, sounds to match the visuals and improve overall audio quality.
The document profiles 14 emerging writers from Northern England who are participating in the BBC Northern Voices 2022 talent development program. It provides a 1-3 sentence biography for each writer, describing their background, recent projects and accomplishments. The writers represent a range of genres including theatre, television, film and radio/audio works. Their biographies indicate they are receiving support and development opportunities from organizations like the BBC, Live Theatre, and New Writing North.
The document provides an overview of the history and operations of the BBC. It discusses how the BBC was originally founded in 1922 as the British Broadcasting Company and started daily radio broadcasts from London. Over time, the BBC expanded to include television services, additional radio networks, and international broadcasting through the BBC World Service. The organization is supported by an annual license fee paid by UK households and aims to inform, educate, and entertain audiences in the UK and worldwide through its programming and content.
Poetic, expository, observational, participatory, and reflexive are the five main documentary modes. Poetic documentaries emphasize aesthetics over narrative through experimental techniques. Expository documentaries aim to inform or persuade through voiceover narration. Observational documentaries objectively observe subjects without interfering. Participatory documentaries incorporate the filmmaker into the story. Reflexive documentaries focus on the filmmaking process itself.
Witchcraft has historically been defined as the use of magic or supernatural powers to manipulate events, though definitions vary across cultures. Stereotypically, witches were thought to gather secretly at night for cannibalistic rituals with the devil. The notion of the witch predates Christianity, with figures like Circe in ancient Greek mythology referred to as witches. As Christianity spread, individuals deemed heretical were sometimes characterized as witches. Belief in witchcraft was prominent in ancient cultures like Babylonia, Egypt, and among biblical Hebrews, though interpretations of relevant biblical passages are debated.
I have a collection of images I have taken that could potentially be used for a project. However, some images will not be suitable and will be excluded from use after further review behind the scenes.
I have a collection of images I have taken that I might use for a project. However, there are also images I have decided not to use after reviewing them. The document provides details about the images and selection process behind the scenes.
I have a collection of images that I have taken that could potentially be used. However, some images will not be used due to issues that happen behind the scenes.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
Risk Assessment.docx
1. Risk Assessment Form
Part A
Production Name: Culture in the Digital Age Organisation Production 18
Production Address: Bede Campus, Durham Rd,
Sunderland SR3 4AH
Producer / Editor
Faith Sowerby
Details in file
Start date 06-03-2023 End date 12-05-2023
Who gets a copy of the assessment
Katie Moon
Outline of risk assessment
Summary of what is proposed in
terms of sequences and set ups.
Trip hazards and noise
Team members / experts /
contractors / contributors etc.
List those involved
Faith Sowerby, Katie Moon
Outline locations involved indicate
any which are hostile environments
Barnes Park, Newcastle City, Town Moore, Durham Cathedral
Assessor Name
Date completed
Authoriser Name
(if not Assessor) Signature
Date authorised
Hazard list select your hazards from the list below and use these to complete Part B
Situational hazards Tick Physical / chemical hazards Tick Health hazards Tick
Assault by person * Contact with cold liquid / vapour Disease causative agent
Attack by animal * Contact with cold surface Infection
Breathing compressed gas Contact with hot liquid / vapour Allergic reaction
Cold environment Contact with hot surface Lack of food / water
Crush by load Electric shock Lack of oxygen
Drowning Explosive blast Physical fatigue *
Entanglement in moving machinery Explosive release of stored pressure Repetitive action
High atmospheric pressure Fire Static body posture
Hot environment Hazardous substance Stress / anxiety
Manual handling Ionizing radiation Venom poisoning
Object falling, moving or flying Laser light
Obstruction / exposed feature Lightning strike Environmental hazards
Sharp object / material * Noise * Litter
Shot by firearm Non-ionizing radiation Nuisance noise / vibration
Slippery surface Stroboscopic light Physical damage *
Trap in moving machinery Vibration Waste substance released into air
Trip hazard * Waste substance released into soil / water
Vehicle impact / collision Managerial / organisational hazards
Falls from height Management factors (lack of communication,
co-operation, co-ordination and competence)
Risk matrix use this to determine risk for
each hazard i.e. how bad and how likely Likelihood of Harm
Severity of Harm
e.g. <1 in 1000 chance
Very unlikely
e.g. 1 in 200 chance
e.g. 1 in 50 chance
e.g. 1 in 10 chance
e.g. >1 in 3 chance
Negligible e.g. small bruise Trivial Trivial Trivial Low Low
Slight e.g. small cut, deep bruise Trivial Trivial Low Low Medium
Moderate e.g. deep cut, torn muscle Trivial Low Medium Medium High
Severe e.g. fracture, loss of consciousness Low Medium High High Extremely high
Very Severe e.g. death, permanent disability Low Medium High Extremely high Extremely high
2. Risk Assessment Form Part B
Each individual activity you are proposing: Location where this activity will take place: Dates / times:
List what could cause harm from this activity
e.g. falls from height, trip hazard, fire, etc.
Who exposed
List who might be harmed
from this activity
e.g. staff, contractors,
contributors, public, etc.
For each hazard, decide
level of risk as if you were to
do the activity without your
Control measures
For each hazard, list the measures you will be taking to minimise the risk identified
e.g. appointing competent persons, training received, planning and rehearsals, use of personal protective
equipment, provision of first aid, etc.
For each hazard,
decide level of risk
once all your controls
are in place
Noise Whole Team Negligible Try going during the day or time when it might be quiet, if noise really effects you bring
headphones for music or to block out the loud noises.
Slips trips and falls.
Whole team Negligible Remove anything from the area that may cause a fall, keep working areas clear of rubbish or
large items on floor appropriately.
Negligible Negligible
Continue on separate sheet if necessary
1 complete separate table for each activity 2 - from hazard list in Part A 3 - from risk matrix in Part A