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Enterprise Risk Management for
Professional Services
Employing effective risk management strategies for business
optimisation                                                                                 Two-day masterclass
                                                                                               27 - 28 June 2006
                                                                                             Sydney Marriott Hotel

This masterclass is designed for senior personnel in the               Yours Masterclass Leaders
professional services sector who wish to learn about and be            include:
updated on effective risk management strategies to maximise
their organisations continued growth and success.
                                                                       Harry Rosenthal, Senior
Specifically you will:                                                 Manager, Risk Management
                                                                       Unit, The University of New
       Be updated on developments in risk management (RM) in
       Australia today                                                 South Wales
       Hear case study examples from across the professional
       services sector                                                 Simon Frankin, Director, Risk
       Be updated on key topical issues including, latest regulatory
                                                                       Management, SSAMM
       and compliance standards, business continuity, e-business
       and labour management                                           Management Consulting
       Be able to network and exchange vital information with key
       organisations                                                   Peter Sierwald, Senior
       Be given practical and professional advice on how to
                                                                       Consultant, Business
       integrate a successful risk management system into your
       organisation from the top down                                  Continuity Services, SSAMM
                                                                       Management Consulting

        Simon Franklin       Peter Sierwald         Harry Rosenthal
Supported By:

                                                                               Book before 26 May 2006
                                                                          to receive your early bird discount!
Enterprise Risk Management for Professional Services
Employing effective risk management strategies for business optimisation
                                                                                                                                          Two-day masterclass
                                                                                                                                            27 - 28 June 2006
                                                                                                                                          Sydney Marriott Hotel

                                                             About the course facilitators:
                       Simon Franklin, Director, Risk Management, SSAMM             implementation and auditing of risk management programs. Robert was on
                       Management Consulting. Simon is an accomplished              the global risk management steering committee for AstraZeneca, which had
                       consultant with over 13 years experience in Risk             the mandate of reviewing global risk management standards, guides and
                       Management, Corporate Governance, Business                   information systems. Based on the findings of this review, a global risk
                       Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery. He is a           management program was developed and implemented. A key criteria of this
                       Fellow of the Risk Management Institution of Australasia,    program was that that it needed be effective yet simple enough to be
                       a regular public speaker and has a Masters                   assimilated within each local business and therefore become a useful and
                       degree in risk management. Before joining SSAMM,             practical management tool. All objectives were achieved, with AstraZeneca
 Simon was a senior manager within Deloitte's Enterprise Risk Services              receiving public acknowledgement for it's risk management program. To
 division and leader of their Business Continuity Management Practice.              compliment this, Robert audited risk management programs throughout
 Simon has conducted a variety of complex consulting assignments in                 Australia, the Pacific and Europe. More recently, Robert has carried out a
 Australia, Asia and Europe. He has assisted organisations to review and            similar role within Tower Australia Ltd. In his current role he utilised AS/NZ
 improve the way in which they handle risk management issues from both              4360 as the basis to develop the company risk management program. To
 operational and strategic perspectives. Most recently Simon has been               date, the core elements of the program have been implemented with
 engaged by a number of Australia’s largest financial services and banking          assessments being conducted by a number of organisations, including
 institutions to prepare for compliance with the Basel II Accord, Sarbanes-         APRA. It each case the findings have been positive. To mirror programs
 Oxley Act and other financial services reform requirements.                        implemented for other organisations, Robert is currently maturing the
                                                                                    program so that it becomes embedded within the organisation, is integrated
                      Peter Sierwald, Senior Consultant, Business Continuity        with existing systems and process and that it becomes enterprise wide.
                      Services, SSAMM Management Consulting
                      Peter is an experienced consulting professional and                                 Michael John Gill, Senior Insurance Partner, Phillips Fox
                      former Director of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. He is a                                Lawyers. Michael Gill is a Senior Insurance Partner with
                      subject matter expert, with a career over 12 years                                  Phillips Fox. His professional focus is insurance work
                      focusing solely on Business Continuity Management.                                  and he has practiced as a lawyer for over 35 years in all
                      Peter has extensive public and private sector business                              aspects of insurance and reinsurance. He is a former
                      continuity experience, working with some of the largest                             Chairman of Phillips Fox. He is a past President of the
 global organisations, state government departments and government                                        Law Society of New South Wales and the Law Council
 agencies. Peter has developed and implemented a large number of business                                 of Australia. He was the founding President of the
 continuity management strategies along with their associated policies;             Australian Insurance Law Association. He is the Vice-President of the
 procedures and technologies. Peter has conducted a variety of consulting           International Insurance Law Association and a current member of their
 assignments in both Europe and Australia. He has assisted organisations to         reinsurance Working Party. He is the Independent Chairman of the Code
 review and improve the way in which they handle business continuity issues         Compliance Committee for the general insurance industry. His other areas of
 from both operational and strategic perspectives. He is a Member of the            expertise include compliance and regulatory issues, insurance and
 Business Continuity Institute (BCI) and Secretary of the New South Wales BCI       reinsurance disputes and risk management. In addition to acting for
 Forum and a regular public speaker.                                                insurers, reinsurers and intermediaries in Australia and overseas, he also
                                                                                    provides expert advice to industry bodies, government and statutory
                        Harry Rosenthal, Senior Manager, Risk Management            authorities and also provides
                        Unit, University of New South Wales.                        representation and high level commercial and strategies advice around
                        Harry is currently employed as the Senior Manager of        legislative issues. His arranges the Phillips Fox’s professional indemnity
                        the Risk Management Unit at the University of New           insurance program and is involved with risk management at Phillips Fox.
                        South Wales, overseeing Insurance, Workers
                        Compensation, OHS, Emergency Management and                 Darren O’Connell, General Manager, Corporate and Facilities, Vero
                        Enterprise Risk Management activities for the University.   Corporate. Darren is responsible for the management of three divisions of
                        He currently lectures in the School of Safety Science at    corporate – liability, property and resolution, providing the right liability
 UNSW on topics of Risk Management and Insurance. He holds a Master of              insurance solutions and ensuring that businesses have sound quality
 Business Degree, from the Florida Institute of Technology, as well as              management systems in place. Darren has been with Vero for 20 years. He
 Associate’s Degree in Risk Management from the American Insurance                  has held various roles that include underwriter, Local Office Manager (VIC),
 Institute. In addition he holds the professional designation of a Chartered        Development and National Development Manager, Corporate. His
 Casualty and Property Underwriter (CPCU), with the American Insurance              experience is mainly in the commercial and corporate insurance sector.
 Institute, one of the highest professional titles in the American insurance        There are three divisions within Vero Corporate as follows:
 industry. Harry has over 25 years experience in risk management and claims                  Vero Corporate Liability - provides liability insurance solutions for
 administration in the utility, government and private sectors in both Australia    businesses that recognise how a sound quality management system reduces
 and the United States.                                                             their liability exposures.
                                                                                              Vero Corporate Property - provides expertise in property insurance
 Robert Oldfield, Risk Manager, Corporate Governance Division, Tower                solutions for medium to large corporations.
 Australia Limited. Robert has wide experience in the area of financial and                  Vero Resolution - focuses on insuring a range of high hazard property
 operational risk management. He is currently the Risk Manager for Tower            occupations in Australia.
 Australia Ltd. He has extensive practical experience in the development,

                                                                  Who should attend this event?
      Senior risk management personnel from the professional services sector including law firms, financial institutions, accounting, insurance, engineering,
                                                                architectural and surveyors.

   This event will be pertinent to: Managing Partners, Company Directors, Quality Assurance Managers, Compliance Managers, Project and Planning Officers,
                            Senior Managers in Human Resources, Finance, Insurance, Administration, Operations, and Client Services.
w w w. a r k- g r o u p . c o m
                Why is this masterclass pertinent to you?                                     meeting the needs of customers, which will ultimately improve profits and
                                                                                              shareholder value.
In these days of increasing competitiveness, global uncertainty, and corporate
accountability business leaders are faced with having to employ best practice                 At this highly interactive forum attendees will have the opportunity to network
strategies to protect their organisations and in some instances their own                     and exchange ideas and share common experiences in organisational risk.
personal assets. Amongst these strategies is risk management, which when                      Both at the corporate strategic level and at the day-to-day operational level
employed effectively, will give organisations a better chance of survival.                    attendees will have the chance to hear from peer organisations how they are
                                                                                              managing risk in their firms.
Statistics show that 25% of company risk is uninsurable. No longer can
organisations rely simply on a healthy insurance policy to protect themselves.                Attendees will also learn what is happening in RM today, where the key risk
Today it is imperative that organisations understand where their risks lay and                areas are for professional services, how to identify and assess them,
how they can best manage them. In depth analysis is required, followed by                     implement and integrate systems into the organisation.
systematic step-by-step implementation and ongoing follow-up review and
monitoring of those systems.                                                                  Australia is considered ahead of many other countries in embracing RM,
                                                                                              although it still has a long way to go. By attending this event participants will
In the professional services sector, the client is a key driver for business                  take away vital and practical information, which can be directly applied to their
success so effective internal risk management is vital to maintaining and                     organisations for optimal competitive gain.

                    Day One - Tuesday, 27 June 2006                                                           Day Two - Wednesday, 28 June 2006
8.45     Registration and refreshments                                                      8.45    Registration and refreshments

9.15   Risk Management in Australia today – setting the scene                               9.15  Strategic risk management – it all starts at the top
       Part One:                                                                                  Aligning RM plan with key business objectives
       What are the key risk areas facing the professional                                        Reputation and branding – high-risk areas in today’s climate
       services sector today?                                                                     Governance models
       Moving away from silo RM to an integrated and holistic approach                            Centralised and decentralised models
       Where does Australia fit globally?                                                         Where can RM add value to board decision making?
       Risk management operating models                                                     Simon Franklin, SSAMM Management Consulting
       Part Two:
       The regulatory environment – update                                                  10.30 Morning refreshments and networking
       Increase in regulations and standards
       Compliance drivers                                                                   10.45 Implementing a risk management system from the top down
Simon Franklin, Director, Risk Management, SSAMM Management                                         Adopting a systematic approach to managing risks
Consulting                                                                                          Understanding the context of your organisation
                                                                                                    Identifying ways IT can assist in improving implementation of risk
10.45     Morning refreshments and networking                                                       management methodology and strategy
                                                                                                    Integrating RM strategies into existing business processes
11.00 Risk management in the professional services sector                                           Reviewing and monitoring systems
       A closer examination                                                                 Robert Oldfield, Risk Manager, Corporate Governance Division, Tower
       Services to clients                                                                  Australia Limited
       What are you trying to accomplish?
       The spectrum of risks facing your business and sector                                12.15 Lunch and networking
       Frameworks for better understanding your risk profile
       Framing the issue – a logical method of viewing risks                                1.30   Business continuity management – what is best for you?
       which promotes a rational risk management action plan                                       How would you respond if disaster struck your organisation?
Harry Rosenthal, Senior Manager, Risk Management Unit, University of NSW                           The business continuity process
                                                                                                   The business continuity plan
12.15 Lunch and networking                                                                         Implementation and testing
                                                                                                   Standards and best practice guidelines
1.15   Identifying risk and developing a risk profile - the first key element               Peter Sierwald, Senior Consultant, SSAMM Management Consulting
      of successful risk management
      What are the inherent risks, controls and residual risks in your                      2.45    Afternoon refreshments and networking
      Estimating levels of risk and assessing them against business                         3.00  Integrating risk management into the culture and philosophy of the
      objectives                                                                                   organisation
      Developing risk appetite                                                                     Dealing with perception differences
      Tools and techniques for analysis                                                            Coping with adverse reaction to change
      Estimating the likelihood and consequences of risk                                           Implementing ongoing education and training
Simon Franklin, SSAMM Management Consulting                                                        Ensuring appropriate levels of recognition and reward are maintained
                                                                                                   To outsource or not?
3.00     Afternoon refreshments and networking                                                     The law firm culture
                                                                                            Michael Gill, Senior Insurance Partner, Phillips Fox Lawyers
3.15   Forging a firm partnership between the insurer, broker and client
       Strategies to sell risk and not buy insurance                                        4.15          End of masterclass
       The impact of insurance industry regulation for best practice
       Establishing a viable business partnership
       Minimising the total cost of insurable risk and determining the `right'
       risk for a business
Darren O’Connell, General Manager, Corporate and Facilities, Vero

4.30        End of day one
                   The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) was established in 1994 to provide opportunities to obtain guidance and support from fellow professionals. The Institute
                   provides an internationally recognised status in relation to the individuals experience as a continuity practitioner.The BCI currently has over 2,000 members in 45
                   countries.The wider role of the BCI is to promote the highest standards of professional competence and commercial ethics in the provision and maintenance of
                   Business Continuity Management. The Aims and Objectives of the BCI are primarily to promote the art and science of business continuity management as well as
defining, initiating, evaluating and communicating BCM thinking standards and good practice The BCI Representative for Australia is John Worthington and may be contacted at 02
8765 0085 or worthe@ozemail.com.au. Most States in Australia also have a BCI State Representative Full information on the BCI including joining instructions is at www.thebci.org
4 ways to book SO-BD
           Fax back this form on
                                                                                                     Tel: +61 1300 550 662                                                       aga@arkgroupasia.com                        Ark Group Australia Pty Ltd
            +61 1300 550 663                                                                                                                                                      www.ark-group.com                          Main level, 83 Walker Street,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              North Sydney, NSW 2060

                           Enterprise Risk Management for Professional Services
                                                                                            27 - 28 June 2006, Sydney Marriott Hotel
                                                                                                                                                                                               Early Bird                         Discount
                                                                                                                                                                     Standard Pricing         Book before                      I am a member of BCI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and claim my $300
                                                                                                                                                                                              26 / May / 06                      discount to attend.
                                                                                                                                                                                            (cannot be used in conjunction     (expires 18 / May / 06)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 with any other offer)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (cannot be used in conjunction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    with any other offer)

                                                                                                                                                                             $2395 + GST           Save $200                         Save $300
                                                                                                                                                                             = $634.50             $2195 + GST                       $2095 + GST
                                                                                                                                                                                                   =$2414.50                         =$2304.50

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Delegate 1

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Delegate 4

                                                                                                           I have read and accepted the booking conditions

                                                                                                                                                                                      Event Venue and Accommodation
     Please note: Payment must be received in full prior to the event to guarantee your place
                                                                                                                                                                               Preferential rates are available at the Sydney Marriott
       Mastercard                                        Visa                              American Express
                                                                                                                                                                               Hotel. Please contact the hotel directly to make your
                                                                                                                                                                               reservation, quoting ‘Ark Group Australia’ as your
Card number
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sydney Marriott Hotel
                                                                                                                                                                                                   36 College Street
Expiry date                                                                                                                                                                                       SYDNEY NSW 2000
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ph: 02 9361 8400
Cardholder’s name                                                                                                                                                                                  www.marriott.com

Cardholder’s signature

       Payment enclosed (Cheques should be made payable to Ark Group Australia Pty Ltd)                                                                                                      Can’t make the event?
                                                                                                                                                                                             Conference CD is available!
       Please invoice me
                                                                                                                                                                                  If you can’t take full advantage of this event, the
Booking conditions                                                                                                                                                                 conference CD gives you a useful record of the
1. Bookings can be submitted at any stage prior to the event, subject to availability. A limited allocation is being
   held and booking early is therefore recommended.                                                                                                                                    presentations made at the event for your
   In the event of the booking not being accepted by Ark Group Australia the total amount will be refunded.
2. Payment must be received in full prior to the course.                                                                                                                       reference. The CD is made available after the event at
3. All speakers are correct at the time of printing, but are subject to variation without notice.
4. If the delegate cancels after the booking has been accepted, the delegate will be liable to the following                                                                                        $595 plus GST.
   cancellation charges:
   Cancellations notified over 45 days prior to the event will not incur a cancellation fee.                                                                                                   Contact: Kylie Chambers
    In the event of a cancellation being between 45 and 30 days prior to the event, a 20% cancellation
   fee will be charged.                                                                                                                                                                           Tel: 1 300 550 662
   For cancellations received less than 30 days prior to the event, the full delegate rate must be paid and no
   refunds will be available.                                                                                                                                                           Email: kchambers@arkgroupasia.com
5. All bookings submitted by e-mail, fax, or over the telephone are subject to these booking conditions.
6. All cancellations must be received in writing.
7. Ark Group Australia will not be held liable for circumstances beyond their control which lead to the
   cancellation or variation of the programme.
8. All bookings, whether Australian or overseas will be charged Australian GST at the prevailing
   rate at the time of booking.
We occasionally allow reputable companies to mail details of products we feel may be of interest. If you do not wish to receive this service, please tick this box    B016

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Risk Management For Professional Services

  • 1. Researched By: Produced By: Enterprise Risk Management for Professional Services Employing effective risk management strategies for business optimisation Two-day masterclass 27 - 28 June 2006 Sydney Marriott Hotel This masterclass is designed for senior personnel in the Yours Masterclass Leaders professional services sector who wish to learn about and be include: updated on effective risk management strategies to maximise their organisations continued growth and success. Harry Rosenthal, Senior Specifically you will: Manager, Risk Management Unit, The University of New Be updated on developments in risk management (RM) in Australia today South Wales Hear case study examples from across the professional services sector Simon Frankin, Director, Risk Be updated on key topical issues including, latest regulatory Management, SSAMM and compliance standards, business continuity, e-business and labour management Management Consulting Be able to network and exchange vital information with key organisations Peter Sierwald, Senior Be given practical and professional advice on how to Consultant, Business integrate a successful risk management system into your organisation from the top down Continuity Services, SSAMM Management Consulting Simon Franklin Peter Sierwald Harry Rosenthal Supported By: Book before 26 May 2006 to receive your early bird discount!
  • 2. Enterprise Risk Management for Professional Services Employing effective risk management strategies for business optimisation Two-day masterclass 27 - 28 June 2006 Sydney Marriott Hotel About the course facilitators: Simon Franklin, Director, Risk Management, SSAMM implementation and auditing of risk management programs. Robert was on Management Consulting. Simon is an accomplished the global risk management steering committee for AstraZeneca, which had consultant with over 13 years experience in Risk the mandate of reviewing global risk management standards, guides and Management, Corporate Governance, Business information systems. Based on the findings of this review, a global risk Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery. He is a management program was developed and implemented. A key criteria of this Fellow of the Risk Management Institution of Australasia, program was that that it needed be effective yet simple enough to be a regular public speaker and has a Masters assimilated within each local business and therefore become a useful and degree in risk management. Before joining SSAMM, practical management tool. All objectives were achieved, with AstraZeneca Simon was a senior manager within Deloitte's Enterprise Risk Services receiving public acknowledgement for it's risk management program. To division and leader of their Business Continuity Management Practice. compliment this, Robert audited risk management programs throughout Simon has conducted a variety of complex consulting assignments in Australia, the Pacific and Europe. More recently, Robert has carried out a Australia, Asia and Europe. He has assisted organisations to review and similar role within Tower Australia Ltd. In his current role he utilised AS/NZ improve the way in which they handle risk management issues from both 4360 as the basis to develop the company risk management program. To operational and strategic perspectives. Most recently Simon has been date, the core elements of the program have been implemented with engaged by a number of Australia’s largest financial services and banking assessments being conducted by a number of organisations, including institutions to prepare for compliance with the Basel II Accord, Sarbanes- APRA. It each case the findings have been positive. To mirror programs Oxley Act and other financial services reform requirements. implemented for other organisations, Robert is currently maturing the program so that it becomes embedded within the organisation, is integrated Peter Sierwald, Senior Consultant, Business Continuity with existing systems and process and that it becomes enterprise wide. Services, SSAMM Management Consulting Peter is an experienced consulting professional and Michael John Gill, Senior Insurance Partner, Phillips Fox former Director of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. He is a Lawyers. Michael Gill is a Senior Insurance Partner with subject matter expert, with a career over 12 years Phillips Fox. His professional focus is insurance work focusing solely on Business Continuity Management. and he has practiced as a lawyer for over 35 years in all Peter has extensive public and private sector business aspects of insurance and reinsurance. He is a former continuity experience, working with some of the largest Chairman of Phillips Fox. He is a past President of the global organisations, state government departments and government Law Society of New South Wales and the Law Council agencies. Peter has developed and implemented a large number of business of Australia. He was the founding President of the continuity management strategies along with their associated policies; Australian Insurance Law Association. He is the Vice-President of the procedures and technologies. Peter has conducted a variety of consulting International Insurance Law Association and a current member of their assignments in both Europe and Australia. He has assisted organisations to reinsurance Working Party. He is the Independent Chairman of the Code review and improve the way in which they handle business continuity issues Compliance Committee for the general insurance industry. His other areas of from both operational and strategic perspectives. He is a Member of the expertise include compliance and regulatory issues, insurance and Business Continuity Institute (BCI) and Secretary of the New South Wales BCI reinsurance disputes and risk management. In addition to acting for Forum and a regular public speaker. insurers, reinsurers and intermediaries in Australia and overseas, he also provides expert advice to industry bodies, government and statutory Harry Rosenthal, Senior Manager, Risk Management authorities and also provides Unit, University of New South Wales. representation and high level commercial and strategies advice around Harry is currently employed as the Senior Manager of legislative issues. His arranges the Phillips Fox’s professional indemnity the Risk Management Unit at the University of New insurance program and is involved with risk management at Phillips Fox. South Wales, overseeing Insurance, Workers Compensation, OHS, Emergency Management and Darren O’Connell, General Manager, Corporate and Facilities, Vero Enterprise Risk Management activities for the University. Corporate. Darren is responsible for the management of three divisions of He currently lectures in the School of Safety Science at corporate – liability, property and resolution, providing the right liability UNSW on topics of Risk Management and Insurance. He holds a Master of insurance solutions and ensuring that businesses have sound quality Business Degree, from the Florida Institute of Technology, as well as management systems in place. Darren has been with Vero for 20 years. He Associate’s Degree in Risk Management from the American Insurance has held various roles that include underwriter, Local Office Manager (VIC), Institute. In addition he holds the professional designation of a Chartered Development and National Development Manager, Corporate. His Casualty and Property Underwriter (CPCU), with the American Insurance experience is mainly in the commercial and corporate insurance sector. Institute, one of the highest professional titles in the American insurance There are three divisions within Vero Corporate as follows: industry. Harry has over 25 years experience in risk management and claims Vero Corporate Liability - provides liability insurance solutions for administration in the utility, government and private sectors in both Australia businesses that recognise how a sound quality management system reduces and the United States. their liability exposures. Vero Corporate Property - provides expertise in property insurance Robert Oldfield, Risk Manager, Corporate Governance Division, Tower solutions for medium to large corporations. Australia Limited. Robert has wide experience in the area of financial and Vero Resolution - focuses on insuring a range of high hazard property operational risk management. He is currently the Risk Manager for Tower occupations in Australia. Australia Ltd. He has extensive practical experience in the development, Who should attend this event? Senior risk management personnel from the professional services sector including law firms, financial institutions, accounting, insurance, engineering, architectural and surveyors. This event will be pertinent to: Managing Partners, Company Directors, Quality Assurance Managers, Compliance Managers, Project and Planning Officers, Senior Managers in Human Resources, Finance, Insurance, Administration, Operations, and Client Services.
  • 3. w w w. a r k- g r o u p . c o m Why is this masterclass pertinent to you? meeting the needs of customers, which will ultimately improve profits and shareholder value. In these days of increasing competitiveness, global uncertainty, and corporate accountability business leaders are faced with having to employ best practice At this highly interactive forum attendees will have the opportunity to network strategies to protect their organisations and in some instances their own and exchange ideas and share common experiences in organisational risk. personal assets. Amongst these strategies is risk management, which when Both at the corporate strategic level and at the day-to-day operational level employed effectively, will give organisations a better chance of survival. attendees will have the chance to hear from peer organisations how they are managing risk in their firms. Statistics show that 25% of company risk is uninsurable. No longer can organisations rely simply on a healthy insurance policy to protect themselves. Attendees will also learn what is happening in RM today, where the key risk Today it is imperative that organisations understand where their risks lay and areas are for professional services, how to identify and assess them, how they can best manage them. In depth analysis is required, followed by implement and integrate systems into the organisation. systematic step-by-step implementation and ongoing follow-up review and monitoring of those systems. Australia is considered ahead of many other countries in embracing RM, although it still has a long way to go. By attending this event participants will In the professional services sector, the client is a key driver for business take away vital and practical information, which can be directly applied to their success so effective internal risk management is vital to maintaining and organisations for optimal competitive gain. Day One - Tuesday, 27 June 2006 Day Two - Wednesday, 28 June 2006 8.45 Registration and refreshments 8.45 Registration and refreshments 9.15 Risk Management in Australia today – setting the scene 9.15 Strategic risk management – it all starts at the top Part One: Aligning RM plan with key business objectives What are the key risk areas facing the professional Reputation and branding – high-risk areas in today’s climate services sector today? Governance models Moving away from silo RM to an integrated and holistic approach Centralised and decentralised models Where does Australia fit globally? Where can RM add value to board decision making? Risk management operating models Simon Franklin, SSAMM Management Consulting Part Two: The regulatory environment – update 10.30 Morning refreshments and networking Increase in regulations and standards Compliance drivers 10.45 Implementing a risk management system from the top down Simon Franklin, Director, Risk Management, SSAMM Management Adopting a systematic approach to managing risks Consulting Understanding the context of your organisation Identifying ways IT can assist in improving implementation of risk 10.45 Morning refreshments and networking management methodology and strategy Integrating RM strategies into existing business processes 11.00 Risk management in the professional services sector Reviewing and monitoring systems A closer examination Robert Oldfield, Risk Manager, Corporate Governance Division, Tower Services to clients Australia Limited What are you trying to accomplish? The spectrum of risks facing your business and sector 12.15 Lunch and networking Frameworks for better understanding your risk profile Framing the issue – a logical method of viewing risks 1.30 Business continuity management – what is best for you? which promotes a rational risk management action plan How would you respond if disaster struck your organisation? Harry Rosenthal, Senior Manager, Risk Management Unit, University of NSW The business continuity process The business continuity plan 12.15 Lunch and networking Implementation and testing Standards and best practice guidelines 1.15 Identifying risk and developing a risk profile - the first key element Peter Sierwald, Senior Consultant, SSAMM Management Consulting of successful risk management What are the inherent risks, controls and residual risks in your 2.45 Afternoon refreshments and networking business? Estimating levels of risk and assessing them against business 3.00 Integrating risk management into the culture and philosophy of the objectives organisation Developing risk appetite Dealing with perception differences Tools and techniques for analysis Coping with adverse reaction to change Estimating the likelihood and consequences of risk Implementing ongoing education and training Simon Franklin, SSAMM Management Consulting Ensuring appropriate levels of recognition and reward are maintained To outsource or not? 3.00 Afternoon refreshments and networking The law firm culture Michael Gill, Senior Insurance Partner, Phillips Fox Lawyers 3.15 Forging a firm partnership between the insurer, broker and client Strategies to sell risk and not buy insurance 4.15 End of masterclass The impact of insurance industry regulation for best practice Establishing a viable business partnership Minimising the total cost of insurable risk and determining the `right' risk for a business Darren O’Connell, General Manager, Corporate and Facilities, Vero Corporate 4.30 End of day one The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) was established in 1994 to provide opportunities to obtain guidance and support from fellow professionals. The Institute provides an internationally recognised status in relation to the individuals experience as a continuity practitioner.The BCI currently has over 2,000 members in 45 countries.The wider role of the BCI is to promote the highest standards of professional competence and commercial ethics in the provision and maintenance of Business Continuity Management. The Aims and Objectives of the BCI are primarily to promote the art and science of business continuity management as well as defining, initiating, evaluating and communicating BCM thinking standards and good practice The BCI Representative for Australia is John Worthington and may be contacted at 02 8765 0085 or worthe@ozemail.com.au. Most States in Australia also have a BCI State Representative Full information on the BCI including joining instructions is at www.thebci.org
  • 4. 4 ways to book SO-BD Fax back this form on â„¡ Tel: +61 1300 550 662 aga@arkgroupasia.com Ark Group Australia Pty Ltd +61 1300 550 663 www.ark-group.com Main level, 83 Walker Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060 Enterprise Risk Management for Professional Services 27 - 28 June 2006, Sydney Marriott Hotel Membership Early Bird Discount Standard Pricing Book before I am a member of BCI and claim my $300 26 / May / 06 discount to attend. (cannot be used in conjunction (expires 18 / May / 06) e with any other offer) (cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer) $2395 + GST Save $200 Save $300 = $634.50 $2195 + GST $2095 + GST =$2414.50 =$2304.50 Organisation Name Address Postcode Phone Fax Name Job Title Email Address Delegate 1 Delegate 2 Delegate 3 Delegate 4 Signature I have read and accepted the booking conditions Event Venue and Accommodation Please note: Payment must be received in full prior to the event to guarantee your place Preferential rates are available at the Sydney Marriott Mastercard Visa American Express Hotel. Please contact the hotel directly to make your reservation, quoting ‘Ark Group Australia’ as your Card number reference. Sydney Marriott Hotel 36 College Street Expiry date SYDNEY NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9361 8400 Cardholder’s name www.marriott.com Cardholder’s signature Payment enclosed (Cheques should be made payable to Ark Group Australia Pty Ltd) Can’t make the event? Conference CD is available! Please invoice me If you can’t take full advantage of this event, the Booking conditions conference CD gives you a useful record of the 1. Bookings can be submitted at any stage prior to the event, subject to availability. A limited allocation is being held and booking early is therefore recommended. presentations made at the event for your In the event of the booking not being accepted by Ark Group Australia the total amount will be refunded. 2. Payment must be received in full prior to the course. reference. The CD is made available after the event at 3. All speakers are correct at the time of printing, but are subject to variation without notice. 4. If the delegate cancels after the booking has been accepted, the delegate will be liable to the following $595 plus GST. cancellation charges: Cancellations notified over 45 days prior to the event will not incur a cancellation fee. Contact: Kylie Chambers In the event of a cancellation being between 45 and 30 days prior to the event, a 20% cancellation fee will be charged. Tel: 1 300 550 662 For cancellations received less than 30 days prior to the event, the full delegate rate must be paid and no refunds will be available. Email: kchambers@arkgroupasia.com 5. All bookings submitted by e-mail, fax, or over the telephone are subject to these booking conditions. 6. All cancellations must be received in writing. 7. Ark Group Australia will not be held liable for circumstances beyond their control which lead to the cancellation or variation of the programme. 8. All bookings, whether Australian or overseas will be charged Australian GST at the prevailing rate at the time of booking. We occasionally allow reputable companies to mail details of products we feel may be of interest. If you do not wish to receive this service, please tick this box B016