18. 律竜旅凌粒竜溜凌 竜 留旅隆旅略 & 竜流硫凌 (Sherman, Surgery 2006) 78 patients had surgery at age < 18 yr, 1986-2003 Complications: Transient hypoparathyroidism (6%) and recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (1%) Hyperthyroidism cured in 75 patients, reoccurred in 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Surgery for Graves uncommon in the United States Complication rates 0-6 竜ホ 22% 7-12 竜ホ 11% 13-17 竜ホ 11% Traditional indications for surgery in Graves: suspicious nodule, failure of PTU in Graves during pregnancy
24. Today, surgery is rarely performed in the US, but still is in the UK, but it is performed in third-world countries that cannot afford the radioiodine. http://www.tpa-uk.org.uk/surgery_vs_radioiodinetherapy.php
28. Council directive Euratom 97/43 ... for all medical exposure of individuals for radiotherapeutic purposes exposures of target volumes should be individually planned.
29. Radioiodine therapy of benign thyroid disorders: what are the effective thyroidal half-life and uptake of 131I? The mean effective half-life of I-131 measured during radioiodine therapy was 5.4 days in Graves' disease, 6.4 days in nontoxic goitre, 6.6 days in toxic goitre, and 5.7 days in toxic uninodular adenoma. The mean maximal uptake of I-131 measured during radioiodine therapy was 64% in Graves' disease, 42% in nontoxic goitre, 38% in toxic goitre, and 31% in toxic uninodular adenoma.
44. Graves 慮留了亮凌略慮竜旅留 & I-131 Ponto KA, Thyroid. 2010 The tale of radioiodine and Graves' orbitopathy.
45. Graves 慮留了亮凌略慮竜旅留 & 竜旅凌粒竜溜凌 Lowery AJ, Surgeon. 2009 there is increasing evidence that total thyroidectomy may have a beneficial effect Azzam I, Pediatr Endocrinol Rev. 2010 total thyroid ablation that combines surgery with radioactive iodine, is increasingly gaining attention for the treatment of patients with GO, especially those undergoing thyroid surgery, but also for those with severe unresponsive ophthalmopathy. Studies supporting this approach are awaited.
46. Management of Graves: Key Points Iodine-131 - increasing preference for near-term hypothyroidism - dose for large goiter, ATD, severe hyperthyroidism - may occasionally worsen eye disease, hyperthyroidism ATD - to control hyperthyroidism before definitive treatment - may use as primary therapy of Graves, with limited success - preferred modality in pregnancy; prevents Graves in fetus Surgery - co-existing suspicious mass, ATD failure in pregnancy 2010 Annual Meeting, Society of Nuclear Medicine
51. -131 侶僚 凌了凌龍ホ肝 凌粒凌虜流了侶 Huysmans, Annals Intern Med 1994 Mean dose of 70 mCi (2590 MBq); range 42-98 mCi 40% in goiter volume, 36% in tracheal lumen Bonnema, JCEM 1999 Mean dose 61.6 mCi (2279 MBq); range 27-125 mCi 34% in goiter volume, 18% in tracheal lumen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Limitations: large dose, modest volume reduction; rarely, may develop Graves disease after I-131 (Nygaard, JCEM 97)
52. Toxic Nodular Goiter: Key Points For large MNG, surgery preferable but may not be feasible because of operative risk. High dose I-131 therapy is an alternative Surgery may help discover incidental cancer I-131 therapy of single toxic nodule may not eliminate the neck mass altogether Late hypothyroidism after I-131 therapy not uncommon
53. 39 patients, age 35-75 years, treated with 100 亮Ci/g Single dose in 30 patients, > 1 dose in others Volumes 54% decrease in nodule volume at 12 mo 18% decrease in non-nodular volume 10% became overtly hypothyroid * Erdogan, Nucl Med Commun, 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Hypothyroidism increases at long term follow-up Burch, Thyroid 98; Ceccarelli, Clin Endocrinol 05 -131 侶僚 凌了凌龍ホ肝 凌粒凌虜流了侶
60. 侶 里凌両旅虜流 凌了凌龍ホ肝系 凌粒凌虜流了侶 Silva MN, et al. Administration of a single dose of recombinant human thyrotrophin enhances the efficacy of radioiodine treatment of large compressive multinodular goitres. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2004;60:3008. Cohen O, et al. Low-dose recombinant human thyrotropin-aided radioiodine treatment of large, multinodular goiters in elderly patients. Eur J Endocrinol. 2006 Feb;154(2):243-52. Nielsen VE, et al. Transient goiter enlargement after administration of 0.3 mg of recombinant human thyrotropin in patients with benign non-toxic nodular goiter: a randomized, doubleblind, cross-over trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2006;91:131722. Giusti M, et al. Safety and efficacy of administering 0.2 mg of recombinant human TSH for two consecutive days as an adjuvant to therapy with low radioiodine doses in elderly out-patients with large nontoxic multinodular goiter. Minerva Endocrinol. 2006 Sep;31(3):191-209. Medeiros-Neto G, et al. An outline concerning the potential use of recombinant human thyrotropin for improving radioiodine therapy of multinodular goiter. Endocrine. 2008 Apr;33(2):109-17. Bonnema SJ, et al. A 30-year perspective on radioiodine therapy of benign nontoxic multinodular goiter. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. 2009 Oct;16(5):379-84.