
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Unreserved public auctions
2013 & 2012 Kenworth T409SAR 6x4 | Geelong
2012 Sandvik DE880-110 | Geelong
6  Late model New Holland & 5  Draper Fronts | Moree
Geelong,VIC | Thu, Jul 6 Brisbane, QLD | Thu, Aug 24
Moree, NSW | Fri,Sep 1
Unreserved public auctions
John Deere 9420 | Geelong2010 John Deere 9530 | Geelong
2011 Case IH Steiger 550S | Geelong
New Holland TX64 | GeelongJohn Deere 9860STS | Geelong
2013 New Holland T9.615S & K-Tec 1225 Ejector
3Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au
Unused  2017 Kioti PX9520 | Geelong
New Holland T7530 | Geelong New Holland M115 | Geelong
1 of 2  Unused  2017 Kioti RX8030 | Geelong
New Holland TS100A | Geelong Ford 6610 | Geelong
Unused  2017 Ilgi Omega 730 Accordian | Geelong
Unused  2017 Kioti CS2610 | Geelong
Unused  2017 Kioti DS3510 | GeelongUnused  2017 Kioti EX50 | Geelong
Unused  2017 Kioti CK3010 | Geelong
5Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au
1 of 4  Unused 2017 Shifeng SF1004 | Brisbane
2009 John Deere 644 Premium | Geelong John Deere 467 Silage Special | Geelong
1 of 4  Unused 2017 Shifeng SF404 | Brisbane
1 of 4  Unused 2017 Shifeng SF404 | Brisbane 1 of 4  Unused 2017 Shifeng SF354 | Brisbane
Moree, AUS | September 1, 2017 (Friday)
2012 Case IH 1230 12M Early Riser 8108 | Moree
1 of 2  2014 John Deere 1720 MaxEmerge
2013 John Deere 7215R 1989 | Moree
2014 John Deere 8320R 2415 | Moree
2  2012 John Deere S680 | Moree
1 of 5  2013 John Deere 8310R | Moree
1 of 4  2014 & 2015 John Deere 8370RT | Moree
With over 50 years of auction experience, Ritchie Bros. has grown to become
the worlds leading industrial auctioneer.
We help customers buy and sell equipment in multiple ways, while providing great
customer service with honesty, integrity and respect.
Were pround to support Australias farmers. Ask us about discounted rates for
AgForce and VFF members.
Sell at our Moree ag auctionSeptember 1
Southern Australia
Gary Biggs
Northern Australia
Brandon Murray
Ritchie Bros. Geelong brochure lands this week
Auction License No. 04799L/ Motor Car Traders License No. LMCT9101
Meet your AustraliaSouth Ritchie Bros. reps.
Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday)
July 6, 2017
Thursday 8:00 am
Auction location: 200 OBriens Rd., Corio,VIC 3214
1400items&counting Seethelatestlistingsatrbauction.com.au
Bid in person or online
On-site registration starts: July 1 (Sat)
Inspection hours: MonFri, 8 am5 pm, July 12(SatSun) 8 am5 pm
Items must be removed by: July 20 (Thu)
Agriculture,Southern Australia
Gary Biggs
AustraliaSouth & NewZealand
Cody Watson
RegionalSales Manager
CentralVictoria,Southern NSW
& New Zealand
Neil Mayhew
South EastVictoria
& Corporate Accounts
South Australia
& Western Australia
Simon Ward
WesternVictoria &Tasmania
Sam Cust
Sydney North
& HunterValley
Adam Doyle
SydneySouth, ACT
&Sapphire Coast
Frank Durksen
Auction highlights
A complete dispersal for:
Coughlan Drilling and equipment from other
2014 Caterpillar 236D
2010 Merlo P40.7 4x4x4 Unused  2017 JCB 520-40 Agri 4x4x4
1 of 4  Unused  2017 Hysoon HY700
Caterpillar 988F Volvo L120E
Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday)
1111Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au
Caterpillar D6H LGPKomatsu HD605-5
Mitsubishi LD1000C
Caterpillar 740 6x6
Caterpillar PS150C
Caterpillar 12H
121212 Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday)
Caterpillar 322C
2015 Volvo EC300DL Caterpillar 330BL
Caterpillar 320C
Caterpillar 320B Kobelco SK200SR
1313 13Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au
Chamberlain TC36D 6 Ton2008 Unic URW506CDE 3 Ton
Unused  2017 JCB 8018 CTSKobelco SK135SR
Zoomlion QY30V 30 Ton 6x6
141414 Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday)
2010 McCullochs Manufacturing DR800MK2
2011 McCullochs Manufacturing DR950
Metzke Engineering RCD 150
Sandvik DE810 UDR U650
1515 15Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au
Quantity of Ancillary Drilling ItemsAtlas Copco ROCL7-TH
2012 Sandvik UDR6501 of 2  Sandvik DE710
2  2012 Hanjin D&B D&B10CR
1616 Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday)
2013 Western Star 4800FX 6x4
2  2012 & 2  2011 Kenworth T403 6x4
Kenworth T904 6X4
2  2008 Kenworth K108 Aerodyne 6x4 2010 Kenworth T409 6x4
1717Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au
2012 Freightliner Argosy 6x4, Vawdrey & Southern Cross
Kenworth T401 6x4
2  Kenworth T350 6x4Kenworth T404SAR 6x4
2  2013 & 2012 Mack CMHT Trident 6x4
2011 Freightliner Coronado 6x4
Kenworth K104 Aerodyne 6x4 & Southern Cross
2  Maxitrans
Smith & Sons Tag-A-Long 4 Row of 4 Hyd Deck Widening
Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday)
1919Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au
2011 North Star Engineering2  2014 Jamieson
1 of 2  Unused  2017 Mammoth Transport Hyd Deck Widening
3  2012 Maxitrans
2  Kenworth T350 6x4
3  2011 Kenworth T359 6x4
DAF CF75 6x4
2  2012 DAF LF55 4x2
2  2010 Hino GH1J Series II 4x2
Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday)
2121 21Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au
Mitsubishi Fuso FK600 Fighter 4x22011 Isuzu FSS550 4x4
Mitsubishi FM600 4x2
2  2010 MAN TGS35.480 8x4x4
2010 Mitsubishi Fuso FS500 8x4x4
2012 & 2010 Iveco Trakker AD450 6x6
2012 Isuzu FXD1000 Long 6x2
2008 Sterling LT9500HX 6x4 Hino FM 2628 500 Series 15000 Litre 6x4
Isuzu NPR400 4x2
7 of 10  Toyota LandCruiser WorkMate 4x4
Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday)
CrawlerTractors  Wheel Loaders  SkidSteer Loaders
 MotorGraders  10- HydraulicExcavators  Mini
Excavators  Articulated DumpTrucks  RockTrucks  All
TerrainCranes  RoughTerrainCranes CrawlerCranes
Cranes Smooth Drum Rollers Tandem Rollers 
Asphalt DistributorTrucks  Screen Plants  11-Conveyors
31- Prime Movers TipperTrucks  MixerTrucks  Water
Trucks  Elevated PlatformTrucks  Fuel & LubeTrucks
ServiceTrucks  10- TiltTrayTrucks  PantecTrucks 
RolloffTrucks  12- Cab &Chassis  20- TableTopTrucks
 Emergency Vehicles  Sports Utility Vehicle  22- Utes 
Buses  Automobiles  Low Loaders  Step DeckTrailers 
Dollys  14- FlatTopTrailers  LogTrailers TippingTrailers
TautlinerTrailers  12-StockTrailers  PantecTrailers 
TankerTrailers  EquipmentTrailers  15- Containers,10-
Trailers  23-Camp Units.
TelescopicForklifts  Forklifts Scissorlifts  Boom
Lifts  4WDAgriculturalTractors  AgriculturalTractors
 13- MFWDAgriculturalTractors  2WD Agricultural
Tractors  UtilityTractors Combines  Balers Seeders 
Cultivators  Nh3 Equipment  HayCutting Equipment 
Planters  Haying Equipment  Irrigation  PullScrapers
 Agricultural Equipment  Landscape Equipment 
LivestockEquipment  Dumpers  AllTerrain Vehicles
 RecreationalVehicles  Utility Carts  11- Drills 
Compressors  Industrial GeneratorSets  29- Consumer
GeneratorSets  12- Light GeneratorSets  LightTowers 
Welders  195- Pumps  58- Tanks Concrete Equipment
Survey Equipment  33- Container Equipment 
14- Engines  Drills Parts & Accessories  Equipment
Attachments Tractors TruckAttachments  Industrial
Items  Equipment Parts Shop & Warehouse Items.
At AgForce, we believe your
membership goes beyond the
farm gate.
Thats why we have secured a range
of member only deals to build your
bottom line and save you money.
As a proud partner of Ritchie Bros. all
AgForce members receive
discounted rates.
Contact us
Phone: (07) 3236 3100
Email: membership@agforceqld.org.au
Web: www.agforceqld.org.au
Advancing Rural
We workhand-in-hand with sellers and can tailor a program to meet your
specific selling objectives, using one or a combination of our unreserved
public auctions and private sale to sell your equipment from wherever
its located.
Ritchie Bros. offers more ways
to sell in Australia and beyond.
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
Live unreserved public auctions
at 40+ permanent auction sites
& temporary locations
	 Certainty of sale
	 Competing on-site and online
bidders from around the world
	 Global market value for your
Ritchie Bros. Private Treaty
Confidential negotiated sales
for high value equipment
	 Sellers set prices and completion
	 Ritchie Bros. identifies and
targets the most qualified buyers
via our global customer base
	 We conduct and complete
negotiated sales on your behalf
Contact us for a no obligation consultation rbauction.com.au
252525June 15, 2017 (Thursday) | Brisbane, QLD
Meet your Australia North Ritchie Bros. reps.
Northern NSW & Gold Coast
Darren Rawson
& Corporate Accounts
Tim Down
Brisbane North,Sunshine
& Capricorn Coast
Michael Lindsay
Australia North, PNG, Pacific
RegionalSales Manager
The Kimberleys, Northern
Territory & North & Central
Tim Keys
Brisbane, QLD
August 24, 2017
Thursday 8:00 am
Auction location: 1-57 Burnside Rd, Yatala, QLD 4207
Bid in person or online
On-site registration starts: Aug 19 (Sat)
Inspection hours: MonFri, 8 am5 pm, Aug 1920 (SatSun) 8 am5 pm
Items must be removed by: Sep 7 (Thu)
Agriculture, Northern Australia
Brandon Murray
Advance Notice
Be Ready to Buy with Pre-Approved Financing
Getting the right financing can be the difference between a winning bid and missing out
on the equipment you need for your business. Ritchie Bros. Financial Services is here to
make sure youre in a competitive position at auction time. Weve partnered with trusted
financiers Peter May Group and Iron Capital to provide flexible financing choices and fast,
easy approvals.
Take advantage of:
	 Financing for all industries: construction, agriculture, transportation, mining and more
	 Up to 100% financing with $0 down.
	 Competitive financing rates  best rate on the day
	 Flexible plans and predictable, low monthly payments
	 Buy anywhere  pre-approvals not limited to Ritchie Bros. purchases
Rent-to-Purchase  a flexible financing alternative
Rent the equipment you need, without disrupting your cash flow, using our Rent-to-Purchase
options. This enables you to build equity into the equipment by providing you with the option
to purchase at the end of the rental period.
Ready to apply? Its fast, easy and obligation-free. Visit the Ritchie
Bros. Financial Services deskat reception or call +61.7.3382.4491.
6 of 12  2013 Byrne | Geelong
Caterpillar Challenger 95E & 2012 Caterpillar TS185 | Geelong
2013 Caterpillar 988H | Brisbane 2012 Komatsu PC450LC-8 | Brisbane
息Copyright2017RitchieBros.Auctioneers | PrintedinAustralia06/09 SS/JC

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Ritchie Bros. Geelong brochure lands this week

  • 1. Unreserved public auctions rbauction.com.au 2013 & 2012 Kenworth T409SAR 6x4 | Geelong 2012 Sandvik DE880-110 | Geelong 6 Late model New Holland & 5 Draper Fronts | Moree Geelong,VIC | Thu, Jul 6 Brisbane, QLD | Thu, Aug 24 Moree, NSW | Fri,Sep 1 Australia Unreserved public auctions
  • 2. John Deere 9420 | Geelong2010 John Deere 9530 | Geelong 2011 Case IH Steiger 550S | Geelong New Holland TX64 | GeelongJohn Deere 9860STS | Geelong 2013 New Holland T9.615S & K-Tec 1225 Ejector Geelong 2
  • 3. 3Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au Unused 2017 Kioti PX9520 | Geelong New Holland T7530 | Geelong New Holland M115 | Geelong 1 of 2 Unused 2017 Kioti RX8030 | Geelong New Holland TS100A | Geelong Ford 6610 | Geelong
  • 4. Unused 2017 Ilgi Omega 730 Accordian | Geelong Unused 2017 Kioti CS2610 | Geelong Unused 2017 Kioti DS3510 | GeelongUnused 2017 Kioti EX50 | Geelong Unused 2017 Kioti CK3010 | Geelong 4
  • 5. 5Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au 1 of 4 Unused 2017 Shifeng SF1004 | Brisbane 2009 John Deere 644 Premium | Geelong John Deere 467 Silage Special | Geelong 1 of 4 Unused 2017 Shifeng SF404 | Brisbane 1 of 4 Unused 2017 Shifeng SF404 | Brisbane 1 of 4 Unused 2017 Shifeng SF354 | Brisbane
  • 6. Moree, AUS | September 1, 2017 (Friday) 2012 Case IH 1230 12M Early Riser 8108 | Moree 1 of 2 2014 John Deere 1720 MaxEmerge Moree 2013 John Deere 7215R 1989 | Moree 2014 John Deere 8320R 2415 | Moree 2 2012 John Deere S680 | Moree 1 of 5 2013 John Deere 8310R | Moree 1 of 4 2014 & 2015 John Deere 8370RT | Moree 6
  • 7. 7 With over 50 years of auction experience, Ritchie Bros. has grown to become the worlds leading industrial auctioneer. We help customers buy and sell equipment in multiple ways, while providing great customer service with honesty, integrity and respect. Were pround to support Australias farmers. Ask us about discounted rates for AgForce and VFF members. NOWTAKING CONSIGNMENTS Sell at our Moree ag auctionSeptember 1 rbauction.com.au CallGaryBiggsorBrandonMurraytoday toarrangeafree,no-obligationappraisal. Southern Australia Gary Biggs +61.472.811.599 Northern Australia Brandon Murray +61.407.024.173
  • 9. 9 Auction License No. 04799L/ Motor Car Traders License No. LMCT9101 Meet your AustraliaSouth Ritchie Bros. reps. Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday) Geelong,VIC July 6, 2017 Thursday 8:00 am Phone: Auction location: 200 OBriens Rd., Corio,VIC 3214 1400items&counting Seethelatestlistingsatrbauction.com.au Bid in person or online On-site registration starts: July 1 (Sat) Inspection hours: MonFri, 8 am5 pm, July 12(SatSun) 8 am5 pm Items must be removed by: July 20 (Thu) +61.3.5245.3333 Agriculture,Southern Australia Gary Biggs +61.472.811.599 AustraliaSouth & NewZealand Cody Watson RegionalSales Manager +61.458.202.707 CentralVictoria,Southern NSW & New Zealand Neil Mayhew +61.419.730.074 South EastVictoria & Corporate Accounts TimShaw +61.403.247.440 South Australia & Western Australia Simon Ward +61.427.697.707 WesternVictoria &Tasmania Sam Cust +61.455.096.823 Sydney North & HunterValley Adam Doyle +61.459.893.209 SydneySouth, ACT &Sapphire Coast Frank Durksen +61.408.988.313 Auction highlights A complete dispersal for: Coughlan Drilling and equipment from other owners. 9
  • 10. 10 2014 Caterpillar 236D 2010 Merlo P40.7 4x4x4 Unused 2017 JCB 520-40 Agri 4x4x4 1 of 4 Unused 2017 Hysoon HY700 Caterpillar 988F Volvo L120E Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday)
  • 11. 1111Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au Caterpillar D6H LGPKomatsu HD605-5 Mitsubishi LD1000C Caterpillar 740 6x6 Caterpillar PS150C Caterpillar 12H
  • 12. 121212 Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday) Caterpillar 322C 2015 Volvo EC300DL Caterpillar 330BL Caterpillar 320C Caterpillar 320B Kobelco SK200SR
  • 13. 1313 13Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au Chamberlain TC36D 6 Ton2008 Unic URW506CDE 3 Ton Unused 2017 JCB 8018 CTSKobelco SK135SR Zoomlion QY30V 30 Ton 6x6
  • 14. 141414 Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday) 2010 McCullochs Manufacturing DR800MK2 2011 McCullochs Manufacturing DR950 Metzke Engineering RCD 150 Sandvik DE810 UDR U650
  • 15. 1515 15Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au Quantity of Ancillary Drilling ItemsAtlas Copco ROCL7-TH 2012 Sandvik UDR6501 of 2 Sandvik DE710 2 2012 Hanjin D&B D&B10CR
  • 16. 1616 Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday) 2013 Western Star 4800FX 6x4 2 2012 & 2 2011 Kenworth T403 6x4 Kenworth T904 6X4 2 2008 Kenworth K108 Aerodyne 6x4 2010 Kenworth T409 6x4
  • 17. 1717Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au 2012 Freightliner Argosy 6x4, Vawdrey & Southern Cross Kenworth T401 6x4 2 Kenworth T350 6x4Kenworth T404SAR 6x4 2 2013 & 2012 Mack CMHT Trident 6x4 2011 Freightliner Coronado 6x4
  • 18. 181818 Kenworth K104 Aerodyne 6x4 & Southern Cross 2 Maxitrans Smith & Sons Tag-A-Long 4 Row of 4 Hyd Deck Widening Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday)
  • 19. 1919Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au 2011 North Star Engineering2 2014 Jamieson 1 of 2 Unused 2017 Mammoth Transport Hyd Deck Widening 3 2012 Maxitrans
  • 20. 20202020 2 Kenworth T350 6x4 3 2011 Kenworth T359 6x4 DAF CF75 6x4 2 2012 DAF LF55 4x2 2 2010 Hino GH1J Series II 4x2 Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday)
  • 21. 2121 21Forup-to-datelistingsvisit rbauction.com.au Mitsubishi Fuso FK600 Fighter 4x22011 Isuzu FSS550 4x4 Mitsubishi FM600 4x2 2 2010 MAN TGS35.480 8x4x4 2010 Mitsubishi Fuso FS500 8x4x4 2012 & 2010 Iveco Trakker AD450 6x6
  • 22. 22222222 2012 Isuzu FXD1000 Long 6x2 2008 Sterling LT9500HX 6x4 Hino FM 2628 500 Series 15000 Litre 6x4 Isuzu NPR400 4x2 7 of 10 Toyota LandCruiser WorkMate 4x4 Geelong,VIC | July 6, 2017 (Thursday) Construction CrawlerTractors Wheel Loaders SkidSteer Loaders MotorGraders 10- HydraulicExcavators Mini Excavators Articulated DumpTrucks RockTrucks All TerrainCranes RoughTerrainCranes CrawlerCranes Cranes Smooth Drum Rollers Tandem Rollers Asphalt DistributorTrucks Screen Plants 11-Conveyors Scales. Trucks&trailers 31- Prime Movers TipperTrucks MixerTrucks Water Trucks Elevated PlatformTrucks Fuel & LubeTrucks ServiceTrucks 10- TiltTrayTrucks PantecTrucks RolloffTrucks 12- Cab &Chassis 20- TableTopTrucks Emergency Vehicles Sports Utility Vehicle 22- Utes Buses Automobiles Low Loaders Step DeckTrailers Dollys 14- FlatTopTrailers LogTrailers TippingTrailers TautlinerTrailers 12-StockTrailers PantecTrailers TankerTrailers EquipmentTrailers 15- Containers,10- Trailers 23-Camp Units. Otheritemsofinterest TelescopicForklifts Forklifts Scissorlifts Boom Lifts 4WDAgriculturalTractors AgriculturalTractors 13- MFWDAgriculturalTractors 2WD Agricultural Tractors UtilityTractors Combines Balers Seeders Cultivators Nh3 Equipment HayCutting Equipment Planters Haying Equipment Irrigation PullScrapers Agricultural Equipment Landscape Equipment LivestockEquipment Dumpers AllTerrain Vehicles RecreationalVehicles Utility Carts 11- Drills Compressors Industrial GeneratorSets 29- Consumer GeneratorSets 12- Light GeneratorSets LightTowers Welders 195- Pumps 58- Tanks Concrete Equipment Survey Equipment 33- Container Equipment 14- Engines Drills Parts & Accessories Equipment Attachments Tractors TruckAttachments Industrial Items Equipment Parts Shop & Warehouse Items. Equipmentlistings
  • 23. 23 At AgForce, we believe your membership goes beyond the farm gate. Thats why we have secured a range of member only deals to build your bottom line and save you money. As a proud partner of Ritchie Bros. all AgForce members receive discounted rates. Contact us Phone: (07) 3236 3100 Email: membership@agforceqld.org.au Web: www.agforceqld.org.au Advancing Rural Queensland
  • 24. 24 We workhand-in-hand with sellers and can tailor a program to meet your specific selling objectives, using one or a combination of our unreserved public auctions and private sale to sell your equipment from wherever its located. Ritchie Bros. offers more ways to sell in Australia and beyond. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Live unreserved public auctions at 40+ permanent auction sites & temporary locations Certainty of sale Competing on-site and online bidders from around the world Global market value for your equipment Ritchie Bros. Private Treaty Confidential negotiated sales for high value equipment Sellers set prices and completion timeline Ritchie Bros. identifies and targets the most qualified buyers via our global customer base We conduct and complete negotiated sales on your behalf Contact us for a no obligation consultation rbauction.com.au
  • 25. 252525June 15, 2017 (Thursday) | Brisbane, QLD Meet your Australia North Ritchie Bros. reps. Northern NSW & Gold Coast Darren Rawson +61.459.887.083 BrisbaneSouth,Toowoomba & Corporate Accounts Tim Down +61.403.247.448 Brisbane North,Sunshine & Capricorn Coast Michael Lindsay +61.427.742.310 Australia North, PNG, Pacific Islands DaleSpedding RegionalSales Manager +61.403.247.447 The Kimberleys, Northern Territory & North & Central Queensland Tim Keys +61.407.490.022 Auctioneers&MotorDealingCorporationLicenseNo.2102095 Brisbane, QLD August 24, 2017 Thursday 8:00 am Phone: Auction location: 1-57 Burnside Rd, Yatala, QLD 4207 Seethelatestlistingsatrbauction.com.au Bid in person or online On-site registration starts: Aug 19 (Sat) Inspection hours: MonFri, 8 am5 pm, Aug 1920 (SatSun) 8 am5 pm Items must be removed by: Sep 7 (Thu) +61.7.3382.4444 Agriculture, Northern Australia Brandon Murray +61.407.024.173 NOWTAKING CONSIGNMENTS Advance Notice
  • 26. Be Ready to Buy with Pre-Approved Financing Getting the right financing can be the difference between a winning bid and missing out on the equipment you need for your business. Ritchie Bros. Financial Services is here to make sure youre in a competitive position at auction time. Weve partnered with trusted financiers Peter May Group and Iron Capital to provide flexible financing choices and fast, easy approvals. Take advantage of: Financing for all industries: construction, agriculture, transportation, mining and more Up to 100% financing with $0 down. Competitive financing rates best rate on the day Flexible plans and predictable, low monthly payments Buy anywhere pre-approvals not limited to Ritchie Bros. purchases Rent-to-Purchase a flexible financing alternative Rent the equipment you need, without disrupting your cash flow, using our Rent-to-Purchase options. This enables you to build equity into the equipment by providing you with the option to purchase at the end of the rental period. Ready to apply? Its fast, easy and obligation-free. Visit the Ritchie Bros. Financial Services deskat reception or call +61.7.3382.4491. Partneredby
  • 28. 2828 rbauction.com.au 6 of 12 2013 Byrne | Geelong Caterpillar Challenger 95E & 2012 Caterpillar TS185 | Geelong 2013 Caterpillar 988H | Brisbane 2012 Komatsu PC450LC-8 | Brisbane 息Copyright2017RitchieBros.Auctioneers | PrintedinAustralia06/09 SS/JC