Los Jardines Colgantes de Babilonia eran terrazas escalonadas construidas en el siglo VI a.C. durante el reinado de Nabucodonosor II, con rocas y ladrillos para resistir la humedad. ContenÃan árboles, plantas y flores regadas por un sistema de riego. Aunque su nombre implica que colgaban, en realidad las terrazas sobresalÃan unas sobre otras, según la descripción del geógrafo Estrabón.
Tabla comparativa del arte prehispanicojordy_messi
El documento resume el arte de diferentes culturas mesoamericanas, incluyendo los aztecas, mayas, zapotecos, teotihuacanos, toltecas y tlaxcaltecas. Describe brevemente la ubicación temporal y geográfica de cada cultura, asà como sus caracterÃsticas en pintura, escultura y arquitectura. En general, las culturas mesoamericanas destacaron en la pintura mural policromada, la escultura monumental y la construcción de impresionantes edificaciones y centros ceremoniales.
La escritura se originó en Mesopotamia alrededor del 3100 a.C. cuando los sumerios comenzaron a usar tabletas de arcilla con pictogramas para etiquetar objetos. Más tarde, los escribas desarrollaron formas más estilizadas de escritura cuneiforme y otros sistemas de escritura como el jeroglÃfico egipcio y el alfabeto fenicio emergieron. Finalmente, los alfabetos griego y latÃn sentaron las bases de los sistemas de escritura modernos.
Sample Sue is a female PR practitioner and social media manager between 18-30 years old. She has degrees in public relations and marketing and enjoys nature and animals. Her goals are to achieve high customer satisfaction while keeping employees happy and pushing the brand to improve. Some challenges are keeping all customers happy and keeping up with competitors. She believes in treating everyone well and working as a team.
Jim McElwain is the head football coach of the University of Florida Gators. His goals are to lead the team to an undefeated season and national championship while maintaining a positive public image. He works with coaching assistants and a PR team to help unify and motivate the team, handle publicity, and prepare for challenges such as strong opponents.
Being Chipotle's social media manager. Luis Torres
The document outlines Chipotle's social media manager Luis Torres' plans to engage college students on social media. His goals are to reach as many students as possible and increase engagement with promotions like "Taco Tuesday" deals. He plans to offer weekly promotions around campus locations and free meals for students who post photos eating at Chipotle. The key challenges are not all students use social media and ensuring engagement remains high.
Moving beyond traditional esl classroom instruction.pptxTouro College
Moving Beyond Traditional ESL Classroom Instruction Through Social Media Integration. Presentation for NYS TESOL at the Teachers College/Columbia University Linguistics Conference on March 6th, 2016
The document discusses the empirical design of gold nanoparticle arrays for biosensors. It examines different factors that affect the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) peak wavelength of gold nanoparticles, including substrate material, nanoparticle size, shape, interparticle distance, and aggregation. Glass is identified as the most suitable substrate due to its absorption peak. Simulations using Mie theory and the discrete dipole approximation predict that increasing nanoparticle size, changing shape from spherical to cylindrical, decreasing interparticle distance, and particle aggregation will result in a red shift of the LSPR peak wavelength.
1) Admiral Rainier's fleet encounters the Hirosian fleet led by Captain Rygar, who has over 300 ships compared to Rainier's 100.
2) Rygar threatens to attack unless Rainier allows his fleet to pass, holding hostages aboard one ship.
3) Rainier devises a plan where Captain Zan boards the hostage ship to disable the fleet's shields, allowing Rainier to destroy the Hirosian ships.
4) After a fierce battle, Rainier defeats the entire Hirosian fleet but at the cost of 30% of his own ships. Rygar is killed when his ship is destroyed.
When an existing asphalt pavement has a sound foundation yet requires some rehab work on the uppermost layers, we can frequently supply outstanding outcomes with our professional asphalt mill and inlay techniques.
Kimberley Elliott is applying for a role at Firepole Marketing. She believes her experience overcoming challenges like isolation and a scattered vision at her previous roles has prepared her to succeed. At Firepole, she would bring energy through traits like delight, warmth and inspiration. Kimberley is excited about Firepole's diverse and passionate team, opportunities for growth, and commitment to making a positive impact. She sees the role as a chance to be a beacon and help the organization.
Miral was a demigod born from the goddess Osiris and a monk at the Temple of Aristopholes. His father and many monks were killed by the god Ramu after learning of Miral's existence. Miral sought revenge and learned from the monk Mephala that the Blades of Absolution could kill gods. He obtained the blades after battling a basilisk. Miral then returned to Ramu's temple and lured the god into attacking him, allowing Miral to kill Ramu with the blades. With his father avenged, Miral became the new protector of the Temple of Aristopholes.
The document provides details about the Hutti Gold Mines Company Limited (HGML), the only producer of primary gold in India. It discusses HGML's history dating back to 1947. The key points are:
1. HGML produces gold through underground mining and a metallurgical extraction process involving crushing, grinding, leaching, CIP (carbon in pulp), electrowinning, and electrorefining to extract 96% pure gold from ore.
2. HGML has produced over 51 tons of gold from over 8 million tons of ore mined to date. Present production is around 8-11 kgs of gold per day.
3. The document outlines HGML's production facilities and departments
Pengenalan Web Design and Web ProgrammingMuhamad Zakky
1) Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai aspek desain situs web, termasuk fungsi komunikasi, informasi, hiburan, dan transaksi.
2) Unsur-unsur penting dalam desain web dijelaskan seperti tata letak, skema warna, isi, grafis, ruang kosong, dan pemilihan font.
3) Dokumen tersebut memberikan saran untuk meniru gaya yang menarik dari situs lain serta menggunakan perangkat lunak desain yang tepat.
The document describes the Atoll platform, highlighting its open interface, advanced memory management, and ability to distribute calculations across multiple computers. It discusses how Atoll can be customized and integrated into existing environments through task automation, custom scripts and macros, and advanced customization via the C++ development kit. The document also covers Atoll's support for high calculation accuracy, multi-resolution data, concurrent multi-session/multi-project use, and portable project files.
This document outlines Maher Selim's teaching experience and philosophy. It details the courses he has taught, including physics courses at various universities from 2001-2009. It describes his role as a teaching assistant and demonstrator. His teaching philosophy focuses on engaging students through active and exploratory learning methods that relate physics concepts to real-life examples and problems. He aims to develop students' practical and creative thinking skills.
The document provides details about the Hutti Gold Mines Company Limited (HGML), the only producer of primary gold in India. It discusses HGML's history dating back to 1947. The key points are:
1. HGML extracts gold from ore through mineral processing, hydrometallurgy, and pyrometallurgy routes. The major processes are mining, crushing, grinding, leaching, carbon-in-pulp (CIP), electrowinning, and electrorefining.
2. HGML operates underground mines with three main shafts that have been developed to depths between 499-790 meters. Ore is hoisted from the mines and fed to the mill for treatment.
Jim McElwain is the head football coach of the University of Florida Gators. His goals are to lead the team to an undefeated season and national championship while maintaining a positive public image. He works with coaching assistants and a PR team to help unify and motivate the team, handle publicity, and prepare for challenges such as strong opponents.
Being Chipotle's social media manager. Luis Torres
The document outlines Chipotle's social media manager Luis Torres' plans to engage college students on social media. His goals are to reach as many students as possible and increase engagement with promotions like "Taco Tuesday" deals. He plans to offer weekly promotions around campus locations and free meals for students who post photos eating at Chipotle. The key challenges are not all students use social media and ensuring engagement remains high.
Moving beyond traditional esl classroom instruction.pptxTouro College
Moving Beyond Traditional ESL Classroom Instruction Through Social Media Integration. Presentation for NYS TESOL at the Teachers College/Columbia University Linguistics Conference on March 6th, 2016
The document discusses the empirical design of gold nanoparticle arrays for biosensors. It examines different factors that affect the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) peak wavelength of gold nanoparticles, including substrate material, nanoparticle size, shape, interparticle distance, and aggregation. Glass is identified as the most suitable substrate due to its absorption peak. Simulations using Mie theory and the discrete dipole approximation predict that increasing nanoparticle size, changing shape from spherical to cylindrical, decreasing interparticle distance, and particle aggregation will result in a red shift of the LSPR peak wavelength.
1) Admiral Rainier's fleet encounters the Hirosian fleet led by Captain Rygar, who has over 300 ships compared to Rainier's 100.
2) Rygar threatens to attack unless Rainier allows his fleet to pass, holding hostages aboard one ship.
3) Rainier devises a plan where Captain Zan boards the hostage ship to disable the fleet's shields, allowing Rainier to destroy the Hirosian ships.
4) After a fierce battle, Rainier defeats the entire Hirosian fleet but at the cost of 30% of his own ships. Rygar is killed when his ship is destroyed.
When an existing asphalt pavement has a sound foundation yet requires some rehab work on the uppermost layers, we can frequently supply outstanding outcomes with our professional asphalt mill and inlay techniques.
Kimberley Elliott is applying for a role at Firepole Marketing. She believes her experience overcoming challenges like isolation and a scattered vision at her previous roles has prepared her to succeed. At Firepole, she would bring energy through traits like delight, warmth and inspiration. Kimberley is excited about Firepole's diverse and passionate team, opportunities for growth, and commitment to making a positive impact. She sees the role as a chance to be a beacon and help the organization.
Miral was a demigod born from the goddess Osiris and a monk at the Temple of Aristopholes. His father and many monks were killed by the god Ramu after learning of Miral's existence. Miral sought revenge and learned from the monk Mephala that the Blades of Absolution could kill gods. He obtained the blades after battling a basilisk. Miral then returned to Ramu's temple and lured the god into attacking him, allowing Miral to kill Ramu with the blades. With his father avenged, Miral became the new protector of the Temple of Aristopholes.
The document provides details about the Hutti Gold Mines Company Limited (HGML), the only producer of primary gold in India. It discusses HGML's history dating back to 1947. The key points are:
1. HGML produces gold through underground mining and a metallurgical extraction process involving crushing, grinding, leaching, CIP (carbon in pulp), electrowinning, and electrorefining to extract 96% pure gold from ore.
2. HGML has produced over 51 tons of gold from over 8 million tons of ore mined to date. Present production is around 8-11 kgs of gold per day.
3. The document outlines HGML's production facilities and departments
Pengenalan Web Design and Web ProgrammingMuhamad Zakky
1) Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai aspek desain situs web, termasuk fungsi komunikasi, informasi, hiburan, dan transaksi.
2) Unsur-unsur penting dalam desain web dijelaskan seperti tata letak, skema warna, isi, grafis, ruang kosong, dan pemilihan font.
3) Dokumen tersebut memberikan saran untuk meniru gaya yang menarik dari situs lain serta menggunakan perangkat lunak desain yang tepat.
The document describes the Atoll platform, highlighting its open interface, advanced memory management, and ability to distribute calculations across multiple computers. It discusses how Atoll can be customized and integrated into existing environments through task automation, custom scripts and macros, and advanced customization via the C++ development kit. The document also covers Atoll's support for high calculation accuracy, multi-resolution data, concurrent multi-session/multi-project use, and portable project files.
This document outlines Maher Selim's teaching experience and philosophy. It details the courses he has taught, including physics courses at various universities from 2001-2009. It describes his role as a teaching assistant and demonstrator. His teaching philosophy focuses on engaging students through active and exploratory learning methods that relate physics concepts to real-life examples and problems. He aims to develop students' practical and creative thinking skills.
The document provides details about the Hutti Gold Mines Company Limited (HGML), the only producer of primary gold in India. It discusses HGML's history dating back to 1947. The key points are:
1. HGML extracts gold from ore through mineral processing, hydrometallurgy, and pyrometallurgy routes. The major processes are mining, crushing, grinding, leaching, carbon-in-pulp (CIP), electrowinning, and electrorefining.
2. HGML operates underground mines with three main shafts that have been developed to depths between 499-790 meters. Ore is hoisted from the mines and fed to the mill for treatment.
2. Naixement A la Selva Negra (Alemanya)
Desembocadura Mar Negre (Romania iUcraïna)
Longitud 2.860 km
Cabal mitjà 6.400 m³/s
El Danubi a Budapest
3. L’Ebre a Zaragoza
Naixement Fontibre, Cantà bria
Desembocadura Mediterrani
Longitud 910 km
Cabal mitjà a Tortosa 614 m³/s
4. El Loira a Orleans
Naixement Santa Eulà lia, (Vivarès)
Desembocadura Sant-Nazer, a l'Atlà ntic
Longitud 1.012 km
Cabal mitjà a Nantes 903 m³/s
5. El Sena a ParÃs
Naixement Source-Seine
Desembocadura Le Havre, Canal de la MÃ nega
Longitud 776 km
Cabal mitjà 563 m³/s
6. El Rin a Suïssa
Naixement Hinterrhein a Suïssa
Desembocadura Mar del Nord
Longitud 1.230 km
Cabal mitjà 2.200 m³/s
7. El Dnièper a Smolensk
Naixement A l'altiplà o planell de Valdai, provÃncia de Smolensk (Rússia)
Desembocadura LÃman del Dnièper (óblasts de Kherson iMikolaiv, Ucraïna)
Longitud 2.285 km
Cabal mitjà 1.670 m³/s
8. El riu Petxora a Rússia
Naixement Serr. dels Urals
Desembocadura Mar de Barentz
Longitud 1.809 km
Cabal mitjà 4.000 m³/s
9. El riu Volga a Laroslav
Naixement Turons Valdái
Desembocadura Mar CÃ spia
Longitud 3.690 km
Cabal mitjà 7.300 m³/s